第一章 Personal Information:个人信息1.1Listening-Making Pre-listening Predictions:听辨个人信息;听前预测。
1.2Speaking-Saying Hello and Goodbye:打招呼
1.3Pronunciation-Distinction of Vowels:辨析元音中的/e/ /ei/ /æ/
1.4Culture-Privacy in the West World:谈谈西方文化中的隐私
[多选题]Which conversations are formal?

选项:[a: Hi there. How are things, man?b: Fine, thanks.

, a: Hey, how's it going?b: Oh, not too bad, thanks.

, a: Good morning. How are you?b: I'm very well, thank you. And you?

, a: How do you do, Mr. Wang?b: How do you do, Mr. Johnson?

[判断题]British use "cheers" to mean "thanks and bye".

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]Which might be a better way to know whether a person is married or not?

选项:[Ask how many kids he/she has., Ask whether he/she is married or not., Ask how much money he/she can earn., Ask how his/her family is.]
[单选题]How can you know the price of the item another person bought without violating other people’s privacy?

选项:[Ask the price directly., Ask the person whether he/she can tell you the price, Say that you want buy one yourself and ask whether it is expensive., Ask the discount directly.]
[判断题]As a response to "How do you do?", you should say "Fine, thank you".

选项:[对, 错]

After you have said goodbye by using phrase like "Have a good day" or "See you later", you cannot say "Bye" at the very end.

选项:[对, 错]

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