第五章 新闻英语视听全局把握 Audio-visual English News: An Overall Glance:本章介绍把握英语视听新闻全局的方法。首先介绍英语新闻的语音特色和常见新闻元素,然后介绍如何通过导语把握新闻主旨以及如何理解新闻背景的方法。This chapter provides an overall glance of audio-visual English news. It first focuses on the phonetic features in English news as well as the common elements. It then introduces how to understand the main idea of news reports through the lead and how to understand the backgrounds in news reports.5.1了解语音特色 Phonetic Features:本节介绍英语新闻的语音特色。不同的语速、重音、语调和口音常常在英语新闻中出现。Session One introduces the phonetic features of English news, it tells us that audio and visual news is usually presented in different speed, stress, intonation and accents.
5.2熟悉新闻元素 Common Elements in English News:本节重点介绍四类英语新闻——政治新闻、经济新闻、科技新闻和灾难新闻,分析这些新闻中的常见新闻元素。Session Two mainly focuses on four types of news. They are political news, economic news, scientific and technological news, and disaster news. We will get to know the common elements included in those types of news.
5.3把握主旨大意 Understanding the Main Idea:本节介绍通过新闻导语把握主旨的方法。重点介绍听懂导语中的“谁”、“何事”、“何事”、“何地”、“为何”以及“如何”的方法。Session Three tells us how to get the main idea of news through lead. It focuses on how to understand who, what, when, where, why and how respectively.
5.4知晓新闻背景 Backgrounds in News Report:本节讨论新闻背景的定义、重要功能、不同形式和不同种类。The session talks about the backgrounds of English news. The definition, important functions, different forms and types of news backgrounds are presented here.
5.5你问我答 Questions & Answers:你问我答 Questions & Answers
[判断题]Backgrounds in news appear in different forms, they can be phrases, clauses, sentences, or even paragraphs.

选项:[对, 错]
[判断题]In the inverted pyramid structure, the most important information is put at the very beginning.

选项:[错, 对]
[判断题]The falling tone in the news broadcast can show that the report is real, objective and serious.

选项:[错, 对]
[多选题]What elements might appear in disaster news?(多选)

选项:[The casualties., The rescue., The damages., The relief efforts.]
[单选题]Which is NOT the nick name for New York?

选项:[The Big City, The Empire City, The Big Apple,  The Fun City]

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