  1. 商务访问接待中进行机场接机的要点( )。

  2. A:注意机场接机时的礼仪问题 B:掌握接机流程 C:用专业的素养展现本公司的精神风貌 D:列出机场接机前要准备的内容清单
  3. 商务面谈的基本步骤有( )。

  4. A:分析面谈对象 B:确定面谈的时间地点和主要内容 C:确定面谈目标 D:确定面谈的注意事项
  5. 商务谈判技巧有( )

  6. A:尽量在本方场地谈判 B:谈判前要有充分的准备:知己知彼,百战百胜 C:尽量以肯定的语气与对方谈话 D:必要时可以转移话题
  7. What preparations should be made in advance for visiting the factory?( )

  8. A:determine the time, people and workshop B:Book and arrange meeting rooms C:Prepare relevant samples in advance D:Cultural atmosphere
  9. Before the guests leave the hotel, the secretary should go there to help them with the following matters, making sure they have:( )

  10. A:cleared with the hotel cashier. B:left their room keys and have their passports and other document. C:their luggage and bags collected. D:taken all their belongings.
  11. We should make a checklist to prepare before meeting guests at the airport.( )

  12. A:错 B:对
  13. As a professional secretary, we should master the process of checking in at the hotel.( )

  14. A:对 B:错
  15. when you meet each other for the first time, you often exchange business cards to each other.( )

  16. A:对 B:错
  17. The core characteristics of business meeting are as follows: Have a specific purpose and plan ahead.( )

  18. A:对 B:错
  19. Make sure you have a smooth verbal transition between slides for a very polished presentation.( )

  20. A:错 B:对

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