  1. In English [p=] and [ph] are two different phonemes. ( )

  2. A:对 B:错
  3. Arbitrariness of language means language can be used freely. ( )

  4. A:错 B:对
  5. The smallest meaningful unit of language is allomorph. ( )

  6. A:错 B:对
  7. Standard English is also one of the English dialects.( )

  8. A:对 B:错
  9. Fridge is a word formed by abbreviation.( )

  10. A:对 B:错
  11. Sociolinguistics deals with the relation between language and society. ( )

  12. A:对 B:错
  13. The decision of what language a dialect belongs to is purely linguistic.( )

  14. A:对 B:错
  15. In XP, X refers to any such head as N, V, A or P. ( )

  16. A:对 B:错
  17. The last sound of “sit” can be articulated as an unreleased or released plosive. These different realizations of the same phoneme are not in complementary distribution. ( )

  18. A:错 B:对
  19. Words are the most stable of all linguistic units in respect of their internal structure. ( )

  20. A:错 B:对
  21. The sound [z] is shared by “boys” and “moves” as a common morpheme. ( )

  22. A:对 B:错
  23. In the sentence “Money is often said to be the root of all evil”, “root” is used in its conceptual meaning. ( )

  24. A:对 B:错
  25. Generally speaking, the standard language is more effective in expressing ideas than any other dialect coexisting with it.( )

  26. A:对 B:错
  27. There are words of more or less the same meaning used in different regional dialects.( )

  28. A:错 B:对
  29. Phonology is language specific but phonetics is not. ( )

  30. A:错 B:对
  31. In the clause What the hell is structuralism?, is the Residue in terms of mood in systemic functional linguistics.( )

  32. A:structuralism B:is C:what the hell D:the hell
  33. “The man standing in the hallway looked depressed” is a (an) construction. ( )

  34. A:endocentric B:exocentric C:subordinate D:coordinative
  35. A phoneticist is interested in .( )

  36. A:human noises B:vowels C:consonants D:speech sounds
  37. is/are used most widely in a community.( )

  38. A:Sociolects B:The standard variety C:Regional dialects D:Registers
  39. Which of the following is NOT a suprasegmental feature?( )

  40. A:Voicelessness. B:Tone. C:Syllable. D:Stress
  41. Knight originally meant youth, but now it means a medieval gentleman soldier. This is a case of meaning ______.( )

  42. A:class shift B:broadening C:meaning shift D:narrowing
  43. Translational Generative Grammar was introduced by ______ in 1957.( )

  44. A:F. Saussure B:M. A. K. Halliday C:N. Chomsky D:L. Bloomfield
  45. _____ is concerned with the study of the actual use of language in communication.( )

  46. A:Semantics B:Pragmatics C:Synchronic linguistics D:Sociolinguistics
  47. By saying _______, we mean the study of rules governing the structure, distribution, and sequencing of speech sounds and the shape of syllables. ( )

  48. A:syntax B:phonetics C:phonology D:morphology
  49. A vowel is different from a consonant in English because of .( )

  50. A:presence of obstruction B:absence of obstruction C:manner of articulation D:place of articulation
  51. Basically, all the languages in the world can be classified in terms of language family. Vietnamese and Korean are two languages in the ______ family.( )

  52. A:Hamito-Semitic B:Malayo-Polynesian C:Indo-European D:Sino-Tibetan
  53. In English -ful and -tion can be called .( )

  54. A:Lexicon B:infixes C:prefixes D:B. suffixes
  55. Which is the cover term for the way of comparing one thing with another explicitly?( )

  56. A:Simile B:Metonymy C:Synecdoche D:Metaphor
  57. Can you take my son to the lake for a swim? This sentence is usually taken as a(n) .( )

  58. A:request B:declaration C:order D:expressive
  59. The traditional grammar rules like You should never use a double-negative are technically known as ________.( )

  60. A:prescriptive B:denotative C:connotative D:descriptive
  61. The distinction between parole and langue was made by .( )

  62. A:Bloomfield B:Chomsky C:Halliday D:Saussure
  63. There are different types of affixes and morphemes. The affix “-ed” in the word “learned’ is known as a(n) ______.( )

  64. A:free form B:inflectional morpheme C:derivational morpheme D:free morpheme
  65. are produced when the obstruction created by the speech organs is totally and audibly released. ( )

  66. A:Glides B:Back vowels C:Fricatives D:Stops
  67. The semantic components of the word “man” can be expressed as _____.( )

  68. A:+ animate, + human, + male, +adult B:+ animate, + human, - male, + adult C:+animate, + human, +male, +adult D:+ animate, + human, - male, - adult
  69. Nouns, verbs, and adjectives can be classified as . ( )

  70. A:closed class words B:open class words C:structural words D:functional words
  71. The consonant [s] in the word “smile” can be described as . ( )

  72. A:Voiced oral bilabial fricative B:voiceless oral alveolar fricative C:voiceless nasal bilabial liquid D:voiced oral alveolar plosive
  73. The Speech Act Theory was proposed by( ) in 1962.

  74. A:J. L. Austin B:M. A. K. Halliday C:F. de Saussure D:N. Chomsky
  75. Y’s utterance in the following conversation exchange violates the maxim of ______. ( )X: Who was that you were with last night?Y: Did you know that you were wearing odd socks?

  76. A:quantity B:manner C:relation D:quality
  77. In the clause Bill gave it to me, which is the new information?( )A: Who gave you that magazine?B: Bill gave it to me.

  78. A:to me B:it C:Bill D:gave it
  79. was advanced by Paul Grice. ( )

  80. A:The Cooperative Principle B:The Politeness Principle C:The Speech Act Theory D:The universal grammar
  81. In the following dialogue, which of cohesive ties is used in Linda’s utterance?Marry: Have you ever been to Beijing?( )Linda: Yes, twice.

  82. A:substitution B:lexical cohesion C:ellipsis D:exophora
  83. Saussure took a(n) _____ view of language, while Chomsky looks at language from a _______ point of view. ( )

  84. A:applied...pragmatic B:psychological...sociological C:sociological...psychological D:semantic...linguistic
  85. Discourse analysis is an area of linguistics that primarily deals with the analysis of language the sentence.( )

  86. A:below B:at C:around D:beyond
  87. means that certain authorities, such as the government, a particular speech variety, standise it and spread the use of it across regional boundaries. ( )

  88. A:Language transfer B:Language change C:Language interference D:Language planning
  89. The distinction between parole and langue was made by_____.( )

  90. A:Saussure B:Chomsky C:Bloomfield D:Halliday
  91. Diphthongs are characterized by ________ .( )

  92. A:gliding B:stress C:aspiration D:voicing
  93. What essentially distinguishes semantics from pragmatics is whether is taken into consideration in the study of meaning.( )

  94. A:grammar B:speech act C:syntax D:context
  95. The speech act theory was founded by ( ) .

  96. A:P. Grice B:J. Searle C:J. Austin D:J. Austen
  97. In the clause Marry, her name is., which is the Theme?( )

  98. A:her name B:Marry, her name C:Marry D:her name is
  99. When a comes to be adopted by a population as its primary language, and children learn it as their first language, it becomes a Creole. ( )

  100. A:pidgin B:contact language C:local language D:lingua franca

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