
Academic English

  1. Food is moving along the esophagus by_________, wave-like contractions of the muscles in the walls of the esophagus ( )

  2. A:sever B:neutralize C:churn D:peristalsis
    答案:non-keratinized stratified squamous epitheliumAI参考:答案为D:peristalsis。peristalsis是消化系统的肌肉收缩运动,食物通过食道是由食道肌肉的波浪式收缩运动推动的,所以答案为D。其他选项的意思分别是:sever切断,neutralize中和,churn搅动。这些选项与问题无关。'
  3. Composition is a word-forming process by joining two or more words. A word made in this way is called compound word, such as drug resistance, host-specific, foodborne, etc. ( )

  4. A:True B:False
    AI参考:单选题正确答案是A:True,即“正确”。根据题目中的描述,复合词是通过将两个或多个单词组合在一起形成的,例如drug resistance、host-specific、foodborne等。因此,题目中的陈述是正确的。'
  5. ______________, the nerve poison does its business with man far more quickly than the blood poison. ( )

  6. A:Be that may it is B:Be that as it may C:Be it may that as D:Be as that may
    AI参考:答案为 B:Be that as it may这句话的意思是:尽管如此,神经毒药对人的作用比血液毒药快得多,be that as it may,不管怎样,无论如何,不管怎样说,所以选B。'
  7. 被称为“纤毛”的细毛保护着鼻腔通道和鼻腔呼吸道的其他部分,过滤掉通过呼吸进入鼻子的灰尘和其他颗粒 ( )

  8. A:Tiny hairs calling ‘cilia’ protect the nasal passageways and other parts of the urinary tract and filter out dust and other particles that enter the nose through the breathed air B:Tiny hairs calling ‘cilia’ protect the nasal passageways and other parts of the respiratory tract and filter out dust and other particles that enter the nose through the breathed air C:Tiny hairs called ‘cilia’ protect the nasal passageways and other parts of the urinary tract and filter out dust and other particles that enter the nose through the breathed air D:Tiny hairs called ‘cilia’ protect the nasal passageways and other parts of the respiratory tract and filter out dust and other particles that enter the nose through the breathed air
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Tiny hairs calling ‘cilia’ protect the nasal passageways and other parts of the respiratory tract and filter out dust and other particles that enter the nose through the breathed air。该选项中的描述符合鼻腔纤毛的功能和结构特点,并且描述准确,与问题要求相符。选项A、C、D在描述中存在错误或不准确的地方。因此,B选项是正确答案。'
  9. Health inequalities arise from unequal distribution of______ determinants, including income and assets, knowledge and literacy. ( )

  10. A:obvious B:true C:negative D:underlying
    答案:不平衡的AI参考:正确答案是D:underlying。原文中提到“Health inequalities arise from unequal distribution of underlying determinants”,意思是健康不平等是由于不同原因的分布不均所引起的。根据这句话的含义,我们可以推断出“underlying”在这里的意思是“隐藏的、潜在的”,符合句意,因此选项D是正确答案。其他选项中,“obvious”意为“明显的”,与原文意思不符;“true”意为“真实的”,无法与“determinants”搭配使用;“negative”意为“负面的”,与原文意思相反。'
  11. In many less developed and low-income countries, health status is relatively low_____________and other indicators. ( )

  12. A:behavioral factors B:vulnerable to serious health risks C:dietary and sanitary practices D:in terms of life expectancy
    答案:OperationalAI参考:答案为D:in terms of life expectancy。此题在翻译和逻辑理解上有一定的难度。因为B选项脆弱地处于健康危险之下(对应选项描述没有说明危害来源于哪),A选项的行为因素则主要是由于社会习惯造成的;C选项和D选项似乎类似,但从health status所涵盖的范围上考虑,A和B不可能涉及到,只能D最贴切,只有通过寿命的长短才能衡量一个国家或地区的健康状况。因此,正确答案是D。'
  13. Being or composed of matter other than plant or animal. ( )

  14. A:inorganic B:inactivity C:invariable D:inattention
    答案:正确AI参考:正确答案是A: in inorganic 这个词语指的是非植物或动物组成之物,即无机物。因此选项B、C、D均不正确。'
  15. a specific period of time in which a person or animal that has a disease, or may have one, must stay or be kept away from others in order to prevent the spread of the disease ( )

  16. A:vaccination B:intervene C:quarantine D:jurisdiction
  17. _______ is a serious condition which makes you knees and other joints stiff and painful. ( )

  18. A:Osteoarthritis B:Analgesia C:Asthma D:Fibromyalgia
  19. ____________, taking 20-minute walks twice per week is preferable to no leisure-time physical activity (PA) as is having 2 servings of fruits and vegetables per day compared to no daily servings. ( )

  20. A:With respect to B:Be paralleled by C:Suffice to say D:This is in sharp contrast to
    AI参考:答案为 D:This is in sharp contrast to本题主要讲每周散步20分钟比没有休闲体育活动(身体活动)好,就像每天吃两份水果和蔬菜比不吃日常饮食一样。sharp contrast between...and...之间的对比关系。A与……相一致,B伴随于……同时出现,C对……加以说明,都与文意不符。因此选D。'
  21. More broadly,dirty water and air,and poor_______are the most common preventable causes of death. ( )

  22. A:hygiene B:sanitation C:surveillance D:environment
    AI参考:答案为B:sanitation。根据句意“更广泛地说,脏水和空气,以及恶劣的卫生条件是常见的可预防的死亡原因。”可知,这里是在讨论环境卫生问题,因此选项B sanitation符合题意。其他选项的意思分别为:A hygiene指个人卫生;C surveillance指监督;D environment指环境。因此,正确答案是B。'
  23. of or relating to the production or sale of drugs ( )

  24. A:salmonella B:respiratory C:pharmaceutical D:medicinal

  25. The conduction system keeps your heart beating in a coordinated and normal rhythm, which in turn keeps blood circulating. ( )

  26. A:False B:True
  27. 富氧血液“红血”随后进入心脏左侧(由左心房和左心室组成),并通过主动脉泵送至全身,为组织提供氧气。 ( )

  28. A:Oxygen-rich blood, “red blood,” then enters the left side of the heart, composed of the left atrium and ventricle, and is pumped through the aorta to the body to supply tissues with nitrogen. B:Oxygen-rich blood, “red blood,” then enters the left side of the heart, composing of the left atrium and ventricle, and is pumped through the aorta to the body to supply tissues with nitrogen. C:Oxygen-rich blood, “red blood,” then enters the left side of the heart, composed of the left atrium and ventricle, and is pumped through the aorta to the body to supply tissues with oxygen. D:Oxygen-rich blood, “red blood,” then enters the left side of the heart, composed of the left atrium and ventricle, and is pumped through the central vein to the body to supply tissues with oxygen.
    AI参考:正确答案是C:Oxygen-rich blood, “red blood,” then enters the left side of the heart, composed of the left atrium and ventricle, and is pumped through the aorta to the body to supply tissues with oxygen。选项C描述了富氧血液“红血”进入心脏左侧(由左心房和左心室组成),并通过主动脉泵送至全身,为组织提供氧气的过程,与题目描述相符。选项A和D中的氮气描述与题目不符,选项B中的“central vein”在心脏中不存在。因此,选项C是正确答案。'
  29. Prospects for CAR T cell immunotherapy in___________diseases: clues from Lupus.( )

  30. A:tentative B:pharmaceutical C:autoimmune D:ophthalmology
    AI参考:正确答案是C: autoimmune。原文中提到CAR T细胞免疫治疗在未知疾病中的前景,通过分析,发现这个选项与原文最为接近,因此正确答案是C,即autoimmune(自身免疫性疾病)。其他选项与原文内容不符。'
  31. abnormally increased; excessive ( )

  32. A:hyper- B:mamm(o)- C:pneum(o)- D:colon(o)-

  33. The levels of p21 and p27 increased after treatment with doxorubicin or seliciclib alone or in combination, compared to untreated controls. ( )

  34. A:False B:True
  35. any small organism, such as a virus or a bacterium that can cause disease ( )

  36. A:immunodeficiency B:pathogen C:predecessor D:accountability
  37. The basic reproduction number R0 of an infectious disease is the number of people who acquire the disease from an infected person assuming the whole population is susceptible. ( )

  38. A:False B:True

  39. a small lump in your body ( )

  40. A:node B:gland C:organ D:tumor
  41. In the part of methods, you need to detail the research design and the procedures (the steps undertaken to address the research questions, materials, and tools). It is also worth noting that ethical considerations are usually included in the section of methods. In medical journal articles, enough details of materials and methods should be provided so that the research can be reproduced and verified by other scientists. The simple future tense is used in this part.( )

  42. A:False B:True
  43. a specialist who specializes in the treatment of tumors ( )

  44. A:ethicist B:oncologist C:clinician D:physiologist
  45. Outdoor pollution from vehicle exhausts is known to_______asthma in susceptible individuals but it seems that staying inside offers little relief. ( )

  46. A:pandemic B:exacerbate C:atherosclerosis D:inequality
    AI参考:答案为 B:exacerbate 室外车辆尾气的污染已被证实可以加剧过敏个体中哮喘的发生,然而呆在室内似乎无法提供太多的缓解。A:流行的、C:动脉硬化D:不平等均与句子意思不符,所以答案是B。exacerbate:加剧、恶化,使得更加严重的意思,所以选项B“exacerbate”为正确答案。这句话的意思是室外车辆尾气的污染已经被证明会使得敏感人群中哮喘的发作变得更加严重,但即使呆在室内也无法提供太多缓解的效果。故本题选B为正确答案。'
  47. Morphine may be given hypodermically to________the pain. ( )

  48. A:mitigate B:disseminate C:metastasize D:aggravate
  49. 19 .the total number of cases of a disease in a given population at a specific time ( )

  50. A:dispel B:relegate C:prevalence D:mortality

  51. Primary prevention refers to health promotion, _______________________________________, as well as specific protection against the inception of disease. ( )

  52. A:which enhances wellness in general and thus reduces the likely of disease, disability and premature death in a nonspecific manner B:which fosters wellness in general and thus reduces the likelihood of disease, disability and premature death in a nonspecific manner C:which promotes wellness in general and thus reduces the likelihood of disease, disability and premature death in a specific manner D:which fosters wellness in general and thus reducing the likelihood of disease, disable and premature death in a nonspecific manner

  53. Which of the following guidelines is incorrect when choosing a topic. ( )

  54. A:An initial topic may not be the topic you end up writing about. B:Choose a topic that really intrigues you. C:Avoid a topic that has very limited relevant source material. D:Broaden a topic to an unmanageable extent.
  55. A tendency to yield readily to others. ( )

  56. A:obey B:promise C:abide D:compliance
    AI参考:正确选项是A: obey。解释:根据题目中的描述,该词组的意思是指一种倾向,即轻易地服从或顺从他人。而选项中只有“obey”符合这个意思,它表示遵从、服从、遵守的意思。其他选项中的“promise”表示承诺,“abide”表示忍受或遵守规则,“compliance”表示遵从或顺从。因此,只有“obey”符合题目中的描述。'
  57. differences between what is expected and what actually occurs ( )

  58. A:percutaneous B:dialysis C:variance D:ventilation
  59. relating to the study of functions of the nervous system ( )

  60. A:neuroanatomic B:neurophysiological C:anesthesia D:nausea
  61. The presence of in vivo data on this point has now been remeding with a paper in this issue of the JCI by Altieri and colleagues. ( )

  62. A:True B:False
  63. Other studies suggest that__________depression may increase your chances of developing Alzheimer's disease. ( )

  64. A:the presence of B:be justified by C:beyond the reach of D:strays too far

  65. Which of the following means "within or in"? ( )

  66. A:intra- B:All of the above C:endo- D:en-
  67. Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder caused by the inability of the pancreas to produce enough insulin for the body, or when the body fails to use insulin properly. ( )

  68. A:False B:True
  69. Which of the following means "blood vessels"? ( )

  70. A:anti- B:vasucl/o C:angi/o D:Both A and C
  71. a serious illness caused by being bitten by a mosquito, usually in a hot country ( )

  72. A:tuberculosis B:malaria C:plague D:cholera

  73. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that get their name from the halo of spiked proteins on their outer surface, which resemble a crown, the “corona”, under a microscope. ( )

  74. A:False B:True

  75. The discussion/comment section seems to be the most difficult part to write because you need to interpret the results instead of just summarizing them. You need to connect the findings of your research with those of existing research. In other words, refer back to the previous studies mentioned in the literature review to see whether your findings are consistent with theirs. Ultimately, you should argue how your findings can, or cannot, illustrate the issue in focus. ( )

  76. A:True B:False
  77. Health education needs to __________such different concepts and recognize different medical traditions and local ways of healing. ( )

  78. A:take into account B:necessitate C:Construct D:elucidate
    AI参考:正确答案是A:take into account。这句话的意思是:健康教育需要考虑到不同的概念,并认识到不同的医学传统和当地的治疗方式。take into account考虑到,符合句意。故选A。'
  79. The past two decades have brought revolutionary changes in global health, driven by popular concern over the_______________, new strains of influenza, and maternal mortality. ( )

  80. A:acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) B:acquiring immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) C:acquire immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) D:acquired immundeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
    AI参考:正确选项是D:acquired immundeficiency syndrome (AIDS)。句子中提到了“流行病”这个关键词,所以选项中应该包含“acquired”这个词,表示“后天获得的”,而不是“acquiring”或“acquire”。因此,选项D中的“acquired immundeficiency syndrome (AIDS)”符合句意。其他选项中的语法和拼写错误都与句子不符。'
  81. a person who works in a particular profession, especially medical or legal business ( )

  82. A:practitioner C .syndrome B:hypothesis C:generic
  83. Bilateral means pertaining to ___________ ( )

  84. A:a muscle having two heads B:two heads C:two meanings D:two sides

  85. 不是我不想听她说什么,而是我在处理这么多的想法,需要在时间流逝之前解决它们,这种感觉让我处于中度恐慌状态。( )

  86. A:It’s not that I don’t want to hear what she has to say, but the sensation that I’m juggling so many thoughts, and need to resolve them all before the clock runs down, that keeps me in moderate state of panic. B:It’s not I don’t want to hear what she has to say, but the sensation that I’m juggling so many thoughts, and need to resolve them all before the clock runs down, keeps me in moderate state of panic. C:It’s not that I don’t want to hear she has to say, but the sensation that I’m juggling so many thoughts, and need to resolve them all before the clock runs down, that keeps me in moderate state of panic. D:It’s not that I don’t want to hear what she has to say, but the sensation that I’m juggling so many thoughts, and need to resolve them all before the clock run down, that keeps me in moderate state of panic.
    AI参考:正确选项是 A。该句的意思是“不是我不想听她说什么,而是我在处理这么多的想法,需要在时间流逝之前解决它们,这种感觉让我处于中度恐慌状态。”句子中使用了“it’s not...but...”的结构,表示转折关系,强调了句子的重点部分,即作者不是不想听她说什么,而是由于处理想法太多而感到恐慌。同时,句子中的“the sensation that...keeps me in moderate state of panic”也是一个重要的表达,描述了作者内心的感受和状态。因此,选项A的表述最符合句子的意思和语境。'
  87. Which of the following means "bad"? ( )

  88. A:an- B:dys- C:mal- D:Both B and C
  89. Oxidative Stress, Mitochondrial Dysfunction, and Premature Ageing in Severe Acute __________ in Under-Five Children ( )

  90. A:Malaria B:Malnutrition C:Obesity D:Sanitary
  91. While it is unlikely everyone would agree on a single definition, one common definition is that healthspan, a quantifiable phenotype, is the period of life spent in good health, free from the chronic diseases and disabilities of aging. ( )

  92. A:对 B:错
  93. A good physician is usually unmotivated, mature, compassionate, organized, adaptable, stress-resilient with high level of integrity and strong leadership a good listener and communicator. ( )

  94. A:错 B:对
  95. Developing a strong opening is vital to a successful presentation. An effective introduction will attract the audience’s interest and help them focus on your presentation. Generally speaking, your introduction may consist of the following components:welcome your audience,introduce yourself - your name and position, give the title/subject of your presentation, etc. ( )

  96. A:错 B:对
  97. In type 1 diabetes, either the body does not produce enough insulin or the cells ignore the insulin. ( )

  98. A:错 B:对
  99. This detailed knowledge of the mechanism by which viral glycoproteins mediate entry into host cells can now be applied to pathogens that have not been susceptible to this therapeutic approach. ( )

  100. A:对 B:错

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