  1. Are you addicted ________ online shopping? ( )

  2. A:with B:in C:for D:to
  3. 下列哪个单词表示“预定”? ( )

  4. A:set B:arrange C:order D:book
  5. There are some files on the floor. Pick ________ up.( )

  6. A:them B:themselves C:it D:they
  7. Excuse me. Could you please ________ me that cup? ( )

  8. A:passing B:passed C:pass D:passes
  9. 下列动名词变换正确的是? ( )

  10. A:swiming B:runing C:beginning D:takeing
  11. Have you got ________? I want to write a composition.( )

  12. A:any paper B:papers C:a paper D:any papers
    答案:any paper
  13. What would you like for appetizer? appetizer的意思是 ( )

  14. A:甜点 B:饮料 C:开胃菜 D:主菜
  15. __________ he_________ a good rest? No, he didn't.( )

  16. A:Do, had B:Did, had C:Did, have D:Was,had
    答案:Did, have
  17. —Would you please tell me ________ to use the machine?
    — Ok. Let me show you now.( )

  18. A:how B:why C:where D:whether
  19. 餐厅中,询问顾客是否对某种食物过敏,或者忌口,下列表达不正确的是( )

  20. A:Are you allergic to any food? B:Is there anything that you don’teat? C:Do you have any food allergies? D:Can I get it without cilantro?
  21. 下面哪句话可以表示你的网络卡顿了( )

  22. A:You are moving B:You have frozen C:You not move D:You are on mute
  23. “busy”在接打电话场景中表示( )

  24. A:信息 B:接听 C:拨打 D:占线
  25. Could we have a doggie bag?这句话的意思是( )

  26. A:我们可以要个打包袋儿吗? B:我们可以给小狗吃吗? C:我们可以要个袋儿装小狗吗? D:我们可以把小狗带进来吗?
  27. Come _________ Mr. Smith's Store and buy shoes. ( )

  28. A:in B:to C:at D:on
  29. 打电话时,想要表明“我是”的时候,可以用哪个句子?( )

  30. A:Who’s calling/speaking, please? B:This is … C:Who are you? D:May I speak to …?
  31. —How does he go to Hong Kong?
    —________ . ( )

  32. A:By the train B:Take train C:By trains D:By train
  33. Children always ask all kinds of ________ while they are staying with adults. ( )

  34. A:troubles B:questions C:matters D:problems
  35. 点餐时要求服务员点餐的正确表达是( )

  36. A:Come here. B:Hi, you come here. C:Excuse me? Can I order now? D:Waiter, water.
  37. _________ you _______ at six o'clock yesterday?.( )

  38. A:Did, got up B:Do, got up C:Did, get up D:Do, get up
  39. Do you have a ________ size?( )

  40. A:more larger B:larger C:much large D:largest
  41. Look! The police __________ the food onto the bank of the river. ( )

  42. A:am carrying B:are carrying C:is carrying D:are carried
  43. __________ many places of interests in Xi’an. ( )

  44. A:There have B:There are C:There is D:There be
  45. Peel the apples.中peel的意思是( )

  46. A:切块儿 B:切片 C:削皮 D:切丁
  47. 介绍产品时,你想要表达这是我们最新的产品,正确的表达是( )

  48. A:This is our newest thing B:It is a beautiful product. C:This is our latest model D:It is a newest good
  49. How about giving me __________ discount? ( )

  50. A:many B:few C:a little D:a few
  51. Si Chuan cuisine is ________.( )

  52. A:fresh, light and sweet B:hot, spicy and numbing C:salty and fresh D:sour and sweet
  53. “Twice cooked Pork”是下列哪钟中国菜( )

  54. A:红烧肉 B:尖椒炒肉 C:香辣肉丝 D:回锅肉
  55. —_________?
    —Yes, I'd like to buy a present for my father. ( )

  56. A:How much is the present? B:What can I do for you? C:How old is your father? D:How is your father?
  57. They had a picnic, ________ they?( )

  58. A:didn’t B:did C:hadn’t D:had
  59. Can you tell mt the way __________ the cinema? ( )

  60. A:on B:at C:of D:to
  61. 预订酒店房间时,如果确定订下某个房间,可以说 __________ ? ( )

  62. A:I’ll take it B:I’ll arrange this room C:I need a room D:It is mine
  63. —Where is the bank?
    —It is ________ the market. ( )

  64. A:next B:on C:next to D:or
  65. — Could you tell me ________ the teacher came here?
    — She drove here herself.( )

  66. A:when B:how C:whether D:why
  67. ________by the neighbors, he became the pride of his parents. ( )

  68. A:Praised B:Praising C:Praises D:Being praised
  69. Her face __________pale when she heard the bad news.( )

  70. A:turned B:got C:is D:was
  71. The little boy likes playing ________ piano very much.( )

  72. A:an B:/ C:a D:the
  73. Could you help me ________ the kitchen?( )

  74. A:get B:do C:with D:in
  75. “香辣肉丝”这道菜,下列正确英文表达是( )

  76. A:tasty and spicy pork B:smelly and red pork C:Hot and spicy pork slice D:delicious and spicy pork
  77. I beg your pardon. I didn’t catch ________ you said.( )

  78. A:/ B:what C:that D:who
  79. — Can you speak French?
    — No, I________.( )

  80. A:can't B:may not C:needn't D:mustn't
  81. March is the ________ month of a year.( )

  82. A:thirteenth B:thirteen C:three D:third
  83. 拨打电话场景中,当得知自己打错电话时,下列哪句表达可用于向对方表达歉意?( )

  84. A:I’m sorry to disturb you. B:Would you like to leave a message? C:I’m sorry you’ve dialed the wrong number. D:May I speak to …, please?
  85. She enjoys ________ to light music when she is driving.( )

  86. A:listen B:listening C:to listen D:listens
  87. —How long can I __________ the book?
    —For three month. ( )

  88. A:buy B:keep C:lend D:borrow
  89. As soon as he __________ , he __________ to his family.( )

  90. A:arrived, wrote B:arrived, written C:arriveds, write D:arrived, writes
  91. —________ are these students doing in the classroom?
    — They are preparing for the exam.( )

  92. A:How B:Why C:What D:Where
  93. My hair is long, ________ is short. ( )

  94. A:she B:herself C:hers D:her
  95. 一般指往上、往高处或者向北走时,会使用__________ . ( )

  96. A:go down B:go straight C:go along D:go up
  97. He went into the room and _________ the door. ( )

  98. A:locked B:locking C:lock D:locks
  99. 会议进行到一半,我们要问某人意见的时候,不恰当的表达是( )

  100. A:Anyone else like to comment on this ? B:Do you like me ? C:Do you have any suggestion? D:What's your view on this ?

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