

  1. The cave statues originated from ( ) .

  2. A:Indian Buddhism B:Mohammedanism C:Christian D:Chinese Taoism
    AI参考:正确答案是C:Christian。该题中四个选项均与题目中的“cave statues”没有直接关系,所以需要根据上下文内容分析,再结合常识和惯用搭配来选择答案。根据题干中的“the cave statues originated from”,可以推测答案应该是一个宗教的名称,与洞穴雕像的起源有关。因此,正确选项应该是基督教。所以答案是C。'
  3. Ancient Greece is the birthplace of European culture, as well as the pioneer of European architecture. The structure of ancient Greek architecture is a system of ( ), and the main early buildings are made of stone.

  4. A:Blend B:Masonry C:frame D:beams and columns
    AI参考:正确选项是 D:beams and columns。古希腊是欧洲文化和欧洲建筑的发源地和先驱。古希腊建筑的结构是一个由横梁和柱子组成的系统,早期的主要建筑都是由石头制成的。因此,选项D“beams and columns”是正确的答案。选项A“Blend”和选项B“Masonry”都与建筑结构无关,而选项C“frame”通常指的是框架结构,与古希腊建筑的实际情况不符。'
  5. The Han Dynasty developed from the underground tomb sculpture of Qin Dynasty to the mausoleum sculpture on the ground, highlighting the powerful trend of stone carving works. For example, in front of Huo's tomb, the stone inscription 《Horse Stepping Huns》, using symbolic techniques, with( )as raw materials, horse legs as strong as four giant pillars, was trampled by the horse four-footed bow slave people show despair.

  6. A:granite stone B:Wood C:Cement rock D:ceramics
    AI参考:正确答案是A:granite stone(花岗岩)。选项A为正确的答案,花岗岩是古代墓地雕刻的主要材料之一,其质地坚硬,适合雕刻,符合题干中强调的“石雕作品的力量趋势”。选项B、C、D均不符合题干中的描述。因此,正确答案是A。'
  7. Chinese ( ) is the oldest and most popular type of tea,it has been enjoyed in China for several thousand years.

  8. A:black tea B:green tea C:oolong tea D:white tea
    AI参考:正确答案是B: green tea。green tea是中国最古老和最受欢迎的茶类,在中国的历史已经有数千年。而其他选项如black tea(红茶)、oolong tea(乌龙茶)和white tea(白茶)也都是茶的一种,但在受欢迎程度和历史地位上无法与green tea相提并论。因此,答案为B。'
  9. Mycenae site is located in the northeast of Peloponnese as a king city about (B) years old, 9 miles apart from Saronic Gulf in ( ).

  10. A:3700,Aegean B:2700,Aegean C:2700,the Mediterranean D:3700,the Mediterranean
  11. Among the( ) school buildings, the Dai bamboo tower, the Dong Drum Tower and the Western Sichuan stilted tower are the most distinctive.

  12. A:Anhui B:Sichuan C:Suzhou D:Fujian
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Sichuan。根据题干中的关键词“school buildings”,可以推断出这些建筑是在四川,所以答案应该是四川(Sichuan)。因此,选项B是正确答案。而安徽(Anhui)、苏州(Suzhou)和福建(Fujian)都是中国的省份,但是与学校建筑没有直接关系,因此不正确。'
  13. Du Fu’s poems have become important reference materials for the study of history of that later age phase, thus are viewed as a mirror of the times in which the poet lived. He was respectfully called the ( ).

  14. A:poet-ghost B:Buddha of poem C:poet-sage D:Immortal Poet
  15. It is generally acknowledged that dark tea originated in the ( ) century in Anhua City, Hunan Province.

  16. A:16th B:17th C:18th D:15th
  17. Ci poetry was born in the early and prosperous ( )Dynasty.

  18. A:Han B:Qin C:Yuan D:Tang
  19. The construction ( ) was an architectural feature of ancient Greece. The existing buildings, such as temples, theatres and arenas, reflect the artistic tastes of the ancient Greeks.

  20. A:temple B:Colosseum C:palace D:of large public buildings
  21. Duan ink tone, She inkstone, Taohe inkstone and Dengni inkstone are known as the four famous ink stones in China. One of the most famous is( ).

  22. A:Duan ink tone, B:Dengni inkstone C:She inkstone D:Taohe inkstone
  23. ( ), as well as Wang Wei, was a representative writer of idyllic style of poetry school in the Tang Dynasty.

  24. A:Meng Haoran B:Du Fu C:Zhang Ruoxu D:Li Bai
  25. The water from the ( ) of Hangzhou is the best for brewing the West Lake Longjing Tea before they complement each other.

  26. A:Five dragon pool B:Pearl spring C:Baotu spring - D:Hupao Spring
    AI参考:正确答案是【A:Five dragon pool】。杭州的五龙池的水与西湖龙井茶相辅相成,最适合用来冲泡西湖龙井茶。因此,选项A“五龙池”是正确答案。'
  27. ( ) was the leader of the ancient prose movement in the Northern Song Dynasty.

  28. A:Ouyang Xiu B:Li Bai C:Bai Juyi D:Li Yu
    答案:tie-dye and stencil printing, clothAI参考:正确答案是A:Ouyang Xiu。Ouyang Xiu是北宋古文运动的领袖,他的散文语言平易流畅,形式活泼,为当时人所推崇。因此,A选项是正确答案。B、C、D选项都不是北宋古文运动的领袖人物。'
  29. The purpose of Chinese characters is to carry ( )

  30. A:history B:emotion C:culture D:information
  31. The artistic features of the Book of Songs are also worthy of attention. Ancient scholars classified the artistic techniques of the Book of Songs as ( ).

  32. A:Bi B:Xing C:Yong D:Fu
    AI参考:正确选项是 D:Fu在《诗经》的艺术特征中也值得关注。古代学者将《诗经》的艺术技巧分为风、雅、颂、赋、比、兴六类。其中,“赋”指的是一种平铺直叙的表达方式,类似于现代意义上的“描述”。因此,选项D“赋”是最符合题意的答案。'
  33. Rodin said: "life is not lack of beauty, but lack of eyes to find beauty". This shows that beauty is not empty talk, but needs us to ( )

  34. A:appreciate B:experience C:using D:feelings
  35. The psychological effect of aesthetic education is a long-term effect. Aesthetics can( ). But it is not a matter of a moment or a day, but it needs a lot of accumulation and immersion.

  36. A:purify emotion B:construct personality C:arouse will D:strengthen perseverance
    答案:the older peopleAI参考:正确答案是:B:construct personality。美学可以塑造人格,审美教育对人的心理影响是长期的,不是一时的,而是需要大量的积累和沉浸。因此,选项B“塑造人格”是正确的。其他选项如净化情感、激发意志、加强毅力等虽然也与美学教育有关,但不如塑造人格全面和准确。因此,答案为B。'
  37. Is a fusion of feelings with the natural setting to create the mood namely: the nature of the beautiful and Literati Yiqu (China Culture) closer together, with ( ) (Or put the three methods together) structure picture, treatment of reckon blank as inked.

  38. A:long distance B:high distance C:far reaching D:parallel distance
    AI参考:正确答案是C:far reaching (远的意境) 意思是融合自然和情感创造的美妙气氛。所以结构图像,空白部分则视为书法,可以说这种融合表达出了文学气息,有着深远的意义。因此选项C:far reaching 是最贴切的选项。其他选项在文中的含义无法体现出来。对于题干中给出的内容“不用分析,只需要给出正确选项”,说明本题主要是考查词汇含义和语境理解,需要我们理解上下文内容并从选项中找出符合语境的答案。在给出的四个选项中,只有C选项能够符合上下文的意境,因此是正确答案。'
  39. As early as the Pre-Qin period, China ( ) had been rich in aesthetic thoughts.

  40. A:Confucius B:Mencius C:Lao tze D:Chuang tzu
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:Lao tze】。老子是中国早期美学思想的重要代表之一,他的美学思想在先秦时期已经非常丰富和成熟。因此,早在先秦时期,中国就已经拥有丰富的审美思想。所以选项C“老子”是正确答案。而其他选项A、B、D虽然也是中国古代思想家,但他们的美学思想在先秦时期尚未形成和成熟,因此不是正确选项。'
  41. In the study of aesthetics, how to better understand the theory of aesthetics?( )

  42. A:aesthetic must be back to life itself B:Create your own aesthetics C:Relating oneself to aesthetic practice D:Relate their own aesthetic experience
    AI参考:在美学研究当中,如何更好地理解美学理论呢?正确选项为:D: Relate their own aesthetic experience。选项A、B、C虽然也涉及到美学理论的理解,但是它们都没有直接涉及到如何更好地理解美学理论的具体方法。而选项D“Relate their own aesthetic experience”则强调了个人与美学实践和体验的联系,这是理解美学理论的一种有效方式。通过个人的审美经验,可以更好地理解和应用美学理论,同时也可以培养个人的审美能力。因此,选项D是正确的答案。'
  43. The first twelve lines in The Old Charcoal Seller tell the process how the old man made charcoal and carried it to the market, and portray the character of the old charcoal seller from three aspects: his ( )is especially outstanding.

  44. A:psychological description B:feelings and actions C:appearance D:clothing
  45. In the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, China entered the Bronze Age, and the Bronze Age initially possessed the characteristics of sculpture art. It used ( ) ornaments to render the majestic and mysterious atmosphere, which reflected the aesthetic views of people in the Shang and Zhou dynasties. Such as tripod is a typical sculpture in this period.

  46. A:Exaggeration B:Euphemism C:Deformation D:strange
  47. There are many famous poets and schools in the Ci poetry of Song Dynasty. Later generations often divide it into two schools:( ).

  48. A:hyperbole Ci B:bold Ci C:plaintive Ci D:simple Ci
    AI参考:正确答案是:D:simple Ci。宋词中有很多著名的诗人和流派,后人常常将其分为两大流派:一是以苏轼为代表的豪放派,一是以辛弃疾为代表的婉约派。因此,正确答案为D项,即“简单派”。'
  49. The Longjing Tea has a flat and smooth appearance. It is known for its four beauties: ( ),.

  50. A:greenness B:rich aroma C:beautiful appearance D:mellow taste
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:beautiful appearance D:mellow taste】龙井茶外形扁平光滑,色泽翠绿,香气浓郁,滋味鲜爽甘醇,四个特点中包括美丽的外观和醇厚的口感。因此,选项C和D是符合题意的正确选项。'
  51. The true aroma, taste, and quality of the tea can not be displayed only through correct brewing and tasting.( )

  52. A:对 B:错
  53. Among them, Hui zhou school is one of the most familiar Anhui schools, which was listed in the "World Heritage List" in 2000. ( )

  54. A:对 B:错
  55. The purpose of aesthetic education is to pursue the expected value effect, beautify nature, beautify society and beautify human beings, then promote the social harmony and all-round development of people. ( )

  56. A:对 B:错
  57. The sculpture style of Qin and Han dynasties is simple and solemn, such as Qin Shihuang Terracotta Warriors and horses, whether the terracotta warriors or soldiers, the expression is deep and simple. And the western sculpture style is unrestrained and extroverted.( )

  58. A:错 B:对
  59. Both Chinese and Western religious sculptures create a spirit world with art, presenting the truth that people hope to get. The religious sculpture language is considered to be more vivid, more specific and more inspirational than the written language.( )

  60. A:对 B:错
  61. The earliest graphic design in China was official script.( )

  62. A:对 B:错
  63. Chinese primitive society enforced the system of the state-owned property and the system to abdicate voluntarily in the 22nd century BC. "Afterwards, with private ownership arising gradually, the private products need to be exchanged, private property need to be protected, and then "walls" for defenses and "malls" for trading make up cities.( )

  64. A:对 B:错
  65. When Cai Yuanpei was the president of Peking University in 1917, he put forward the idea of Replacing Religion with Aesthetic Education, which clearly showed the democratic color of his aesthetic education thought. but faced with semi-colonial and semi-feudal social conditions, his aesthetic education practice still achieved little effect.( )

  66. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是B:错。原文中提到Cai Yuanpei在担任北京大学校长时提出了用美育代替宗教的思想,这表明他的美育思想具有民主色彩。但是,由于当时中国社会处于半殖民地半封建社会,Cai Yuanpei的美育实践仍然收效甚微。因此,这个判断题是错误的。'
  67. Rococo did not develop a new style of architecture. Strictly speaking, it is not an architectural style, but more as an interior decoration art.( )

  68. A:对 B:错
  69. Ancient Egyptian culture is known as the father of ancient Greek culture, and its influence on Western culture can be reflected in the architectural style of obelisks.( )

  70. A:对 B:错
  71. The key of artistic innovation is that the creative subject can find new aesthetic value in people's accustomed or ordinary things through unique intuition and wisdom, and create a unique artistic image, so that people can feel the world and real life with a new perspective.( )

  72. A:错 B:对
  73. Riverside Scene during the Qingming Festival by Zhang Zeduan in the Northern Song Dynasty was drawn in the form of hand scroll and did not use the method of scattered perspective.( )

  74. A:对 B:错
  75. Symmetrical and balanced form layout is a distinctive traditional aesthetic feature in Chinese culture, and also the embodiment of oriental traditional aesthetic features.( )

  76. A:对 B:错
  77. The West Lake Longjing is one of the most characteristic green teas.( )

  78. A:错 B:对
  79. Since Wen Tingyun in the late Tang Dynasty, Ci has formed its own unique tradition in theme and style, so it is called "Yanke".( )

  80. A:错 B:对
  81. Chinese traditional painting writing brush, with ink, acrylic paint, silk, Xuan paper as the tools (raw materials) the fine brushwork and freehand brushwork paintings from the form. ( )

  82. A:错 B:对
  83. Dedication tests the sincerity of the ordinary people and their persistent highlight the beauty of labor.( )

  84. A:错 B:对
  85. Bodybuilding body is the image of beauty, agile action is the creation of beauty, tenacious struggle is the spirit of beauty.( )

  86. A:对 B:错
  87. Li Kaifu, who once served as the president of Microsoft and Google in China, also said that everything could be replaced in the future except art and entertainment. ( )

  88. A:对 B:错
  89. China is the birthplace of tea.( )

  90. A:对 B:错

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