第五章 桥文化:中国地域广阔,区域特色各不相同。在江南地区,小桥流水的独特风貌成就了独树一帜的桥文化。在这些地区,桥不仅具备实用价值,同时也是重要的文化印记。5.1Preparation:中国的桥梁起源于古代,取材各异而形式多样,是带有民族特征的重要(文化)遗产。中国有不计其数的桥梁分布在南方川泽之地,承载着社会进步和文明发展的文化内涵。
5.2Listening Skill:为了更好的理解说话人的观点,听懂听力材料并成为批判性思考的听众,我们需要区分事实和观点。本节中,我们将学习事实和观点的不同,掌握对应的信号词和常见表达。
5.3Special Means of Listening:讲座讲话听力为六级听力的一个重要组成部分,占比高,难度大。为了更好的完成这部分的听力,我们需要一些解题原则和技巧来提高这个题型的答题正确率。
5.4Speaking Skill:在听说过程中,为了更好的开展批判性思考和解决疑惑,必要时我们需要去征求他人的意见或是给出自己的建议。那么在征求意见的会话中我们应该怎么做呢?
5.5Buzz Words:“Cabin Fever”是指长期宅在室内而闷出毛病来的症状,也是“幽闭恐惧症”(claustrophobia)的形象说法。那么这个单词是怎么来的呢?
5.6Music Cafe:《What I Have Done》由Linkin Parker(林肯公园)演唱,歌曲充满激情,发人深省。表达了人类对世界的干扰。林肯公园声嘶力竭的呐喊和真实的揭露,令人印象深刻。
5.2Listening Skill:为了更好的理解说话人的观点,听懂听力材料并成为批判性思考的听众,我们需要区分事实和观点。本节中,我们将学习事实和观点的不同,掌握对应的信号词和常见表达。
5.3Special Means of Listening:讲座讲话听力为六级听力的一个重要组成部分,占比高,难度大。为了更好的完成这部分的听力,我们需要一些解题原则和技巧来提高这个题型的答题正确率。
5.4Speaking Skill:在听说过程中,为了更好的开展批判性思考和解决疑惑,必要时我们需要去征求他人的意见或是给出自己的建议。那么在征求意见的会话中我们应该怎么做呢?
5.5Buzz Words:“Cabin Fever”是指长期宅在室内而闷出毛病来的症状,也是“幽闭恐惧症”(claustrophobia)的形象说法。那么这个单词是怎么来的呢?
5.6Music Cafe:《What I Have Done》由Linkin Parker(林肯公园)演唱,歌曲充满激情,发人深省。表达了人类对世界的干扰。林肯公园声嘶力竭的呐喊和真实的揭露,令人印象深刻。
[单选题]Which of the following is not a typical city famous for bridges ? ( )选项:[Suzhou
, Wuxi
, Shaoxing
, Shanghai
[单选题]Which of the following is not the function of bridges? ( )选项:[Bridges are the historical monuments.
, Bridges bring the pleasure to people's life.
, Bridges bring the convenience to people's life.
, Bridges make the city look unique.
[单选题]Which of the following is not the bright characteristic of bridge culture. ( )选项:[It is a multifunctional and comprehensive culture.
, It is public culture.
, It is practical culture.
, It is a profitable culture.
[单选题]Which of the following statement is not an opinion _________. ( )选项:[He didn’t show up last night.
, It’s the most terrible accident I have ever seen.
, It is a great city to live in.
, Frozen food tastes as good as fresh foods.
[单选题]Which of the following statement is not a fact _________. ( )选项:[The show was delayed due to the rainy day.
, When I graduated from university, I started up my own business.
, It’s the second week of the semester, and students begin to feel impatient.
, It’s challenging but I believe it’s also rewarding.
[单选题]I have a serious case of cabin fever. I need to get out of my house. What does “cabin fever” mean? ( )选项:[A feeling we may develop when being trapped indoors for a long period of time.
, A medical condition in which a person has a temperature that is higher than normal.
, The condition of being embarrassed when a stranger intrude into your life.
, The condition of becoming impatient when you are bothered by others.

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