  1. It is the choice of each individual and couple, within their own sense of conscience, to determine if they intend pregnancy, and if so, the size of their family unit and the timing of when to have a child or children.

  2. 答案:Whether to plan for pregnancy, the number of children, and when to have them are decisions that ultimately depend on the personal conscience of each individual and couple.
  3. People with OCD may also be preoccupied with order and symmetry, have difficulty throwing things out (so they accumulate), or hoard unneeded items.

  4. 答案:Yes.
  5. 从病人那里收集到的信息需要经过专业医务人员整理后才能记录在病历中。(sort out)

  6. 答案:正确。
  7. Those who expressed gloomy views about elders when they were younger were much more likely to suffer a heart attack, stroke, or other cardiac problem 30 years later, compared to those who held more benign opinions.

  8. 答案:根据您提供的信息,答案是:对老年人持有悲观看法的年轻人在30年后遭遇心脏病发作、中风或其他心脏问题的可能性要比持有更友善观点的年轻人高得多。
  9. Frequently, clients attempt to belch to relieve a vague feeling of distress in the stomach caused by swallowed air.

  10. 答案:Belching can indeed provide temporary relief for the discomfort caused by swallowed air in the stomach.
  11. Patient-centered care is about much more than simply educating patients about a diagnosis,potential treatment, or healthy behavior. It does not mean giving patients whatever they want; rather,patients want guidance from their care providers, but they expect that guidance to be provided in the context of full and unbiased information about options, benefits and risks.

  12. 答案:Patient-centered care involves: - Focusing on patients' overall well-being beyond just diagnosing and treating. - Not merely fulfilling patients' requests, but offering informed guidance. - Providing comprehensive and unbiased information on treatment options, outcomes, and potential consequences to empower patients in decision-making.
  13. The concept of well-baby and well-child visits for health maintenance or health supervision has proven to be the most effective method of promoting the growth and development of healthy children.

  14. 答案:True.
  15. Which statement of the auscultation is wrong? ( )

  16. A:The best position of examiner is stationed behind the patient. B:The stethoscope is an important tool for auscultation. C:Airflow through the upper airways and lungs could be assessed by auscultation. D:The requirement of the environment is private, warm, and quiet.
    答案:Airflow through the upper airways and lungs could be assessed by auscultation.
  17. The normal percussion note over adult lung is_________. ( )

  18. A:resonance B:dullness C:hyperresonant D:flatness
  19. The nurse would use physical assessment findings to__________. ( )

  20. A:diagnose and treat the patient's disease B:confirm the condition of the patient's illness C:develop and evaluate a nursing care plan for the patient D:ensure the patient was suitable for surgery or other option
    答案:develop and evaluate a nursing care plan for the patient
  21. The health assessment done by nurses and physicians is_________. ( )

  22. A:quite different in practice procedures B:quite different in scope and focus C:quite same in practice rationale D:quite different in maneuver techniques
    答案:quite different in scope and focus
  23. A water-soluble lubricant is preferred in gastrointestinal intubation in order to avoid_________. ( )

  24. A:excessive gastric secretions B:crusted secretions around the tube C:irritation of the nares D:risks of lipid pneumonia
    答案:risks of lipid pneumonia

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