1.According to TCM, the five viscera and six bowels are linked by( )。
A:yang qi B:meridians C:triple energizers D:organs
2.the mutually dependent relationship between yin and yang is ( )。
A:mutual conversion of yin and yang B:mutual rooting of yin and yang C:yin exuberance with yang debilitation D:waxing and waning of yin and yang
3.Through visceral pattern differentiation, the location of a disease can be detected down to the level of the organ, such as ( )。
A:disharmony of yin and yang B:heart fire flaming upward C:cold-dampness encumbering the spleen D:qi failing to control the blood
4.There are five transport points on each of the twelve meridians located distal to the elbows and knees, namely the well points, brook points, stream points and( )。
A:sea points B:transport points C:river points D:cleft points
5.Twelve meridians is a collective term for the three yin meridians and the three yang meridians of each hand and foot, the same as twelve regular meridians. ( )
A:对 B:错

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