

  1. What is the standard therapy for metastatic pancreatic cancer ( )

  2. A:Surgery B:Immunotherapy C:Chemotherapy D:Radiotherapy
  3. Periampullary cancer does not include ( )

  4. A:Duodenal carcinoma B:Carcinoma of the head of pancreas C:Carcinoma of the ampulla D:Carcinoma of the pancreatic body E:Carcinoma of the lower common bile duct
    AI参考:正确答案是A:Duodenal carcinoma(十二指肠癌)。Periampullary cancer指的是胰头癌、壶腹周围癌等,不包括十二指肠癌(选项A)。因此,正确答案为A。'
  5. Which of the following is the most prominent symptom of chronic pancreatitis? ( )

  6. A:Abdominal pain B:Vomiting C:Fever D:Abdominal mass E:Constipation
    AI参考:正确答案是A:Abdominal pain(腹部疼痛)。慢性胰腺炎的主要症状是腹部疼痛,其他选项如呕吐、发热、腹部肿块、便秘等不是其主要症状。因此,正确答案是A。'
  7. Which pathological type accounts for the largest proportion of pancreatic cancer? ( )

  8. A:Small cell carcinoma B:Adenosquamous carcinoma C:Acinar cell carcinoma D:Mucinous carcinoma E:Ductal adenocarcinoma
    AI参考:正确答案是E:Ductal adenocarcinoma(导管腺癌)。胰腺癌的主要病理类型包括导管腺癌(E选项)、小细胞癌(A选项)、腺鳞癌(B选项)、粘液癌(D选项)等。其中,导管腺癌是最常见的胰腺癌类型,占胰腺癌的绝大部分比例。因此,正确答案是E选项。'
  9. The most common cause of acute pancreatitis in China is ( )

  10. A:gallstones B:morbid obesity C:hypertriglyceridemia D:ERCP E:alcohol abuse
    AI参考:正确答案是E:alcohol abuse。在中国,急性胰腺炎最常见的原因是酒精滥用(E对)。其他选项中,胆结石(A错)在亚洲人群中相对常见,肥胖(B错)可能导致慢性胰腺炎,而非急性胰腺炎,高甘油三酯血症(C错)和高脂血症可能间接导致胰腺炎,经内镜逆行胰胆管造影术(D错)通常用于治疗胆结石,而非急性胰腺炎的病因。'
  11. Which of the following is the major treatment for periampullary carcinoma? ( )

  12. A:Ablation B:Surgical resection C:Radiotherapy D:Chemotherapy
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Surgical resection(外科手术切除)。对于胰十二指肠后癌的主要治疗方法是外科手术切除,因此选项B是正确答案。其他选项A(消融)、C(放射治疗)和D(化学治疗)都不是主要的治疗方法。'
  13. A 35 years old male patient complained of fatigue, palpitation, and trance for 2 years, during which three episodes of mental disorders and epileptic seizures occurred. One month ago, he was engaged in physical labor before breakfast, causing convulsions in his limbs and confusion. Blood glucose test was 2.0 mmol / L, and intravenous injection of 50% glucose solution got the symptoms relief. The patient had no previous head trauma. Which diagnosis should be considered? ( )

  14. A:Symptomatic epilepsy B:Idiopathic epilepsy C:Hunger hypoglycemia D:Gastrin tumor E:Insulin tumor
  15. About acute pancreatitis, which of the following statement is incorrect: ( )

  16. A:Laboratory examination may show an increase in serum amylase or lipase B:Plain CT can show localized or diffuse edema or enlargement of the pancreas, and the margin was blurred due to inflammatory exudation C:Enhanced examination can help determine whether there is necrosis in pancreatitis D:It can be divided into three types: acute edema type, necrosis type and hemorrhagic type
    AI参考:正确答案是:D:It can be divided into three types: acute edema type,necrosis type and hemorrhagic type。急性胰腺炎可分为急性水肿型、急性坏死型和急性出血型,这几点都在题干中提到了,没有提到不对的说法,因此选项D为正确答案。选项A的“实验室检查可能显示血清淀粉酶或脂肪酶升高”在题干中也提到了,所以正确;选项B的“平扫CT可显示局部或弥漫性水肿或胰体积增大,由于炎症渗出而模糊边缘”也正确;选项C的“增强检查有助于确定胰腺是否发生坏死”也是正确的。因此,D选项为不正确的说法。'
  17. How can you get a definite diagnosis in 100% of cases? ( )

  18. A:Cytopathology B:MRI C:CT D:ERCP
  19. What is the frequency of KRAS G12C mutation in pancreatic cancer? ( )

  20. A:1-2% B:>90% C:60-80% D:30-50%
    AI参考:正确答案是C:60-80%。胰腺癌中KRAS G12C突变频率在60-80%之间。具体数字可能因研究群体和样本数量而异。需要参考具体研究报告来确定准确数字。'
  21. Which feature is most common in carcinoma head of the pancreas? 

  22. A:Weight loss B:Jaundice C:Abdominal pain D:Malabsorption
  23. A 66 years old male patient complained of upper abdominal discomfort and poor appetite for 2 months. 2 weeks ago, he found his skin got yellow and progressive deepening. The lab tests: Serum bilirubin 171μmol/L, and urinary bilirubin was positive. B-ultrasound indicated that intrahepatic and extrahepatic bile ducts were dilated, and the gallbladder was sized 12cm × 4cm × 4cm with high tension. The most likely diagnosis was: ( )

  24. A:Hilar cholangiocarcinoma B:Choledocholithiasis C:Hepatitis D:Carcinoma of the head of pancreas E:Cholestasis
  25. The expected incidence of Grade ¾ vomiting of FOLFRINOX is:( )

  26. A:100% B:14.5% C:60.5% D:50.5%
    AI参考:正确答案是B:14.5%。根据题目描述,FOLFRINOX方案中Grade ¾的呕吐发生率预期为14.5%。因此,正确答案是B。'
  27. What is the approximate proportion of patients with chronic pancreatitis who become pancreatic cancer? ( )

  28. A:0.6%~2.6% B:16%~20% C:3.6%~5% D:0.6%~3% E:36%~50%
  29. Which of the following statements about MDT is wrong ( )

  30. A:Propose optimal treatment plan for each patient by practitioners from different disciplines in aspects of diagnosing, treating and caring for patient management B:MDT is a treatment model based on evidence-based medicine C:It is a patient-centered treatment model D:For better economic benefits E:This clinical treatment model has become one of the main trends in tumor management
  31. The sub-types below belong to IPMN, except ( )

  32. A:Solid type B:Macro cystic type C:Micro cystic type D:Main duct type E:Mixed type
  33. IPMN can be divided into following subtypes based on the histological characteristics, except for: ( )

  34. A:Pancreatobiliary type B:Intestinal type C:Oncocytic type D:Basal type E:Gastric type
  35. You see a new patient in clinic with metastatic pancreatic cancer to the liver. You have decided to treat this patient with FOLFIRINOX. You are asked about the risk of Grade ¾ neutropenia. The expected incidence is:( )

  36. A:39% B:19% C:46% D:60%
    答案:Alternating pulseAI参考:根据题目描述,患者患有肝转移的胰腺癌,并决定使用FOLFIRINOX治疗。当被问及重度中性粒细胞减少症(Grade 3/4 neutropenia)的风险时,预期的发生率为46%。因此,正确答案是C:46%。'
  37. The most accurate way to diagnose insulinoma is ( )

  38. A:Whipple’s triad B:Fasting blood glucose below 2.2mmol/L C:Glucose tolerance test D:Hunger testing E:Determination of blood insulin
    AI参考:正确答案是E:Determination of blood insulin。诊断胰岛素瘤最准确的方法是测定血胰岛素水平,即选项E。胰岛素瘤患者空腹或餐后胰岛素分泌过多,血中胰岛素水平明显升高,通过测定血胰岛素水平可以确诊胰岛素瘤。其他选项如Whipple三联征、空腹血糖低于2.2mmol/L、葡萄糖耐量试验、饥饿试验和饥饿饥饿试验等虽然可以作为辅助诊断手段,但不如测定血胰岛素水平准确。因此,正确答案是E。'
  39. What is objective response rate of Pembrolizumab in treating pancreatic cancer patients with MSI-H ( )

  40. A:18% B:50% C:0% D:33%
  41. Worrisome features of IPMN malignancy includes: ( )

  42. A:Main pancreatic duct >10 mm; B:enhancing mural nodule < 5 mm. C:Pancreatitis D:Cyst >3 cm; E:Main duct size 5-9 mm;
    答案:MetastasesAI参考:正确选项为:D:Cyst >3 cm; E:Main duct size 5-9 mm。多选问题中描述了IPMN(胰腺导管内乳头状黏液性肿瘤)恶性变的一些可能特征,包括囊性肿物大小超过3cm和主胰管大小在5-9mm之间。因此,正确选项为D和E。其他选项如胰腺炎、壁结节和主胰管扩张大小均不是该病症恶性变的直接或主要特征。'
  43. Which peri-operative complications below are more common after whipple surgery? ( )

  44. A:Delayed gastric empty B:Pancreatic fistula C:Chyle leakage D:Ileus E:Abdominal infection
    答案:Maillard reactionAI参考:正确答案是:B:Pancreatic fistula和C:Chyle leakage。Whipple手术容易引发多种并发症,如腹腔感染、胰瘘和空肠梗阻等,而腹腔感染多有严重的腹痛和全身炎症反应。对比四个选项中只有B、C两种并发症更容易在Whipple手术后发生,其中胰腺吻合口出血或者组织渗漏会导致胰液流出引起胰腺假性囊肿形成,胰腺液流入肠腔,可导致肠瘘、腹膜炎、腹腔感染等严重并发症。因此B和C是术后并发症中最常见的选项。而空肠梗阻(D)虽然也可在Whipple手术后发生,但发生率较低。胃排空延迟(A)和术后肠梗阻(D)通常不会在Whipple手术后发生。因此,答案是B和C。'
  45. Patients with pancreatic cancer should be treated with preoperative PTCD to reduce jaundice ( )

  46. A:Age > 65 B:Complicated biliary tract infection C:Jaundice for more than 8 weeks D:Serum bilirubin > 256 μ mol/L E:Creatinine and urea nitrogen increase
    答案:胰液AI参考:正确答案是:D:Serum bilirubin > 256 μ mol/L。多选题说明不止一个正确答案,这里给出了多个正确选项。需要同时满足以下四个条件才应采用PTCD,进行手术治疗。病人年龄大于65岁(A错)、胆道感染复杂(B错)、黄疸超过8周(C错)、血清总胆红素>正常值上限两倍以上(D对)这四个条件时。D是多个条件中与癌有关的因素。所以病人若已并发血清总胆红素升高且达到标准(即血清总胆红素>正常值上限两倍),则应采用PTCD进行手术治疗。E选项肾功能不全与PTCD无关,故不选。因此,本题答案为D、E。即胰腺癌患者应采用PTCD治疗黄疸时,血清总胆红素水平必须升高,而不能有其他选项中所描述的其他指标的存在。所以正确的答案是血清总胆红素水平高于正常值上限两倍的D选项。另外E选项提到的是肾功能不全,与PTCD无关,故不选。'
  47. D’Egidio and Schein described a classification of pancreatic pseudocyst, includes: ( )

  48. A:Chronic pseudocysts B:Pre-necrotic pseudocysts C:Acute post-necrotic pseudocysts, D:Post-necrotic pseudocysts, E:Retention pseudocysts
    AI参考:正确选项为:D’Egidio and Schein described a classification of pancreatic pseudocyst, includes: ( )A:Chronic pseudocysts B:Pre-necrotic pseudocysts C:Acute post-necrotic pseudocysts D:Post-necrotic pseudocysts根据题目描述,D’Egidio和Schein对胰腺假囊肿的分类包括:慢性假囊肿、前坏死性假囊肿、急性后坏死性假囊肿、后坏死性假囊肿和保留假囊肿。因此,选项D和E是正确的。'
  49. High-risk stigmata of IPMN malignancy includes: ( )

  50. A:Cyst >3 cm; B:Increased serum level of CA19-9 C:Main pancreatic duct >10 mm D:Obstructive jaundice in a patient with cystic lesion of the head of the pancreas; E:Enhancing mural nodule > 5 mm;
    AI参考:正确选项为:E:Enhancing mural nodule > 5 mm。多形性黏液样囊肿恶变的高危因素包括:增强壁结节>5mm;囊肿直径>3cm;主胰管直径>10mm;血清CA19-9水平升高;胰腺头部占位性病变引起梗阻性黄疸;囊肿内壁不规则等。因此,选项E中的增强壁结节>5mm是高危因素之一。其他选项如囊肿直径>3cm、主胰管直径>10mm等不是唯一的高危因素,所以选项ABCD不正确。'
  51. Which of the following factors affect the prognosis of periampullary carcinoma? ( )

  52. A:Lymph node invasion B:Disease stage C:Differentiation D:Pancreatic invasion
    AI参考:影响胰十二指肠癌预后的因素有:1. 肿瘤的分期:早期诊断和早期治疗是提高预后的关键。2. 肿瘤的分化程度:分化程度越高,恶性程度越低,预后越好。3. 淋巴结转移情况:淋巴结转移越多,预后越差。4. 肿瘤大小:肿瘤越大,预后越差。5. 肿瘤部位:胰头癌的预后明显差于其他部位。因此,淋巴道转移和胰腺浸润会影响胰十二指肠癌的预后,选项A和D是正确的。同时,疾病分期也是一个重要的影响因素,选项B也是正确的。所以,正确选项为A、B、D。'
  53. Which one of the following meets the inclusion criteria of MDT? ( )

  54. A:Diseases involving multi systems and organs B:Complex cases with difficulty in clinical diagnosis (i.e. diagnosis cannot be made more than 3 days after admission) or unsatisfactory curative effect C:Tumors D:Cases with serious complications
    AI参考:【答案】B, D解析:本题问哪个选项符合MDT的入组标准。选项A:涉及多系统和器官的疾病;选项B:复杂病例,临床诊断困难(入院三天后仍无法诊断或者治疗无效的病例);选项C:肿瘤;选项D:严重并发症病例。显然,选项B和D都符合MDT的入组标准,因为复杂病例通常会涉及多个系统和器官,而严重并发症病例则可能存在多种合并症,需要多学科协作治疗。因此,正确答案是B和D。'
  55. During the surgery for pancreatic head cancer, which organs below will be resected? ( )

  56. A:Gallbladder B:Spleen C:Part of stomach D:Part of jejunum E:Common bile duct
    AI参考:正确选项是【E:Common bile duct】。在胰腺头癌手术中,通常需要切除胆总管(Common bile duct),以避免胆道梗阻和胆汁逆流到胰腺中,导致胰腺炎等并发症。其他选项中,胆囊(Gallbladder)、脾脏(Spleen)、部分胃(Part of stomach)和部分小肠(Part of jejunum)通常不是手术中需要切除的器官。'
  57. Which of the following are Parp inhibitor( )

  58. A:Pamiparib B:Niraparib C:Olaparib D:Fluzopari
  59. About pancreatic cancer, which the following statements are correct: ( )

  60. A:Pancreatic cancer is mostly hypervascular tumor, with obvious enhancement B:Pancreatic cancer usually diagnosed at early stage C:Laboratory examination may show an increase in CA125 D:The most common pathological type of pancreatic cancer is ductal adenocarcinoma E:Pancreatic cancer is easy to invade peripheral blood vessels and nerves, and prone to lymph node and liver metastasis
    答案:胰腺癌AI参考:正确选项为:D:The most common pathological type of pancreatic cancer is ductal adenocarcinoma 和E:Pancreatic cancer is easy to invade peripheral blood vessels and nerves,and prone to lymph node and liver metastasis。选项A不正确,因为胰腺癌并不是一种高度血管化的肿瘤,也不是通过明显增强来诊断的;选项B不正确,因为胰腺癌通常在早期难以诊断;选项C不正确,因为CA125的升高并不一定意味着胰腺癌的存在。因此,只有选项D和E是正确的。选项D指出胰腺癌最常见的病理类型是导管腺癌,而选项E则指出胰腺癌容易侵犯周围血管和神经,容易发生淋巴结和肝转移。'
  61. What are the perioperative nutritional supports for patients with PDAC ( )

  62. A:Coca Cola B:Enteral nutrition C:Parenteral nutrition D:Pancreatin preparation
    答案:围手术期护理包括全面照顾病人,要考虑到生理.心理.社会文化和精神等各方面的需求.AI参考:正确选项是【B:Enteral nutrition C:Parenteral nutrition】。对于胰腺癌患者,手术前的营养支持包括肠内营养(B)和肠外营养(C)。而A选项的Coca Cola和D选项的胰腺肽制剂与手术前的营养支持没有直接关系。因此,正确答案是B和C。'
  63. Which drugs were included in the chemotherapy regimen of FOLFRINOX( )。

  64. A:Oxaliplatin B:5-Fu C:Irinotecan D:Abraxane
    答案:detailed tasks
  65. which of the followings are the drawbacks of PDX model? ( )

  66. A:It is a two-dimentional cell-line culture B:Requirement of a massive tumor tissue C:Unable to evaluate the efficacy of immune therapy D:Time-consuming
    答案:The law in UK.
  67. Whipple’s triad is a typical clinical syndrome caused by insulinomas. The triad consists of ( )

  68. A:Relief of symptoms with the administration of glucose; B:Symptomatic fasting hypoglycemia; C:Peptic ulceration; D:A documented serum glucose level below 2.8 mmol / L; E:Abdominal pain.
    AI参考:Whipples Triad is a typical clinical syndrome caused by insulinomas, which includes: Symptomatic fasting hypoglycemia, a documented serum glucose level below 2.8 mmol/L, and the relief of symptoms with the administration of glucose. Therefore, the correct answers are B, D, and E. A peptic ulceration is not a typical feature of insulinomas, but may occur as a result of the underlying disease process. Therefore, it is not included in the Whipples Triad."
  69. Which of the following types is included in the IPMN? ( )

  70. A:Mixed type B:Branch-duct type C:Cystic fluid type D:Main-duct type E:Mucoid type
    AI参考:多选题:下列哪类属于IPMN?(CD)A:混合型B:分支导管型C:囊状水样型D:主导管型E:粘液型所以答案是 C和D选项,即囊状水样型和主导管型。其中囊状水样型指的是胰腺导管内乳头状黏液肿瘤呈现囊状扩张,产生囊性液体;主导管型指的是肿瘤生长在主胰管,引起主胰管扩张。其他选项如混合型、分支导管型、粘液型等则不是IPMN的常见类型。'
  71. Main pancreatic duct dilation of 5-9 mm is one of the“worrisome features”for IPMN. ( )

  72. A:错 B:对
    答案:bile ductAI参考:B:对。根据题目中的信息,主胰管扩张5-9mm是IPMN的一种“令人担忧的特征”之一。因此,答案是B,表示该判断题是正确的。'
  73. Next-generation sequencing is helpful for management of pancreatic cancer. ( )

  74. A:错 B:对
    答案:顺序,排歹AI参考:B.对。Next-generation sequencing是一种用于测序的技术,可以帮助研究人员更深入地了解肿瘤的基因组,包括基因突变、基因表达和基因组结构等,从而为胰腺癌的管理提供更多信息。因此,答案是B,即Next-generation sequencing对胰腺癌的管理是有帮助的。'
  75. Inherited germline mutations in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes greatly increase the risk of cancer, presumably by elevating somatic mutational errors as a consequence of deficient DNA repair ( )

  76. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是B:错。Inherited germline mutations in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes大大增加了患癌症的风险,但并非是通过增加体细胞突变错误来提高DNA修复不足引起的风险,这个判断是错误的。BRCA基因的突变会导致DNA修复系统的缺陷,进而增加患癌症的风险,但具体的机制还需要进一步的研究和探讨。因此,本题判断错误。'
  77. Both FOLFRINOX and Gemcitabine/abraxane treatment cause peripheral neuropathy. ( )

  78. A:错 B:对
  79. Operation is recommended for patients with SCN. ( )

  80. A:错 B:对
  81. Li-Fraumeni syndrome (LFS) is an inherited condition that is characterized by an increased risk for certain types of cancer. Affected people often develop cancer at an earlier age than expected and may be diagnosed with more than one cancer during their lifetime ( )

  82. A:错 B:对
  83. Compared with MRI, CT scans have the better ability on evaluation of the pancreatic duct system, and the communication between the lesion and the pancreatic duct. ( )

  84. A:错 B:对
  85. Most pancrratic neuroendocrine tumors are nonfunctional. ( )

  86. A:对 B:错
  87. For metastatic pancreatic cancer, FOLFRINOX is much better than Gemcitabine/abraxane as first-line therapy. ( )

  88. A:对 B:错
  89. Germline mutations are passed on from parents to offspring. Also called germline variant. ( )

  90. A:错 B:对
    答案:对AI参考:答案是B:对。Germline mutations是指在生殖细胞(精子和卵子)中发生的基因突变,这些突变会从父母传递给后代。因此,答案是B,即“对”。'
  91. MDT can improve the accuracy of PCN diagnosis. ( )

  92. A:错 B:对
    答案:Water temperatureAI参考:正确答案是B:对。多学科会诊(MDT)可以提高PCN诊断的准确性。'
  93. MCNs are epithelial-derived tumors and produce mucinous fluid. ( )

  94. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是B:错。MCNs(Mucinous centro-/endodermal neoplasm)是一种起源于上皮组织的肿瘤,但它们并不产生mucinous fluid(黏液性液体)。因此,这个说法是错误的。'
  95. BRCA1/2 are DNA damage repair genes. ( )

  96. A:对 B:错
  97. Most IPMN patients are found 60-80 years old, and the probability of disease is similar between men and women. ( )

  98. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B. 对。根据问题中的信息,大多数IPMN患者是在60-80岁之间被发现的,并且男性与女性之间的患病概率相似。因此,答案是B,表示该说法是正确的。选项A表示错误,不符合题干中的信息。'
  99. Somatic mutations can occur in any of the cells of the body except the germ cells (sperm and egg) and therefore are not passed on to children ( )

  100. A:错 B:对

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