1. Which is NOT true about this poem?

  2. 答案:It describes a bloody scene in the battelfield.
  3. According to the enrollee, why cannot they pay the taxes?

  4. 答案:They have no money becasue no men help to do farming.
  5. Why does the enrollee say “We would have preferred girl to boy”?

  6. 答案:Becasue they know boys cannot escape the doom of dying in the war.
  7. What is the implied meaning of “The elder bound their young heads when they went away”?

  8. 答案:They were young when they went away.
  9. In the opening of the poem, what do the images “chariots” and “horses” represent?

  10. 答案:War.
  11. Who is the author of the following poem?Layer upon lyer they cover the stpes;The servan, summoned often, still cannot sweep them away.Taken from sight with the setting of the sun,The moon brings them back at the close of the day.

  12. 答案:Su Shi
  13. Who is the author of the following poem? I slept in spring not conscious of the dawn,But heard the gay birds chattering all around.I remember, there was a storm at night.I know not how many blossoms fell to the ground.

  14. 答案:Meng Haoran.
  15. Why does the protagonist recite poems in a very loud voice?

  16. 答案:Because she the words sound good.
  17. Which is NOT true of the protagonist’s reciting poems?

  18. 答案:She recites peoms in the afternoon.
  19. “To My Son” expresses Lu You’s concern with the unity of the conquered country. ( )

  20. 答案:对
  21. Li Bai exposes the miserable life of the poor people in the lines “Stinking the meat and wine inside a vermilion gate, / Besides the road are the frozen dead.” ( )

  22. 答案:错
  23. From the water to the air, from the earth to the sky, Da Peng has gained the treasure that no one has. ( )
  24. The anthology Goddess rid itself of the old frameworks and became a new style representing freedom and new ideas. ( )
  25. Both Han Yu and Liu Zongyuan are representatives of Classicist Movement. ( )
  26. In The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Luo Guanzhong combined historical facts, folk legends and unique artistic imagination into a perfect whole. ( )
  27. Both Aristotle’s On Poetry and Liu Xie’s Carving a Dragon at the Core of Literature were profound views on literature. ( )
  28. The imperial civil service exam in the Song Dynasty emphasizes on civil administration over military arts and caused the redundancy of officials.( )
  29. Impressive stories about merchants are depicted in The Three Words and The Two Collections.( )
  30. Among the Flowers played a important role in the history of Chinese poetry because it laid the foundation for the formation of a graceful, and impressive ci style. ( )
  31. Ah Q’s Spiritual Victory can bring permanent mental contentment. ( )
  32. Da Peng flying into the sky described in the first article of Zhuang Zi’s book Happy Excursion.( )
  33. Du Fu is credited as the greatest Romnatic poet of ancient China. ( )
  34. Chu Ci, or the poetry of Chu, was based on ballads from the State of Chu. ( )
  35. Liu Zongyuan was the first person to uphold the concept of Classical Prose. ( )
  36. There are different voices about Xiang Yu not killing Liu Bang.( )
  37. Characterization in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms: ( )
  38. Which of the following is true of the Chinese language? ( )
  39. What are the features of the Classicist Movement? ( )
  40. What are the Tao Yuanming’s poem style? ( )
  41. Personality of Chao Gai: ( )
  42. Which are true about translated works from abroad? ( )
  43. Which work marks the beginning of the literary criticism on poetry in China? ( )
  44. What do the mythologies reflect in ancient Chinese society? ( )
  45. What kind of atmosphere is created through the lines “The bamboo curtains are drawn over the windows, /When back in the fine rain is a pair of swallows” in “Picking Mulberries”by Ouyang Xiu? ( )
  46. Which of the following statements are TRUE about Confucius’”humanity”? ( )
  47. Who is not a character in The Wronging of Dou E( )?
  48. Which is NOT true of the imperial civil service exam? ( )
  49. Which is NOT a Characteristic of nature that influenced Xu Zhimo: ( )
  50. Which of the following is NOT true of Baoyu and Daiyu? ( )
  51. Classicist Movement was a reform of literary style that became popular since ______. ( )
  52. Which of the following are NOT typical characters in the Strange Tales: ( )
  53. What form does the ci poem “Like a Dream” take? ( )
  54. The following two lines “Idly I watch the cassia petals fall; /Silent the night and empty the spring hills;”are taken from the poem ______. ( )
  55. What does Li Shangyin express in the two lines: “Silkworms in late spring keep spitting silk till they die,Candles reduce to nothing before their tears dry.”? ( )
  56. Bai Juyi divided his poems into four categories: ______, idle poems, sentimental poems, and miscellaneous poems. ( )
  57. Which poet is widely known as “Buddhist poet”? ( )
  58. As a presider over the imperial examinations, Ouyang Xiu promoted a group of writers who wrote ______. ( )
  59. Which of the following is NOT true? ( )
  60. In “Hairpin,”what does Lu You express in the following two lines: “Peach blossoms fall and die,The picturesque garden is bleak, I sigh”? ( )
  61. The record fragments of Confucius’s discourses are in a language close to ______. ( )
  62. Which is NOT true about Fu, Bi and Xing?
  63. There are 3 forms in Song, and they are        .
  64. Ya can be divided into       parts.
  65. “Feng”, also called “Guo Feng(国风)”, are ballads from different areas. The ballads came from      areas and total       poems, accounting for a major portion of Shi Jing.
  66. What are the six kinds in Shi Jing? ()
  67. 5.What’s the language feature did Qu Yuan use in Li Sao?
  68. What writing skill did Li Sao used in the first part?
  69. How many parts can this long poem be divided?
  70. Li Sao contains over        sentences and nearly       words.
  71. What is the genre of Li Sao?
  72. A New Account of the Tales of the World is compiled and edited by Liu Yiqing and his disciples of the Southern Dynasties. ( )
  73. Different from the Han Yuefu poems, the New Yuefu poems use new themes to reflect current events. ( )
  74. Around May Fourt Movement, translators took a domestication strategy and exercised much liscence in translating the works. ( )
  75. In his patriotic poems, Lu You expresses his ideals in the form of dreams or illusions. ( )
  76. The key concept to Master Kong’s theoretical system is humanity, in Chinese is “ren”, that occurs 108 times in the Analects.( )
  77. Du Shiniang drowns herself and her treasure when betrayed. ( )
  78. In China, from The Book of Songs to Tang and Song poetry, almost every poem is a scene. ( )
  79. Oolong tea is an English tea.( )
  80. Romance is any imaginary literature that is set in an idealized world and that deals with heroic adventures and battles between good characters and villains or monsters. ( )
  81. In “Pure Brightness”by Huang Tingjian, plants and animals are described as carefree but men are vain, troubled by fame and honor. ( )
  82. Lu Xun's story Diary of a Madman was set in the new culture movement after the Xinhai Revolution. ( )
  83. Most of the ci poems in Among the Flowers deal with the sentiments between men and women. ( )
  84. Chinese classical dramas developed in the poor environment of scattered small peasant economy and semiliteracy, and were rooted in the grassroots. ( )
  85. One of the features of a parallel prose is its four-and-six-character prose style. ( )
  86. Bai Juyi believed in the educational function of poetry and thought poets should pay attention to social reality. ( )
  87. Zeus sent Prometheus to earth and told him to make mortal man out of clay. ( )
  88. Panwen is also called Parallel prose, is a special literary genre in ancient China. ( )
  89. In the 18th century, The Orphan of the Zhao Family was translated into French by a French missionary. ( )
  90. The Southern Dynasty also established their official form in charge of collecting folksongs for their music. ( )
  91. Prometheus Bound was first translated into Chinese by Yang Hui in 1926. ( )
  92. What are the poetic ideas of Han Yu? ( )
  93. The Thought Provoking Ah Q: ( )
  94. Which is true of Lu Xun’s Zawen (the satirical essay)? ( )
  95. Which of the following is true of The Orphan of the Zhao Family? ( )
  96. What are the two types of poems that Lu You are most noted for? ( )
  97. What are the themes of Ouyang Xiu’s shi poetry? ( )
  98. Deeds of the Monkey King: ( )
  99. Which of the following statements are TRUE about “An Old Man Selling Charcoal”by Bai Juyi? ( )
  100. In “A Look at Mount Lu Cataract,”what figures of speech does the poet use in the last two lines? ( )
  101. Who are usually taken as the representatives of New Yuefu poetry? ( )
  102. What is the purpose of Gun stealing “Xirang”? ( )
  103. "Zheng feng qin wei" depicts this grand situation and reflects the situation of . ( )
  104. Which of the following is true of Xu Zhimo? ( )
  105. Gaea was the goddess of . ( )
  106. Which of the following is NOT Wu Jingzi’s attitude: ( )
  107. What is the translation about “采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”? ( )
  108. Which of the following is NOT true about Parallel prose? ( )
  109. Which poem expresses the following idea:“the world is drunk, with only myself remaining sober; /the world is sordid, with only myself being pure" ?( )
  110. Which is not the Essence of Ah Q’s Spiritual Victory? ( )
  111. In“Spring Snow,”Han Yuconpares snowflakes to ______. ( )
  112. What is the symbolic meaning of the moon in Zhang Ruoxu’s poem “Moonlit Night by the Spring River”? ( )
  113. When writing“In a Station of the Metro”, Pound omits the line touching upon the theme, and both lines are just a juxtaposition of___________ ( ).
  114. Which is NOT true? ( )
  115. Which poem by Bai Juyi tells the tragic love story of Emperor Minghuang of the Tang Dynasty and his Concubine Yang? ( )
  116. In Ba Jin’s novel Family, the Root of Jue Xin’s Characteristics is _____. ( )
  117. Which is INCORRECT about the characters in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms? ( )
  118. In the area of Intercultural Communication, what is true about Lin Yutang? ( )
  119. In Ba Jin’s novel Family, Jue Hui _________. ( )
  120. What does Li Qingzhao compare her weak and slender body to in“Drunken in the Shade of Flowers”? ( )
  121. Which of the following is NOT true of Du Shiniang: ( )
  122. What is the meaning of “Egg-laying”in Pangu’s mythology? ( )
  123. Which of the following is not part of the Book of Songs? ( )
  124. All of the following are true about Mao Dun’s Historical Writing, EXCEPT______. ( )
  125. What is the theme of“Song of the Lute”? ( )
  126. Which of the following is NOT true of Xiao Hong’s Marriage? ( )
  127. In Ba Jin's novel Family, ( )
  128. Which is true about Mao Dun? ( )
  129. Features of Guo Moruo’s Poetry: ( )
  130. About Lin Yutang’s works: ( )
  131. Ah Q is a subservient subject, and “Q” looks like a pigtail on the back of a person without facial features. ( )
  132. Which of the following is NOT true of Xu Zhimo? ( )
  133. Which of the following is Lu Xun’s work? ( )
  134. From 1895 to before the May Fourth Movement in 1919, more than 2,000 titles of novels were translated into Chinese. ( )
  135. After the May Fourth Movement, popular literature adopted the spoken language as its vehicle but had never become mainstream. ( )
  136. In his later years, Liang Qichao taught at the Qinghua Research Institute. ( )
  137. Ma Zhiyuan was one of the four great Yuan playwrights and a famous sanqu writer, who composed in a free, powerful, and fresh style. ( )
  138. Yuanqu, encompassing, in a broad sense, Yuan-Dynasty drama, is also called( ):
  139. Romance of the West Chamber is the most moving love story among the Song Dynasty plays. ( )
  140. Which of the following is NOT true of Fan Jin: ( )
  141. Code of Brotherhood means sacrifice of anything, including their lives, for their friends. ( )
  142. The Romance of the Three Kingdoms is the first full-length novel in Chinese history. ( )
  143. Which of the following dynasties is NOT famous for Supernatural Tales: ( )
  144. Which of the following is NOT included in the Three Volumes of Words and Two Collections of Amazing Tales? ( )
  145. Which is not a feature of The Orphan of the Zhao Family ( )?
  146. The Monkey King as a Trickster:( )
  147. In “Pure Brightness,”Huang Tingjian shows his admiration for Jie Zitui in the Jin Dynasty becasue he was a successful official at court. ( )
  148. Which of the following is NOT a member of the Eight Greatest Masters of prose between the Tang and Song Dynasties? ( )
  149. Who is respected as the founder of the Flower School of ci poetry? ( )
  150. Which poem expresses Su Shi’s love for his deceased wife? ( )
  151. In “Two Songs of Picking Mulberries,” Ouyang Xiu depicts pictures of a tour on the West Lake in Spring. ( )
  152. Which is the last poem of Lu You? ( )
  153. Ouyang Xiu advocated the ideal of “literature being together with the Way” and his essaysd were closely related with the real situation. ( )
  154. What are the two things that Lu You was preoccupied with all his life? ( )
  155. Which of the following are TRUE about “Drunken in the Shade of Flowers”? ( )
  156. Ci poems have titles of tunes. Each tune represents a certain pattern with a fixed number of words for each line, but free from a fixed tonal sequence and rhyme scheme. ( )
  157. The Classicist Movement in the Tang Dynasty aimed at distribute the thoughts of Confucianism. ( )
  158. “An Old Man Selling Charcoal”is a lasting masterpiece of Romnaticism, which gives a vivid depiction of a poor man. ( )
  159. Which poet put forward the term “New Yuefu”? ( )
  160. What emotion does Liu Zongyuan express in the poem “Snow on the River“? ( )
  161. Gelü poetry is divided into two groups: lüshi and jueju .( )
  162. The constant theme of Du Mu’s poetry is the prosperous Chang’an. ( )
  163. What are the core images of Li Bai’s poems? ( )
  164. Of the poets in the Tang Dynasty, who is honored as “Sage Poet”? ( )
  165. Which of the following are TRUE about Du Fu? ( )
  166. Which poet successfully integrated his sense of color, lines and form in painting into his poetic composition? ( )
  167. Gun stole the fire to stop the floods but failed. ( )
  168. Which are the core images of Happy Excursion of Zhuang Zi? ( )
  169. Confucius was the founder of the philosophy of Confucianism.( )
  170. Which poet is the author of Records of the Historian? ( )
  171. The Book of Songs is about the war stories in ancient time. ( )
  172. What are the core images of dragon festival? ( )
  173. Some scholars believe that the variety of thoughts forms and styles mark the peak of the genres of essay. ( )
  174. Who is the author of Carving a Dragon at the Core of Literature? ( )
  175. What are the songs or ballads called, which express ordinary people’s joys and sorrows upon events? ( )
  176. Which is Tao Yuanming’s work in the following names? ( )
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