1.Conditions for a lawful expropriation including( ).
A:Non- discriminatory B:For public purpose C:Accompanied by compensation D:In accordance with due process of law,
2.Exporting states normally prefer to the standard of compensation based on( ).
A:Residual value B:Fair market value C:Reasonable value D:Present value 3.Which is used to refer to an indirect expropriation that occurs as a result of a series of measures taken over time that cumulatively have an expropriatory effect?( )
A:Indirect expropriation B:Direct expropriation C:Creeping expropriation D:Lawful expropriation 4.Taxation may be expropriatory.( )
A:错 B:对 5.When identifying the factors of indirect expropriation, the intent of the state is determinative. ( )
A:对 B:错

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