  1. Musculoskeletal system are formed by muscles and bones. ( )

  2. A:错 B:对
  3. There are two major categories of glands in the body – exocrine and endocrine. ( )

  4. A:对 B:错
  5. Viscera and bowels is a collective term for internal organs, including five viscera and six bowels. This sentence is wrong and “is” in the sentence should be changed into “are”.( )

  6. A:对 B:错
  7. Six excesses, as the main external cause of diseases, is a collective term for external pathogenic factors: wind, cold, summerheat, dampness, dryness, and fire - also called six climatic pathogenic factors. ( )

  8. A:对 B:错
  9. The receptive field is the specific part of the world you can imagine. ( )

  10. A:错 B:对
  11. This sample size yields a power of 90%, assuming that the true effect of DXM is an odds ratio 1.15 for a better functional outcome on the mRS, and the limit for inferiority is an odds ratio < 0.9.The above sentence means that ______________.

  12. A:This sample size produces a power of 90%, if the true effect of DXM is an odds ratio 1.15 for a better functional outcome on the mRS, and the limit for inferiority is an odds ratio < 0.9. B:This sample size yields a power of 90%, assuming the true effect of DXM is an odds ratio 1.15 for a better functional outcome on the mRS, and the limit for inferiority is an odds ratio < 0.9. C:This sample size gives a power of 90%, provided that the true effect of DXM is an odds ratio 1.15 for a better functional outcome on the mRS, and the limit for inferiority is an odds ratio < 0.9. D:This sample size yields a power of 90%, if the true effect of DXM is an odds ratio 1.15 for a better functional outcome on the mRS, and the limit for inferiority is an odds ratio < 0.9.
    答案:This sample size yields a power of 90%, assuming the true effect of DXM is an odds ratio 1.15 for a better functional outcome on the mRS, and the limit for inferiority is an odds ratio < 0.9.###This sample size yields a power of 90%, if the true effect of DXM is an odds ratio 1.15 for a better functional outcome on the mRS, and the limit for inferiority is an odds ratio < 0.9.###This sample size gives a power of 90%, provided that the true effect of DXM is an odds ratio 1.15 for a better functional outcome on the mRS, and the limit for inferiority is an odds ratio < 0.9.###This sample size produces a power of 90%, if the true effect of DXM is an odds ratio 1.15 for a better functional outcome on the mRS, and the limit for inferiority is an odds ratio < 0.9.
  13. Liver is responsible for facilitating and regulating qi dynamic, which assists the spleen and stomach in transportation and transformation and helps the kidneys in storing essence.Which of the following statements are correct according to this sentence? ___________________. (  )

  14. A:“Assists” and “helps” are the verbs for the subordinate clause, and they are juxtaposed. B:“Which” in this sentence refers to “Liver is responsible for facilitating and regulating qi dynamic”. C:“Which” in this sentence refers to “liver”. D: “Assists” is the only verb for the subordinate clause.
    答案:B, C
  15. Five flavors, the five tastes of medicinals, include _________________, and they represent the basic actions of the medicinals. ( )

  16. A:pungency, sweetness and sourness B:warmth and coolness C:bitterness and saltiness D:cold and hot
    答案:A: pungency, sweetness and sourness C: bitterness and saltiness
  17. Six excesses, as the main external cause of diseases, include ________________. ( )

  18. A:auscultation, palpation and inspection B:dampness, dryness and fire C:exterior and interior D:wind, cold and summerheat
    答案:B: dampness, dryness and fire D: wind, cold and summerheat
  19. The mucous membrane-lined tube of the digestive system through which food passes, in which digestion takes place, and from which wastes are eliminated. It has many parts, such as the mouth, the anus, the pharynx, ______________esophagus, stomach, and intestines. ( )

  20. A:esophagus B:stomach C:liver D:intestines
  21. The types of bone fractures include: __________________. ( )

  22. A:closed fracture and open (compound) fracture B:complete fracture and incomplete fracture C:transverse fracture and oblique fracture D:fissure fracture and pelvic bone fracture
  23. The 4 basic relationships among the five phases include _______________________. ( )

  24. A:overwhelming and rebellion B:engendering and restraining C:earth, metal and water D:wood and fire
  25. Measurement of weight with 100 g accuracy using digital scale for participants wearing minimal clothing and no shoes and height with 0.5 cm accuracy using a tape measure while the participants were standing in a normal position with no shoes was carried out.Which of the following sentences are the same in meaning as the above sentence? __________.(  )

  26. A:Measurement of weight with 100 g accuracy using digital scale for participants who wear minimal clothing and no shoes and height with 0.5 cm accuracy using a tape measure while the participants were standing in a normal position with no shoes was carried out. B:Measurement of weight with 100 g accuracy using digital scale for participants wearing minimal clothing and no shoes and measurement of height with 0.5 cm accuracy using a tape measure while the participants were standing in a normal position with no shoes was carried out. C:Measurement of weight with 100 g accuracy using digital scale for participants who wear minimal clothing and did not wear shoes and height with 0.5 cm accuracy using a tape measure while the participants were standing in a normal position with no shoes was carried out. D:Measurement of weight with 100 g accuracy using digital scale for those wearing minimal clothing and no shoes and height with 0.5 cm accuracy using a tape measure while the participants were standing in a normal position with no shoes was carried out.
  27. According to CONSORT, results section in RCT should include following information, __________.( )

  28. A:Registration B:Outcomes and estimation C:Ancillary analyses, Harms D:Participant flow, Recruitment E:Baseline data, Numbers analysed
  29. This study has some strengths; it was the first clinical trial that evaluated the effects of curcumin on inflammatory markers in NAFLD patients; using transient elastography for hepatic steatosis and fibrosis assessment was another advantage of this study; placebo controlled design of the study provided us the advantage of assessment of superiority of curcumin supplementation plus lifestyle modification to lifestyle modification alone.Which of the following sentences are the same in meaning as the above sentence? ________.(  )

  30. A:This study has some strengths. It was the first clinical trial that evaluated the effects of curcumin on inflammatory markers in NAFLD patients. Using transient elastography for hepatic steatosis and fibrosis assessment was another advantage for this study. Placebo controlled design of the study provided us the advantage of assessment of superiority of curcumin supplementation plus lifestyle modification to lifestyle modification alone. B:This study has some strengths; it was the first clinical trial which evaluated the effects of curcumin on inflammatory markers in NAFLD patients; using transient elastography for hepatic steatosis and fibrosis assessment was another advantage of this study; and placebo controlled design of the study provided us the advantage of assessment of superiority of curcumin supplementation plus lifestyle modification to lifestyle modification alone. C:This study has some strengths, it was the first clinical trial that evaluated the effects of curcumin on inflammatory markers in NAFLD patients, using transient elastography for hepatic steatosis and fibrosis assessment was another advantage of this study, and placebo controlled design of the study provided us the advantage of assessment of superiority of curcumin supplementation plus lifestyle modification to lifestyle modification alone. D:This study has some strengths, it was the first clinical trial that evaluated the effects of curcumin on inflammatory markers in NAFLD patients, using transient elastography for hepatic steatosis and fibrosis assessment was another advantage of this study, placebo controlled design of the study provided us the advantage of assessment of superiority of curcumin supplementation plus lifestyle modification to lifestyle modification alone.
  31. Disease condition of heart muscle: cardio ____________________________. ( )

  32. A:myopathy B:genesis C:dynia D:centesis
  33. Nervous systems is divided into the central nervous system, composed of the brain and the spinal cord, and the ____________ nervous system, which includes the cranial nerves and the spinal nerves. ( )

  34. A:sympathetic B:motor C:peripheral D:vagus
  35. Which word is usually used in English to translate "表" in Chinese.( )

  36. A:anterior B:interior C:posterior D:exterior
  37. Whenever DXM is discontinued, a cross-over to the reference treatment (BHC) can occur depending on the remaining symptoms, which is the local standard of care in the participating hospitals.Which in this sentence refers to ___________.( )

  38. A:remaining symptoms B:reference treatment C:the whole sentence before which D:DXM
  39. Which of the following sentences is correct with respect to punctuation marks and blank spaces associated with them? __________. ( )

  40. A:Syndrome Characteristics:Sudden onset ,red skin lesions and pain B:Syndrome Characteristics : Sudden onset , red skin lesions and pain C:Syndrome Characteristics: Sudden onset ,red skin lesions and pain D:Syndrome Characteristics: Sudden onset, red skin lesions and pain
  41. A constant threshold was applied and the plugin 'Analyze Particles’ was used to output the percentage area positive for the ARS staining (Additional file 1: Fig. 2) in leaflets, commissures, and root separately by outlining as described for TPEF metrics in Additional file 1: Fig. 3D.Which of the following statements is NOT appropriate? ___________.(  )

  42. A:A constant threshold was applied and the plugin ‘Analyze Particles’ was used to output the percentage area positive for the ARS staining (Additional file 1: Fig. 2) in leaflets, commissures, and root separately using outlining as described for TPEF metrics in Additional file 1: Fig. 3D. B:A constant threshold was applied and the plugin ‘Analyze Particles’ was used to produce the percentage area positive for the ARS staining (Additional file 1: Fig. 2) in leaflets, commissures, and root separately by outlining as described for TPEF metrics in Additional file 1: Fig. 3D. C:A constant threshold was applied and the plugin ‘Analyze Particles’ was used to output the positive percentage area for the ARS staining (Additional file 1: Fig. 2) in leaflets, commissures, and root separately by outlining as described for TPEF metrics in Additional file 1: Fig. 3D. D:A constant threshold and the plugin ‘Analyze Particles’ were used to output the percentage area positive for the ARS staining (Additional file 1: Fig. 2) in leaflets, commissures, and root separately by outlining as described for TPEF metrics in Additional file 1: Fig. 3D.
  43. NAFLD is characterized by triacylglycerol build-up (>5–10% of hepatocytes) in the absence of significant alcohol consumption in early stages, which can progress to the more crucial non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and in the end stages to the hepatic cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma.下面那个陈述不正确? ___________. (  )

  44. A:后一个斜体and并列the more crucial non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and in the end stages to the hepatic cirrhosis 和hepatocellular carcinoma B:斜体which指代NAFLD C:后一个斜体and并列the hepatic cirrhosis 和hepatocellular carcinoma D:前一个斜体and并列to the more crucial non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) 和 in the end stages to the hepatic cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma.
  45. Examination of the heart and associated blood vessels using x-rays following the injection of a radiopaque substance: ____________. ( )

  46. A:cerebroangiography B:angiocardiography C:angiocardiopathy D:cardiovesculopathy
  47. Because there are three sections at the wrist pulse, and each finger presses with light, moderate and heavy force, there are three depths to study the superficial, medium and deep pulses respectively. Theoretically, every depth indicates a condition of disease; therefore, the wrist pulse is said to have three positions and ___________ indicators on each arm. ( )

  48. A:nine B:ten C:six D:three
  49. Which word is usually used in English to translate "脱" in Chinese.( )

  50. A:repulse B:block C:tonify D:collapse
  51. 地塞米松治疗与手术治疗慢性硬膜下血肿的比较Which of the following translation for SCI journal article title is more appropriate? ___________.( )

  52. A:Comparison between dexamethasone and surgery of chronic subdural haematoma B:Comparison of dexamethasone and surgery for chronic subdural haematoma C:Comparison between dexamethasone treatment and surgical treatment of chronic subdural haematoma D:Dexamethasone therapy versus surgery for chronic subdural haematoma
  53. 在刚刚离开骨髓前后,发育中的细胞被称作网织细胞,这些细胞大约组成循环红细胞的1%。Which of the following translation is the most appropriate one in SCI journal articles? _________.(   )

  54. A:Just before and after leaving the bone marrow, the developing cells are known as reticulocytes; these comprise about 1% of circulating red blood cells. B:Just before and after they leave the bone marrow, the developing cells are known as reticulocytes; these comprise about 1% of circulating red blood cells. C:Just before and after the developing cells leave the bone marrow, the developing cells are known as reticulocytes; these comprise about 1% of circulating red blood cells.
  55. Futhermore, it is also believed that the outer layer of neo-membrane contains a high content of plasminogen and plasminogen activator, which cause an enzymatic fibrinolysis and liquefaction of the initial blood clot in the inner haematoma.Which in this sentence refers to _________________.( )

  56. A:activator B:plasminogen activator C:the whole sentence before which D:plasminogen and plasminogen activator
  57. Famous text books may NOT include _______. ( )

  58. A:Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine B:Reading and Writing Papers for Medical SCI Journals C:Oxford Textbook of Medicine D:Sabiston Textbook of Surgery E:Cecil Textbook of Medicine
  59. Sample size of an experiment is usually ________________.( )

  60. A:calculated B:usually a hundred C:hypothesized D:established by the authors
  61. Which word is usually used in English to translate "虚" in Chinese.( )

  62. A:collapse B:stagnation C:deficiency D:tonify
  63. Hence, inflammatory response along with up-regulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines including tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) come about.句中斜体字and _______________. (  )

  64. A:并列两个短语tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) 和 high-sensitivity B:并列两个短句 C:并列两个主语inflammatory response along with up-regulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines including tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), 和high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) D:表示转折
  65. Heart has four valves, and they do not include ______________. ( )

  66. A:Venous valve B:bicuspid valve C:pulmonary valve D:tricuspid valve
  67. Which of the following descriptions is NOT appropriate? ___________.(  )

  68. A:

    Discussion section is to explain the results based on what was already known and to explain new understanding of the problem after taking the results into consideration.


    Introduction section and discussion section form hourglass model in form, from broad and general to narrow and specific in introduction and from narrow and specific to broad and genera in discussion.


    Discussion section usually involves statistical analysis.

  69. Surgical intervention by burr-hole craniotomy (MBC) followed by subdural drainage is the mainstay treatment in symptomatic patients with a CSDH, which leads to a favourable functional outcome in 84% of patients."Which" in this sentence refers to _______________.( )

  70. A:the mainstay treatment B:CSDH C:the whole sentence before which D:Surgical intervention by burr-hole craniotomy (MBC) followed by subdural drainage
  71. Which of the following descriptions is Not appropriate in SCI journal articles? _________.(  )

  72. A:Streptococcus is a genus of nonmotile (with few exceptions), non-spore-forming, aerobic to facultatively anaerobic bacteria containing gram-positive, spheric or ovoid cells that occur in pairs or in short or long chains. These bacteria occur regularly in the mouth and intestines of humans and other animals, in dairy and other food products, and in fermenting plant juices. B:Streptococcus is a genus of nonmotile (with few exceptions), non-spore-forming, aerobic to facultatively anaerobic bacteria containing gram-positive, spheric or ovoid cells that occur in pairs or in short or long chains. These organisms occur regularly in the mouth and intestines of humans and other animals, in dairy and other food products, and in fermenting plant juices. C:Streptococcus is a genus of nonmotile (with few exceptions), non-spore-forming, aerobic to facultatively anaerobic bacterium containing gram-positive, spheric or ovoid cells that occur in pairs or in short or long chains. These organisms occur regularly in the mouth and intestines of humans and other animals, in dairy and other food products, and in fermenting plant juices. D:Streptococcus is a genus of nonmotile (with few exceptions), non-spore-forming, aerobic to facultatively anaerobic bacteria containing gram-positive, spheric or ovoid cells that occur in pairs or in short or long chains. These things occur regularly in the mouth and intestines of humans and other animals, in dairy and other food products, and in fermenting plant juices.
  73. Our results indicated that curcumin supplementation plus lifestyle modification is not superior _____ lifestyle modification alone in amelioration of inflammation. ( )

  74. A:to B:on C:by D:at
  75. When compiling introduction section, authors are NOT advised to ___________.(  )

  76. A:discuss the details of your work in this section B:cite review articles when setting the broad framework C:describe A) what is already known in this field, B) what is not known or not clear, and C) what your study can help. D:cite original articles for key discoveries
  77. 被称作淋巴的乳白色液体通过存在于整个淋巴系统的一些腺体样结构把不纯净物和废物从组织中带走。Which of the following translation is the most commonly used one in SCI journal articles? _________.( )

  78. A:A milky white fluid which is called lymph carries impurities and waste away from the tissues and passes through gland like structures spaced throughout the lymphatic system. B:A milky white fluid called lymph carries impurities and waste away from the tissues and passes through gland like structures which are spaced throughout the lymphatic system. C:A milky white fluid called lymph takes impurities and waste away from the tissues and passes through gland like structures which are spaced throughout the lymphatic system. D:A milky white fluid called lymph carries impurities and waste away from the tissues and passes through gland like structures which are spaced in the entire lymphatic system.
  79. Combining form cerebr/o means _______________. ( )

  80. A:cerebellum B:axon C:cerebrum D:synapse
  81. Which word is usually used in English to translate "正气" in Chinese.( )

  82. A:source qi B:pathogenic qi C:healthy qi D:ancestral qi
  83. As a major health problem, NAFLD (Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease) has been attracted more attention over the past few years, which has more harmonious relation with high prevalence of metabolic ailments including obesity and diabetes.“Which” in this sentence refers to _____________.( )

  84. A:attention B:years C:The whole sentence before it D:NAFLD
  85. Which word is usually used in English to translate "证" in Chinese.( )

  86. A:sign B:pattern/syndrome C:symptom D:hyperactivity
  87. The meridian system consists of meridians, extra meridians, _______________, meridian divergences, meridian sinews, and meridian cutaneous regions. ( )

  88. A:meridian branches B:meridian vessels C:collaterals D:acupuncture points
  89. Which of the following descriptions is most appropriate in SCI journal articles? _________.(   )

  90. A:Approximately 50–70% of individuals with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection experience an acute mononucleosis-like syndrome approximately 3–6 weeks following primary infection. In the acute HIV syndrome, symptoms include fever, pharyngitis, lymphadenopathy, headache, arthralgia, myalgia, lethargy, anorexia, nausea, and erythematous maculopapular rash. These symptoms usually persist for 1–2 weeks and gradually subside as an immune response to HIV is generated. B:Approximately 50–70% of individuals with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection experience an acute mononucleosis-like syndrome approximately 3–6 weeks following primary infection. In the acute HIV syndrome, symptoms include fever, pharyngitis, lymphadenopathy, headache, arthralgia, myalgia, lethargy, anorexia, nausea, and erythematous maculopapular rash. These symptoms usually persist for 1–2 weeks and gradually subside as an immune response to HIV is generated. C:Approximately 50–70% of individuals with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection experience an acute mononucleosis-like syndrome approximately 3–6 weeks following primary infection. In the acute human immunodeficiency virus syndrome, symptoms include fever, pharyngitis, lymphadenopathy, headache, arthralgia, myalgia, lethargy, anorexia, nausea, and erythematous maculopapular rash. These symptoms usually persist for 1–2 weeks and gradually subside as an immune response to human immunodeficiency virus is generated. D:Approximately 50–70% of individuals with (HIV) human immunodeficiency virus infection experience an acute mononucleosis-like syndrome approximately 3–6 weeks following primary infection. In the acute HIV syndrome, symptoms include fever, pharyngitis, lymphadenopathy, headache, arthralgia, myalgia, lethargy, anorexia, nausea, and erythematous maculopapular rash. These symptoms usually persist for 1–2 weeks and gradually subside as an immune response to HIV is generated.

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