

  1. Unit2-In some places he was quicker and at others I'd ________ him

  2. A:come out B:spoof C:cleanse D:gain on
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:gain on】。句子中提到“在某些地方他更快,在其他地方我会超过他”,所以选项D“gain on”表示“超过,追上”的意思,符合句意。而其他选项的意思与句子不符。例如,“come out”表示“出现,出版”,而“spoof”和“cleanse”都与句子意思不符。'
  3. She’s worn his designs on __________ occasions from red carpets to movie premieres.

  4. A:countless B:numerical C:countable D:numeral
  5. I was determined not to ______ to the virus.

  6. A:prelude B:succumb C:tear down D:blitz
    答案:overAI参考:正确答案是B:succumb。这句话的意思是“我下定决心不屈服于病毒”。prelude意为“序曲,先兆”,tear down意为“拆毁,推翻”,blitz意为“闪电战”,都不符合句意。succumb意为“屈服,让步”,符合句意。因此,答案为B。'
  7. TheyPTSD victims) may seem emotionally_______,__________,irritable, and easily __________.

  8. A:detached, intimate, surprised B:numb, intimate, startled C:numb, detached, startled D:detached, numb,surprised
  9. Unit2-If he asked me to marry him, I'd accept __________.

  10. A:in a moment B:in a few minute C:in the first place D:in a heart beat
    AI参考:正确答案是【D:in a heart beat 】。在英汉语言中,都是强调事情的发生或答复等很迅速。In a moment“立刻”,不符合;in a few minutes“过几分钟”,在一般用于将来时或描述很远的将来情况;in the first place“首先”,常用作名词或形容词后,做为补充说明的用。故选D,在一般情况下,某人一提到他喜欢某人,下意识地反应很快就会说in a heart beat“毫不动心地”立即作出答复,而且说话的人的感情色彩在这里含有极强烈的高兴与乐意的意思。以上信息仅供参考,如果您还有疑问,建议咨询专业人士意见。'
  11. “Harry was compelled to resign and to come down to London, where he set up as an army coach.” The relative clause in the sentence serves to ________.

  12. A:supply additional information about London B:narrate a sequential action taken by Harry C:describe the antecedent “London” D:put restriction on the identity of Harry
    答案:itional information about London
  13. Despite concern about the disappearance of the album in popular music, 2014 delivered a

    great crop of album ______.

  14. A:publications B:presentations C:releases D:appearances
  15. Unit2- This deal is little more than a _____ for the continued destruction of the landscape.

  16. A:dichotomy B:mogul C:fig leaf D:film set
    AI参考:正确选项是C:fig leaf。根据句子意思和选项可知,这里是在描述某项交易对持续破坏景观的轻微作用,而fig leaf在此处有掩饰、掩饰之意,符合语境。因此,正确答案是C。其他选项的意思与句子意思不符。'
  17. Writers often coupled narration with other techniques to develop ideas and support opinions that otherwise ________ abstract, unclear, or unconvincing.

  18. A:might have remained B:must have remained C:may remain D:could remain

  19. Young childrenarelikeflowers---flowersshouldstayawayfromterribleweathertogrow,sochildrenneedtogetridofeverythingnegative.

    Here the logical fallacy is 

  20. A:草率前提 (Dicto Simpliciter)  B:错误类比 (False Analogy) C:矛盾前提 (Contradictory Premises) D:过度概化 (Hasty Generalization) 

  21. Unit9-The firm which had fire-proofed the building got high praise for the ____________ of the blaze(火势.

  22. A:caregiver B:containment C:quarantine D:strain

  23. . After the war, he worked on an island in the Pacific, helping the natives and medical ________ understand each other’s behavior and cultures.

  24. A:persons B:members C:personnel D:faculty

  25. Unit8-Water _________-down the mountainside

  26. A:casscaided B:casaided C:cascaded D:casscaded

  27. Unit2-He has sued a fan for ________- his concerts.

  28. A:copying B:spoofing C:swapping D:bootlegging

  29. Without proper treatment, sufferers from tuberculosis(肺结核) of the lung can be ___________all their life.

  30. A:contagious B:containment C:ravaging D:disseminate

  31. The celebrity says in court papers she “has no __________ of giving any authorization to anyone

    to proceed with a divorce.”

  32. A:recommendation B:Recognition C:recollection D:recording

  33. She was often ________ rude to him.

  34. A:definitely B:downright C:absolutely D:extreme
    AI参考:正确答案是B:downright。downright rude表示非常粗鲁的,符合句意。definitely表示肯定地;absolutely表示绝对地;extreme表示极端的。根据句意可知,此处表示“她经常非常粗鲁地对待他”。故选B。'
  35. Unit3-She has overcome the hostility with a flawless performance as a princess and fashion——.Times, Sunday Times (2009)

  36. A:model B:icoin C:icon D:trend
  37. “Most young criminals watch violent movies before they commit their crimes; obviously, violent movies lead to juvenile delinquency. ”

    Here the logical fallacy is 

  38. A:因果颠倒 (Post Hoc) B:错误类比 (False Analogy) C:无关转移 (Red Herring) D:虚假假设 (Hypothesis Contrary to Fact)

  39. Unit3- Her office was —— with requests for tickets. [be VERB-ed + with]

  40. A:inadated B:inundate C:lubricated D:spawn
  41. The daisy-like flowers of chamomile have been used for centuries to ______ anxiety and


  42. A:suppress B:decline C:relieve D:quench

  43. ”If TV were not invented, today people would never have such wonderful entertainment brought by TV. ”

    Here the logical fallacy is

  44. A:错误类比 (False Analogy) B:滑坡谬误 (Slippery slope) C:无关转移 (Red Herring) D:虚假假设 (Hypothesis Contrary to Fact)
  45. The company announced that it has achieved its mission to create a local food economy that is ________ to any environment.

  46. A:amendable B:alterable C:adaptable D:adoptable

  47. The three law ________ officers on the plane came to the rescue of a fellow passenger who was allegedly trying to kill herself.

  48. A:Coercion B:reinforcement C:imposition D:enforcement
  49.  “It’s a shame that the city official should have gone back on his word.” The modal auxiliary SHOULD expresses ______.

  50. A:tentativeness B:disappointment C:obligation D:future in the past

  51. Unit3-China are in an almost _________ position at the top of the table, with medals for table tennis still to be handed out.Times, Sunday Times (2008)

  52. A:unreliable B:unassailable C:unbelievable D:undoubtable

  53. She followed the receptionist down a luxurious corridor to a closed door, ______ the

    woman gave a quick knock before opening it.

  54. A:but when B:wherein C:on which D:then
    AI参考:正确选项是 C:on which。在句子中,需要一个连接词来引导定语从句,修饰先行词“the woman gave a quick knock before opening it”。根据句意和语法规则,可以使用“on which”来引导定语从句,表示“在……上”的意思。因此,选项C是正确答案。其他选项不符合语法规则和句意。'
  55. (60) This month lawmakers in France approved a bill banning shale gas drilling after a___________ imposed in March because of safety fears.Times, Sunday Times (2011)

  56. A:teardown B:chateau C:moratorium D:infamy

  57. Unit9-The Health Education Council is the central agency for __________information about disease prevention.

  58. A:disseminating B:dropping C:unfolding D:ravaging

  59. Unit5-They plan to meet again in Rome very soon to begin__________negotiations.

  60. A:substantive B:substentive C:substantiveness D:sabstantive

  61. Unit6-Houses are growing like some _________weed,from sea to shing sea.

  62. A:shocking B:weird C:foreign D:alien
  63. Unit5-Mike__________ the demands of a family of 11 with a career as a TV reporter.

  64. A:pulled B:digged C:juggled D:logged
  65. Unit2-So what makes a good marriage? Faithfulness __________top of the list.

  66. A:arrive B:appear C:enter D:come out

  67. Around every corner _________ doubt and uncertainty. [VERB]

  68. A:enhanced B:teamed up with C:oerdriven D:lurked
    AI参考:正确答案是D:lurked。句子中提到了“Around every corner”,意为“每个角落里”,表示隐藏着某个东西,所以需要一个表示隐藏、潜藏的动词。选项A中的“enhanced”意为“增强”,与句意不符;选项B中的“teamed up with”意为“与……结成团队”,与句意不符;选项C中的“oerdriven”也不符合句意;只有选项D中的“lurked”表示隐藏、潜藏的意思,符合句意。因此,答案为D。'
  69. The bad news was that he could be a very dangerous person ________ he choose to be.

  70. A:must B:should C:might D:could
    AI参考:答案为 C:might这句话的意思是:坏消息是他可能是一个非常危险的人,如果他选择这样做,must一定,应该should应该,might可能,could可能,这里是对一个可能性的一种猜测,因此选C。'
  71. Unit4-Which of the following word is not the synonym of the word" earthiness"?

  72. A:coarseness B:originality C:crudeness D:naturalness

  73. A leading ___________ intelligence and operations company has released its analysis of

    worldwide reported incidents of piracy and crime against mariners.

  74. A:Maritime B:oceangoing C:oceanic D:marine

  75. Unit5-The __________of this approach is a lack of clear leadership.

  76. A:impact B:dig C:downside D:impression
  77. If you intend to melt the snow for drinking water, you can ______ extra purity by running it

    through a coffee filter.

  78. A:insure B:ensure C:assure D:reassure

  79. The party’s reduced vote in the general election was ______ of lack of support for its


  80. A:revealing B:indicative C:evident D:confirming

  81. Unit6-This case is not on all fours with the other one, so no analogy can be drawn between them.Here the word analogy could mean

  82. A:alikeness B:Comparison C:correlation D:resemblance
    AI参考:正确选项是D:resemblance原文中提到“no analogy can be drawn between them”,意思是不能在两者之间进行比较或比喻,因此可以推断出“analogy”在此处的意思是相似之处或相似性。因此,选项D“resemblance”最符合文意。选项A、B、C虽然都与“analogy”有关,但与原文中的意思不符。'
  83. Which of the following sentences are appropriate with the word “consumerism”?

  84. A:But the growth in consumer debt should not be simply seen and condemned as a complete descentinto mindless consumerism. B:Here protection was being offered to the husband, but also to the wife against her apparently uncontrollable consumerism. C:Green consumerism is a hopeful token of more substantial change. D:Consumerism is the new religion, and department stores are important temples.

  85. Unit 6-She would try to forget her obsession with Christopher.Here the word obsession could mean

  86. A:enthusiasm B:passion C:craze D:fascination
    AI参考:正确选项是D:fascination。根据文本内容,“She would try to forget her obsession with Christopher.”(她会试图忘记自己对克里斯托弗的迷恋。)可以推断出,这里的“obsession”指的是一种强烈的、令人着迷的情感或兴趣,因此选项D“fascination”最符合语境。选项A、B、C虽然都与情感或兴趣有关,但它们的程度不如“obsession”强烈,因此不符合语境。'
  87. Which of the following sentences are appropriate with the word “obsession”?

  88. A:The current obsession with exam results is actually harming children’s education. B:The poet seems to have an obsession with death. C:She looked after him with a devotion bordering on obsession. D:He has an enthusiasm for art, to the point of obsession in my opinion.

  89. Unit 1-He tries to remain emotionally detached from the prisoners, but fails. Here the word detached could mean

  90. A:Objective B:neutral C:impartial D:positive
  91. The functions of a conclusion include the following___________?

  92. A:To impress the audience with perfect ideas B:Signal the end of the speech C:To repeat the previous arguments D:Reinforce the central idea

  93. How can one evaluate an inductive argument?

  94. A:Are the premises relevant to the issue at hand? B:Are the premises compelling enough to justify the conclusion? C:Are the conclusions perfect? D:Are the premises true of acceptable?

  95. Unit 6-His policy risks fracturing the coalition.Here the word fracturing could mean

  96. A:splittinng B:collapsing C:shattering D:smashing
    AI参考:正确选项是:C:shattering原文中提到“policy risks fracturing the coalition”,意思是政策风险导致联盟破裂。根据上下文,选项C“shattering”最符合语境,表示破裂、粉碎的意思。选项A“splittin”表示分裂,但不够具体;选项B“collapsing”表示崩溃,但与原文描述不符;选项D“smashing”表示砸碎,也不符合语境。因此,C选项是正确答案。'
  97. Which of the following cases can be labeled as facts?

  98. A:Hilden thinks that it was probably the minimum of what Airbnb could have done to help them out. B:Airbnb is tackling privacy concerns after several customers found hidden cameras at their rental properties. C:With the widespread application of computer technologies, we are going to produce a generation of problem-solvers. D:The company has cut a number of jobs as it reorganizes the employee ranks and battles a slowdown in sales growth.

  99.  Which of the following sentences are appropriate with the word “linger” ?

  100. A:I’m sorry to have kept you lingering. B:I spent a week at Kandersteg and could angrily have lingered on. C:I spent a week at Kandersteg and could happily have lingered on. D:They lingered over coffee and missed the last bus.

  101. Unit 3-A businessman swindled investors out of million of pounds.

    Here the word swindle could mean

  102. A:cheat B:deception C:deceit D:hoax

  103. Unit7-These ideas resurfaced again in the American civil rights movements.Here the word resurface could mean

  104. A:visit B:reemerge C:reappear D:reduce

  105. Unit 6-They want to divert the attention of the people from the real issues.

    Here the word divert could means

  106. A:Change B:alter C:redirect D:verify

  107. Which of the following sentences are appropriate with the word “retention” ?

  108. A:The retention of valued employees is worth more than a little inconvenience. B:The UN will vote on the retention of sanctions against Iraq. C:Most of us tend to eat far too much, which can lead to fluid retention. D:There was a slight retention in the departure of the plane.

  109. The Weather

    Weather describes the condition of the atmosphere. The condition of the atmosphere may be hot or cold, wet or dry, calm or stormy, clear or cloudy. The layer of gases surrounding the planet Earth is called the Earth's atmosphere. The atmosphere is made up of different gases and acts as a shield protecting life and it also helps maintain a safe temperature on Earth.

    The temperature is the degree of hotness or coldness in the air, sometimes called air temperature. A thermometer is the instrument used to measure the temperature of the air or any other substance. The temperature based on the motion of the energy in the air. If the gas molecules in the air move faster, the air temperature will increase.

    Humidity is the measurement of water vapor, or the invisible water in the air. Air pressure is the weight of the atmosphere pressing down on the Earth. Air pressure is also called atmospheric pressure. A barometer is used to measure atmospheric or air pressure. It is used by scientists, called meteorologists, who study the weather to forecast changes in the weather.

    The change in air pressure has an effect on weather. Air moves from higher pressure to lower pressure, so if there's high and a low nearby, it can be windy as air rushes between the two. High pressure situations are generally associated with fair, sunny weather. Low pressure areas are generally cloudy/rainy areas; strong areas of low pressure bring the stormiest weather.

    In higher altitude places, the air pressure decreases because the air is less dense here. However, in lower altitude places, the air pressure increases because the air is denser at lower sea levels.

    Wind is caused by air flowing from high pressure areas to low pressure areas. The differences in the pressure is caused by the uneven heating of the Earth's surface by the sun. Some areas of the Earth receive more heat from the sun than other areas. This also results in various wind speeds. A difference between high and low pressure will cause wind, but the greater the difference the stronger the wind.

    The rotation of the Earth also has an effect on the direction of the wind. If the Earth did not rotate, the wind would blow in a straight direction. Since the Earth rotates, the wind is deflected from the straight path.

    Local winds are created as a result of mountains, vegetation, bodies of water, and other similar natural bodies. This is why local winds may change often, from mild breezes to strong winds in just hours. Local winds cover short distances.

    There are several variables that affect the type of weather on the Earth, one is location. Coastal areas may have different weather patterns than mountainous areas. Weather also depends on a place's distance from the equator.

    In summary, the Earth's weather can be warm, cold, windy, dry, rainy, snowy, and different combinations of each. Temperature affects air pressure, wind has an effect on temperatures, and there are other variables affecting the type of weather occurring throughout the world.

  110. Factory Life in the 1800's

    The Industrial Revolution occurred in the late 1800's. Machines began to take the place of what several humans could do. Many people were employed in factories where items were manufactured. Conditions in these factories were very poor.

    Children went to work as early as the age of seven. Wages were very low. Since there was no regulation by any area of government, workplaces were often unsafe and unhealthy. If a worker was injured or died at a factory, the company offered no help to the family. By 1900, deaths in factories amounted to 35,000 a year. Injuries affected 500,000 people. When an incident occurred in one location where a great number of factory workers died, people noticed these poor working conditions.

    Women and children were hired to save money for the company. They were paid much less than an adult male would have been paid. Some women even worked in heavy labor as machinists or railroad workers.

    The number of working children under the age of sixteen grew to 1.6 million by 1900. They worked long hours for little pay. Some states passed child labor laws which limited the children to working ten hours per day. All companies did not obey these laws. Many children were killed or injured.

    Some workers quit these poor factory conditions. Some remained and lowered their rate of production or tried to break the machines. Some began to organize labor unions to fight for better pay and conditions. Many just endured the poor situations. Although thousands joined labor unions in the late 1800's, many workers were still not organized into the 1900's.

    Business owners argued that higher wages would bring about higher prices for the consumers. In the 1890's, the government called the unions organizations operating 'in restraint of trade.' The government used the Sherman Antitrust Act against unions instead of against businesses.

    Between 1890 and 1920, a period called the Progressive Era, many groups were organized to fight low wages, child labor and long hours for factory workers. Several states passed laws to provide minimum wages for women, do away with child labor, and provide funds for workers hurt on the job. Workers' compensation is the phrase describing financial help for those workers injured at work.

    The unions did not want these problems to be handled by laws. They wanted to use the power of the labor unions to bargain with employers. Businesses persuaded unions to accept workers' compensation deals which were not as good as the workers wanted. Businesses did not want to include certain types of workers in the plans. They just wanted to protect themselves from having to pay large sums of money which might be demanded by the courts in case of an injury.

    In 1904, the National Child Labor Committee was formed to convince states to pass laws ending the employment of young children. The committee was not effective because states were hesitant to pass laws which were too tough on businesses in case the laws would drive a business to another state which did not have such harsh laws.

    In 1912, the Department of Commerce and Labor began a Children's Bureau to investigate 'all matters pertaining to children.' Efforts to pass laws against child Labor continually failed. Finally, Congress passed the Fair Labor Standards Act in 1938.

  111. Thanksgiving

    Thanksgiving has a long history, the earliest known records going back to the 16thcentury. Most people don't know that the actual activity of giving thanks while holding a feast is from long before the British came and settled America. The Spanish and the French both conducted thanksgiving at this time, and it wouldn't become a regular activity for British colonies until 1607 in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

    The first official town to hold a thanksgiving celebration was Jamestown, Virginia, which held it in 1610. The most famous celebration that most Americans view as the original thanksgiving was the Plymouth Plantation, located in Plymouth, Massachusetts, where the people who lived there had a feast every time they had a good harvest. It would continue as an event of religious purposes in the autumn or early winter, then became a tradition.

    There was a Patuxet Native American from the Wampanoag tribe that taught the Pilgrims (early European settlers in Plymouth, Massachusetts) to catch eel as well as grow corn. His name was Squanto, and he learned English while enslaved in England. The leader of his tribe, Massasoit, gave the settlers supplies such as food during their first winter when they had run out.

    The Pilgrims of Plymouth would celebrate for three days in 1621 shortly after their first harvest in 1621. While people aren't sure of the precise time, James Baker narrowed it down to between September 21st and November 11th, more likely near Michelmas (September 29th, the Feast of Saint Michaels, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael). It included 50 people from the Mayflower, as well as 90 Native Americans. All the food was prepared by Pilgrim women, their young daughters, as well their servants.

    By 1623, the event was noted by governmental authorities, making it the first 'true' Thanksgiving. Governor Bradford would be the one to officially give praise and notice to the event, and the feast was followed by members of the plantation fasting, and a 14-day rain followed. This rain followed a terrible drought, and Bradford wrote: 'And afterwards the Lord sent them such seasonable showers, with interchange of fair warm weather as, through His blessing, caused a fruitful and liberal harvest, to their no small comfort and rejoicing.'

    Thanksgiving under the Continental-Confederation Congress, which governed the United States from 1774 until 1789, would declare several 'national days of prayer, humiliation, and thanksgiving'. This was continued by President George Washington and John Adams, and this would manifest itself into what we know as Thanksgiving in the United States of America today.

    It wouldn't be until Abraham Lincoln became President, would a day be chosen for Thanksgiving. He would declare that the last Thursday of November would be a national Thanksgiving, and since 1863 it has been celebrated every year since. It is a staple of the United States now, and encompasses many different events including the feast, giving thanks, prayer, and American football.

  112. Antibodies

    A vital ingredient that is a part of every person's immune system is its antibodies. They are large y-shaped proteins, also called immunoglobulins, found in the blood or other body fluids of humans and other vertebrates, animals with backbones. They are the key element in the immune system.

    As the immune system works to keep the body healthy, an antibody will recognize unique parts of foreign invaders called antigens. The tip of the 'Y' of an antibody includes a structure that matches one specific key-like structure of an antigen, which binds the two structures together.

    The mechanism then tags a microbe or an infected cell for an attack using the other parts of the immune system, or it can neutralize the target directly without assistance. The production of the antibodies is the main function of the immune system.

    The body contains a wide variety of antibodies and each one is different, and they are all designed to take only one kind of antigen, which is usually a virus or bacteria. For example, an antibody that targets and destroys an antigen related to smallpox is unable to attack an antigen for the common cold.

    The structure of all antibodies is generally the same, the small region of the tips of the protein is extremely variable. This allows millions of antibodies with different tip structures to exist in the body. Each can then bind to a different antigen when necessary. The diversity of the antibodies allows the immune system to recognize the wide variety of antigens it must constantly attack.

    A huge variety of different antibodies is made in a single person, the number of genes available to make the proteins is limited by the size of the genome, which is the sum of all the DNA in an organism.

    Vertebrates need millions of different antibodies because there are a large number of microbe strains. Humans generate about 10 billion different antibodies and each is capable of binding a distinct antigen site. However, this must be done with a much smaller number of genes, since the total human genome has only about 20,000 genes.

    Genetic mechanisms have evolved that are complex, but they allow vertebrate B cells to generate a huge pool of antibodies from a small number of antibody genes. This occurs by combining segments from a pool of genes in many different ways. Hyper-mutations then occur in the binding site area of the antibody gene creating more diversity.

    The terms antibodies and immunoglobulin are often used interchangeably and are typically made of basic structural units. They each have two large heavy chains and two small light chains. There are several different types of antibody heavy chains and several different kinds of antibodies. They are grouped together into different isotypes (causes the production of antibodies) based on which heavy chain they possess. There are five different antibody isotypes known in mammals which help direct the appropriate immune response for each different type of foreign object encountered.

    The region where variants can bind to a different antigen is known as the hypervariableregion. It is here where the enormous diversity of antibodies allows the immune system to recognize an equally wide variety of antigens. Antibody genes can also reorganize in a process called class switching allowing a single antibody to be used by several different parts of the immune system.

    In summary, the immune system helps keep an organism healthy, but it would not be possible without the large number of antibodies that can attack antigens which can lead to a virus or bacteria causing the body to become unhealthy.

  113. AI参考:以下哪个选项最能准确概括这段文章的主要内容?A. 抗体是什么及其作用B. 人体免疫系统的运作过程C. 基因如何影响免疫系统D. 人体内不同种类的抗体根据文章内容,这段文章主要讲述了抗体是什么及其作用,包括抗体是免疫系统的重要组成部分,抗体能够识别并攻击特定的抗原,以及抗体具有多样性的特点。因此,最能准确概括这段文章的主要内容的选项是A. 抗体是什么及其作用。'
  114. null

  115. AI参考:很抱歉,您没有提供任何听力训练的问题或听力材料,因此我无法为您提供正确的选项。如果您有听力训练的问题,请随时向我提问。'

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