1. Which protein level will obviously decrease because of the liver damage?( )

  2. 答案:Albumin
  3. All of the following are true for both DNA polymerase and RNA polymerase EXCEPT ( ).

  4. 答案:both require a primer
  5. The bases of RNA are the same as those of DNA with the exception that RNA contains ( ) .

  6. 答案:uracil instead of thymine
  7. The most important key enzyme in glycolysis is ( ).

  8. 答案:phosphofructokinase-1
  9. Which of the following sequences is complementary to the DNA sequence 5'-AAGTCCGA-3'? ( )

  10. 答案:3'-TTCAGGCT-5'
  11. Which of the following amino acid residues can be phosphorylated? ( )

  12. 答案:Ser
  13. Substrate level phosphorylation occurs in which of the following reactions? ( )

  14. 答案:Succinyl-CoA→ succinate
  15. The chemiosmotic hypothesis for oxidative phosphorylation proposes that the driving force for the formation of ATP is ( )

  16. 答案:a proton gradient across the mitochondrial membrane
  17. The coenzyme of ALA synthase is the active form of( )

  18. 答案:Vit B6
  19. In RNA polymerase of E. coli, the subunit which can recognize the origin of transcription is ( ).

  20. 答案:σ subunit
  21. Which of the following statements most closely describes the phenomenon of uncoupling in oxidative phosphorylation? ( )

  22. 答案:ATP formation ceases, but oxygen consumption continues
  23. All of the following enzymes are linked to the reduction of NADH EXCEPT ( ).
  24. Which bile pigment can easily go through the biomembrane?( )
  25. What is the enzyme catalyzed 2,3-BPG to form 2,3-BPG?( )
  26. FMN is the active form of ( ).
  27. What is the main transportation form of bilirubin in serum?( )
  28. Post-translational modifications of polypeptides include all the following EXCEPT ( ).
  29. Which statement about the Cori cycle is TRUE? ( )
  30. All of the following statements about DNA replication in prokaryotes are true EXCEPT which one?( )
  31. Which of the following vitamin deficiencies can cause beriberi? ( )
  32. If the base sequence in a fragment of the coding strand of DNA is 5′-ACTACTCAG-3′, corresponding sequence of mRNA produced by transcription is ( ).
  33. When [S]=4 Km, the velocity of the enzymatic reaction is about ( ).
  34. Which following can feedback inhibit ALA synthase?( )
  35. Export of acetyl-CoA from mitochondria to cytosol to participate in fatty acid or steroid biosynthesis involves ( )
  36. The arrangement of atoms on the backbone of the polypeptide chain can be expressed as ( ).
  37. The maximal absorption peak of nucleic acid to UV light is at ( )
  38. The effect of competitive inhibitor on enzyme-catalyzed velocity is ( ).
  39. Which of the following can results in the frameshift mutation of DNA? ( )
  40. During eukaryotic DNA replication, the enzyme that catalyze the synthesis of lagging strand is ( )
  41. In the electron transport scheme below, which electron carrier is missing? ( )NADH  FMNH2  ?  cytochromes O2
  42. Promoter is defined as ( )
  43. The most common donor of methyl groups in biosynthetic reactions is ( )
  44. The phenomenon which a single amino acid is coded for by several different triplet codons is called ( ) of genetic codons.
  45. ATP is directly required in protein biosynthesis for ( ).
  46. Which of the following state is positive nitrogen balance? ( )
  47. Which type of the following histones is not a component in the core particles of the nucleosome? ( )
  48. .Which group of amino acids has only one genetic coden correspondingly? ( )
  49. The direct precursor of dTMP synthesis is( ).
  50. Which one of the following enzymes deficiency can lead to Lesch-Nyhan syndrome?( )
  51. The most important chemical bond that maintain a protein's primary structure is ( ).
  52. Okazaki fragments are ( )
  53. Which one of the following is true about denatured proteins? ( )
  54. Gluconeogenesis takes place predominantly in ( ).
  55. All of the following statements about allosteric enzymes are true EXCEPT ( ).
  56. Which of the following is not the direct material of de novo synthesis of purine nucleotide?( ).
  57. Which one of the following statements is wrong? ( )
  58. The type of nucleic acid that usually contains small quantities of a variety of modified ribonucleotides, such as pseudouridine and inosine, is ( ).
  59. What is the fecal color of the patients with obstructive jaundice?( )
  60. The cause of the bilirubin in the urine is( )
  61. Xeroderma pigmentosum results from a deficiency in( )
  62. The direction of protein synthesis (polypeptide chain) is ( )
  63. The concept of "wobble" involves_____. ( )
  64. Which of the following steps is NOT included in the protein biosynthesis? ( )
  65. The gene expression can be regulated at the following levels EXCEPT ( )
  66. The mRNA sequence: (5’) AAUGCAGCUUUAGCA (3’) and the sequence of the coding strand is____. ( )
  67. If the coden of mRNA is ACG, then the anticoden of tRNA is ( )
  68. The sequence of nucleotide of initiation coden is ( )
  69. Peptidyl transferase_____. ( )
  70. RNA polymerase is bound initially to _____ of an operon? ( )
  71. Post-translational modifications of polypeptides include all the following EXCEPT _____? ( )
  72. The AAUAAA sequence on a RNA molecule marks_____. ( )
  73. The TATA box in eukaryotes is a_____. ( )
  74. Indicate which of the following events can occur during the processing of eukaryotic mRNA transcripts. ( )
  75. Which of the following is NOT true of the prokaryotic (E. coli) transcriptional process? ( )
  76. Which of the following statements is correct about prokaryotic gene expression? ( )
  77. The template strand of DNA is 5’-ATTCAG-3 ’ , its transcript is ( )
  78. Regarding the process of DNA replication in E. coli which of the following statements is WRONG? ( )
  79. The enzyme in charge of proofreading function in DNA replication is ( )
  80. All of the following statements concerning DNA replication in prokaryotes are true EXCEPT ____? ( )
  81. Xeroderma pigmentosum (xp) results from a deficiency in_____. ( )
  82. What is the function of the 3' to 5' exonuclease activity of bacterial DNA polymerases? ( )
  83. The sequence of one DNA strand is ATGCAA, the complementary strand of DNA is ( )
  84. In the replication of eukaryotic DNA, ( )
  85. Okazaki fragments are _____. ( )
  86. DNA polymerase I do not has_____. ( )
  87. DNA polymerase III can only add nucleotides to an existing chain, so _____ is required. ( )
  88. What‘s the materials of heme synthesis? ( )
  89. What do the daily bilirubin formation derive mainly from? ( )
  90. How many oxygens can a molecule of hemoglobin bind? ( )
  91. Unconjugated bilirubin can be secreted into the urine in our bodies. ( )
  92. The bilirubin is sparingly soluble in plasma and water. ( )
  93. In the enterohepatic circulation only a little fraction of bile acids are reabsorbed in the intestine. ( )
  94. Which of the following enzyme is the rate-limiting enzyme in the process of bile acids synthesis? ( )
  95. Which of the following reactions is the most common conjugation in the liver? ( )
  96. All products of liver biotransformation are nontoxic. ( )
  97. The principal nitrogenous urinary excretion product in humans resulting from the catabolism of AMP is( )
  98. Which of the following is not a physiological role of nucleotide?( )。
  99. Which one of the following does not occurs in the degradation pathway of AMP?( )
  100. Which of the following substance directly links nucleotide synthesis and glucose metabolism?( )。
  101. Which of the following is the common material for the synthesis of pyrimidine and purine nucleotide?( )。
  102. The primary function of the urea cycle is ( )
  103. The amino acid that is involved in almost every aminotransferase reaction is ( )
  104. All of the following are essential amino acids EXCEPT ( )
  105. Pyridoxal phosphate acts as coenzyme in most ( )
  106. The nitrogens in urea originate MOST DIRECTLY (fewest number of steps) from ( )
  107. ATP synthase carry out substrate level phosphorylations . ( )
  108. The uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation found in the brown fat mitochondria of a newborn infant might be of physiological importance because ( )
  109. Which of the following components of the mitochondrial electron transport system are incapable of carrying 2 electrons? ( )
  110. The mitochondrial electron transport system responsible for reoxidation of NADH and electron transfer to oxygen is located in inner membrane of the mitochondria.( )
  111. The main function of the glycerol phosphate shuttle is in ( )
  112. Which of the following is an intermediate in ketone body synthesis? ( )
  113. Which of the following enzymes catalyzes the rate controlling step in fatty acid biosynthesis?( )
  114. Fatty acids from adipose tissue are transported to sites of utilization in the form of ( )
  115. HMGCoA can act as a precursor for all of the following EXCEPT:( )
  116. Indicate the correct sequence of reactions employed for beta-oxidation of acyl-CoA derivatives from the list below. ( )
  117. Which coenzyme in pyruvate dehydrogenase complex serves as the final hydrogens acceptor? ( )
  118. The direct donor of glucosyl group in glycogenesis is ( ).
  119. Which pathway of the following is related to nucleic acids synthesis? ( )
  120. Which of the following hormones can lower blood glucose? ( )
  121. Muscle glycogen cannot replenish blood sugar because muscle cells lack ( )
  122. Which of the following vitamins contains the metal cobalt atom?( )
  123. Folate deficiency can cause ( )
  124. The active form of vitamin D in the body is ( )
  125. Which of the following vitamin deficiencies causes night blindness? ( )
  126. Which of following vitamins can be converted into NAD+ and NADP+? ( )
  127. Analog of sulfonamide is ( )
  128. If the enzymatic velocity is 90% of Vmax, [S] should be ( ) times of Km.
  129. The effect of non-competitive inhibitor on enzyme-catalyzed velocity is ( )
  130. The specificity of enzyme is determined by ( )
  131. The physiological significance of zymogen activation is ( )
  132. The codon in mRNA reversely complementary pairing with anti-codon UGC in tRNA is ( )
  133. Which of the following statements about nucleosome structure is correct? ( )
  134. The base is found in mRNA but not in DNA is ( )
  135. If the content of adenine is 15% in a DNA double helix, that of cytosine is ( )
  136. The 5′end of mRNA in most eukaryotes has ( )
  137. The amino acid which does not exist in natural proteins is ( )
  138. Which set of amino acids can absorb 280 nm UV light? ( )
  139. Essential of protein denaturation is ( )
  140. The formation of protein secondary structure is mainly dependent on( )
  141. Which of the following amino acids is involved in the formation of disulfide bridge?( )
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