1. In order to foster comprehensive competitive edge of foreign trade development, China will make efforts to maintain its current competitive edge in exports, foster new advantages centering on technology, branding, quality,and services at a faster pace in the near future.

  2. 答案:对
  3. In world economy, the G7 refers to those seven countries with the world's largest developed economies — France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada, — all of which are trade powers of the world.

  4. 答案:对
  5. To a certain extent, China’s present export growth still relies on the input and consumptions of resources, energy, land, manpower, and environment, while the input of science and technology, management, innovation and other factors are insufficient. This situation can no longer be continued.  This is (          ).

  6. 答案:对
  7. At the Opening Ceremony of the 2018 China International Import Expo, President Xi predicted that China’s import of goods and services were expected to exceed 30 trillion USD and 10 trillion USD respectively in the upcoming (           ) years.

  8. 答案:15
  9. Chinese private companies are now very competitive and they contribute around 50 percent of all goods exported by the country. As a matter of fact, the majority of the Chinese companies which are on the Fortune Global 500 list are the country’s private enterprises. This is (          ).

  10. 答案:错
  11. China is still a developing country and is in dire need of development. In promoting its export, there is no need for China to heed the international call for energy conservation and emission reduction, which anyway might be conspiracy to dull China’s export competitiveness. This is (          ).

  12. 答案:错
  13. Internationally, (           ) have posed severe challenges to China’s foreign trade, as well as to the multilateral trading system with the WTO at its core.

  14. 答案:Protectionism###Unilateralism###Anti-globalization
  15. In the process of becoming a world trading power, China is going to promote its foreign trade to realize a (         ) development, and share prosperity and mutually-beneficial results with its trading partners.

  16. 答案:More sustainable###More balanced###More coordinated
  17. By 2020, China has committed to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by (          ) from 2005 levels and use non-fossil fuels for about 15 per cent of its energy.

  18. 答案:40 to 45 percent
  19. Yes, China is already a big trading nation. Presently the country is (          ).

  20. 答案:The world largest merchandise exporter###The world second largest merchandise importer###The world largest merchandise trader
  21. EU is the world's biggest exporter of manufactured goods and services and the biggest import market in the world. This is (          ).

  22. 答案:对
  23. China made accession to the WTO in 2004. This is (          ).
  24. In 2004, EU became the largest trading partner with China, overtaking both the US and Japan. This is (          ).
  25. The exportation of Chinese textiles to the United States and the European Union is still governed under the quota restriction until now. This is (          ).
  26. Among the following items, (        ) are the major principles under the WTO agreement.
  27. (          ) are the major trade disputes between the EU and China.
  28. (          ) has been China's largest trading partner for many years.
  29. The EU removed China out of the NON-market economy list in (          ).
  30. (          ) is the largest entrepot for Chinese exports
  31. China established formal diplomatic relations with the United States in (           ).
  32. When the customers purchase from the platform website, the platform delivers the order from the Bonded Zone and declares the customs. The clearance is governed by HS code ___ .
  33. Hangzhou is the first city to be set as China Cross-Border E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot Area in 2015.
  34. When an online exporter needs to clear the customs, the parcel with small value is under the supervision of HS code ___.
  35. The parcel with a worth of less than 5000 Yuan is free of duty when it clears the customs. This is (          ).
  36. Beauty and health products and milk powders are online bestsellers in Chinese market. This is (          ).
  37. ___ was the world largest ecommerce market in 2019.
  38. The Electronic Commerce Law of the People’s Republic of China came into effect on (         ).
  39. If Jack buys a can of milk powder worth 492 Yuan from a foreign website, he needs to pay (         ) as tax to the government? As is known, the VAT of milk power is 17% and the import tariff is 15%.
  40. (         ) are the two main comprehensive international privacy approaches to address privacy laws covering private business activities.
  41. In China, (         ) are the prevailing taxes levied on small-value goods over the value of 5000 Yuan purchased via online when the goods clear the customs.
  42. In order to implement free trade agreements, China needs to sign the related preferential rules of origin with (           ) to determine the origin of the products subject to preferential tariff concessions.
  43. Customs is the official organization responsible for exercising import and export supervision and administrative functions in accordance with the national or regional laws and regulations.
  44. In China’s Regulations on the Origin, the wholly obtained products refer to those goods which are obtained entirely in the territory of a country without the addition of any non-originating materials.
  45. (            ) usually forms the starting point for regional economic integration, with the rules of origin enable the preferential agreements to be implemented among its member states, while preventing non-member countries from taking advantage of transit trade to obtain benefits in low-tariff member countries.
  46. Regarding the origin criterion,substantial transformation is defined as the process whereby the product is turned into a new and different article of commerce, with a different and distinct name, character, and use from the article as it was previously.
  47. The General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China, abbreviated as GACC, oversees all the regional customs, including 47 direct subsidiaries, 742 local Customs houses and offices, across the country.
  48. According to China’s Customs Law, the main functions of China Customs in foreign trade include (           ).
  49. In the realm of international trade, non-preferential rules of origin are used for many kinds of trade policy measures, such as (          ).
  50. Rules of origin/ROOs, which are issued by a country, or a trading bloc, are the criteria needed to determine the national source of a product. They are considered as the rules to attribute a country of origin to a certain product, or the rules to determine the “economic nationality” thereof.
  51. In international trade, both merchandise trade and services trade can be put under the strict supervision of the customs. This is (          ).
  52. After 16 years of difficult negotiations, China became a full-fledged WTO member in (          ).
  53. Typical WTO principles include non-discrimination,transparency, and fair competition, which are well respected by China and have been included in China’s laws, regulations and related systems.
  54. As both a developing and the world most populous country, over the years, China has handled well the relationships between its reform,development, and stability, thus paved the way for the quick development of its foreign trade.
  55. Mainly because of the reform and opening-up policy, China’s (        ) have now become the largest merchandise exporter of the country.
  56. The description “crossing the river by feeling the stones” can be appropriately used to describe China’s (          ).
  57. China is also a world leading absorber of FDI. Presently more than (         ) of the annual FDI that China receives goes into the country’s services sectors.
  58. In its transition from a planned economy to a market economy,Russia adopted  the so-called “Shock Therapy” approach, which devastated the country’s economy in the 1990s.
  59. With regard to the relationship between China’s reform and opening-up, broadly speaking, the latter can be included in the former, and forms an integral part of the former. This is (          ).
  60. At the end of the 1970s when China began its reform and opening-up, the nation’s foreign trade volume was about (          )  billion USD.
  61. China launched a new round of tariff reduction on a wide range of industrial products and raw materials in November 2018, which drives down the country's overall tariff level to (            ).
  62. NAFTA is a free trade agreement signed among (           ).
  63. Among the following statements,  (           ) are true about a free trade zone.
  64. China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone (SHFTZ) is the largest free trade zone in China. This is (           ).
  65. The free trade agreement signed between Switzerland and China is the first FTA between China and a developed nation. This is (           ).
  66. China is a full-fledged member of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). This is (           ).
  67. CAFTA is the free trade area China established with ASEAN countries. It was launched on January 1, 2010.
  68. The Colon Free Trade Zone is considered the second largest free trade zone in the world and the largest of the Western Hemisphere.
  69. China set up its first free trade zone in ___ (year).
  70. There were 15 free trade zones in China until 2018.
  71. Hong Kong freeport is the largest free trade zone in the world.
  72. A tariff rate quota combines two policy instruments —— tariff and quota that nations historically have used to restrict imports.
  73. The Canton Fair is the largest comprehensive trade fair in China. It has played a very important role in China’s foreign trade for more than 60 years.
  74. The first China International Import Expo (CIIE) was held in Shanghai in 2019.
  75. Among the following Chinese institutions, (            ) financially support firms’ export.
  76. Among the developing world, (          ) once adopted import substitution strategy.
  77. China’s Strategy of “Fostering Foreign Trade by Science and Technology” include items like (         ).
  78. China’s Strategy of “Putting Quality First” include items like (         ).
  79. China began to implement the strategy of market diversification in (          ).
  80. Among the following economies, (          ) is not among the list of Asia’s Four Tigers.
  81. In order to improve its export structure, China began to implement (        ) strategy in 1999.
  82. Tariff levied on an import that is selling at a price below the product’s fair value is called anti-dumping duty.
  83. Generally speaking, the least used trade remedy is (           ).
  84. China’s trade remedy actions against imports date back to the (         ). But the nation always believes that trade remedy measures should be used under restraint and with caution.
  85. Among the following Chinese industries, (          ) are most likely to encounter foreign trade remedy measures.
  86. Among the following economies, (          ) have been very active in initiating trade remedy investigations against China’s export.
  87. In recent years, many economies across the world are busy launching trade remedy measures against Chinese commodities, which has substantially made a negative impact upon China’s merchandise exports. This is (          ).
  88. In 2004, (           ) launched a countervailing investigation on China’s outdoor barbecue grills, this was the first foreign countervailing case against China’s exports.
  89. At the end of the (          ), China’s export met its first trade remedy case, which was initiated by the EEC, the predecessor of today’s European Union.
  90. In spite of the negative impact of the world financial crisis, in 2009 China overtook (          ) as the world largest merchandise exporter and has kept that title until this day. This makes China a more prominent target of other countries’ trade remedy measures.
  91. The World Trade Organization allows its members to use trade remedy measures to reasonably protect their domestic industries. But there is an increasing abuse of these measures by a number of members in recent years. This is (          ).
  92. Chinese President Xi Jinping unveiled the Belt and Road Initiative in 2013. Officially, the full name of One Belt is the Silk Road Economic Belt, and the full name of One Road is the 21st Century Maritime Road.
  93. Today, almost everybody is aware of “the Silk Road”. However, this term was invented in the 19th century by a (           ) geographer.
  94. Presently, China’s merchandise trade deficit mainly comes from its trade with (          ).
  95. The Canton/Guangzhou Fair, now officially named “China Import and Export Fair”, was unveiled in Canton, China in the (          ).
  96. Based on the trade statistics, presently China’s largest trade method is (            ).
  97. According to the SITC classifications, the following (         ) fall into the category of manufactured products.
  98. In recent years, according to the trade statistics, the export of mechanical and electronic products make up about (         ) of China’s total exports every year.
  99. In June 2014, the UNESCO designated the Chang'an-Tianshan corridor of the Silk Road as a World Heritage Site, which was submitted jointly by China and (          ).
  100. Presently there is a trade war between China and the United States. Actually, the two countries are long time trading partners with their bilateral trade history dating back to the (          ).
  101. Now China is the largest export nation in the world. In recent years, among the country’s mainland 31 provincial regions, (           ) has remained the indisputable export champion.
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