1. 请判断下列句子的表达是否正确。Please judge whether the expression of the following sentences is correct.明天我去图书馆看书了。( )

  2. 答案:错
  3. 请判断下列句子的表达是否正确。Please judge whether the expression of the following sentences is correct.平时你就总是不到八点来了。( )

  4. 答案:错
  5. 请判断下列句子的表达是否正确。Please judge whether the expression of the following sentences is correct.昨天晚上我去了图书馆了。( )

  6. 答案:错
  7. 请判断下列句子的表达是否正确。Please judge whether the expression of the following sentences is correct.我试了试这件衣服,很合适。( )

  8. 答案:对
  9. 请判断下列句子的表达是否正确。Please judge whether the expression of the following sentences is correct.快要冬天到了,我该去买冬天的衣服了。( )

  10. 答案:错
  11. 请判断下列句子的表达是否正确。Please judge whether the expression of the following sentences is correct.你要是喜欢这件衣服,就我送给你。( )

  12. 答案:错
  13. 请判断下列句子的表达是否正确。Please judge whether the expression of the following sentences is correct.我下午跟张老师见面了。( )

  14. 答案:对
  15. 请判断下列句子的表达是否正确。Please judge whether the expression of the following sentences is correct.我大概明天毕业大学。( )

  16. 答案:错
  17. 请判断下列句子的表达是否正确。Please judge whether the expression of the following sentences is correct.那个饭馆的菜,又好吃又便宜。( )

  18. 答案:对
  19. 请判断下列句子的表达是否正确。Please judge whether the expression of the following sentences is correct.他今年三多岁了。( )

  20. 答案:错
  21. 请判断下列句子的表达是否正确。Please judge whether the expression of the following sentences is correct.我今年三月是来北京的,不是四月来的。( )

  22. 答案:错
  23. 请判断下列句子的表达是否正确。Please judge whether the expression of the following sentences is correct.昨天我跟同屋聊天儿了一个多小时。( )
  24. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.大卫今天不舒服,还不到八点( )睡觉了。( )
  25. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.我从来没见( )这么美的景色!( )
  26. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.他昨天睡得很晚,今天八点( )起床。( )
  27. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.他怎么( )不高兴了?是不是身体不舒服?( )
  28. 为括号中的词选择适当的位置。Choose proper positions for the words or expressions in the brackets.我A很想跟朋友去看电影,可是明天B有考试,晚上C我D在宿舍复习。(只好)( )
  29. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.昨天你去( )去书店?( )
  30. 为括号中的词选择适当的位置。Choose proper positions for the words or expressions in the brackets.昨天我给A老师B发C一条短信D。(了)( )
  31. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.他回国了?( )最近没看见他。( )
  32. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.昨天我买( )一些工艺品。( )
  33. 为括号中的词选择适当的位置。Choose proper positions for the words or expressions in the brackets.从我家到学校坐车A要两B个C小时D。(多)( )
  34. 为括号中的词选择适当的位置。Choose proper positions for the words or expressions in the brackets.我每天A在校园里B散C步D。(一会儿)( )
  35. 为括号中的词选择适当的位置。Choose proper positions for the words or expressions in the brackets.昨天我跟A朋友去B学校附近的公园逛C逛D。(了)( )
  36. 为括号中的词选择适当的位置。Choose proper positions for the words or expressions in the brackets.下个星期A,我们就能B学C这本书D。(完)( )
  37. 为括号中的词选择适当的位置。Choose proper positions for the words or expressions in the brackets.我A觉得我们B坐C地铁去D火车站。(最好)( )
  38. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.他( )在一家公司工作,现在在北京学习。( )
  39. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.我认识张老师,她教( )我们语法课。( )
  40. 请判断下列句子的表达是否正确。Please judge whether the expression of the following sentences is correct.这些东西有二十斤多。( )
  41. 请判断下列句子的表达是否正确。Please judge whether the expression of the following sentences is correct.昨天麦克没来我宿舍了。( )
  42. 请判断下列句子的表达是否正确。Please judge whether the expression of the following sentences is correct.马丁打算一回国就结婚女朋友。( )
  43. 请判断下列句子的表达是否正确。Please judge whether the expression of the following sentences is correct.我找了半天也没找到我的书。( )
  44. 请判断下列句子的表达是否正确。Please judge whether the expression of the following sentences is correct.上星期爸爸不去上海工作。( )
  45. 请判断下列句子的表达是否正确。Please judge whether the expression of the following sentences is correct..我有一二个中国朋友。( )
  46. 请判断下列句子的表达是否正确。Please judge whether the expression of the following sentences is correct.明天我去北京大学见面我的朋友。( )
  47. 请判断下列句子的表达是否正确。Please judge whether the expression of the following sentences is correct..她写汉字写了四十分钟。( )
  48. 请判断下列句子的表达是否正确。Please judge whether the expression of the following sentences is correct.下午老师不在,晚上我再给他得打一个电话。( )
  49. 请判断下列句子的表达是否正确。Please judge whether the expression of the following sentences is correct.昨天晚上我还没有看足球比赛呢。( )
  50. 请判断下列句子的表达是否正确。Please judge whether the expression of the following sentences is correct.我很感兴趣中国的书法。( )
  51. 请判断下列句子的表达是否正确。Please judge whether the expression of the following sentences is correct.我买了一条牛仔裤和买了一双皮鞋。( )
  52. 请判断下列句子的表达是否正确。Please judge whether the expression of the following sentences is correct.师傅,麻烦你开得快一点儿。( )
  53. 请判断下列句子的表达是否正确。Please judge whether the expression of the following sentences is correct.昨天晚上我只睡了五个小时觉。( )
  54. 请判断下列句子的表达是否正确。Please judge whether the expression of the following sentences is correct.他有点儿发烧,不过不用打针。( )
  55. 请判断下列句子的表达是否正确。Please judge whether the expression of the following sentences is correct.我们中午一吃午饭就去超市买东西。( )
  56. 请判断下列句子的表达是否正确。Please judge whether the expression of the following sentences is correct.要是你有空儿,就我们一起去商场逛逛吧。( )
  57. 请判断下列句子的表达是否正确。Please judge whether the expression of the following sentences is correct.他是上星期去的上海旅行。( )
  58. 请判断下列句子的表达是否正确。Please judge whether the expression of the following sentences is correct.昨天我是跟朋友一起去饭馆吃饭。( )
  59. 请判断下列句子的表达是否正确。Please judge whether the expression of the following sentences is correct.还有十分钟我们快要下课了。( )
  60. 为括号中的词选择适当的位置。Choose proper positions for the words or expressions in the brackets.我A在学校B外边租的房子C不大,D比较舒服。(不过)( )
  61. 为括号中的词选择适当的位置。Choose proper positions for the words or expressions in the brackets.听说北京A有B一百C个D大学。(多)( )
  62. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.他今天迟到了,都已经上课了,他( )进教室。( )
  63. 为括号中的词选择适当的位置。Choose proper positions for the words or expressions in the brackets.你A常常B在这儿吃,C你D点菜吧。(还是)( )
  64. 为括号中的词选择适当的位置。Choose proper positions for the words or expressions in the brackets.你明天上午A最好B十点C给我D打电话。(左右)( )
  65. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.房间里太热了,打( )空调吧。( )
  66. 为括号中的词选择适当的位置。Choose proper positions for the words or expressions in the brackets.A爸爸B给C我D买了一辆自行车。(又)( )
  67. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.还有一个星期( )放假了,你打算去哪儿旅游?( )
  68. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.你打( )电话了,这里不是留学生宿舍。( )
  69. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.昨天他( )给我打电话,我给他打电话了。( )
  70. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.以前小明去( )加拿大,现在在北京工作。( )
  71. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.我去大卫的宿舍没找( )他,他同屋说他去书店了。( )
  72. 为括号中的词选择适当的位置。Choose proper positions for the words or expressions in the brackets.今天中午A下了课,B我C去银行D换钱。(就)( )
  73. 为括号中的词选择适当的位置。Choose proper positions for the words or expressions in the brackets.我A去过B一次C天津D。(只)( )
  74. 为括号中的词选择适当的位置。Choose proper positions for the words or expressions in the brackets.大卫A来B中国只有C两个D月。(多)( )
  75. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.昨天晚上我一直工作( )十二点。( )
  76. 为括号中的词选择适当的位置。Choose proper positions for the words or expressions in the brackets.A我妈妈B来中国C看我D了。(快要)( )
  77. 为括号中的词选择适当的位置。Choose proper positions for the words or expressions in the brackets.A这件衣服B打C八折D,不能再便宜了。(最多)( )
  78. 为括号中的词选择适当的位置。Choose proper positions for the words or expressions in the brackets.我昨天中午A十二点B给你打了C两D次电话。(左右)( )
  79. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.你等等我,我去( )卫生间。( )
  80. Choose the correct sentences.( )
  81. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.这本书太好了,我看了三( )。( )
  82. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.以前小明去( )加拿大,现在在北京工作。( )
  83. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.飞机还有半个小时( )起飞了,咱们快点儿吧。( )
  84. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.明天我们吃( )饭就去西单,怎么样?( )
  85. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.马丁很喜欢旅游,去过两( )九寨沟。( )
  86. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.我姐姐今天28岁,( )30岁了。( )
  87. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.你做( )今天的作业了没有?( )
  88. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.我已经( )几年没见到大卫了。( )
  89. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.你的房间太闷了,应该关( )空调。( )
  90. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.飞机下午一点( )起飞,我们十一点出发来得及。( )
  91. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.昨天晚上我十二点( )才回家。( )
  92. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.我等了你两个( )小时。( )
  93. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.我可以用一( )你的手机吗?( )
  94. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.昨天我( )去商店,我去书店了。( )
  95. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.我明天( )去超市,我要去书店。( )
  96. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.他每星期都给父母打一( )电话。( )
  97. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.我昨天已经去了,今天不想( )去了。( )
  98. Fill in the blanks with proper words or expressions.她昨天没有上课,今天( )没有上课。( )
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