  1. 下列选项中,不属于反映企业经营成果的会计要素的是( )。Which of the following accounting elements does not reflect the operating result of the company ( ).

  2. A:收入Revenue B:费用Expense C:所有者权益Owners' equity D:利润Profit
    答案:所有者权益Owners' equity
  3. 企业的库存商品属于会计要素中的( )。Merchandise inventory of enterprises belong to the accounting elements of ( ).

  4. A:负债 Liabilities B:收入Revenue C:所有者权益Owner's Equity D:资产 Assets
    答案:资产 Assets
  5. 企业所拥有的资产从财产权利归属来看,一部分属于投资者,另一部分属于( )According to the ownership of property rights, the assets owned by enterprises partly belong to investors and partly belong to ( ) .。

  6. A:企业法人 Enterprise juridical person B:企业职工Employees C:债务人 Debtors D:债权人 Creditors
    答案:债权人 Creditors
  7. 下列选项中属于最基本的会计等式的是( )。Among the following options, the most basic accounting equation is ( ).

  8. A:收入-费用=利润Revenue-expense = Profit B:资产=负债+所有者权益Assets = Liabilities + Owner's Equity C:资产=负债+所有者权益+(收入-费用)Assets = Liabilities + Owner's Equity + (Revenue-Expense) D:资产=负债+所有者权益+利润 Assets = Liabilities + Owner's Equity + Profit
    答案:资产=负债+所有者权益Assets = Liabilities + Owner's Equity
  9. 下列选项中,属于反映企业财务状况的会计要素的是( )。Which of the following accounting elements reflect the financial situation of an enterprise ( ).

  10. A:负债 Liabilities B:资产Assets C:收入Revenue D:所有者权益Owner's Equity
    答案:负债 Liabilities###资产Assets###所有者权益Owner's Equity
  11. 下列各项中属于流动负债的是( )。Among the following items, the current liabilities are ( ).

  12. A:短期借款Short-term loan B:存货Inventory C:应付账款 Accounts payable D:应付票据 Notes payable
    答案:短期借款Short-term loan###应付账款 Accounts payable###应付票据 Notes payable
  13. 下列选项中,属于无形资产的是( )。Those that are intangible asset among the following options are( )

  14. A:商标权Trademark B:专利权 Patent C:著作权Copyright D:机器设备Machinery equipment
    答案:商标权Trademark###专利权 Patent###著作权Copyright
  15. 会计对象是会计所要反映和监督的内容,它界定了会计工作的内容和范围。( ) Accounting object is the content that accounting should reflect and supervise, and it defines the content and scope of accounting work. ( )

  16. A:错 B:对
  17. 所有者权益在数值上等于企业全部资产减去全部负债后的余额。( )Owner's equity is equal to the balance of all assets minus all liabilities. ( )

  18. A:错 B:对
  19. 非流动负债的偿还期均在1年以上,流动负债的偿还期均在1年以内。( )The repayment period of non-current liabilities is more than one year, and the repayment period of current liabilities is less than one year. ( )

  20. A:对 B:错

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