1. 下列哪个词组表示“斜对面”? ( )
A:around the corner B:next to C:in front of D:kitty-corner
2.How about giving me __________ discount? ( )
A:a few B:many C:few D:a little
答案:a little
3.It is impolite for a salesman to turn a deaf __________ to a customer's request. ( )
A:eye B:nose C:mouth D:ear
4.You'd better__________ at home and __________ your homework. ( )
A:to stay; to do B:to stay; do C:stay; to do D:stay; do
答案:stay; do
5. “Hold on a second, please. I will put you through to Li Ming.”中“put sb. through”是什么意思?( )
A:帮某人留言 B:让某人离开 C:让某人穿过 D:帮某人转接(电话)
6.I hope __________better soon.( )
A:you will feel B:you feel C:you to feel D:you feeling
答案:you feel
7.Hey, don't try to rip me __________. I know what this is worth. ( )
A:down B:on C:away D:off
8. France is ________ European country.( )
A:a B:/ C:an D:the
9.Your price is ____________than I can accept. ( )
A:high B:the highest C:higher D:highest
10.__________ he_________ a good rest? No, he didn't.( )
A:Did, had B:Do, had C:Was,had D:Did, have
答案:Did, have
11.Would you like to give ________?( )
A:an advice B:the advice C:some advice D:advices

12.I feel much ________ today. I don’t want to eat anything.( )
A:healthier B:more C:worse D:better 13. 下列哪个词组正确表达了“人山人海”? ( )
A:people hill people sea B:people mountain people sea C:people like mountain D:a sea of people 14.— John played the violin very well.
— He practices ________ it every day.( )
A:to play B:plays C:play D:playing 15.Excuse me. Could you please ________ me that cup? ( )
A:passes B:passing C:pass D:passed 16.—How long can I __________ the book?
—For three month. ( )
A:buy B:keep C:borrow D:lend 17. 一般情况下使用哪个单词表示“步行”? ( )
A:walk B:on feet C:run D:move 18. Have you got ________? I want to write a composition.( )
A:a paper B:any papers C:papers D:any paper 19.His uncle________________for more than 9 years. ( )
A:has come here B:has started to work C:has left the university D:has lived there 20.会议进行到一半,我们要问某人意见的时候,不恰当的表达是( )
A:What's your view on this ? B:Anyone else like to comment on this ? C:Do you have any suggestion? D:Do you like me ? 21. These are my books. Where are ________ ?( )
A:you B:yours C:yourself D:your 22.Thank you for ________ us the truth.( )
A:tells B:telling C:tell D:to tell 23.Do you have a ________ size?( )
A:much large B:largest C:larger D:more larger 24.Can I pay it ________ the credit card?( )
A:with B:in C:for D:on 25.—Would you please tell me ________ to use the machine?
— Ok. Let me show you now.( )
A:how B:why C:whether D:where 26.—________ does your father go back from work?
—eight o’clock.( )
A:When;On B:Where; At C:What; In D:When; At 27.Could you please ________ in the hallway?( )
A:no run B:not running C:not run D:don't run 28.Her father __________ a writer.( )
A:has turned B:turned C:has become D:grew 29.“leave a message”中的“leave”可用下列哪个词替换?( )
A:dial B:take C:use D:have 30.Please be quiet. My father ________ .( )
A:sleeps B:sleep C:sleeping D:is sleeping 31.What a nice yard. She ________it everyday.( )
A:clean B:cleans C:is cleaning D:cleaned 32. 一般指往上、往高处或者向北走时,会使用__________ . ( )
A:go along B:go up C:go straight D:go down 33. —Where is the bank?
—It is ________ the market. ( )
A:on B:next C:next to D:or 34.His father ________ for years.( )
A:dies B:died C:has died D:has been dead 35. The little boy likes playing ________ piano very much.( )
A:/ B:a C:an D:the 36. —Where is Peter?
—He __________ dinner for his parents at home. ( )
A:has cooked B:cooked C:cooks D:is cooking 37.Can you tell mt the way __________ the cinema? ( )
A:of B:at C:on D:to 38.— When was Tom born?
— He was born ________July 18, 2002.( )
A:in B:at C:on D:for 39. —Good morning, the youth hotel, __________?
—Good morning, this is Helen, I would like to book a room.( )
A:who are you B:excuse me C:hello D:what can i do for you 40.How long have you _________ from the USA.( )
A:returned B:come back C:go back D:been back 41.餐厅点餐中,你想要牛排,正确的表达是( )
A:Give me a steak, please. B:please cook a steak. C:I want a steak. D:I’d like a steak. 42. My house is __________ the shop. ( )
A:across from B:through C:pass D:to 43. Look! The police __________ the food onto the bank of the river. ( )
A:am carrying B:are carried C:are carrying D:is carrying 44.Which of the following sentence is correct.( )
A:He is dealing the math problem. B:The police serve for the people. C:The doctor is operating on a patient. D:He depends his parents. 45.Her face __________pale when she heard the bad news.( )
A:was B:is C:got D:turned 46.They had a picnic, ________ they?( )
A:hadn’t B:didn’t C:did D:had 47.下列哪个句子可以表达 “我想要请一周的假”( )

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