  1. Several primate species show cultural differences.

  2. A:对 B:错
  3. Human vocal tract can produce only limited different sounds.

  4. A:对 B:错
  5. In some languages there is no generic words for "tree".

  6. A:对 B:错
    答案:A: 对
  7. Gesturing may reflect or even facilitate the thinking for speaking.

  8. A:对 B:错
  9. Lexical gender refers to the lexical marking of nouns as female or male specific.

  10. A:错 B:对
  11. In all languages time is conceptualized to move on a horizontal axis.

  12. A:对 B:错
  13. Only English requires tense on verbs.

  14. A:错 B:对
  15. Relational cultures tend to place emphasis more on group identities and social cohesion.

  16. A:对 B:错
  17. Language is an essential cognitive tool in building the world we live in, including our social and cultural institutions.

  18. A:错 B:对
  19. Head shake means “no”, but head nodding means “yes” in Arabic cultures.

  20. A:对 B:错
  21. “ok” gesture means “Good, Approval or Support” in Japan.

  22. A:错 B:对
  23. English conceptualizations of politeness tend to be broader than those of the Greeks.

  24. A:对 B:错
  25. Negative face refers to the desire not to be imposed upon, intruded, or otherwise put upon by others.

  26. A:错 B:对
  27. Tannen argues that in general these theories have approached gender in essentialist ways.

  28. A:错 B:对
  29. It is easy to predict the gender in the personification of art works from the gender of the artist’s native language.

  30. A:错 B:对
  31. Language is just a means for communicating about the world as it is.

  32. A:对 B:错
  33. Men interrupt women more than vice versa.

  34. A:错 B:对
  35. Doing gestures is said to consolidate memories more than just seeing gestures.

  36. A:错 B:对
  37. There is only one way for us to construe a single event.

  38. A:对 B:错
  39. In the Affiliative model, language is mainly a way of “getting things done”.

  40. A:对 B:错
  41. Our speech organs include:

  42. A:tongue B:larynx C:jaw D:lips
  43. Other linguists think that EVERYTHING that accompanies speech in communication – _______ – is part of language.

  44. A:intonation B:gesture C:posture D:loudness
  45. Rules about ____ are always part of religious beliefs.

  46. A:diet B:dressing C:sexual behavior D:communiciating vocally
  47. Language helps us ____ events.

  48. A:construe B:experience C:construct D:forget
  49. Negative politeness strategies include:

  50. A:using hedges B:apologising for face-threatening behavior C:sharing experiences and concerns D:indicating deference
  51. In communication, the typical masculine traits are _____.

  52. A:independence B:aggressiveness C:harshness D:domination
  53. “ok” gesture means ___ in Belguim.

  54. A:Approval B:Zero C:Worthless D:Good
  55. SPEECH ACTS are particular uses of language to achieve specific goals. For example:_________.

  56. A:MAKING A REQUEST – the speaker is trying to get the listener to do something B:ASKING A QUESTION – the speaker is trying to get information from the listener C:GIVING AN ORDER – the speaker is trying to make the speaker do something
  57. Poynton (1989) noted that women tend to ___.

  58. A:use tag questions B:use euphemisms C:use more intensifiers D:use more adjectives
  59. Men speak and hear a language of ____ and ____.

  60. A:connection B:independence C:status D:intimacy
  61. In languages like ____, all nouns are of particular grammatical gender.

  62. A:English B:Spanish C:French D:German
  63. People also communicate by means of FACIAL EXPRESSIONS, which communicate something about the person’s _________ towards what is being communicated, and the person they are communicating with.

  64. A:postures B:attitude C:emotions D:gestures
  65. Cultural Models are METAPHORICAL in nature, as when we speak of someone ________.

  66. A:being “Heart-headed” B:having a “Broken Heart” C:doing an interesting thing
  67. Critical Period is a hypothesis that there is a time window during which language acquisition is ___.

  68. A:impossible B:difficult C:automatic D:easy
  69. Goals of intercultural understanding are ________.

  70. A:having the goal of succesful communication. B:promoting real understanding of the cultural worlds lived in by others. C:trying to avoid or minimize opportunities for misunderstanding. D:increasing intercultural understanding.
  71. Gestures can ____.

  72. A:reduce cognitive load B:facilitate lexical retrieval C:package information for speaking D:do nothing
  73. Such signals as ____ released by the speaker are very important for the listener to provide multimodal collaborative completions.

  74. A:gaze withdrawal B:pause C:gesture D:facial expression
  75. The way language is used ____ culture.

  76. A:creates B:destroys C:reflects
  77. Which factors make you use more linguistic politeness?

  78. A:a greater relative power of hearer over speaker B:a shorter social distance between the interlocutors C:a higher weight of the imposition
  79. The four dimensions of gestures are ______.

  80. A:deixix B:temporal highlighting C:metaphoricity D:iconicity
  81. ____ gestures while learning L2 new words or grammars can lead to the best learning outcomes.

  82. A:watching B:doing C:no D:seeing
  83. Gesture, facial expression and posture are all part of what is often called ________.

  84. A:body language B:written language C:oral language
  85. When performing a face-threatening act, which of the following forms is the most linguistically impolite?

  86. A:do the act on record with negative politeness redress B:do the act on record with positive politeness C:do the act baldly without redress
  87. According to Usage-based view, other cognitive skills and social behaviors are acquired ____ language is acquired.

  88. A:at the same time B:in the same way C:in a different way D:after
  89. The heavier the imposition in the particular culture, the ____ linguistic politeness you should use.

  90. A:less B:same C:more
  91. Women may use ____ and examples to explain things with clarity.

  92. A:experience B:stories C:jargons D:idioms
  93. In a language like ___ that goes right to left, you orgnise time from right to left.

  94. A:Italian B:French C:Hebrew Arabic D:Japanese
  95. For the reasons that language is a tool for thought and communication, human beings have been called ______.

  96. A:symbolic species B:imaginative species C:creative species
  97. Babies that are up to 8 months are called linguisitc citizens of the world because they ___ all kinds of different sounds they hear.

  98. A:distinguish between B:do not understand C:respond to D:understand
  99. Embodied resources ____ reflect L2 learners’ cognition when speaking in or about the target language, allowing them to think and communicate more effectively.

  100. A:visually B:kinetically C:aurally D:orally
  101. The kinds of things that kids say are ___ the things that they hear.

  102. A:remarkably similar to B:as complicated as C:less complicated than D:different from
  103. Parameters in Universal Grammar is described as a set of ___ that have already existed in your mind.

  104. A:mechanisms B:devices C:switches D:neurons
  105. Emprical studies in recent years that investigated the Poverty of the Stimulus Argument show that it is ___ to learn language from the input you hear.

  106. A:impossible B:uesless C:possible D:difficult
  107. ____ uncovered the role of language in constructing and enforcing a manmade worldview and sustaining men’s domination and women’s subordination.

  108. A:Crawford B:Spender C:Lakoff D:Tannen
  109. According to ____, women’s language is ineffective in comparison to men’s, and reflects their socially inferior position

  110. A:cultural theory B:deficit theory C:dominance theory D:difference theory
  111. If we think about how people COMMUNICATE with one another, the first thing that comes to mind is _______.

  112. A:language B:identity C:culture
  113. Conversation is a(n) ____ activity.

  114. A:joint B:monomodal C:separate D:difficult
  115. ____ is the most natural and basic forms of language use.

  116. A:Dialogue B:Singing C:Writing D:Listening
  117. “ok” gesture means ____ in France.

  118. A:the evil eye B:approval C:zero D:money
  119. Men normally ask questions to ____.

  120. A:show interest B:solve a problem C:strengthen relationship D:collect information

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