1. Giovanni Battista Vico, the Italian philosopher, aesthetician, literary critic and historian, once said that aesthetics is a kind of creative intuition.( )

  2. 答案:错
  3. Since Wen Tingyun in the late Tang Dynasty, Ci has formed its own unique tradition in theme and style, so it is called "Yanke".( )

  4. 答案:对
  5. The poems of the Tang Dynasty are numerous and rich, and there are many famous poets. In more than 500 years of history of the Tang Dynasty, about 48900 poems were handed down and remain widely known today. So many works also made more than 2300 poets famous in history. ( )

  6. 答案:错
  7. Think about its painter, Huang Gongwang, who acquired the ultimate freedom of mind by abandoning himself to Nature, thus becoming part of Nature. To be one with Nature is the very state generations of learned Chinese have aspired to.( )

  8. 答案:对
  9. There are a large variety of multicolor-glazed tea wares, of which, the blue-and-white porcelain ware is the most famous, especially the one made in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi Province. In ancient China, the colors of black, blue, cyan and green are collectively called as"blue", so the concept of blue-and-white has wider meaning than today's word.( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. The key of artistic innovation is that the creative subject can find new aesthetic value in people's accustomed or ordinary things through unique intuition and wisdom, and create a unique artistic image, so that people can feel the world and real life with a new perspective.( )

  12. 答案:对
  13. Rococo did not develop a new style of architecture. Strictly speaking, it is not an architectural style, but more as an interior decoration art.( )

  14. 答案:对
  15. On first of May, 1888, 216,816 workers in Chicago went on strike for an eight-hour per day work time.( )

  16. 答案:错
  17. China is the birthplace of tea.( )

  18. 答案:对
  19. The significance of Du's poems is not only to record history, but also to record the beating thoughts and emotional waves aroused by the turbulent times. Du Fu's poems are full of the sense of worrying about the country and the people, and the spirit of loving heaven and earth. They are the artistic expression of the core spirit of Taoism and the image of the cultural character of the Chinese nation. ( )

  20. 答案:错
  21. Art is a kind of tolerance to life; beauty is a kind of self-awakening and redemption. If you know how to appreciate art and how to salute beauty, you will also know tolerance, compassion and redemption.( )

  22. 答案:对
  23. Chinese character is the main carrier of other cultural items in Chinese culture. It is the code of Chinese culture.It is the media of Chinese culture communication, and it has played a great role in promoting the development of Chinese culture. ( )
  24. During Li Bai’s life, his talents were unrecognized in his official career with his lofty aspirations unrealized. But his poems reached the summit of romantic poetry from Qu Yuan up to modern times. ( )
  25. Diaojiaolou also has distinctive national characteristics. The elegant "Silk eaves" and broad "Hurdles" make Diaojiaolou unique, which is known as the "living fossil" of Bachu culture.( )
  26. When Cai Yuanpei was the president of Peking University in 1917, he put forward the idea of Replacing Religion with Aesthetic Education, which clearly showed the democratic color of his aesthetic education thought. but faced with semi-colonial and semi-feudal social conditions, his aesthetic education practice still achieved little effect.( )
  27. There are many famous poets and schools in the Ci poetry of Song Dynasty. Later generations often divide it into two schools:( ).
  28. Is a fusion of feelings with the natural setting to create the mood namely: the nature of the beautiful and Literati Yiqu (China Culture) closer together, with ( ) (Or put the three methods together) structure picture, treatment of reckon blank as inked.
  29. Rodin said: "life is not lack of beauty, but lack of eyes to find beauty". This shows that beauty is not empty talk, but needs us to ( )
  30. Which of the following works reflects the perfect unity of beauty and goodness?( )
  31. The artistic features of the Book of Songs are also worthy of attention. Ancient scholars classified the artistic techniques of the Book of Songs as ( ).
  32. The first twelve lines in The Old Charcoal Seller tell the process how the old man made charcoal and carried it to the market, and portray the character of the old charcoal seller from three aspects: his ( )is especially outstanding.
  33. At that time, various types of tea, such as ( ) and so on, had been changed into the brewing method for tea drinking. With the increase of tea, the techniques of making tea are different, and the styles, textures and patterns of tea sets are varied.
  34. In the study of aesthetics, how to better understand the theory of aesthetics?( )
  35. The poem Spring View was written in the spring of A.D. 757 when Du Fu was captured by An Lushan's rebel army and locked up in ( ) City.
  36. Before the Han Dynasty, the inscriptions on bronze and stone were just the generative stage of calligraphy. At that time,the calligraphy style was the inscriptions on bronzes and small seal script . The calligraphers of this period are undoubtedly represented by ( ).
  37. Ancient Greece is the birthplace of European culture, as well as the pioneer of European architecture. The structure of ancient Greek architecture is a system of ( ), and the main early buildings are made of stone.
  38. British gardening broke the tradition of Italy and France artificial engineering design to trim trees into shapes of geometry and of animals, and got rid of the combine gardens with natural landscape to form a new fashion free in the form, simple in content, concise in construction, and beautiful in nature featured with ( )
  39. Bamboo building is a kind of dry fence type building, which is mainly made of ( )
  40. The book known as "the first line of books under heaven" is ( )
  41. In ancient China, people associated ( ) drinking with character building and laid stress on the cultural charm in tea appreciation and philosophical realization.
  42. As far as the writing technique is concerned, the Tang poetry combined ( ).
  43. Ancient Egyptian culture is known as the father of ancient Greek culture, and its influence on Western culture can be reflected in the architectural style of obelisks.( )
  44. Aesthetic education is a kind of education based on aesthetic theory, which is to cultivate the ability of the educated to appreciate, accept and create aesthetic through the education of beautiful things, improve the aesthetic quality, form the aesthetic attitude, learn the aesthetic existence, and finally reach the perfect personality.( )
  45. Chinese characters are the common characters of the Chinese nation and the oldest characters in the world.( )
  46. The poem Spring View concerns the affairs of both the state and his family, and conveys the poet's eager yearning for his family members and his love for his motherland. Feeling and setting happily blended, the poem, exquisite in language, vivid and rich in content and profound in meaning, is one of the excellent representative works of Du Fu's patriotism poems.( )
  47. Dedication tests the sincerity of the ordinary people and their persistent highlight the beauty of labor.( )
  48. Analyzing from semiotics principle, Chinese character is a kind of symbol and special plane graphic design.( )
  49. The meaning of life lies in the greatness of the ordinary, and the ordinary people shaped the beauty of labor.( )
  50. The Use the shape painting of the object to express ambition, Borrow Shuhuai; life to praise, praise of nature, "what is deep in one's with heart “thoughts or feelings deep in; one's heart”.( )
  51. Chinese characters themselves are the product of Chinese people's ( ) of dot drawings in two-dimensional space
  52. Zen aesthetics is directly derived from Taoist aesthetics, which mainly emphasizes the self-enlightenment and self-satisfaction of the human heart. There has also been a trend of Zen and enlightenment among literati and painters.( )
  53. ( ) are the goals of aesthetic education for college students.
  54. According to the data obtained, the earliest characters are more than 20 carved symbols on ( )unearthed in Jiahu, Wuyang, Henan Province.
  55. Du Fu’s poems have become important reference materials for the study of history of that later age phase, thus are viewed as a mirror of the times in which the poet lived. He was respectfully called the ( ).
  56. When did Chinese sculpture art design culture reach its peak?Its sculpture theme is mainly characters, both animals and things. ( )
  57. The construction ( ) was an architectural feature of ancient Greece. The existing buildings, such as temples, theatres and arenas, reflect the artistic tastes of the ancient Greeks.
  58. Both Chinese and Western religious sculptures create a spirit world with art, presenting the truth that people hope to get. The religious sculpture language is considered to be more vivid, more specific and more inspirational than the written language.( )
  59. After her retirement, Lang Ping took up coaching, working for different clubs around the world and reaping her share of championships.( )
  60. As far as sculpture art is concerned, there are differences between Chinese and western creative principles and functions. Chinese sculpture embodies the original beauty of passion, while western sculpture shows the beauty of rational harmony.( )
  61. The glass tea ware is made of glass. When brewing tea with glass tea ware, people can enjoy the tea leaves floating up and down and then unfolding gradually, as well as the color of the liquor. Therefore, it is a good choice for brewing black tea.( )
  62. Prague City covers an area of 496 square kilometers, with Vltava River as the axis running south-north, on both sides of which buildings in styles of ( ) and different periods are arranged. Seen from the river the skyline is well-proportioned and the buildings are colorful.
  63. Buildings include wooden ( ) on terrace, moon gates, beautiful case windows, black tiles and pink walls have played the role to cut off or guide or separate the sighting, reproducing the natural landscape beauty by showing the infinite rich landscape in the limited space.
  64. Western traditional buildings pay more attention to the architectural art effect of monocoque building, vertical extension in space, high and towering. The urban layout is often concentrically radial in the ( ) style.
  65. Li Bai is the most outstanding representative of the prosperous Tang Dynasty. Li Bai, with his ( ) , became the most dazzling star in the poetry world of the prosperous Tang Dynasty.
  66. China has left many distinctive buildings. Generally, it can be divided into the following six groups: ( ),Shanxi School and Sichuan School.
  67. The true( ) of the tea can be displayed only through correct brewing and tasting.
  68. Riverside Scene during the Qingming Festival by Zhang Zeduan in the Northern Song Dynasty was drawn in the form of hand scroll and did not use the method of scattered perspective.( )
  69. The purpose of aesthetic education is to pursue the expected value effect, beautify nature, beautify society and beautify human beings, then promote the social harmony and all-round development of people. ( )
  70. The enthusiasm for sports can help students enhance their sense of teamwork.( )
  71. Mr. Wu Guanzhong once said, "There are not many illiterates in China today, but there are many aesthetic illiterates." Wu Guanzhong is contemporary ( )
  72. Michelangelo, as a famous sculptor and painter in the Renaissance, had his masterpieces of ( ) and slave statues.
  73. From the development of the history of opera music, ( ) which are called "four major vocals ", have jurisdiction over the east, west, north and south of Chinese opera, constitute an important vocal system of opera music, and have their own unique rules of creation.
  74. Chinese ( ) is the oldest and most popular type of tea,it has been enjoyed in China for several thousand years.
  75. Mycenae site is located in the northeast of Peloponnese as a king city about (B) years old, 9 miles apart from Saronic Gulf in ( ).
  76. The Han Dynasty developed from the underground tomb sculpture of Qin Dynasty to the mausoleum sculpture on the ground, highlighting the powerful trend of stone carving works. For example, in front of Huo's tomb, the stone inscription 《Horse Stepping Huns》, using symbolic techniques, with( )as raw materials, horse legs as strong as four giant pillars, was trampled by the horse four-footed bow slave people show despair.
  77. The Ci poetry of the Five Dynasties is a key bridge between the poem of Tang Dynasty and the Ci poetry of Song Dynasty, and the key person is ( ).
  78. Chinese traditional painting writing brush, with ink, acrylic paint, silk, Xuan paper as the tools (raw materials) the fine brushwork and freehand brushwork paintings from the form. ( )
  79. To construct the aesthetic education aiming at the personality cultivation of college students, we should pay attention to following several basic rules.First, we should respect the rules of students' growth;Second, we should respect the rules of aesthetic education; And finally, we should respect the rules of the development of the times.( )
  80. Chinese wooden buildings are characterized by low material density, short construction period, large span, suitable for lateral development, exterior wall heat insulation and cold resistance, weak seismic capacity and short service life.( )
  81. Among them, Hui zhou school is one of the most familiar Anhui schools, which was listed in the "World Heritage List" in 2000. ( )
  82. The art of coffee in China is closely bound up with the habit of tea drinking.( )
  83. Noble Ladies in Tang Dynasty are a serial of paintings drawn by Zhang Xuan (713–755) and Gu Kaizhi (ca. 730–800), two of the most influential figure painters of the Tang Dynasty, when the paintings of noble ladies became very popular.( )
  84. Symmetrical and balanced form layout is a distinctive traditional aesthetic feature in Chinese culture, and also the embodiment of oriental traditional aesthetic features.( )
  85. Li Kaifu, who once served as the president of Microsoft and Google in China, also said that everything could be replaced in the future except art and entertainment. ( )
  86. What most differs from the stone sculpture in the West is the clay sculpture in China. Aner the Wei, Jin and Southern-Northern Dynasties, religious sculptures of clay were popular in general temples, and also there were statues of stone and marble. ( )
  87. Chinese primitive society enforced the system of the state-owned property and the system to abdicate voluntarily in the 22nd century BC. "Afterwards, with private ownership arising gradually, the private products need to be exchanged, private property need to be protected, and then "walls" for defenses and "malls" for trading make up cities.( )
  88. The core of Confucius's aesthetic thought is the unity of beauty and goodness, as well as the unity of form and content.( )
  89. The West Lake Longjing is one of the most characteristic green teas.( )
  90. By the late Song Dynasty and the Five Dynasties,Ci poetry had made great achievements.( )
  91. Bodybuilding body is the image of beauty, agile action is the creation of beauty, tenacious struggle is the spirit of beauty.( )
  92. Many people in ordinary positions can also make extraordinary career.( )
  93. William Cooper, a British poet, wrote “Man creates the country, and God creates the city.” Man's creation of the city is the city design. Lewis Mumford believed that the city is the most valuable collective invention only behind language in the cultural communication.( )
  94. The sculpture style of Qin and Han dynasties is simple and solemn, such as Qin Shihuang Terracotta Warriors and horses, whether the terracotta warriors or soldiers, the expression is deep and simple. And the western sculpture style is unrestrained and extroverted.( )
  95. The true aroma, taste, and quality of the tea can not be displayed only through correct brewing and tasting.( )
  96. Struggle is the ordinary people with sweat to explain the beauty of labor.( )
  97. Chinese architecture is a complex composed of monocoque buildings. The general style is inward, closed and serious, in pursuit of the Openness and diversity.( )
  98. Which of the following poems by Tao Yuanming can be seen as his natural aesthetic tendency of "unity of man and nature"? ( )
  99. The psychological effect of aesthetic education is a long-term effect. Aesthetics can( ). But it is not a matter of a moment or a day, but it needs a lot of accumulation and immersion.
  100. Our ancients vividly described Chinese character calligraphy as( )
  101. ( ) are two emotional threads of the poem Spring View.
  102. The color of tea refers to ( ). Color of tea liquid is the most important in tea appreciation.
  103. Yang Asha fully displays the traditional costume techniques such as ( ), which the Miao people are good at, in the dance costume, which adds beauty to the dance costume and highlights the characteristic elements of the Miao nationality
  104. In the late Western Zhou Dynasty, Chinese characters evolved into big seal characters. The characteristics of Big seal script are as follows ( )
  105. Who openly declared the influence by Chinese calligraphy on their works.( )
  106. The direct reason for the difference between Chinese and Western sculpture art in Qin and Han dynasties is the beauty of Chinese and Western trials. China emphasizes the beauty of collective, ( ).
  107. In the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, China entered the Bronze Age, and the Bronze Age initially possessed the characteristics of sculpture art. It used ( ) ornaments to render the majestic and mysterious atmosphere, which reflected the aesthetic views of people in the Shang and Zhou dynasties. Such as tripod is a typical sculpture in this period.
  108. The cave statues originated from ( ) .
  109. The founder of Confucianism is ( )
  110. The purpose of Chinese characters is to carry ( )
  111. There are diversified Chinese teas and each has its unique flavor that requires a unique way of ( ).
  112. From the beginning of the 20th century to the ( ), with the cultural exchange between China and the West and the rise of the ideological liberation movement, Chinese famous scholars such as Wang Guowei and Cai Yuanpei actively spread the western aesthetic education thought to China.
  113. In 1906, Wang Guowei pointed out in his ( ):A perfect person must be prepared for the three gains of truth, beauty and goodness.To achieve this ideal state, we can start with education.
  114. Among the cultural relics discovered in archaeology, ( ) are the earliest to edit Chinese characters in two-dimensional plane
  115. The earliest city is the city of Memphis appearing in about 3200 BC at the southern end of the Nile, and in China the city design was ‘regulated in the book of ( ) in the Warring State Period.
  116. Duan ink tone, She inkstone, Taohe inkstone and Dengni inkstone are known as the four famous ink stones in China. One of the most famous is( ).
  117. ( ) was the leader of the ancient prose movement in the Northern Song Dynasty.
  118. Ci poetry was born in the early and prosperous ( )Dynasty.
  119. ( ), as well as Wang Wei, was a representative writer of idyllic style of poetry school in the Tang Dynasty.
  120. The world's largest stone Buddha" Sichuan Leshan Giant Buddha" is in China.It’s masterpiece of the ( ).
  121. It is generally acknowledged that dark tea originated in the ( ) century in Anhua City, Hunan Province.
  122. Among the( ) school buildings, the Dai bamboo tower, the Dong Drum Tower and the Western Sichuan stilted tower are the most distinctive.
  123. Aesthetic creation is ( ), as well as the ultimate subject source of beauty.
  124. In 1937,Picasso painted ( ), The black, white and grey images symbolically show death, destruction, fear, struggle and panic, reflecting Picasso's love for peace and strong humanitarianism, and becoming a successful example of modern art innovation.
  125. The essence of artistic aesthetic creation is to ( ).
  126. Creativity is characterized by ( ).
  127. -How to cultivate aesthetic creativity effectively? -I think aesthetics is based on ( ), without it, there is no aesthetic feeling.
  128. The hook string theorem in plane geometry was first discovered by the Chinese sages, and Euclid was the first one to prove it.( )
  129. ( ) opened the chapter of the fragile human civilization, let human stand out from the food chain, gradually to the top of the food chain.
  130. Harmony is the unity of diversity, the harmony of all parts and factors in a thing, reflecting a harmonious structure. ( )
  131. The equation of ( ) gives a very accurate description of the cycle of the sun and the moon, the movement of the planets and even the movement of the nebulae and other phenomena of the celestial bodies.
  132. There are many irregular structures and figures in nature. The following ( ) shows the beauty of fractal.
  133. International Labor Day originated from the workers' strike in( )
  134. Labor creates human beings, is the basis of human( ), is the driving force to promote the progress of history.
  135. A city of transformed by the creation of ( ).
  136. Engels organization held the second international inaugural meeting announced that may first of every year as international Labor Day since July of ( ).
  137. ( ) once said that the most beautiful things in our world are created by Labor, by the wise hands of human being.
  138. "life is ( )", the beauty of life is that it all the time in the campaign, and sports.
  139. As we known, most sports need more than one person to do, like ( )
  140. Enthusiasm for sports can make people feel it a ( ) to take exercise.
  141. Promoting enthusiasm for ( ) among teenagers helps them keep a healthy lifestyle .
  142. The women's volleyball team, now missing its backbone players, age-wise, was rising once again under the leadership of Lang Ping, winning the championships both in( ).
  143. This class explains the aesthetic characteristics of Chinese dance art from ( ) and the beauty of artistic conception.
  144. Dance is a kind of art form that can best show the artistic beauty and form beauty of human body, among which ( ) is the most essential aesthetic feature of dance.
  145. The Peacock Dance, created by Yang Liping, a dance artist of the Dai ethnic group, draws on body language to express the beauty of dance art.( )
  146. In essence, dance art uses interactive ( ) to show its aesthetic value.
  147. The beauty of sculpture in dance is a unique aesthetic feature in dance art, and it is also a kind of aesthetic value that is difficult to capture in the process of dance.( )
  148. In the Zhou Dynasty, musical Instruments were classified into eight categories according to their materials: gold, stone, earth, leather, silk, wood, gourd, and bamboo, which is also known as the Eight-tone Classification Method recorded in ancient Chinese musical literature.( )
  149. Chinese music, like Chinese culture, has formed a self-contained system after thousands of years of accumulation. The system consists of two subsystems. One is its regional cultural system, the other is its music genre system.( )
  150. Tang Xianzu's ( ) is regarded as the greatest romantic tragicomedy in the history of Chinese drama.
  151. As the zaju of northern China flourished to the next dynasty, it divided the new genre — Nanxi, literally meaning "Southern Drama and Legend".( ) Opera is one of the oldest existing forms of Chinese opera, which has dominated Chinese drama from the 16th century to the 18th century. In 2001, it was listed by UNESCO as the first "oral and intangible heritage of mankind ".
  152. The bells, which rose in the Eastern Han Dynasty and prevailed in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States period, are special musical instruments in the upper class society.( )
  153. The south street of Pingyao is the axis, with the city tower in the center, buildings for ancestors on the left and for the nation on the right, pen in the east and sword in the west, Daoism temple in the east and Buddhism temple in the west, more than 50 public buildings distributed in order. The road is composed of ( ) in the grid.
  154. The Charles Bridge, 520 meters long in Prague, is lined with 30 holy statues by rococo art masters in the 17th and 18th centuries, known as the “European open rococo sculpture gallery", promoting the statue culture of Prague City to its pinnacle. ( )
  155. Prague was inhabited in the ( ) and built in the 9th century. In Charles IV it became the capital of Bohemia Kingdom in the great prosperity.
  156. In the North Wei Dynasty. Pingyao city was most prosperous in ancient( )industry, so it was called "Pingtao City".
  157. A castle is a special language in western culture of urban design, one of the great features in European cities after the 9th century. In the 11th century the wood castle was replaced by the stone one, and then it was fast developed during the Crusades in the 12th century. After the Renaissance the armed castle turned into the garden castle, and castles were distributed across Europe. ( )
  158. In the Paleolithic Age, half a million years ago, Chinese primitive people used ( ) to live in.
  159. In Erlitou site there are dozens of large and medium-sized rammed earth building base in its palace area, where the central axis is obvious, buildings are formed by the main hall, verandas, walls, broad yards and main gates, and they are designed ( ).
  160. The architecture of the Yuan Dynasty boldly increase the use of wooden frame structure, and the architectural characteristics of this time were extensive and uninhibited. Because the Mongolians love white, the Yuan Dynasty buildings mostly use white glazed tiles.( )
  161. Up to the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the country was divided into smaller states of different cultures which led to the separation of the architectural styles into the north and the south, forming the north style based on Qi State and Jin State, and the south style based on Chu State and Wu State.( )
  162. From all the development of Chinese architectural culture, some important artistic features were preliminary formed in the periods of ( ).
  163. The Chinese sculpture art dated back to the stone age and pottery age, by self research and self innovation.( )
  164. The sculpture, also known as statue, is the general name of three kinds of creative methods of carving, engraving and shaping.( )
  165. Sculpture is also a kind of ( ) arts.
  166. What are the differences between Chinese and western sculptures?( )
  167. The ancient ( ) followed Egyptians in using marble as their main building materials, changed their early use of wood and mud-stone.
  168. Ancient Greece learned that Egyptians used ( ) as the main material for their buildings, changing the habit of early use of wood and debris.
  169. Before religion intervened in sculpture, people in clan society reproduced life in the form of painting and sculpture. At that time, the role of writing is still very limited, suitable for the expression of life only painting and sculpture.( )
  170. Chinese sculpture art is mainly embodied in figure sculpture and religious sculpture, while western sculpture art is mainly embodied in mausoleum sculpture and religious sculpture.( )
  171. We know that sculpture refers to the ornamental objects and memorials that are carved and shaped to beautify the environment or to be used for commemorative meaning, with certain meanings, symbols or pictographs. Sculpture is also a kind of plastic arts.( )
  172. Chinese sculpture art dates back to stone tools and pottery, belongs to ( ).
  173. The pursuit of traditional culture in general (internal) and the line shape of the Ink interest (explicit) fusion, namely: Poetic Chinese painting and "artistic conception", "( )" performance.
  174. ( )used fine brushwork to make paintings of people and was especially good at painting noble ladies, infants and pommel horses.
  175. Figure painting emphasizes "( )", through the facial expression of the characters (especially the eyes of the characterization), body language, the performance of the environment, to achieve the shape of God, the prominent character of the One's inner world.
  176. I deem that to appreciate from the following aspects:( ) of the areas to taste (appreciate) China painting works.
  177. Chinese and the eastern world views of( ), in Chinese painting, has been significant, and through them, and access to the millions of Chinese people, Oriental friends and friends around the world agree.
  178. Attention is also paid to environment, atmosphere, music, infusing techniques and interpersonal relationships. ( ) are blended into tea activity.
  179. Tea is the mediator between secular life and religious realm. The relationship between Taoism and tea is in complete harmony. And there is another saying: Meditation Practice Is Embodied By Drinking Tea, And Drinking Tea Is A Way To Practicing Meditation".( )
  180. And the tea leaves unearthed from ( ) Mausoleum were certified by Guinness World Records as the oldest tea ever found.
  181. After Japan, Europe was the next to discover tea as a drink. The ( ) were the first to seek and obtain trade with China for tea.
  182. Tea is an important medium leading to poetic life. The biggest deficiency brought by modern industrial civilization is that it keeps us farther and farther away from nature, green and poetry. ( )
  183. Specifically speaking, the book of songs describes the following aspects:( ).
  184. The Book of Songs was not only a valuable resource for study ancient Zhou society, but also the root of Chinese poetry. It has a great impact upon the development of poetry in later times, in terms of both its ideological and artistic achievements.( )
  185. ( ) is the most important representative writer of Chu Ci and one of the most respected great patriotic poets in Chinese history.
  186. It is evident that( )is one of the important and eternal subjects of poetry.
  187. In the ancient China, love between a man and a woman was bold and unreserved as well as warm and pure, unlike in the late feudal society where there were so many restrictions of the feudal ethics, and the nobles regarded status and property as supremely important.( )
  188. Yes,Ci poetry has various names of cadence which we called "tune" such as ( ), ete.
  189. The production and use of the Chinese brush can be dated back several thousand years. It is made primarily of hairs from a wild animal and a small bamboo pipe. ( )
  190. Chinese characters were invented by ( ), a bureaucrat under the legendary emperor, Huangdi.
  191. Being high quality paper, it was used as a tribute to the emperor early in the Tang Dynasty.( )
  192. The typography we use today evolved from ( )
  193. ( ) 's view of beauty and ugliness emphasizes the difference and relativity of aesthetics, the contradiction, opposition and transformation between beauty and ugliness, and emphasizes the aesthetic taste of inaction of nature.
  194. Which of the following categories is put forward by Lao Tzu? It also has great influence on the Chinese classical aesthetics to form its own unique aesthetic system and aesthetic category.( )
  195. Zhuangzi regarded nature as the essence of beauty. He opposed excessive carving and affectation, and believed that "Tao follows nature" and the aesthetic experience of returning to heaven and earth and nature was the deep and real aesthetic appreciation.( )
  196. The highest aesthetic rule of traditional Chinese painting is vivid charm.( )
  197. In the first chapter of Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching, "the Tao can be the Tao and the Unusual Tao; The name can be named, very famous. The beginning of nameless heaven and earth, the famous mother of all things." What is the aesthetic idea behind it?( )
  198. The first person to put forward the concept of "aesthetic education" is ( )
  199. The term "aesthetic" that we use today was first coined by Baumgar in 1750.( )
  200. Which of the following works does not associate with the category of beauty? ( )
  201. Aesthetic education is a kind of special education based on ( ) theory, through the edification and infection of beautiful things, to cultivate the ability of the educated to appreciate the beauty, accept the beauty and create the beauty, improve the aesthetic quality, form the aesthetic attitude, learn the aesthetic survival, and finally achieve the cultivation of a complete personality and enhance the realm of life.
  202. Who is the author of the art work "Water Lilies" that Mrs. Wang shows off to her friends in the TV series "Thirty and Yourself ?( )
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