第七章 Roots about Energy, Being alive and Life:本章以成语“生生不息”为导入,学习与“生命”、“生物”、“动物”有关的词根。7.1关于“生命”的词根vie,vit, vig,viv:Rroots vie, vit, vig and viv and the words : vitamin, vital, vitality, survive, vivid, vivacious, revive, vigorous and invigorate
7.2关于“生物”的词根bio:Root bio and the words biography, biocide, biochemical, biosphere, biodiversity and antibiotics
7.3关于“动物”的词根anim:Root anim and the words:animate, animism, unanimous, magnanimous and pusillanimous
[单选题]The decision to appoint Mike as vice president of the student union is _____ (一致通过的).

选项:[unable  , abstract, unanimous , anxious]
[单选题]On our seminar, we not only tolerate but celebrate free expression and _____ debate. 

选项:[vitamin, weak, vigorous, victory]
[单选题]The _____ should not be overstated when the two nations are on the verge of conflict. 

选项:[angle, anniversary, animosity, anxious]
[单选题]With domestic market booming, the country has expectations of economic ____ (复苏).  

选项:[various, vigor  , revival, survive]
[单选题]This film is a Japanese _____ (动画片) sold to a Chinese network.  

选项:[activation, animals   , animation, unanimous  ]
[单选题]The rescue team is _____ to supply relief to millions of flood victims.  

选项:[vista, vitamin, victor, vital]
[单选题]Study shows that excessive use of _____ may damage the ecosystem. 

选项:[biology, suicide, biocide, decision]
[单选题]Your _____ is an account of your life, in which you write about yourself. 

选项:[robot, autobiography, biology, mobile]
[单选题]China’s reforms have brought _____ (活力) to its economy.  

选项:[vivid, valid, vitality, victory]
[单选题]With the support from family and peers, I’m sure Susan could _____ (度过) the emotional crisis. 

选项:[survive, vigorous, review, vision  ]

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