
Microsoft is a/an ___ in Windows operating system.

A:competitive firm B:monopoly C:oligopoly D:monopsony

Monopoly is ___.

A:price taker B:quantity maker C:quantity taker D:price maker 3.

Monopoly maximizes its profit mainly rely on its ___.

A:demand curve and cost curve B:supply curve C:demand curve D:cost curve 4.

When monopolistic profit has been maximized, its marginal cost is ___ than its marginal revenue. 

A:smaller B:equal to C:bigger 5.

Deadweight loss of monopoly is ___.

A:good for the society B:bad for the society C:bad for producer D:good for consumers 6.

For a monopolist who faces a downward sloping demand curve, marginal revenue is less than price whenever quantity sold is positive.

A:错 B:对 7.

MR can possibly be negative.

A:错 B:对 8.

(    ) is a method of setting prices that occurs when marginal revenue equals marginal cost OR supply quanity where TR exceeds TC by greatest amount.

A:Price maker B:Barries of entry C:Profit Maximization D:Price Discrimination 9.

Barries of Entry is (     )

A:set by the industry organization B:a kind of state that no one could change. C:legal (patent), economies of scale, control of resources D:charging different prices to different groups. 10.

To sell at a Larger Q, Monopoly must

A:reduced from a Lower Price B:Sells same good to different people at different prices. C:Lower Price from all units sold = MR < P D:The buyer's WTP which also increases Profit

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