第一章 简介:课程简介1.1课程简介:简介
[多选题]Business English Translation involves three key fields选项:[business knowledge, interpreting, translation theory, translation practices]
[单选题]“企业宣传”的英语是选项:[Company Communication, Company Advertise, Company Propaganda, Company Promotion]
[单选题]合同中“商品名称”的英语是选项:[Name of Commodity, Goods Name, Name of Goods, Commodity Name]
[单选题]“一带一路”倡议的英语是选项:[One Belt and One Road Suggestions, One Belt & One Road Initiative, One Belt & One Road Proposal, One Belt & One Road Strategy]
[判断题]Translation can make languae barrier free.选项:[对, 错]
[判断题]There are two types of translation:literal translation and free translation.选项:[错, 对]
[多选题]“合同”可以翻译为选项:[Contract, deal, confirmation, Agreement]
[多选题]“商业广告”的英语是选项:[Business Advertising, Commmercials, Business Advertisement, Business Promotion]
[单选题]“教育部”的英语是选项:[Education Ministry, Department of Education, Education Department, Ministry of Education]
[单选题]“国家标准”的英语是选项:[Country's Norm, Country's Standard, National Norm, National Standard]

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