1. Which of the following is true?

  2. 答案:O·Henry learned everything he needed by himself.
  3. What are the most famous symbols of Zeus?( )。

  4. 答案:the lightning bolt###Eagle
  5. Choose the right ones In the following statements.

  6. 答案:Hermes is the messenger of the Gods.###Hermes is the son of Zeus and the nymph Maia.###Hermes’symbols include the caduceus.
  7. What job does O. Henry do?

  8. 答案:baby-sitter###cook###shepherd###ranch hand
  9. Who are NOT the gods or goddesses in Greek mythology?

  10. 答案:Oedipus###Pandora
  11. In the story of The Nightingale and the Rose, nightingale sacrifices its own life for pure love’s sake.

  12. 答案:对
  13. Carpe Diem means love is very valuable .

  14. 答案:错
  15. The word“oedipus”means a bad person.( )

  16. 答案:错
  17. “Seven Ages of Men” is part of William Shakespeare’s play “Much ado about nothing”.

  18. 答案:错
  19. In the story of The Nightingale and the Rose, the nightingale is the true lover, if there is one. She, at least, is Romance,

  20. 答案:对
  21. Oedipus believed in the Delphic Oracle.( )

  22. 答案:对
  23. Aeschylus is the eldest one in three great Greek tragedians. ( )
  24. In Greek mythology, before earth and sea and heaven were created, all things were one aspect. It was called (        )
  25. Who is the person that finally gets most of the Shylock’s money?
  26. Hercules is a hero in Roman mythology. His name in Greek mythology is (      ).
  27. In the most famous lines of Hamlet, “To be or not to be, that is the question”, the phrase “to be or not to be” refers to (     ).
  28. (      ) was Achilles's mother in Greek mythology.
  29. Besides the Fool, which one of the following characters also shows the similar function of a dramatic clown in the play?
  30. There were  (        ) different Ages in Greek Mythology
  31. Pandora's Box refers to (        ).
  32. According to the ancient Greek mythology, the bottom story is called the Underworld which is ruled by (      ).
  33. When Hercules was young, goddesses of (      ) gave him two different choices for his future life.
  34. When making a snowman, which vegetable is often used for its nose?
  35. (      ) is the hell for the evils.
  36. In King Lear, why does Cordelia refuse to flatter his father?
  37. In Hamlet, the verse, “Now cracks a noble heart. Good night, sweet prince, / And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest!” is said by (        ).
  38. In the second stanza of the poem “To the Virgin, to Make Much of Time”, what is the major image?
  39. (      ) was endowed by Apollo to be ever-green.
  40. Who is the final survivor in Hamlet?
  41. The leaden-dart arrow of Eros causes (      ) to others.
  42. The Trojan horse refers to (      ).
  43. 6. What is quite important in marriage according to this story?
  44. 1. Mr. Ballard once mal-treated Mrs. Ballard.
  45. 2. Which one of the following is not the description of Mrs. Ballard’s personality?
  46. 4. Mrs. Ballard hided in her room, because she wanted to commit suicide.
  47. 5. What is the cause of her death?
  48. 3. What is the most important thing in Mrs. Ballard’s life?
  49. 2. In “To Luisa in the Lane”, Luisa is (  )
  50. 1. “To Luisa in the Lane” is a happy love poem.
  51. 4. “Aspen” in “To Luisa in the Lane” is a  (  )
  52. 6. Which one of the following has nothing to do with figurative image?
  53. 3.Image just indicates mental picture. (  )
  54. 5. Which one of the following about love is not delivered in “i carry you in my heart”?
  55. 9. “Antagonist” refers to the main character in a drama.
  56. 5. According to the trinity law in drama writing, the story in the play should happen in one day.
  57. 3. Hamlet is a typical “tragedy of society”.
  58. 7. Romance is another name for tragic comedy.
  59. 6. Usually the climax of a drama should be in the last scene.
  60. 2. According to Aristotle, thoughts in drama refer to how the characters’ mental activities.
  61. 8. The clown in the drama only appears between scenes.
  62. 1. Western drama originates from the ritual to honor Dionysus, the god of wine and fertility in ancient Greece.
  63. 4. The main characters in tragedies are usually good and noble people.
  64. 6. Artemis is ________ Greek name.
  65. 10. ________ forces Cronus to disgorge his sons and daughters.
  66. 8. ________ is not Zeus’s son.
  67. 4. Ares is the god of ________.
  68. 7. Hestia and Hera are ________.
  69. 3. ________ helps Zeus to defeat Cronus.
  70. 2. Uranus and Gaea give birth to ________ Titans.
  71. 9. ________ is the queen of the Underworld.
  72. 1. Who is the primitive god in Green-Roman mythology?
  73. 5. Oceanus is the god of ________.
  74. What is the meaning of “the Pandora’s Box ”?
  75. Who is the first woman on earth?
  76. Who is the god of craftsmanship?
  77. Who stole fire from heaven to human world?
  78. What is the title of this  story?
  79. What are the themes of "The Cop and the Anthem "?
  80. The riddle of the Sphinx is that "what is the creature that walks on?"
  81. In the story "The Gift of the Magi" by O · Henry, Della thought having a haircut will make Jim happy.
  82. “Black Humor” is an American trend in contemporary literature.
  83. “the world is a stage, men and women merely players” is from Byron’s poem.
  84. One example of dramatic clown is (       ).
  85. Shylock lends a loan to Bassanio and Antonio because (          ).
  86. Aeëtes made Jason fight and kill the sleepless (     ) that guarded the fleece.
  87. In Hamlet, Gertrude dies because (      ).
  88. (      ) is the queen of the underworld.
  89. There are two sisters: one gives birth to the other and she, in turn, gives birth to the first. Who are the two sisters according to Sphinx?
  90. Polonius is killed by Hamlet because (       ).
  91. Which of the following does not explain Othello’s trust in Lago’s words?
  92. Portia defeats Shylock’s claim for the trial because (     ).
  93. The phenomenon whereby the greater the expectation of people, the better they perform is the (      ) Effect.
  94. (      ) helped Jason get the golden fleece.
  95. ________ forces Cronus to disgorge his sons and daughters.
  96. Who is the primitive god in Green-Roman mythology?
  97. What are the stories from the Old Testament?
  98. Who are Noah’s sons?
  99. What are the heroes'stories  in Greek mythology?
  100. What does the story of "The Gift of the Maggi"  NOT tell us?
  101. Christmas Eve falls on December 25.
  102. In the story of The Nightingale and the Rose, nightingale means a truthful, devoted pursuer of love, who dares to sacrifice his own precious life
  103. According to the Bible story , Noah’s sons were named Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
  104. According to the Bible story , after Noah got on the Ark it rained 40 days and 40 nights.
  105. According to the Bible story The tower of Babel , it shows us how God handles pride and how badly he wants to stop it.
  106. According to the Bible story The tower of Babel ,at last people managed to finish the tower of Bable.
  107. The Bible has the Old Testment and the New Testment.
  108. According to the Bible story  The tower of Babel ,people may still speak the same language if they didn't build the tower of Babel.
  109. According to the Bible story , Abel killed Cain because his gift didn't please God.
  110. According to the Bible story ,after Jesus died, his friends burnt His body
  111. According to the Bible story, Jesus was born in Bethlehem.
  112. According to the Bible story , people speak different language before they started to build the tower of Babel.
  113. Romeo fails to know Juliet’s death is not real, because (   ).
  114. What do we usually say on Easter?
  115. According to the Bible story ,when a person comes back to life after they have died is called resurrection.
  116. According to the Bible story , how did Mary travel to Bethlehem to give birth to baby Jesus:
  117. (     ), Pandora opened the box, and all evil contained escaped and spread over the earth.
  118. Which Christmas song does 'all is calm, all is bright' belong to?
  119. According to the Bible story of Creation, on the seventh day, what did God do?
  120. In King Lear, Edmund creates a fake letter to his father in order to (       ).
  121. According to the Bible story , what is the meaning of Babel when people started building the tower?
  122. According to the Bible story of Creation, which was created on the fifth day?
  123. (      ) found out the answer to the Sphinx's riddle.
  124. According to the Bible story , why did the king Nimrod decide he wanted to build the tower of Babel?
  125. According to the Bible story of Creation, in God's will, man will (    ).
  126. Charon's boat indicates (      ).
  127. The phrase to imply the ability to gain a great wealth is (     ).
  128. Which one of the following image is mot mentioned in the poem "on Marriage"?
  129. According to the Bible, the world was created by God in (     ).
  130. The man and his wife should be of one flesh because(      ).
  131. Bible has a great influence on English language and literature.
  132. Why did the Lord want to destroy man?
  133. According to the Bible, the story of Creation - How the World Was Made is a story in the New Testment.
  134. According to the Bible, Eve comes to the world before Adam.
  135. Good Friday honors the day that Jesus was:
  136. If the angel of the Lord had not told him what had really happened to Mary, Joseph perhaps would not have married Mary.
  137. God loved  Abel more than Cain.
  138. According to the Bible, the Last Supper was a story happened on passover.
  139. Image just indicates mental picture.
  140. “To Luisa in the Lane” is a happy love poem.
  141. “Aspen” in “To Luisa in the Lane” is a
  142. Which one of the following about love is not delivered in “i carry you in my heart”?
  143. Which one of the following has nothing to do with figurative image?
  144. In “To Luisa in the Lane”, Luisa is
  145. According to the trinity law in drama writing, the story in the play should happen in one day.
  146. “Antagonist” refers to the main character in a drama.
  147. The main characters in tragedies are usually good and noble people.
  148. Hamlet is a typical “tragedy of society”.
  149. The clown in the drama only appears between scenes.
  150. According to Aristotle, thoughts in drama refer to how the characters’ mental activities.
  151. Romance is another name for tragic comedy.
  152. Usually the climax of a drama should be in the last scene.
  153. Western drama originates from the ritual to honor Dionysus, the god of wine and fertility in ancient Greece.
  154. Artemis is ________ Greek name.
  155. Uranus and Gaea give birth to ________ Titans.
  156. ________ is not Zeus’s son.
  157. Oceanus is the god of ________.
  158. Ares is the god of ________.
  159. Hestia and Hera are ________.
  160. ________ helps Zeus to defeat Cronus.
  161. ________ is the queen of the Underworld.
  162. Which one of the following is not the description of Mrs. Ballard’s personality?
  163. What is the cause of her death?
  164. Mr. Ballard once mal-treated Mrs. Ballard.
  165. What is quite important in marriage according to this story?
  166. Mrs. Ballard hided in her room, because she wanted to commit suicide.
  167. What is the most important thing in Mrs. Ballard’s life?
  168. “One shade the more, one ray the less had half impaired the nameless grace”.  Which one of the following ancient Chinese poetic lines expresses the similar idea?
  169. What does “deny” mean in “Thus mellowed to that tender light/ Which heaven to gaudy day denies”?
  170. Which of the following word is a improper description of her beauty?_______
  171. According to the poem “A Red, Red Rose”, what will happen between the lovers?
  172. Which one of the following Chinese idiom expresses the similar idea as “A Red, Red Rose”?
  173. Who are the three goddesses in "Apple of Discord"?
  174. What are NOT the fairy tales of Oscar Wilde?
  175. Who are the three great Greek tragedians ?
  176. What are the themes of O’Henry's  “The Last Leaf”?
  177. What talents do gods give to Pandora?
  178. What are the love stories in Greek mythology?
  179. leading roles in his plays were female?( )。
  180. Who are the gods or goddesses in Greek mythology?
  181. What are the types of Shakespearean plays?
  182. “On Marriage” is written by Neruda.
  183. Medea did not help Jason perform the tasks.( )
  184. In the story "The Cop and the Anthem" by O · Henry, the fifth time Soapy acted drunk but the cop thought he was a college student celebrating a win in a football game.
  185. In the story "The Gift of the Magi" by O · Henry, Jim and Della were a married couple.
  186. In the story "The Gift of the Magi" by O · Henry, James Dillingham Young was a rich young man.
  187. The first shepherd raised Oedipus .( )
  188. In “She Walks in Beauty”, Byron compares the beauty to day instead of night.
  189. Byron created the poem ”She Walks in Beauty” according to his cousin’s image.
  190. Hestia is Virgin goddess of wisdom, crafts, and battle strategy. Symbols are the olive tree and the (pigeon). Daughter of Zeus, according to some traditions by Metis.()
  191. In the story of The Nightingale and the Rose, the red rose means true love, which needs constant nourishment of passions of the lovers.
  192. In the Merchant of Venice, Portia shows her (     ) throughout the play, which is a common quality for a male.
  193. In Othello, Desdemona falls in love with Othello because (    ).
  194. (      ) is the heaven in Greek mythology.
  195. King Lear refuses to give any land to his youngest daughter because (          ).
  196. “Emotion recollected in tranquility” is (        )
  197. King Lear is a tragedy of (             ).
  198. Lady Macbeth commits suicide because (        ).
  199. (     )was the real name of the famous American writer of short stories.
  200. The (     ) shepherd carries the baby Oedipus with him to Corinth.
  201. (     ) is a fantasy play.
  202. According to the ancient Greek worldview, the whole world was divided into (      ) stories.
  203. Charon is the (      ) carrying the souls across the Styx.
  204. Which one of the following is not the description about William Wordsworth:
  205. There were perpetual spring in the (        ) Age.
  206. The best explanation of “What’s in a name? If we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet,” is (    ).
  207. King Lear banishes Kent because (       ).
  208. In A Mid-summer Night’s Dream, the fairy queen falls in love with (      ).
  209. Cordelia leads French army to save her father, but is defeated by  (           ) in Dover.
  210. Refined table manners, though less popular than before in current social life_____.
  211. The main cause of the layoffs in the pottery industry is_____.
  212. It can be learned from the passage that Royal Doulton is_____.
  213. Which of the following may be the best reason for casual dining?
  214. The trend toward casual dining has resulted in_____.
  215. People enjoyed reading O· Henry’s stories because ________.
  216. O·Henry got most materials for his stories from ________.
  217. O· Henry was sent to prison because ________.
  218. ________ was the real name of the famous American writer of short stories.
  219. What are the idioms from The Trojan War in Greek mythology?
  220. Apollo is the son of ()?
  221. Who are Rhea’s sons?
  222. Choose the right statement of Shakespeare?
  223. What are the idioms from the Greek Mythology?( )。
  224. Who are the daughters of King Lear?
  225. Artemis is the daughter of ?( )。
  226. What titles belong to O. Henry ?
  227. What are the short novels of O. Henry?
  228. Which characters appear in "Hamlet"?
  229. What are the tasks did Medea’s father promise to give Jason the fleece but only if he could perform ?
  230. What are the “Four Great Tragedies” of Shakespeare?
  231. What poems have the similar images with the poem"To the Virgins to Make Much of time"?
  232. Who are Zeus' wife or lovers?
  233. In the following writers, who are British?
  234. What are the fairy tales of Oscar Wilde?
  235. What are the comedies of Shakespeare?
  236. In "The Happy Prince", what does the prince give to others?
  237. What are the romance of Shakespeare?
  238. What are the  revenge by Medea?
  239. In the story "The Gift of the Magi" by O · Henry, Della decided to have her hair cut out of her love for Jim.
  240. American writer, Bruce Jay Friedman believes that “Black Humor” is not a black thing in the thoughts and feelings on things and the combination of humor.
  241. Wooden horse means Hidden Enemy. ( )
  242. There were three asks are there if Jason wanted to take and marry Medea.( )
  243. In the story "The Cop and the Anthem" by O · Henry, Soapy develops two tactics intended to encourage the police to classify him as a criminal and arrest him.
  244. “A poor life this if, full of care,We have no time to stand and stare” here“poor” indicates material poverty.
  245. The meaning of “the Pandora’s Box ”is that is a beautiful box for girls.( )
  246. Euripides took many liberties with convention.( )
  247. From the story of The Nightingale and the Rose, we know that the true love needs wholehearted devotion and passion.
  248. O•Henry’s work was acclaimed as the “Encyclopedia of American life humor.”
  249. “Bubble reputation” in “Seven Ages of Men” means that the reputation is as beautiful as bubble.
  250. In the story "The Gift of the Magi" by O · Henry, Della lived in a neighborhood with many trees and flowers.
  251. It was Prometheus who stole fire from heaven.( )
  252. In the story "The Cop and the Anthem" by O · Henry, Soapy tried to steal another man’s umbrella. And the victim of the umbrella theft quarrelled with Soapy .
  253. In the story of The Nightingale and the Rose,the student and the girl are, like most of us, unworthy of Romance.
  254. Euripides introduced several new philosophical and psychological ideas into his dramas.( )
  255. The one whose grandson was also a tragedian is Sophocles.( )
  256. Prometheus was very kind toward humans. ( )
  257. Many of the lead roles in Euripides plays were female.( )
  258. Zeus is King of the Gods and ruler of Mount (Olympus); god of the sky, and thunder. Youngest son of the Titans Coronas and (Rhea). Symbols are the lightning bolt and the eagle.( )
  259. In the story "The Gift of the Magi" by O · Henry, from the sentence “She stood by the window and looked out at a grey cat walking along a grey in a grey backyard.” we can infer that Della was very (      ).
  260. Cadmus left his parents in order to search for his (      ).
  261. Sphinx in western culture is used to describe a person who is (      ) to be understood.
  262. Why does Shylock hate Antonio?
  263. Besides A Mid-summer Night’s Dream, which one of the following also has the element of “a play with in a play”?
  264. Which one of the following image doesn’t appear in the poem: “On Marriage”?
  265. Medea  promised to help Jason, but only on the condition that if he succeeded, (     ).
  266. Who is with Macbeth when he first met the three Witches?
  267. (     ) is the first to introduce a second actor to the stage on a consistent basis.
  268. In the last scene of Romeo & Juliet, Romeo dies of ( ).
  269. Who is the twin sister of Apollo?( )。
  270. Besides Lago in Othello, which one of the following characters can be called a villain?
  271. The portrait of Portia is in the (    ) casket.
  272. In the story of The Happy Prince, who said 'As he is no longer beautiful he is no longer useful'?
  273. Dionysius II did not like Damocles because Damocles was a person good at (      ).
  274. Which of the following statement of Hephaestus is not right ?( )。
  275. Eros left Psyche because of (        ).
  276. The Trojan horse was created by (      ).
  277. (        ) helped Pygmalion realize his dream--make Galatea alive.
  278. In the Merchant of Venice, Shylock is a (     ).
  279. (     ) is known primarily for having reshaped the formal structure of Athenian tragedy
  280. Pandora's name means (     ).
  281. In the story "The Gift of the Magi" by O · Henry, how did Della try to save money? Which of the following is NOT right?
  282. 'Cut the Gordian Knot' implies (      ).
  283. Which one of the following is not the cause of her beauty in “She Walks in Beauty”?
  284. The Fool is a character in (      ).
  285. Hercules chose a life of (      ) when he was young.
  286. The important theme of the story" After Twenty Years" is revealing a distinct contrast between the loyalty to the friends and devotion to the duty.
  287. Why did Della weep before Christmas?
  288. O ·  Henry was sent to prison because ________.
  289. O · Henry lived a very rich life in Britain.
  290. As with many other homeless people in the United States, Soapy is psychologically experienced in thinking of the local jail as a  homeless shelter.
  291. The gift Della bought Jim was ___________. Which of the following is NOT right.
  292. To whom the poem  "To the Virgin, to Make Much of time" is written ?
  293. Byron is not a (an) :
  294. William Wordsworth is a (      )
  295. According to the poem"Leisure", which one of the following is the most important thing in life?
  296. Which one of the following image is not mentioned in the poem "on Marriage"?
  297. Which of the following images are not mentioned in the poem "To the Virgin, to Make Much of time"?
  298. According to the poem “Leisure” , what is the most important thing in life is money.
  299. According to the poem “on Marriage”, between husband and wife there must be no space.
  300. William Wordsworth is a realistic poet.
  301. Which one of the stages is the most pathetic stage?
  302. In the story of "the Happy Prince",the little Swallow died at the feet of the little prince .
  303. Which is not the fairy tale by Oscar Wilde?
  304. Oscar Wilde became known for his involvement in the rising philosophy of aestheticism.
  305. "The Picture of Dorian Gray  " is the novel by Oscar Wilde.
  306. The selfish giant in the story of "The Selfish Giant" is not selfish in the end.
  307. "The true perfection of man lies not in what man has ,but what man is. "describes the fairy"The Selfish Giant "
  308. "The Ballad of Reading Gaol " is the novel by Oscar Wilde.
  309. "Othello " is said to be the most saddest tragedy of Shakespeare.
  310. "King Lear" is not only a tragedy of a family and a country, but also a tragedy of human nature.
  311. “All the world is a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”from Shakespeare's drama "In As You Like it".
  312. Revenge play is very popular at Shakespearean time.
  313. "Prometheus Bound" was written by (      ).
  314. Oedipus solves the (     ) of the Sphinx.
  315. (         ) was the most-awarded playwright in ancient Roman time.
  316. Jason claimed his inheritance and throne by retrieving the(     ).
  317. "Oedipus Rex" was written by (      ).
  318. Who presented Pandora to Prometheus’ brother?
  319. Who claimed his inheritance and throne by retrieving the Golden Fleece?
  320. Whose work is known primarily for having reshaped the formal structure of Athenian tragedy by portraying strong female characters?
  321. Zeus presented Pandora to (     ).
  322. Labors of Hercules refers to an extremely difficult task requiring great strength or effort to accomplish.
  323. Which  one is Homer’s epic?
  324. The golden fleece symbolizes (      ).
  325. A sop to Cerberus refers to means of (      ).
  326. Deucalion and Pyrrha threw (        ) to create men and women after the Great Flood.
  327. Midas’ ear or ass’ ear is used to describe a person foolish.
  328. “The virgin is destined for the bride of no mortal over. Her future husband awaits her on the top of the mountain. He is a monster whom neither gods nor man can resist.” is an oracle of (     ).
  329. Prometheus and Epimetheus were brothers.
  330. Achilles’s heel implies (      ).
  331. Beauty and Beast is adopted from the story of (     ).
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