
It is widely acknowledged that the end of the 19th century was the most flourishing period in the development of Beijing Opera.

A:错 B:对

The Four Famous Players of Peking Opera were: "Mei" (Mei Lanfang), "Shang" (Shang Xiaoyun), "Cheng" (Cheng Yanqiu), and "Xun" (Xun Huisheng).

A:对 B:错 3.

Over the past hundreds of years, the roles of Peking opera have been simplified to today’s Sheng, Dan, Jing and Chou, known as the four major roles in Peking opera.

A:对 B:错 4.

The sheng is the female role in Peking opera.  

A:对 B:错 5.

The performance of a Peking Opera actor can be summarized into four basic aspects: singing, speaking, acting, and fighting.

A:错 B:对 6.

Speaking refers to character dialogs, which serve to propel the development of the story.   

A:错 B:对 7.

The virtuality of Peking Opera consists of two aspects: one is virtual movements, and the other virtual settings.   

A:错 B:对 8.

Virtual movement refers to imitating actions onstage. For instance, rowing a boat.  

A:错 B:对 9.

One purpose of mask is to indicate the identity and character of the role. For example, a “red face” means the person is loyal and brave; a “           ” signifies the person is straightforward; and a “white face” identifies the person as crafty and evil. 

A:yellow face B:green face C:black face D:blue face  10.

Which play is not the representative play of Mei Lan Fang in Peking Opera? 

A:The Lance of the Universe(宇宙锋) B:At Crossroad (三岔口) C:The Drunken Concubine(贵妃醉酒) D:Women General Mu Guiying(穆桂英挂帅) 11.

The dan(旦)refers to any female role in Peking opera. Dan roles were originally divided into       subtypes. 

A:4 B:3 C:2 D:5 12.

Chou roles can be divided into         , civilian roles such as merchants and jailers, and wuchou, minor military roles. 

A:wu chou B:xiao chou C:chou D:Wen chou 

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