  1. 请判断对错。“提高现有耕地单位面积产量有潜力。”在以下AB两个译文版本中,A版译文更符合英语表达习惯、意思更接近原文的译文。

    A. Increasing the yield per unit area on the existing cultivated land has potential.

    B. There is potential for increasing the yield per unit area on the existing cultivated land.

  2. A:对 B:错
  3. 以下哪几种手法是译前编辑常用技巧?

  4. A:分设主语  B:跨句逻辑 C:转变谓语 D:转变时态
  5. 分设主语可以用来处理以下哪些语言问题?

  6. A:主语漂浮 B:第一分句过长 C:句子冗长 D:无主句
  7. 在中文里,一个主语带多个谓语的句子十分常见。采用转变谓语这一技巧,可以将某些谓语动词转换为以下哪三种形式?

  8. A:现在分词短语 B:独立结构 C: 介词短语 D:不定时短语  
  9. 在汉译英时,可以使用以词定时的方法来判断时态。请选出以下可以使用现在完成时的词汇?

  10. A: B: C:现在 D:长期以来
  11. 请判断对错。“中国始终不渝地奉行独立自主的和平外交政策,中国对外政策的最高宗旨是和平。”在以下AB两个译文版本中,B版译文更符合英语表达习惯、意思更接近原文的译文。

    A. China unswervingly pursuits an independent foreign policy of peace, China takes peace as the ultimate goal of its foreign policy.

    B. China unswervingly pursuits an independent foreign policy of peace and takes peace as the ultimate goal of its foreign policy.

  12. A:错 B:对
  13. 请判断对错。“日子很快过去了,她的做工丝毫没有松懈,食物不论,力气是不惜的。”在以下AB两个译文版本中,B版译文更符合英语表达习惯、意思更接近原文的译文。

    A. Days passed quickly. She went on working as hard as ever, not caring what she ate, never sparing herself.

    B. Days passed quicklyShe went on working as hard as ever, not caring what she ate, never sparing her strength.

  14. A:错 B:对
  15. 请判断对错。“即将到来的21世纪是人类开发利用海洋的新世纪。”在以下AB两个译文版本中,A版译文更符合英语表达习惯、意思更接近原文的译文。

    A. In the coming 21st century mankind will have new opportunities to develop and utilize the ocean.

    B. The coming 21st century is a new century which the mankind will have new opportunities to develop and utilize the ocean.

  16. A:对 B:错
  17. 请判断对错。“英语学习不应该是枯燥的死记硬背,而应该充满乐趣。”在以下AB两个译文版本中,A版译文更符合英语表达习惯、意思更接近原文的译文。

    A. Studying English should be full of happiness, not just dry rote memorization.

    B. Studying English should not be just dry rote memorization, but be full of happiness.

  18. A:对 B:错
  19. 请判断对错。“我们的目标是把中国建设成为一个社会主义现代化强国。”在以下AB两个译文版本中,A版译文更符合英语表达习惯、意思更接近原文的译文。


    A. Our goal is to build China into a socialist, modern powerful country.

    B. Our goal is to build China into a modern, powerful socialist country.

  20. A:对 B:错

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