第二章 Forrest Gump 《阿甘正传》:Forrest Gump is a 1994 American romantic comedy-drama film based on the 1986 novel of the same name by Winston Groom. It was directed by Robert Zemeckis and written by Eric Roth, and stars Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, Gary Sinise, Mykelti Williamson, and Sally Field. The story depicts several decades in the life of Forrest Gump (Hanks), a slow-witted but kind-hearted man from Alabama who witnesses several defining historical events in the 20th century in the United States.2.1A Brief Introduction to the Film:With a feather falls, we start a journey to know a very famous person “Forrest Gump”, who is considered to be a stupid man. But the lucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, who is a football star, a war hero, and later a millionaire. Based on the novel by Winston Groom, the movie depicts Forrest Gump telling his life-long stories to the strangers. Forrest Gump is treated as a contemporary American cultural classic because of its meaningful and serious contemplation of its 30-year span of American history. Forrest Gump makes Americans re-examine countries and personal past. Also it makes people reflect on the nature of Americans.
2.2The Understanding of the White Feather:At the very beginning of the movie, a white feather is flying unsteadily in the sky and finally falls on Forrest Gump’s sports shoes. In the end of the movie, when Forrest opens the book, the white feather falls out and is floating far away in the wind. The white feather is interpreted as symbolism in this movie. Obviously, the feather may represent Gump who can not decide the directions and destinations but floats in the wind. When the white feather first falls to the foot of Forrest Gump, he begins recalling of his life. When the white feather is blown to the sky, his son’s future life just begins. Life is such a beautiful circle.
2.3Mother's Unique Ways of Teaching Forrest:When Forrest Gump was very young, he never met his father and was brought up by his mother. His mother is such a graceful and smart lady who always has a unique way to educate Forrest. In Mrs. Gump’s eye, her son is not stupid at all and can be as good as other kids. She also encourages Forrest to spare no efforts to work hard to achieve success. After his mother’s death and Jenny’s leaving, Forrest Gump is heartbroken. He elects to go for a run for more than 3 years. After the long running, Forrest finds the meaning of the running for his mother’s sentence “You got to put the past behind you before you can move on.”
2.4The Understanding of Stupid is as Stupid Does:Forrest Gump, whose IQ is only 75, is considered as stupid. Every time when he is asked “Are you stupid or something?” He always responses “Stupid is as stupid does.” How can we interpret Forrest’s being stupid? Some people hold the opinion that Forrest is a very kind-hearted and sincere person. Forrest is also a man of his word. Forrest Gump is so pure and simple-minded that he plays table tennis only because he likes it. Forrest Gump is so pure and simple-minded that he only loves Jenny no matter how Jenny treats him. He always sticks to the thing he wants to do.
2.5The Understanding of Running of Forrest Gump:In the movie Forrest Gump, running is an eternal element of his life and the theme of the movie. There are many running scenes parallel back and forth. When he was very young, it is running that brings him freedom. And running is the beginning of his getting freedom. In the Vietnam War, he bears his promise to Jenny firmly and runs faster than the bullets. After his mother’s death and Jenny’s leaving, he couldn’t find his directions in the life. It is running that brings hope, light, and inspiration back to his life. Running explains the meaning and essence of “persistence” to the maximum extent. Also running is the loyal commitment to Jenny.
2.6Character Analysis of Forrest Gump:Forrest Gump is not only running across a 30-year span of American history, but also representing a generation’s retrospection of the unforgettable history they had all experienced.Despite his low I. Q, Forrest’s new running ability leads to his receiving a football scholarship to the University. After his college graduation, he enlists in the US Army to join the Vietnam War. Forrest is awarded the Medal of Honor for his heroism and etc. The movie doesn’t simply describe a series of historical events and people; it depicts the changing trends in American society. What’s more, this movie offers a remedy for the spiritual disease of modern age and fulfills people’s yearning to go back to nature.
[单选题]The white feather in the film Forrest Gump is interpreted as a/an ______.

选项:[exaggeration., simile., metaphor., symbolism.]
[单选题]The best interpretation for the sentence Life is a box of chocolates is ______.

选项:[Life is always colorful and full of surprises., Life is full of choices and possibilities., Life is sweet., Life is bitter.]
[单选题]According to Mrs. Gump, death is ______.

选项:[painful, frightening, avoidable, natural]
[单选题]Which description of Mrs. Gump is not true? 

选项:[ She has a good husband., She loves to wear flowers on her hat., She rents her house for the living expenses., She is a smart lady.]
[单选题]Mrs. Gump’s way of explaining things to her son is all except______. 

选项:[wise, complicated, understandable, full of philosophy]
[单选题]How long has Forrest run across America?

选项:[More than 4 years., More than 2 years., More than 1 year., More than 3 years.]
[单选题]Who sends little Forrest to the school bus?

选项:[His father., His grandma., His grandpa., His mother.]
[单选题]When Forrest first meets Jenny’s son, he asks Jenny the boy’s name. Forrest Gump thinks that _________. 

选项:[the boy is Jenny’s adopted son, he is the boy’s father, Little Forrest’s father is also called Forrest, just like him, Jenny has mentioned her husband in the letter]
[单选题]Which one of the following sentences is not told by Mrs. Gump?

选项:[Life is a box of chocolates., Run, Forrest. Run away., Dont let anyone tell you that they are better than you., Death is just a part of life.]
[单选题]On Forrests first day to go to school, why did other kids refuse to offer a seat to Forrest?

选项:[Because Forrest didnt want to sit down.,  Because they disliked Forrest., Because the seats were reserved., Because they didnt know Forrest.]
[单选题] Later when Forrest took bus to the Vietnam, how did the bus driver and other passengers except Bubba treat him?

选项:[Kindly., Indifferently. , Warmly.,  Jealously.]
[单选题]When Forrest Gump was bullied by local kids, what did he do?

选项:[He shouted back., He run away., He fought back., He stood still and did nothing.]
[单选题]Who always reminds Forrest to run when he is bullied by other people?

选项:[His mother., Jenny., Bubba., His father.]
[单选题]Where does the white feather appear in the movie?

选项:[The beginning., The middle., Both the beginning and the ending., The ending. ]
[单选题]By using which techniques could Forrest Gump meet dead people and shake hands with them?

选项:[CGI (Computer Graphic Image)., Montage., Flashback., Voice over.]
[单选题]Which interpretation of the sentence Stupid is as stupid does is not true?

选项:[Forrest is so stupid that he always does something wrong., Forrest is a man of his words.,  Forrest is a very kind-hearted and sincere person., Forrest is pure and simple-minded.]
[单选题]Forrest Gump has achieved a lot of incredible success. Which of the following description is not true?

选项:[A millionaire., A CEO of the Apple Computer., A war hero., A football star.]

In Mrs. Gumps eye, Forrest Gump is ______.

选项:[a useless person, a normal kid, a stupid boy, a shame for her]
[单选题]Forrest Gump is awarded the Medal of Honor by whom?

选项:[President Johnson., President Nixon., President Lincoln., President Kennedy.]
[单选题]The film Forrest Gump has competed with which film to win the 67th Oscar Awards?

选项:[The Lion King., The Shaw shank Redemption., True man’s World., Titanic.]
[单选题]The purpose of Mrs. Gump saying “Don’t let anybody tell you that they are better than you, Forrest” is to ________.

选项:[encourage Forrest to be cheered up and be confident, encourage Forrest to go to the university, encourage Forrest to go to the primary school, encourage Forrest to go to the Vietnam]
[单选题]Whats Forrest Gumps value towards money?

选项:[Money is important than happiness., There is only so much fortune a man really needs and the rest is just for showing off., Money is the way to success., Money shows a persons status.]
[单选题]Who sent Forrest to wait for the school bus when he was young?

选项:[His grandpa., His grandma., His mother., His father.]
[单选题]How could Forrest survive the Vietnam War?

选项:[Because of his excellent shooting skills., Because of Bubbas help., Because of his good leader., Because of his fast running.]
[单选题]How do most of the listeners feel about Forrest’s stories?

选项:[Unbelievable., Creative., Fantastic., Vivid.]
[单选题]When Forrest decides to go to the Vietnam, she tells her son to ________.

选项:[win her a medal of honor, come back safe to her, run away all the time, make good friends]
[单选题]Running helps Forrest to be a lucky man except to be ________.

选项:[a long running celebrity, a stockholder of the Apple Fruit Company, a war hero, a member of the all-American team]
[单选题]Forrest is waiting for the bus to meet whom?

选项:[Jenny., His son., Lieutenant Dan., His Daddy.]
[单选题]Forrest is chosen to the football team to go to college because of ______.

选项:[his academic scores, his intelligence,  his fast running, his excellent football skills]
[单选题]Who are the listeners of Forrest Gump’s stories in the film?

选项:[Mrs. Gump., Bubba., Some strangers waiting for the bus., Jenny.]
[单选题]In the following descriptions of Forrest Gump, which one is not true about him?

选项:[He is a football star., He is a millionaire., He is a smart man., He is a war hero.]
[单选题]Which interpretation of the white feather is not true about the film? 

选项:[The white feather is so pure and white which stands for an angelic spirit that seems to watch over Forrest., The white feather may represent Gump., Our life is compared to the white feather floating in the wind, full of possibilities., The white feather may represent Gump who could decide the directions and destinations of his life.]
[单选题]Forrest picks up the white feather and puts it in ________.

选项:[his school bag, his hat, his suitcase, a book named Curious George]
[单选题]Forrest Gump is running across a ______-year span of American history. 

选项:[20, 40, 30, 10]
[单选题]Forrest Gump was named on the All American team and met by _______. 

选项:[President Kennedy, President Johnson, President Nixon,  President Lincoln]
[单选题]Which answer is not true to the question: Forrest Gump is looked down upon and bullied by local kids because ______.

选项:[his I.Q is lower than normal kids, he has not many friends, his braces make him clumsy in walking, his father has no time to take care of him]
[单选题]What happens to Jenny in the end? 

选项:[She passed away., She runs away from home., She becomes a famous singer., She’s divorced with Forrest.]
[单选题]In the Vietnam War, Forrest befriends with a fellow soldier named________.

选项:[Tom, Lieutenant Dan, Ryan, Bubba]
[单选题]Who did Forrest miss most during his running across America?

选项:[ Jenny., His mother., Lieutenant Dan., Bubba.]
[单选题]Forrest has run for a long time after Jenny’s leaving and his mother’s passing away. He recalls the most important meaning of the running is his mother saying: _________. 

选项:[Life is a box of chocolates, Don’t let anyone tell you that they are better than you, Death is just a part of life, You’ve got to put the past behind you before you can move on]
[单选题]When Forrest was very young, he was bullied by the local kids. What happened after his hard running?

选项:[He broke his leg braces and found his freedom. , He was saved by Jenny., He fell down., He ran to a football court.]
[单选题]Why does Forrest decide to run for a quite long time? 

选项:[Because he loves running., Because he feels lonely and aimless after Jenny’s leaving and his mother’s death., Because he wants to find Jenny., Because it’s a promise to his mother. ]
[单选题]What does Forrest respond to President Kennedy's question How do you feel to be all- American, sir?

选项:[I gotta pee., Its my honor, sir., Very, well. Sir., I dont know.]
[单选题]Forrest Gump is named after Nathan Bedford who is ______.

选项:[the World War One Hero, the Civil War Hero., the World War Two Hero, the West Expansion Hero]
[单选题]Who does together with Forrest Gump to the shrimping boat?

选项:[His mother., Jenny., Bubba., Lieutenant Dan.]
[单选题]The most influential meaning of the long running for Forrest is_______.

选项:[he gets a lot of sponsorship and becomes rich., he finally understands mothers words You got to put the past behind you before you can move on., he wins Jenny back., he becomes a national celebrity.]

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