1.What details indicate the different time periods in The Grand Budapest Hotel? ( )
A:Different aspect ratios. B:Change of color tones. C:Actors’ make-up. D:Style of film dialogue.
答案:Change of color tones###Different aspect ratios
2.How is the story of Forrest Gump told? ( )
A:By a third-person narrator. B:By the protagonist. C:Flashback segments strung together by Gump’s narration. D:Connected by a real historical figure.
答案:By the protagonist.; Flashback segments strung together by Gump’s narration.
3.What are the features of Kubrick’s directing style? ( )
A:Dramatic visual effects. B:Preference for scripts adapted from literary works. C:Scrupulous about production details. D:Innovative use of classical music.
答案:Dramatic visual effects###Scrupulous about production details###Innovative use of classical music###Preference for scripts adapted from literary works
4.The contrapuntal use of music in movies, e.g. the violent scene in Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange going with the title song of Singing’ in the Rain, is to _____. ( )
A:create an alarming and thought-provoking atmosphere B:contradict the visual and musical elements C:connect montage shots D:synchronize music with movement
答案:contradict the visual and musical elements###create an alarming and thought-provoking atmosphere
5.Which are the aftermaths of 911 attack? ( )
A:Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were triggered B:The economic loss is huge. C:Many firefighters died as their health was damaged in the cleanup job. D:Bush administration faced great challenge from American people.
答案:Many firefighters died as their health was damaged in the cleanup job###The economic loss is huge###Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were triggered
6.If a student is interested in leadership qualities, he could look for opportunities in extracurricular activities like ____( )
A:Student Council B:Student Affairs Committee C:Advisory Boards D:Student Association
答案:Student Council###Student Association###Advisory Boards###Student Affairs Committee
7.Pictorial lighting design serves the purposes of _____ ( )
A:creating tone and atmosphere. B:rendering a surreal effect desired by the filmmaker. C:creating a unique frame composition. D:representing the dramatic style of the director or the cinematographer.
答案:creating tone and atmosphere###rendering a surreal effect desired by the filmmaker###representing the dramatic style of the director or the cinematographer
8.A group of Asian applicants for Harvard sued the university in 2018 because they received unfair personal ratings as _____. ( )
A:bookworms B:reserved and withdrawn C:aggressive D:timid and inactive
答案:timid and inactive###reserved and withdrawn###bookworms
9.What are used in The King’s Speech to illustrate Bertie’s nervousness about speaking publicly? ( )
A:Shots of other people’s indifference to his speech B:Close-up of Bertie’s face C:Bertie’s POV shots. D:Repetition of the same shot
答案:Close-up of Bertie’s face; Bertie’s POV shots.
10.In Kubrick’s Paths of Glory, Dr. Strangelove, and Full Metal Jacket, ____ is revealed. ( )
A:conflict between democracy and dictatorship. B:necessity of launching a war. C:commemoration of soldiers’ glory. D:meaninglessness of warfare.
答案:meaninglessness of warfare.
11.Which type of lighting is more often used for a darker moody scene? ( )
A:High key lighting B:Low key lighting

12.King Edward VIII decided to _______ after reigning the country for less than a year. ( )
A:rule with Albert, his younger brother, jointly B:declare war on Germany but failed to do so. C:flee his country to Germany D:abdicate the throne 13.The director of The Grand Budapest Hotel Wes Anderson is famous for _______composition. ( )
A:open B:detailed C:triangle D:symmetric 14.The most severe political challenges Britain faced after WWI was ________. ( )
A:to challenge the rising power of Germany B:to suppress a domestic political coup C:to decelerate the ending of the British Empire D:to fight its former colonies who tried to win independence 15.Which of following is the most troublesome technical glitch of old talkies? ( )
A:Dialogue would be projected over music. B:Sound and picture might go out of sync. C:Discs on which sounds were recorded would easily break. D:Sound effects were dissatisfying. 16.In 1927 the release of __________ opened a new chapter of talking movies in the history of cinema. ( )
A:The Jazz Singer B:The Birth of a Nation C:The Mark of Zorro D:Modern Times 17.The hero in Slumdog Millionaire knows all answers to the questions because _____. ( )
A:The show is a fraud. B:His life experiences give clues to the questions. C:He cheated. D:He’s got some help from a mysterious person. 18._____ is the central figure of power and influence in the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages. ( )
A:The Archbishop B:The Cardinal C:The Prime Minister D:The Pope 19.Which lighting design is the movie Barry Lyndon famous for? ( )
A:Its use of ambient light to make the natural surroundings believable. B:The candlelight scenes to simulate the historical period. C:The use of burnout to create continuity of time. D:The use of soft light for the romance. 20.Whose death has aroused people’s awareness of AIDS for the first time. ( )
A:Freddie Mercury B:Princess Diana C:Gaetan Dugas D:Rock Hudson 21.Long shot means ________. ( )
A:长焦镜头 B:长镜头 C:深焦镜头 D:远景镜头 22.The religious policy of Elizabeth I was ____. ( )
A:particularly partial to Protestantism. B:suspiciously vague. C:cruel persecution of Roman Catholics. D:balanced between Roman Catholics and Protestantism. 23.The first picture made in technicolor is .( )
A:The Gold Rush B:Citizen Kane C:The Jazz Singer D:Becky Sharp 24.The original score of Taxi Driver was composed by _______. ( )
A:Bernard Herrmann B:Alexandre Desplat C:Hans Zimmer D:James Horner 25.The female character in film noir is often a . ( )
A:criminal B:beautiful woman who needs men’s protection C:kind-hearted lady who takes good care of men. D:seductive women who lures men into dangerous situations 26.The enormous ensemble of Nashville is revealed _____. ( )
A:when the story reaches its climax B:halfway into the movie C:until the end of the movie D:at the opening title sequence. 27.In The Graduate, the shots of Ben staying in the hotel with Mrs. Robinson and those of his idling and swimming at home are edited together. Such a practice is to _______. ( )
A:imply his affection for Mrs. Robinson. B:suggest that he is hungry for his parents’ love. C:suggest his aimlessness. D:show that he leads an exciting life. 28.At what point does the protagonist reassess his goal and decide to pursue his goal in a more single-minded way? ( )
A:Turning point 2 B:Climax C:Point of no return D:Turning point 1 29.Wes Anderson is good at using low-angle _____ in The Grand Budapest Hotel. ( )
A:pan B:long shot C:tracking shot D:whip pan 30.Which movie is about the bomb disposal technicians in Iraq? ( )
A:V for Vendetta B:Collateral Damage C:Hurt Locker D:Syriana 31.What does coverage mean? ( )
A:A quick-cutting scene. B:A cut that shows another angle of the scene. C:A cut that stresses the conflict between shots. D:A shot that shows a wide-angle image. 32.Which one of the following is the main source of light in a scene? ( )
A:Back light B:Soft light C:Key light D:Fill light 33.From which point on, the protagonist’s peaceful life is disrupted? ( )
A:Turning point 1 B:Hook C:Point of no return. D:Inciting incident. 34.The skillful use of ambient light in The Revenant makes this movie a great work in cinematography. ( )
A:对 B:错 35.British kings and queens have always been head of the Church of England. ( )
A:错 B:对 36.Homosexuality is still listed as a form of mental disorder by the American Psychiatric Association today. ( )
A:对 B:错 37.David Fincher is good at providing an immersive experience for his audience. ( )
A:对 B:错 38.The sequence of Up (2009), which has only music to accompany the action is to prove that some traits of silent film still persist in modern cinema. ( )
A:对 B:错 39.A long shot means the same as a long take. ( )
A:错 B:对 40.The narrow space where the protagonist is living in The Grand Budapest Hotel is to suggest that he is still of lower-class despite his elegant and noble demeanor. ( )
A:错 B:对 41.The historic moments of the 20th century U.S. are referenced in Forrest Gump to show how fame changes a person’s character. ( )
A:对 B:错 42.Kubrick is an influential though controversial figure in film history. ( )
A:对 B:错 43.The development of Hollywood movies synchronizes with the change of physical media. ( )
A:错 B:对 44.Final clubs are usually single-sex and old-fashioned. ( )
A:对 B:错 45.In 3-act structure, each Act has a different function and each moment and act forces the story forward. ( )
A:错 B:对 46.The structure of frame narrative can be found in both experimental independent movies and high box-office blockbusters. ( )
A:错 B:对 47.Set-up will provide us with enough information about what type of person the hero is. ( )
A:对 B:错 48.Hispanic/Latino population is the second largest racial group in the U.S. ( )
A:对 B:错 49.The average shot length of Hollywood movies has greatly increased. ( )
A:对 B:错 50.Ruan Lingyu’s acting is also one of the reasons for the success of The Goddess. ( )
A:对 B:错 51.Burn-out is artistically incorrect since the image is overexposed and the bright parts are “washed out”. ( )
A:错 B:对 52.The ancestors of the modern-day African Americans were all slaves stripped of human rights and freedom. ( )
A:对 B:错 53.Most of Kubrick’s movies are favorably received by critics. ( )
A:对 B:错 54.In Taxi Driver, the scene in which Travis is talking to himself in the mirror suggests his utter loneliness and bitter frustration with the society. ( )
A:对 B:错 55.Students take part in extracurricular activities not just for fun but also for better career prospects. ( )
A:对 B:错 56.Light is the emotional foundation of the movie. ( )
A:错 B:对 57.In Citizen Kane, multiple reflections elaborate Kane’s pride and fortune. ( )
A:对 B:错 58.Matthew Shepard Act was named after a man who was an activist of LGBTQ rights movement. ( )
A:错 B:对

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