1. Her pain seemed to be greatly relieved, obviously, the magic medicine do ______ for her.

  2. 答案:wonder
  3. A human's eyesight is not as ________ as that of an eagle.

  4. 答案:acute
  5. Sarah is a girl of high _____________, so we never made fun of her shortcomings.

  6. 答案:self-esteem
  7. These photos reminded me of my ______ childhood in the beautiful village.

  8. 答案:carefree
  9. It's my sincere hope that they will _____ their dispute soon.

  10. 答案:settle
  11. The page is _____ by a list of reviews I have recently written.

  12. 答案:headed
  13. “ I was not given any legal aid and I felt there was no justice in this country. But now I believe that there is justice ________”

  14. 答案:after all
  15. I think the contract will bear fruit _____, and I hope our continuing cooperation and further extension of our trade relations.

  16. 答案:in no time
  17. The small shopkeepers realize that the hypermarket will take _____ some of their trade.

  18. 答案:away
  19. Nowadays parents should realize the importance that children be encouraged to do things ______.

  20. 答案:to their own
  21. We spared no effort to persuade him out of his crazy thought, but ___ vain.

  22. 答案:in
  23. In doing so, the two countries have ____ their remarkable cooperation over the years.
  24. Her TV success has meant pushing ______ thoughts of starting a family.
  25. The thesis is informative, but it was somewhat spoilt by bad _____.
  26. The Queen is so charming, generous and always ready to help others, and that is the reason why the public are so deeply impressed by her ________.
  27. Our Party stands _____ the interests of the broad masses of the people.
  28. This school is superior _____ others in the quality of teaching and learning.
  29. ______ the light of what you have told me, I will say that it is he who came here yesterday.
  30. The baby had no appetite, and merely toyed ______ the bread and butter.
  31. Greece is currently struggling with debts equivalent _______ more than 100% of its GDP.
  32. On cold mornings the car refuses _____.
  33. In the first few months of the war his army seemed ______, but soon it met its Waterloo.
  34. A car suddenly pulled ______ in front of me.
  35. Quite a number of school children suffered from the terrible _________ swine flu.
  36. The arts of China have not ________ in spite of Western influence.
  37. Some research ___ that second-hand smokers are more likely to get smoking-related diseases.
  38. .Don’t rely _____ his promise of lending you money tomorrow.
  39. Macroeconomic Policies can introduce a severe bias ______ agriculture.
  40. The Italians and Spanish are also keen _______ keeping in touch.
  41. Our premier _________ higher salaries for teachers.
  42. Having no money but ____ to know, he simply said he would go without dinner.
  43. I really regretted my mistake. It was one that I _______.
  44. After this tour you have _____ whole afternoon free to explore the city.
  45. ______ earlier, I could have done something to help.
  46. There was plenty of time. You_____.
  47. Soccer is called football by the rest of _____ world outside _____ United State.
  48. He told us that the Plaza Hotel is on the corner of ______ 59th Street and _____ 5th Avenue.
  49. Do you know how much will it cost to go on _____ holiday to Bali?
  50. He was elected ______ of the Students' Union for ______.
  51. The teacherdo all the exercises, but a pupil_______.
  52. An ambulance is waiting in the street. Somebody ______ hurt or killed.
  53. Time ______, the celebration will be held as scheduled.
  54. You certainly wouldn't like _____ in such bad company.
  55. The project ______ by the end of 2005, will expand the city’s telephone network to cover 1,000,000 users.
  56. __________you have seen the play you can give him the ticket.
  57. The interesting thing about ______ is all the roads that they built in Britain.
  58. I am pleased with what you have given me and _____ you have told me.
  59. You _____ return the book now. You can keep it next week if you like.
  60. As I’ll be away for at least a year, I’d appreciate ______ from you now and then telling me how everyone is getting along.
  61. Do you think we'll have _____ good weather for our holiday?
  62. Those who see weaker prices note the _________ for gold has been lower lately.
  63. Not only is there no God, but try getting a plumber on weekends.
  64. "Your phone number again? I ___ quite catch it.""It’s 9568442."
  65. "Can I help you?""Yes, I bought this radio here yesterday, but it ________. "
  66. There is virtually no _________ to this grammar rule.
  67. The __________ of him becoming president, or even his party's nominee, were never very good to begin with.
  68. I am sorry, I am very sorry and I am extremely sorry.
  69. When I visited not long ago, the streets were lined with open sewers and __________ with garbage.
  70. “ Hey, look where you are going!” “Oh, I’m terribly sorry. ____. “
  71. Having been ill-treated by Hamlet, Ophelia goes mad, partly too because she has lost her father.
  72. “You’ve already got well, haven’t you?” she asked. She asked __________.
  73. Record flooding was possible in some places as dozens of rivers __________ their banks.
  74. Chairman Mao passed away in .
  75. It makes sense that Sony might take energy __________ even further with its next system.
  76. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that nation might live.
  77. Can you guess _________?
  78. The hostess said that it ________ time that they _________ supper.
  79. I was very happy and could heard the birds singing in the woods.
  80. She looks sad. Could you please tell me ________ that prevents her from being as happy as before?
  81. . It also plans to organize workshops and __________ a comprehensive campaign to promote universal primary education.
  82. Life is but a walking shadow…
  83. The ink had faded ___________ many words were illegible.
  84. People here are __________ against domestic wine and tend to drink imports.
  85. Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested.
  86. Malnutrition and hard work _________ her health and she looked thin and pale.
  87. So what were some of the key drivers that helped to __________ the success?
  88. They want people to work and have more, ___________ they can consume more.
  89. If the excessive input continues, the chaos eventually becomes ____________ the system begins to break down.
  90. Does brain power ________ as we get older? Scientists now have some surprising answers.
  91. Wit without learning is____a tree without fruit.
  92. Yesterday I went to _____ town on _____ foot.
  93. We were walking __________ the tracks when an old freight train approached and we stopped and watched.
  94. We had literally ten minutes to catch the twelve o'clock train. In this sentence "literally" means_____
  95. He _______ the truth at last by questioning all the bots in the school.
  96. Yet by examining dividends just a little more closely, plenty of useful information can be __________.
  97. Doctors should work hard to save _____ sick and wounded.
  98. It's with our judgement as with our watches; none go just alike, yet each believes his own. This sentence contains_____.
  99. I'll keep _____ eye on the baby when she is away.
  100. All generations are false, including this one. This sentence contains_____.
  101. Some of them have basically __________ their skills into becoming working actors, singers and dancers.
  102. He ran down the avenue, making a noise like ten horses at a gallop.
  103. Lend me ears, please.
  104. The police stopped me the other day as I was driving home, because I was ________ the speed limit.
  105. Two of the suspects have __________ to Saturday's attack, while the third denies any responsibility.
  106. Little __________ about her own safety, though she herself was in great danger.
  107. Polio was _________ in most parts of Africa and now AIDS contagion levels are beginning to recede.
  108. In no condition ____________ those higher rates without gutting the rest of the budget.
  109. __________ to him.
  110. Love you and you are the whole to me.
  111. Jack and Mason _________ upon a brand new power transformer in the middle of the field.
  112. The next thing he saw was smoke _____ from behind the house.
  113. We are invited to a party ____ in our club next Friday.
  114. Understanding the 9 _____________ traits will help you understand your little one's behavior.
  115. ____ into English, the sentence was found to have an entirely different word order.
  116. You want a pound of flesh, don’t you?
  117. One way to prevent the European Community from becoming a modern Tower of Babel would be to make English the Community’s sole official language.
  118. Mr. Smith became very _________ when it was suggested that he had made a mistake.
  119. Scholars are even more ___________ when their ideas make a difference — improving motivation, innovation, or productivity, for example.
  120. Minor irregularities undoubtedly occurred but were definitely not enough to ____________ the outcome.
  121. More haste, less speed.
  122. It's great ____________ to travel to new place.
  123. There have been ____________ books that have been written regarding the unusual phenomenon which take place in this area.
  124. But what happens next will have a ___________ and long-term effect on Ethiopia’s troubled federal system.
  125. _____ refers to the use of logical reasoning to persuade the audience or readers.
  126. _____refers to the emtions in general to arouse the audiencee.
  127. _____ is based on the credibility of the speaker or author.
  128. Sanskrit is related very closely to Latin, Greek, and the Germanic and Celtic ___________.
  129. His victory in the final was no more __________ than I had expected.
  130. Whilst I do not have the answers to these questions, I have ____________ to share with you today.
  131. The application must be made within twenty-four hours, or it will not be ___________ to.
  132. What is the relationship between language and culture?
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