  1. As is known to all, the organization and management of wages and salaries are very complicated. Generally speaking, the Account Department is responsible for calculations of pay, while the Personnel Department is interested in discussions with the employees about pay.        If a firm wants to adopt a new wage and salary structure, it is essential that the firm should decide on a method of job evaluation and ways of measuring the performance of its employees. In order to be successful, that new pay structure will need agreement between Trade Unions and employers.       In job evaluation, all of the requirements of each job are defined in a detailed job description. Each of those requirements is given a value, generally in “points”, which are added together to give a total value for the job. For middle and higher management, a special method is used to evaluate managers on their knowledge of the job, their responsibility, and their ability to solve problems. Be­cause of the difficulty in measuring management work, however, job grades for managers are often decided without reference to an evaluation system based on points.       In attempting to design a pay system, the Personnel Department should compare the value of each job with those in the job market. It should also consider economic factors such as the cost of liv­ing and the labor supply.It is necessary that payment for a job should vary with any distinctions in the way that job is per­formed. Where it is simple to measure the work done, as in the work done with the hands, monetary encouragement schemes are often chosen; for indirect workers, where measurement is difficult, methods of additional payments are employed.

  2. 答案:BCDBC
  3. Over the past decade, American companies have tried hard to find ways to discourage senior managers from feathering their own nests at the expense of their shareholder. The three most popular reforms have been recruiting more outside directors in order to make boards more independent, linking bosses' pay to various performance measures, and giving bosses share options, so that they have the same long-term interests as their shareholders.        These reforms have been widely adopted by America's larger companies, and surveys suggest that many more companies are thinking of following their lead. But have they done any good? Three papers presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management in Boston this week suggest not. As is usually the case with boardroom tinkering, the consequences have differed from those intended.        Start with those independent boards. On the face of it, dismissing the boss's friends from the board and replacing them with outsiders looks a perfect way to make senior managers more accountable. But that is not the conclusion of a study by Professor James Westphal. Instead, he found that bosses with a boardroom full of outsiders spend much of their time building alliances, doing personal favors and generally pleasing the outsiders.        All too often, these seductions succeed. Mr. Westphal found that, to a remarkable degree, "independent" boards pursue strategies that are likely to favor senior managers rather than shareholders.  Such companies diversify their business, increase the pay of executives and weaken the link between pay and performance.    To assess the impact of performance-related pay, Mr. Westphal asked the bosses of 103 companies with sales of over $ 1 billion what measurements were used to determine their pay. The measurements varied widely, ranging from sales to earnings per share. But the researcher's big discovery was that bosses attend to measures that affect their own incomes and ignore or play down other factors that affect a company's overall success.        In short, bosses are quick to turn every imaginable system of corporate government to their advantage-which is probably why they are the people who are put in charge of things. Here is paradox for the management theorists: any boss who can not beat a system designed to keep him under control is probably not worth having not beat a system designed to keep him under control is probably not worth having.

  4. 答案:CCDCD
  5. A worker with good emotional intelligence would like to be observed engaging in the following behavior:

  6. A:All of the above are behaviors of highly emotional intelligence people. B:Recognizing when a coworker needs help but is too embarrassed to ask. C:Recognize that the boss is facing considerable pressure. D:Deal effectively with an angry customer.
    答案:All of the above are behaviors of highly emotional intelligence people.###Deal effectively with an angry customer.###Recognizing when a coworker needs help but is too embarrassed to ask.###Recognize that the boss is facing considerable pressure.
  7. The three functions of human resource development are:

  8. A:de-employment B:individual development C:organizational development D:training
    答案:individual development###training###organizational development
  9. Power distance means the degree to which power differences are expected and accepted by society. Which of the followings are high power distance country?

  10. A:China B:UK C:Japan D:America
  11. According to Spencer-Oatey, there are three different layers of culture contents, ranging from inner level of

  12. A:social behavior B:core assumptions C:core values such as attitudes, beliefs and social conventions D:observable artifacts.
    答案:observable artifacts.###core assumptions###core values such as attitudes, beliefs and social conventions
  13. Which of the followings is not the methods of appraisal___________?

  14. A:Graphic Rating Scale Method B:Forced Distribution Method C:Critical Incident Method D:SMART Method
    答案:Graphic Rating Scale Method###Forced Distribution Method###Critical Incident Method
  15. Employees will generally only refer high quality candidates as their reputation is at stake.

  16. A:错 B:对
  17. A rating scale which enlists traits and performance values is called management by objectives.

  18. A:错 B:对
  19. One of the advantages of 'alternation ranking method' is that it avoids central tendency and biases.

  20. A:错 B:对
  21. Canada’s Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts which employ French citizens in its George V hotel in Paris is an example of employing parent country nationals (PCN).

  22. A:错 B:对
  23. Type of employees pay rate in which pay is attached with productivity is called variable pay.

  24. A:对 B:错
  25. Equal opportunities and practices are more common in workplaces with HR specialist.

  26. A:对 B:错
  27. Rates are placed in percentages in performance categories is followed in graphic rating scale method.

  28. A:错 B:对
  29. When rating of employee trait biases its performance on other traits, it is called halo effect.

  30. A:错 B:对
  31. The host-country is where the firm is headquartered.

  32. A:错 B:对
  33. With the integration of language into the fabric of culture, confusion and dysfunction would reign and the culture

  34. A:对 B:错
  35. The human resource manager normally operates in what capacity?

  36. A:Production B:Matrix C:Line D:Staff
  37. Accessing employees' telephones and computers for monitoring employees' rate and accuracy is______

  38. A:forced distribution method B:critical incident method C:electronic performance monitoring D:behaviorally anchored rating scale
  39. HR plans of any organization does not include____

  40. A:personnel plans B:production plans C:compensation plans D:training and development plans
  41. Demand for human resources and management is created by

  42. A:Abundance of capital B:Expansion of industry C:Shortage of labor
  43. Online and face to face feedback about goal's progress is____

  44. A:goal alignment B:direction sharing C:ongoing performance monitoring D:ongoing feedback
  45. An individual's belief that he or she is capable of performing a task is called:

  46. A:Self-efficacy B:Self-esteem C:Self-importance D:Self-actualization
  47. First step in 'appraising process' is_____

  48. A:feedback session B:defining the job C:training session D:interview sessions
  49. Evaluation helps determine the extent to which have been achieved.

  50. A:Efficiency B:Profit C:Training objectives D:Employee satisfaction
  51. Maslow suggests that human needs are arranged in a series of levels, a hierarchy of importance. Which of the following statements are relevant to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory?

  52. A:

    A satisfied need is no longer a motivator


    The hierarchy is not necessarily in a fixed order


    All of the options


    A need is not necessarily fully satisfied before a subsequent need arises

  53. ___ is designing and implementing total compensation package with a systematic approach to providing value to employees in exchange for work performance.

  54. A:Human resource management B:Performance management C:Personnel management D:Compensation management
  55. Which of the following can be regarded as indirect communication?

  56. A:Low-context B:Explicit C:High-context D:Plainly stated
  57. Process of identifying, assessing and developing leadership is called              .

  58. A:all of options B:Human resource planning
    C:Employment planning D:Succession planning
  59. Good relationship with customers consist of all of the following except:

  60. A:Be concerned more about the speed of service than the quality of the service B:Make the customer feel good C:Display strong business ethics D:Communicate a positive attitude
  61. ______is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs.

  62. A:Orientation B:Induction C:Recruitment D:Selection
  63. A managerial approach, focusing on improving work methods, situation analysis and observation, known as

  64. A:performance based system B:low-performance work system C:scientific management movement D:linking performance and pay
  65. The major difference between training and education is that:

  66. A:education is more closely related to learning a particular job. B:education refers more to acquiring specific skills. C:training narrows the range of responses while education broadens the range. D:training provides more general knowledge.
  67. Which of the following is NOT an example of a global strategy?

  68. A:The British subsidiary of global insurance group Aviva develops a new product for the UK market. B:Walmart withdraws from Germany in order to avoid changing its global strategy of selling low-priced products. C:IKEA sells standardized, Swedish designed, self-assembly furniture products at low price. D:LVMH sells luxury goods made in France.
  69. Douglas McGregor's view that suggests that employees will exercise self-direction and self-control when they are committed to the objectives of the work is called:

  70. A:Theory Y B:Theory B C:Theory A D:Theory X
  71. Understanding behavior and culture of host country's market by host manager in corporation orientation is known to be

  72. A:expat-centric B:geocentric C:polycentric D:ethnocentric
  73. Which of the following is not a method of on-the-job training?

  74. A:Simulations B:Job rotation C:Mentoring D:JIT
  75. Compensation is a __approach to providing monetary value to employees in exchange for work performed.

  76. A:Traditional B:Systematic C:Classic D:Modern
  77. In international business, the trend to “go local” has led to local people and foreign experts performing as:

  78. A:hosts and guests B:a team C:trainee and trainer D:workers and employers
  79. Process of using present and past conditions for analyzing future aspects is classified as

  80. A:

    all of the options


    expectations analysis




    term analysis

  81. Development concerned more with

  82. A:

    Career growth


    All of the options


    Succession planning


    Immediate performance

  83. What is a “learned system of knowledge, behavior, attitudes, beliefs, values, and norms shared by a group of people” called?

  84. A:co-culture B:dominant culture C:culture D:community
  85. Basic approach in employee's performance compares with their current performance to______

  86. A:

    performance in last job


    set standards


    none of options


    performance in previous years

  87. Employee motivation is considered a very important element in achieving overall goal of organization. In order to keep employees motivated, an employer needs to understand that

  88. A:Each employee will work hard if they get paid on time B:Every employee is different, motivate them according to their needs. C:Rewards are the key to keep the employees motivated and self-satisfied D:Every employee is satisfied by increase in salary
  89. The two consideration in traditional approach to compensation management are

  90. A:

    None of the options


    Internal and external


    Allowances and rewards


    Monetary and non monetary

  91. Supply of services by outside vendors that are done previously by in-house employees is______

  92. A:



    off shoring


    none of options


    alternative staffing

  93. ___________ is a perception shared by a culture or group about key beliefs and issues like the meaning of life.

  94. A:co-culture B:world view C:mindfulness D:third culture
  95. The theory that individuals act depending upon their evaluation of whether their effort will lead to good performance, whether good performance will be followed by a reward, and whether that reward is attractive to them, is called:

  96. A:Equity Theory B:Motivational Theory C:Expectancy Theory D:Outcome Theory
  97. The aim of cross-cultural communication training is to:

  98. A:improve behavior B:create strong cultural ties C:give social status D:develop business etiquette
  99. Which of the following factors state the importance of the Human Resource Planning?

  100. A:

    International strategies


    Resistance to change and move


    Creating highly talented personnel


    All of the options

  101. Employees involuntary separation from a job for a certain time period, known as__

  102. A:acquisitions B:layoffs C:mergers D:downsizing
  103. Which term is used to reflect the degree to which members of a culture feel threatened by ambiguous situations and how much they try to avoid them?

  104. A:uncertainty avoidance B:statistical awareness C:emergency readiness D:paranoia

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