1. The following statements about fossils are true EXCEPT that ______.

  2. 答案:some fossils of hens’ teeth have also been discovered in Asia
  3. Why is this discovery considered extraordinary?

  4. 答案:Because it provided genetic evidence of the Melanesians’ interbreeding in inland Asia.
  5. The word “meager” in the last sentence of the first paragraph is closest in meaning to ____ .

  6. 答案:lacking in quantity
  7. What is the paleontologists’ present for students of human evolution?

  8. 答案:They have discovered some evidence of a previously unknown human species.
  9. The aircraft hijack situation is used in order to show that ______.

  10. 答案:the honest public has to pay higher prices
  11. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the main types of shop-lifting?

  12. 答案:A big percentage of the total losses are caused by the professionals.
  13. According to the passage, law-abiding citizens ______.

  14. 答案:can possibly take away goods without paying
  15. The third group of people steal things because they ______.

  16. 答案:can not resist the temptation
  17. Why does the honest public have to pay higher prices when they go to the shops?

  18. 答案:There are many cases of shop-lifting.
  19. Why are team members encouraged to argue in team building activities?

  20. 答案:To come to an agreement.
  21. Team building activities are good for _______.

  22. 答案:encouraging employees to cooperate
  23. According to the second paragraph, cooperation skills _______.
  24. In the author,s opinion .which of the following is vital for a company to be successful?
  25. When an American begins to ride bicycle to buy things, he may think it _______.
  26. From the passage we can learn that in the middle of the 20th century_______.
  27. Which of the following is NOT right?
  28. Young Americans prefer racing bikes because they _______.
  29. The passage gives us a brief introduction to _______.
  30. The main idea of this passage is    _______.
  31. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
  32. Psychologists study the meaning of color preference because      _______.
  33. According to the passage, _______.
  34. The author believes in the passage that _______.
  35. The main purpose of the passage is to _______.
  36. The word “geysers”(Line 1, Para 2) most probably means “_______”.
  37. Yellowstone National Park is located in the states of    _______.
  38. Wild animals in the Yellowstone Park usually show great fear of tourists.
  39. The temperature of natural hot springs at Yellowstone is so high that it can even cook meals.
  40. Which of the following could be the best title for this article?
  41. What can help us to keep refreshed throughout the day?
  42. Which of the following could be used as a motivation to do our assignments?
  43. Strategic times are best for us to   _______.
  44. We need to plan ahead in order to _______.
  45. Which of the following does NOT belong to the major changes that have taken place in recent years?
  46. According to the passage, what can we know about the average Briton’s recreational life?
  47. The term “high-water mark” in the third paragraph means ______.
  48. “Shawshank was not just a sleeper hit commercially” in the third paragraph indicates that ____.
  49. What does this passage mainly discuss?
  50. From the passage we learnt that _______.
  51. What was the reaction of the audience after he finished his performance?
  52. What happened to him just as he finished the few bars?
  53. When did the violinist, Itzhak Perlman, give a concert at Avey Fisher?
  54. What happened to Itzhak Perlman when he was a child?
  55. What is the general tone of the whole passage?
  56. What is the implied meaning of “It’s not the solution itself, just part of the package” (Para. 5)?
  57. What is special about the “smart corridor” mentioned in Para. 3?
  58. According to Para. 2, the purpose of the smart highway technology is __________.
  59. “A quick fix solution” (Para. 1) shares the closest meaning with __________.
  60. What can we learn from this passage?
  61. According to the passage, which of the following is FALSE?
  62. We learn from the second paragraph that _______.
  63. Before he became American president, John Kennedy _______.
  64. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE about John F.Kennedy?
  65. The author uses the analogy of “swimmers” and “treaders” to illustrate ______.
  66. Which of the following statements is true in terms of the university degree in America?
  67. What is Richard Settersten and Barbara Ray’s view about this young generation?
  68. The term “to keep one’s head above water” in the last sentence of the first paragraph means ___.
  69. According to the passage, which of the following does NOT belong to the characteristics of America’s young generation?
  70. At the end of the story, the fisherman _______.
  71. After eating, the king argued with the fisherman because _______.
  72. The king had no breakfast or lunch because _______.
  73. The king was dissatisfied with his prime minister and dismissed him from his position.
  74. The fisherman jumped away when the king beat him a dozen times because he could bear no more hits.
  75. Suppose the world’s population is 6.5 billion, how many left-handed people are there?
  76. The second paragraph describes _______.
  77. Which fact supports the idea that right-handedness is a natural characteristic?
  78. For most people, the left hand is used to handle or work with things.
  79. Scientists guessed that right-handedness is a natural characteristic of humans.
  80. According to the article, all the following factors could help one succeed EXCEPT_____
  81. It is indicated in the article that one needs to _____ to develop his or her common sense.
  82. The word “sound” in the first sentence of the fourth paragraph means _______.
  83. One of the most frequently occurring qualities among successful people is common sense.
  84. The author of this article is not sure whether there is a “success personality” which could make people successful.
  85. From paragraph 4, it can be learnt that _______.
  86. Americans are very eager to buy a gun because _______.
  87. The author mentions the example of John Lennon to show that   _______.
  88. According to the passage, many people in America have no difficulty buying a gun, which endan­gers their own lives.
  89. According to the article, all of the following tasks are likely to be undertaken EXCEPT _______.
  90. The author’s attitude to the helicopter is _______.
  91. The word “fired” in the sentence “Imaginations were fired” in the third paragraph means _______.
  92. The invention of helicopter met all the expectations of men, like flying to and from work in their own personal helicopter.
  93. The ancient dream of flying vertically was realized by a Russian pilot in Russia in 1940s.
  94. What is the fastest clocked stand-up skateboarding speed?
  95. Where might “No Skateboarding” signs be posted?
  96. Who competes in skateboarding competitions?
  97. Who created the first skateboard?
  98. When was the first skateboard created?
  99. Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?
  100. What is the author’s attitude towards SnapGoods?
  101. From the author’s point of view, which is NOT a benefit of collaborative consumption?
  102. SnapGoods is a website which ____.
  103. The author rented an iPad instead of buying it because of the following reasons EXCEPT that _____.
  104. What characteric makes Disney World Utopia?
  105. The Disney World is criticized because _______.
  106. In waht ways Disney World creates a “perfect world”?
  107. Visitors are encouraged to enjoy the park in Disney World through the eyes of matured adults.
  108. Disney not only creates a perfect world for people, but also presents the power of the modern technology.
  109. According to the passage, why are some parents NOT in favor of the new school policy?
  110. The new grading system includes all the following aspects EXCEPT that ____.
  111. In the second paragraph, the author makes comparisons between two groups of students to illustrate ____.
  112. What did the teachers at Ellis find out after looking over four years of data?
  113. Which of the following is NOT a merit of the so-called top students according to teachers at Ellis Middle School?
  114. Why is Obama a victim of circumstance according to the last paragraph?
  115. What does the sentence “We missed our window” in Paragraph 6 suggest?
  116. What’s Sherk’s suggestion to boost employment figures?
  117. What does the author think of Obama’s proposal?
  118. According to Gary Burtless, what is the real intention of Obama’s proposal?
  119. From the passage we can learn that _______.
  120. Which of the following sentences best explains the meaning of the word "shoplifting" used in the passage?
  121. What does the underlined sentence “she is at a loss to explain it” mean?
  122. What is Ana Luz’s nationality?
  123. Teachers should encourage his or her children to _______.
  124. We can learn from the article that _______.
  125. According to the author, which of the following is not one of the reasons of a teacher’s strategic position?
  126. Teachers are advised by the author to scold their children if they have undesirable attitudes.
  127. According to the passage, if a teacher has prejudice against Mexicans, his or her students are likely to be influenced by that.
  128. We know from this passage that ______.
  129. The underlined phrase “keep track of” in this passage means “_______”.
  130. It can be inferred from this passage that _______.
  131. Lipstick, according to this passage, was first made in_______.
  132. Lipstick plays an important role in women’s life because _______.
  133. What can be inferred from the essay?
  134. Why does the author mention cigarettes at the end of the article?
  135. Which of the following is suggested by researchers to avoid potential hazard of electromagnetic radiation?
  136. According to the essay, which of the following statements is correct about cell phones?
  137. Why does it seem there is no link between cancer and cell phone use?
  138. Which best states the main idea of the passage?
  139. Evaluate: In Southern California it is cooler in winter than in other months.
  140. Is this passage fact, opinion, or a mixture of both?
  141. Which best describes the author’s intent for the meaning of the title?
  142. Which word best describes the author’s tone in this story?
  143. When did the custom of sending New Year’s cards begin?
  144. What do people do on Spring Festival?
  145. Nowadays, the noise of crackling bamboo was replaced with _______.
  146. What does “Nian” mean?
  147. Which of the following is true, according to the author?
  148. According to the passage, which of the following is most likely to be the percentage of Canadian teenagers with jobs?
  149. From the information in Paragraph 4, it can be inferred that _____.
  150. Which range of hours is considered “moderate” for a teenager to work while in high school?
  151. What does “you meant those words” in paragraph nine means?
  152. When Cheryl made the high school basketball team, _______.
  153. According to the passage, what are the most painful moments to many people?
  154. In the long six months, Cheryl went to talk with her mother and comfort her.
  155. The mother always felt sorry when her daughter came to see her but she didn’t want to talk with her daughter.
  156. What do you think of the judge after reading the passage?
  157. When the woman answered the judge's question, she felt _______.
  158. Why did the traveler refuse to pay the woman for the fried fish?
  159. The traveler only enjoyed the smell of the fried fish, but didn’t eat any fish.
  160. The judge was kind enough to give the woman twenty-five cents.
  161. Which of the following sentences best states the most distinguished feature of Alex?
  162. When the monkeys miss out a treat, they would feel ______.
  163. What does the saying “It takes a thief to know a thief” suggest?
  164. Which of the following statements does NOT support the statement that jays can be very foxy?
  165. Over the past decade, studies have shown that ______.
  166. When has man generally realized that in the world of nature a balance exists between all forms of life?
  167. The third paragraph suggests that _______.
  168. In the second paragraph the word “atmosphere” means _______.
  169. The examples given in the second paragraph are used to prove that _______.
  170. The first paragraph mainly tells us that _______.
  171. Which of the following can best represent the article’s main idea?
  172. What can be predicted in the coming year?
  173. What is the author concerned about?
  174. What change about fertility rates took place in Latin American countries?
  175. Why does the author think American’s angst is an over-reaction?
  176. Who developed the computer viruses?
  177. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
  178. The most serious damage caused by the viruses is that _______.
  179. According to the passage, computer viruses seem to _______.
  180. The group of young men created the viruses to    _______.
  181. According to locals, there are _______ minor hutongs in Bejing.
  182. The large screen wall is to _______.
  183. The feature that some hutong houses remain is _______.
  184. Beijing hutongs first appeared in the _______ Dynasty.
  185. Many hutong courtyard house dwellers are _______.
  186. 15. To open a bank account, a person must be
  187. 14. Wampum was currency made from
  188. 13. What is the meaning of vault as used in the selection?
  189. 12.What is the meaning of mint as used in the selection?
  190. 11. Jargon like currency, deposit, and ATM are used in the field of
  191. What information does the heading tell about the selection?
  192. Which text feature did the author NOT use?
  193. In an index, the word caribou would be
  194. The word migrans is in italics because it
  195. A reader can use the glossary to find out
  196. What is the purpose of the subhead “By Land”?
  197. Which is the main idea of the story?
  198. Which would NOT be important to include in a summary of the story?
  199. Which is the best one-sentence summary for paragraph 1?
  200. A summary is a retelling of a story that
  201. Why did the Lady want Merlin always at her side?
  202. Because the Lady was so beautiful, Merlin
  203. What caused Merlin to walk by the lake one day?
  204. Many people think Merlin is the most interesting character in King Arthur legends because
  205. Which detail in paragraph 2 is interesting, but not needed to find the main idea of that paragraph?
  206. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
  207. Which would make the best substitute title for this selection?
  208. Which is a supporting detail for that main idea?
  209. What is the main idea of this selection?
  210. My brother Orville and I grew up in Dayton, Ohio. We were always interested in mechanical things, long before we built the first motor-driven plane. If an author wrote this, you would most likely find it
  211. You would most likely find this kind of writing in a
  212. You can tell this is nonfiction because
  213. The information in square brackets [ ] are
  214. This play is divided into sections or
  215. Which is the most likely moral, or lesson, of this fable?
  216. You can identify this selection as a play because it
  217. You know this selection is fiction because it
  218. What can you infer about scientists?
  219. What can you infer about lizard eggs?
  220. What can you infer from the fact that Stegosaurus has just one row of plates?
  221. Since scientists are always discovering new things about dinosaurs, you can infer that
  222. Scientists found a rare blue lizard in Colombia, so you can infer that
  223. From the first paragraph, you can infer that
  224. Which letter is more descriptive and detailed?
  225. In which letter is the sentence structure more complex?
  226. Which letter seems to have been written by someone who knows the recipient well?
  227. Which letter is more formal?
  228. Paragraph B seems more convincing because
  229. Paragraph B uses
  230. Paragraph A uses
  231. This paragraph uses what point of view?
  232. This paragraph is organized according to what structure?
  233. Innovative means
  234. “Ms. Crawford has been a model citizen since she moved to Springfield in 1985” is
  235. Which sentence best sums up the main idea of the paragraph?
  236. Ms. Crawford’s company was profiled in Business Week
  237. The tone of this passage is
  238. Which words best describe the style of this passage?
  239. The choice of the word dire suggests that the consequences of the merger would be
  240. This passage is written from whose perspective?
  241. This passage uses which point of view?
  242. This passage is organized
  243. Displacement is a good word choice because
  244. The main idea of this passage is that the shopping mall would
  245. Part of the author’s style includes the use of
  246. Why do you think the author chose to use the word crucial instead of its synonym important?
  247. What is the tone of the selection?
  248. After the writer and her husband decided to start a family, the following events occurred in this order:
  249. Imperative means
  250. Which two organizational strategies does this writer use?
  251. What effects does the author of paragraph B think mandatory uniforms would have?
  252. What effects does the author of paragraph A think mandatory uniforms would have?
  253. The sentence you underlined is a(n)
  254. The author organizes her ideas in order of
  255. A reader:3.becomes a better reader with each book.
  256. A reader:2. can choose what book to read.
  257. A reader:1. looks for clues to meaning.
  258. What’s the least important thing that the voting age should be lowered in the order in which they are listed in the passage?
  259. What’s the most important thing that the voting age should be lowered in the order in which they are listed in the passage?
  260. Choose the  topic sentence.
  261. The meaning of back as used in paragraph 7 is
  262. Which of the following words from paragraph 5 is a multiple-meaning word?
  263. Which is NOT a meaning of plate as used in the story?
  264. What is the meaning of the word park as used in the first paragraph?
  265. Which of these is an opinion and cannot be proved true?
  266. Which of these is NOT an opinion?
  267. Which of these does the author NOT use?
  268. What does the author of this speech want people to do?
  269. “One of the most important steps in the right direction would be for school cafeterias to provide healthy, low-fat options for students” is a topic sentence.
  270. The fast-food restaurants described in the article are noted for serving
  271. The meaning of mimic is
  272. According to the passage, which of the following options would make healthy, low-fat additions to a school cafeteria’s offerings?
  273. Where is Stonehenge located
  274. When did we stop using the Gregorian calendar?
  275. Why did Pope Gregory XIII appoint a team of men to revise the calendar?
  276. What might monuments like Stonehenge have been used for?
  277. Who introduced the Julian calendar?
  278. The most appropriate title for this article would be
  279. Contemporary rock artists turn to Robert Johnson for
  280. Johnson influenced many rock artists, including Led Zeppelin and the Rolling Stones.
  281. Johnson died in
  282. According to the passage, from what musical tradition did Robert Johnson emerge?
  283. You can tell whether certain characteristics of the computer are necessary or not on the basis of _______.
  284. The most important thing to consider when buying a computer is _______.
  285. Sales people are ready to help you choose the computer that _______.
  286. Small things such as the keyboard and the display have the least influence upon your choice of the computer.
  287. When you buy a computer, you have to take into consideration what you will pay for the computer and for the things to go with it.
  288. From paragraph 4, it can be learnt that _______.
  289. Americans are very eager to buy a gun because _______.
  290. The author mentions the example of John Lennon to show that _______.
  291. A new law in the US helps control the ownership of guns.
  292. According to the passage, many people in America have no difficulty buying a gun, which endangers their own lives.
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