

  1. Which is NOT true concerning the legacy of Qian Zhongshu? ( )

  2. A:His philosophical saying about marriage being like a fortress beseiged is well known to every household in China. B:His writings exhibit his broad and deep understanding of diverse traditions of ancient Greek, Latin, English, German, French, Italian, and Spanish authors. C:Because of his philosophical saying about marriage being like a fortress beseiged, most young people in China are afraid of getting married. D:Because he was well versed in classic Chinese, his prose reflects deep cultural traditions of China.
    答案:She was forced to participate in the construction of the wall.
  3. Which of the following is not part of the Book of Songs? ( )

  4. A:Song B:Shi C:Ya D:Feng
    AI参考:正确答案是A: Song。这是古代诗歌分类中的四部分之一,其中包括《诗》、《雅》、《颂》和《风》,因此B、C、D选项都是《诗经》的组成部分,而A选项是宋词的组成部分,所以选择A。'
  5. The following two lines “It is already ten years since my wife died, /There is no news of the life on either side”are taken from the ci poem ______. ( )

  6. A:“To the Tune: Fair Maid of Yu” B:“Song of Riverside Town” C:“Like a Dream.” D:“Hairpin”
  7. Which of the following is NOT true of Du Shiniang: ( )

  8. A:She has a strong sense of self-respect. B:She has earned a fortune large enough to buy back her freedom; C:She uses money to get love. D:Du Shiniang, a courtesan, longs for true love;
  9. Which is true of Zhang Ailing and Xiao Hong’s works? ( )

  10. AI参考:选项B:They are both humorous and interesting.张爱玲和萧红都是中国现代文学的杰出代表,他们的作品风格各异,但都具有幽默和有趣的特点。选项B准确地描述了他们的作品特点,因此是正确答案。'
  11. In the area of Intercultural Communication, what is true about Lin Yutang? ( )

  12. A:His works promote Chinese culture from the perspective of Chinese people, and the selected content is also the essence of Chinese culture. B:He was very bookish. C:He used a formal style. D:He was a serious person.
    答案:Edward T.HallAI参考:正确答案是A:His works promote Chinese culture from the perspective of Chinese people,and the selected content is also the essence of Chinese culture。根据问题中的描述,林语堂在跨文化交际领域的特点是什么,而选项A中提到他的作品从中国人的角度推广中国文化,并且选材也是中国文化的精髓,符合跨文化交际的特点。因此,选项A是正确答案。选项B、C、D与问题描述不符。'
  13. What is the core of Humanism? ( )

  14. A:Restoration of Greek and Roman culture. B:Affirmation of human nature. C:Emphasis on human imagination. D:Revival of classical literature.
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Affirmation of human nature.人本主义的核心是肯定人的本质。选项A是复兴希腊罗马文化,选项C是强调人的想象力,选项D是复兴古典文学,这些都不是人本主义的核心。因此,正确答案是B。'
  15. All of the following are true about Mao Dun’s Historical Writing, EXCEPT______. ( )

  16. A:Mao Dun provided a bright and visual historical picture for the ideological historical concept, in line with the ideology of the proletariat. B:He sang praises of the bourgois. C:His epic works reflect the broader and more complex social features of a historical period. D:He weaves his personal and perceptual historical experience in the shaping of specific characters.
    AI参考:正确答案是B:He sang praises of the bourgois.毛泽东在历史写作中为无产阶级意识形态的历史观念描绘了一幅光明而可视的历史画卷,他的史诗作品反映了历史时期更广泛、更复杂的社会特征,他在塑造具体人物时融入了他个人的历史感受和体验。除了对资产阶级的歌颂以外,以上选项都是正确的关于毛泽东历史写作的描述。'
  17. Which poem by Bai Juyi tells the tragic love story of Emperor Minghuang of the Tang Dynasty and his Concubine Yang? ( )

  18. A:“Song of the Lute.” B:“An Old Man Selling Charcoal.” C:“On the Ah Fang Palace.” D:“The Eternal Regret.”
    AI参考:正确答案是D:“The Eternal Regret.”白居易的《长恨歌》讲述了唐明皇与杨贵妃的爱情悲剧故事,所以正确答案为D:“The Eternal Regret”。'
  19. Which poem expresses the following idea:“the world is drunk, with only myself remaining sober; /the world is sordid, with only myself being pure" ?( )

  20. A:“The Gully of Twittering Birds” B:“Snow on the River.” C:“Early Plum Blossoms.” D:“Spring Snow.”
  21. As a presider over the imperial examinations, Ouyang Xiu promoted a group of writers who wrote ______. ( )

  22. A:parallel prose B:ancient-style prose C:lüshi poems D:patriotic poems
    AI参考:正确答案是B:ancient-style prose。根据题干中的信息可知,作为科举考试的负责人,欧阳修推动了一群写古文风格的作家。因此,正确答案是B,即“古文”。其他选项的含义分别为:A平行散文指的是结构相似的文章,而古文是强调文言文的文体;C诗词中有很多抒发爱国情感的诗句;D爱国主义诗歌主要是抒发对祖国、人民、民族的热爱之情的诗歌。这些选项都与题干中的信息无关。'
  23. What is the symbolic meaning of the moon in Zhang Ruoxu’s poem “Moonlit Night by the Spring River”? ( )

  24. A:The deep loneliness. B:The beautiful nature. C:The profound love. D:The eternal universe.

  25. Which is INCORRECT about the characters in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms? ( )

  26. A:Sima Yi is more broad-minded than Zhou YU. B:Zhou Yu is too narrow-minded. C:Zhou Yu is superior to Zhuge Liang in terms of craft. D:Sima Yi suspicious.
  27. In “Temple of the Premier of Shu,” Du Fu expresses his admiration and regret for ______. ( )

  28. A:Liu Bei B:Zhuge Liang C:Zhou Yu D:Sima Yi
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Zhuge Liang。《蜀相》是杜甫对诸葛亮(字孔明)的崇敬和惋惜之情。所以答案是B。'
  29. What is the theme of“Song of the Lute”? ( )

  30. A:His lament over his exil. B:His pride in his achievements. C:His pleasure at seeing the lute player. D:His love of the lute music.
    AI参考:正确答案是D:His love of the lute music.。诗歌中提到的《古琴之歌》的主题是其对中国传统古琴音乐的热爱,这可以通过诗歌中的“他的演奏使我感动”这句话得出。因此,选项D“他对古琴音乐的热爱”是正确答案。选项A和B都是对主题的错误描述,选项C与诗歌的主题无关。'
  31. Which of the following is NOT the right explanation? ( )

  32. A:丝 pronounced “si” and meaning “many”; B:莲 pronounced “lian” and meaning “lotus”; C:怜 pronounced “lian” but meaning “pity”; D:思 pronounced “si” but meaning “to miss”.
    AI参考:选项C:怜 pronounced “lian” but meaning “pity”因为选项C与题目中给出的丝(发音为si,意为“许多”)和思(发音为si,意为“想念”)的发音和意思不同,所以选项C不是正确的解释。其他选项的发音和意思都与题目中的描述相符。'
  33. Which of the following is NOT true regarding the translation and spread of the Strange Tales: ( )

  34. A:The Strange Tales of Liaozhai was released in 1766. B:In the 19th century, The Strange Tales of Liaozhai were translated into forty languages. C:In 1784, this block-printed edition was carried to Japan by ship. D:By the end of the 20th century, there had been more than 20 translated versions.
  35. Which is NOT the kind of people that Cao Yu wanted to write about? ( )

  36. A:kind B:beautiful C:brave people D:righteous
    AI参考:正确答案是B:beautiful。由文中提到 Cao Yu’s characters were mostly common people with human qualities,Cao Yu不喜欢漂亮的人。可知。所以选项B正确。因此本题选B。其他选项都是他想要写的人物类型。'
  37. What do the mythologies reflect in ancient Chinese society? ( )

  38. A:Rich and colorful life B:Authorities life C:Sad and poor life D:Imaginary life
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Imaginary life。神话反映的是古代中国社会的想象生活,因此选项D“想象生活”是正确答案。神话是古代人们想象中的故事,反映了当时人们的生活和思想。选项A“丰富多彩的生活”、选项B“权威生活”、选项C“悲惨贫困的生活”都与神话所反映的内容不符。'
  39. Which is NOT true? ( )

  40. A:The Pilgrim’s Progress casts abstract traits as characters; B:The Pilgrim’s Progress conveys the ideas about faith and salvation in Jewish doctrines. C:Journey to the West casts gods and monsters D:Journey to the West epitomizes ideas in Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism
    AI参考:B: The Pilgrim’s Progress conveys the ideas about faith and salvation in Jewish doctrines. (不正确)正确选项B指出The Pilgrim’s Progress传达的是犹太教义中的信仰和救赎思想,但这与题目中其他选项所述不符。A、C、D三项在题干中都有所提及,分别表示The Pilgrim’s Progress将抽象特质作为角色、描绘了神和怪物以及综合了儒家、佛教和道教的思想。因此,B选项是不正确的。'
  41. Who is not a character in The Wronging of Dou E( )?

  42. AI参考:从给出的选项中,只有选项D是正确答案。具体如下:选项D:Bao Xiang, the cook.在《窦娥冤》中,除了主要人物窦娥、蔡婆婆、张驴儿、桃杌之外,还有一个人物是保香,他是窦娥的丈夫,所以他是这部戏中的人物。因此,选项D是正确答案。'
  43. Which work marks the beginning of the literary criticism on poetry in China? ( )

  44. A:Poetics. B:On the Ci Poetics. C:Liuyi Critical Notes on Poetry. D:Dragon-Carving and the Literary Mind.
  45. Classicist Movement was a reform of literary style that became popular since ______. ( )

  46. A:the Han Dynasty B:the Song Dynasty C:the Tang Dynasty D:the Six Dynasties

  47. Who is the founder of the Jiangxi School? ( )

  48. A:Ouyang Xiu. B:Su Shi. C:Wang Anshi. D:Huang Tingjian.

  49. Which is NOT a character in The Orphan of the Zhao Family? ( )

  50. A:Zhao Dun B:Tu’an Yu C:Cheng Ying D:Zhao Dun’s daughter-in-law
  51. Which of the following is true of Liang Qichao’s “Revolution in the field of essay”? ( )

  52. A:Flexible syntax; B:His new-style prose has the characteristics of parallel prose; C:Easy-to-understand language; D:He combines foreign grammars and Chinese slang and poetic crambo.
  53. What are the poetic ideas of Han Yu? ( )

  54. A:He preferred to create astonishing and strange artistic images. B:It was imperative to eliminate dull and boring expressions in poetic creation. C:He likes to use difficult rhyme schemes. D:He liked to use uncommon words.
    AI参考:正确选项为 B:It was imperative to eliminate dull and boring expressions in poetic creation。根据问题中的描述,汉愈的诗歌思想是什么,可以判断出这是在询问汉愈的诗歌风格或特点。选项A、C、D都与诗歌风格无关,只有选项B提到“在诗歌创作中消除乏味和无聊的表达”,这与汉愈的诗歌风格相符。因此,正确答案是B。'
  55. The Death of Song Jiang: ( )

  56. AI参考:根据题目,以下哪个选项是正确的关于《宋江之死》的选项?A. 它是一部关于宋江英雄传奇的小说。B. 它是一部描述宋朝农民起义的历史小说。C. 宋江最终成为朝廷的一名官员。D. 小说《水浒传》的结局与它有密切关系。答案:D. 小说《水浒传》的结局与它有密切关系。因为《宋江之死》是《水浒传》中一个重要的情节,所以选项D是正确的。选项A和B都是错误的,因为《宋江之死》并不是一部关于宋江英雄传奇或描述宋朝农民起义的历史小说。选项C也是错误的,因为《宋江之死》并没有提到宋江最终成为朝廷的一名官员。'
  57. Which of the following is true of theoretical concepts of Classical Chinese poetry? ( )

  58. A:Classical Chinese poetry often emphasizes the fusion of scenes and emotions and the projection of emotions into scenes. B:Discourse in Classical Chinese poetry: “discourse of scenes” and “discourse of emotions”. C:If the “discourse of scenes” is not enough to evoke emotional response, a poet needs to directly use the “discourse of emotions” to highlight the theme. D:The “discourse of scenes” are actually set for the “discourse of emotions”.
  59. Which is true about the May Fourth Movement? ( )

  60. A:Chinese literati were writing in classical Chinese during the millenia of feudal society in China; B:classical Chinese was the language of the “masters”; C:Classical Chinese continue to be popular after the May Fourth Movement. D:Vernacular language was regarded as for the “servants”;
    AI参考:正确选项是:C:Classical Chinese continue to be popular after the May Fourth Movement.五四运动时期,文言文仍然受到人们的喜爱和重视,因此选项C是正确的。选项A、B、D都是错误的,因为文言文在封建社会中一直是文人学士的写作语言,而不是“主人”的语言;文言文在五四运动之后已经逐渐被白话文取代;当时人们并没有认为白话文是“仆人”的语言。'
  61. What are the features of Li Shangyin’s “Untitled Poems”? ( )

  62. A:They are rich in the use of allusions and symbols. B:They show the tragic life of the poet. C:They convey profound in meanings. D:They highly prasie love.
    AI参考:正确选项是【C】They convey profound in meanings.根据原文描述,Li Shangyin的“无题诗”具有深刻的意义表达,因此选项C“它们传达了深刻的意义”是正确的。选项A、B、D虽然也提到了诗歌的一些特点,但与原文描述不符。选项A提到了诗歌中使用了隐喻和符号,但原文并未明确指出这一点;选项B提到了诗歌表现了诗人的悲剧人生,但原文并未明确指出这一点;选项D提到了诗歌高度赞美爱情,但原文并未明确指出这一点。因此,选项C是唯一符合原文描述的选项。'
  63. Deeds of the Monkey King: ( )

  64. A:He gives a headache to the rulers of the sea. B:He attacks the nether world and crosses out all the names of the monkey family members in the life-and-death book; C:He raises a havoc in the Heavenly Palace; D:He desires Miss Gao.
  65. The Thought Provoking Ah Q: ( )

  66. A:By the end, readers won’t be laughing but will fall into melancholy and sadness. B:Ah Q symbolizes the silent national soul. C:Behind this silence lay the unspeakable uneasiness and sorrow. D:Funny appearance in the beginning.
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:Ah Q symbolizes the silent national soul.】原文中提到“The Thought Provoking Ah Q”,而选项B“Ah Q symbolizes the silent national soul.”符合这句话的意思,说明阿Q代表了沉默的国家灵魂。其他选项没有直接关联或不符合原文意思。因此,选项B是正确答案。'
  67. What are the two types of poems that Lu You are most noted for? ( )

  68. A:Nature poems. B:Patriotic poems. C:Love poems. D:War poems.
    AI参考:正确选项是【A:Nature poems.】。根据原文中的句子"Lu You is most noted for his nature poems."(陆游以他的自然诗最为出名),可以得出答案为A:自然诗。B、C、D选项都与原文不符。'
  69. Su Shi’s ci poems cover a wide range of subject matter. They are ______. ( )

  70. A:mourning and argument B:parting C:odes to things D:thoughts on the past
    AI参考:正确答案是D:thoughts on the past。苏轼的诗歌涵盖了广泛的题材,包括对过去的思考(thoughts on the past)。因此,答案为D。A选项中的“mourning and argument”与诗歌的主题不符;B选项中的“parting”虽然是常见的主题之一,但在苏轼的诗歌中并非主要题材;C选项中的“odes to things”同样不太适合描述苏轼诗歌的主题。'
  71. Huang Tingjian was the most famous student of Ouyang Xiu. ( )

  72. A:对 B:错
  73. Liu Zongyuan thougth that “vitality” was a Supreme Being rather than an objective existence of materials. ( )

  74. A:对 B:错
  75. Lu You’s love poems are bold and heroic. ( )

  76. A:错 B:对
  77. One of the features of Yuefu diverse themes and styles. ( )

  78. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:对。根据常识和题干中的描述,Yuefu music(粤语音乐)通常具有多样化的主题和风格,因此这个说法是正确的。所以正确答案是A,表示这个说法是正确的。'
  79. In the 18th century, The Orphan of the Zhao Family was translated into French by a French missionary. ( )

  80. A:对 B:错

  81. In 1943 Lin met the American writer Pearl Buck,at whose request he wrote a work to introduce Chinese people and literature to Westerners, and embarked on a new pursuit beyond talking about foreign cultures to the Chinese people, taking one step toward the realization of his dream of “spanning Eastern and Western cultures”. ( )

  82. A:错 B:对
  83. The key concept to Master Kong’s theoretical system is humanity, in Chinese is “ren”, that occurs 108 times in the Analects.( )

  84. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:B. 错正确答案是B。这是一个错误的判断题。在《论语》中,孔子的理论体系中关键的概念并非“ren”(人),而是“德”(dé)。“德”这个词在《论语》中出现了多次,它强调的是道德、品德、修养等方面,与“仁”有所不同。因此,这个说法是错误的。'
  85. Bai Juyi preferred to use difficult language and he used a lot of literary allusions in his poetry. ( )

  86. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:Bai Juyi更喜欢使用深奥的语言,他的诗歌中使用了大量的文学典故。因此,这个判断题是正确的,选项B是正确答案。'
  87. In the world’s poetry, Qu Yuan is in the position of Homer. ( )

  88. A:错 B:对
  89. A New Account of the Tales of the World is compiled and edited by Liu Yiqing and his disciples of the Southern Dynasties. ( )

  90. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是【对】。根据题干中的信息,New Account of the Tales of the World是由刘义庆和他的南朝弟子们编纂和编辑的。因此,答案是肯定的,即“对”。'
  91. Chinese classical dramas developed in the poor environment of scattered small peasant economy and semiliteracy, and were rooted in the grassroots. ( )

  92. A:对 B:错
  93. The anthology Goddess rid itself of the old frameworks and became a new style representing freedom and new ideas. ( )

  94. A:对 B:错
  95. Bai Juyi believed in the educational function of poetry and thought poets should pay attention to social reality. ( )

  96. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:Bai Juyi believed in the educational function of poetry and thought poets should pay attention to social reality.这句话表明白居易相信诗歌的教育功能,认为诗人应该关注社会现实。因此,答案是A:对。'
  97. Lu Xun’s comment on Zhuge Liang: “Zhuge is so wise that he is close to the Angel.” ( )

  98. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是B:错。鲁迅对诸葛亮的评论是:“孔明之智近乎妖”,意思是诸葛亮的智慧近乎于妖异,而不是天使。因此,选项中提到的“Zhuge is so wise that he is close to the Angel”(诸葛亮如此聪明,近乎天使)是错误的。'
  99. Da Peng flying into the sky described in the first article of Zhuang Zi’s book Happy Excursion.( )

  100. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案:B推理过程:“Da Peng flying into the sky”是夸张手法,在《逍遥游》第一篇中没有提到大鹏鸟飞上天空。所以答案是B。'
  101. Master Kong has exerted inestimable influence on the mind and value of the Chinese people as a whole. ( )

  102. A:错 B:对
  103. Romance is any imaginary literature that is set in an idealized world and that deals with heroic adventures and battles between good characters and villains or monsters. ( )

  104. A:对 B:错
  105. Tea drinking and tea set collection reflect the social status of the Jia Family in A Dream of Red Mansions.( )

  106. A:对 B:错
  107. In The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Luo Guanzhong combined historical facts, folk legends and unique artistic imagination into a perfect whole. ( )

  108. A:错 B:对
  109. “To My Son” expresses Lu You’s concern with the unity of the conquered country. ( )

  110. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B:对。"To My Son" 是清朝著名文人、官员和文学家卢蕴的一首诗,诗中表达了对祖国的忧虑和对和平的渴望,体现了他对国家的统一和团结的关注。因此,该题判断为正确选项B。'
  111. The Pavilion of the Drunken Old Man

    Ouyang Xiu

    Chu Zhou is surrounded with mountains. The forests and valleys on the southwest ridge are especially beautiful. Lying in the distance, where the trees grow luxuriantly and gracefully, is the Langya Mountain. Six or seven li up the mountain path, a gurgling sound grows clearer and clearer. It is from a spring that falls between two mountains. The spring is called the Wine-Making Spring. The path turns and twists along the mountain ridge, and above the spring rests a pavilion perching aloft like a bird with wings outstretched. This is the Pavilion of the Drunken Old Man. Who built this pavilion? Monk Zhixian, who lived in the mountain. And who furnished it with that name? It was the prefect, who named it after his own alias. The prefect often comes here to drink wine with his friends and he easily gets tipsy after a few cups. Being oldest in age among his companions, he calls himself "the drunken old man". The drinker's heart is not in the cup, but in the mountains and waters. The joy he gets from them is treasured in the heart, and now and then he will express it through wine-drinking.

    In the morning, the rising sun disperses the forest mists, and in the evening, the gathering clouds darken the caves and valleys. This shifting from light to darkness is morning and evening in the mountains. In spring, blooming flowers send forth a delicate fragrance; in summer, the flourishing trees afford deep shades; in autumn, the sky is high and crisp, and the frost, snowy white; in winter, the water of the creek recedes and the bare bedrock emerges. These are the mountain scenes in the four seasons. Going to the mountain in the morning and returning home in the evening and enjoying the beauties of the mountain in different seasons is a delight beyond description!

    Carriers are singing all along the way, and pedestrians are taking rest beneath the trees. Some are shouting from the fore and are answered by others from behind. There are hunchbacked old folks, and children led by their elders. They are people from Chuzhou who have come here in an endless stream. Some are fishing by the creek where the water is deep and the fish are big. The water itself is faintly scented and the wine brewed from it is crystal clear. Upon the prefect's banquet table is a sundry layer of dishes, including the meat of wild beasts and the flavorings of edible mountain herbs. The joy of the feast lies not in the musical accompaniment of strings or flutes, but in winning the games, such as throwing arrows into the vessel, or chess playing. Wine cups and gambling chips lay scattered in blithe disarray. The revelers, now sitting, now standing, cavort madly among themselves. These are the prefect's guests, and the old man with wizened face and white hair among them, who is half drunk, is none other than the prefect himself.

    As dusk falls, one sees shifting shadows scattering in all directions. The prefect is leaving for home, and his guests are following him. The shadows of the trees are deepening, and birds are chirping high and low. The people are going home, leaving the birds free to enjoy themselves. The birds only know their joy in the wooded mountains, but are unaware of what makes the people joyful. The people only know that they are joyful on their excursion with the prefect, but are unaware that the prefect finds his joy in seeing them joyful. He, who enjoys himself with the people when drunk, and records this excursion in writing when sober, is the prefect himself. And who is the prefect? He is Ouyang Xiu of Luling.

  112. AI参考:A. 上述文章的主要内容是什么? B. 根据文章,作者对于自然景色的描绘有哪些特别的关注点? C. 文章中描述了哪些人的活动和行为? D. 文章中的哪一部分是对于“醉翁之意不在酒”这个成语的最好解释? 正确答案是:A. 上述文章的主要内容是描述了一个位于楚州的亭子的景色和它的建造者、命名者的故事。 B. 根据文章,作者对于自然景色的描绘有四个特别的关注点:1)四季的景色变化;2)清晨和傍晚的山间景色;3)四季的花香、树荫、天空和霜雪;4)不同季节人们去山上游玩的感觉。 C. 文章中描述了以下人的活动和行为:1)亭子的建造者,一个叫智闲的和尚;2)亭子的命名者,一个叫作“醉翁”的知府,他经常和他的朋友们来这里喝酒,喝醉了后称自己为“醉翁”;3)来亭子里游玩的楚州百姓,他们有的在湖边钓鱼,有的在亭子里吃饭喝酒,有的玩游戏,还有的在追逐打闹。 D. 文章中描述了醉翁在亭子里喝醉后记录自己与百姓一起游玩的经历,解释了“醉翁之意不在酒”这个成语的含义。 因此,答案是A、B、C和D。"
  113. Shi Jing

    Shi Jing is composed of Liu Yi (六艺six kinds) referred to as Feng (), Ya(), Song(), Fu() Bi() and Xing(). The first three categories signify the contents of the poems. So, Feng, Ya, and Song are categories of the various musical hymns and tunes that were developed in different areas. Fu, Bi and Xing on the other hand, indicate the literary styles employed.

    “Feng”, also called “Guo Feng(国风)”, are folk songs or ballads from different areas, with romantic love and prominent themes. The ballads came from 15 areas and total 160 poems, accounting for a major portion of Shi Jing.

    “Ya” songs are imperial court music and are typically divided into the 31 titles of Da Ya (大雅major festal odes-for more solemn ceremonies) and the 74 titles of Xiao Ya (小雅 minor festal odes-for court festivities). Most of these works were created by the aristocracy.

    “Song” pieces are religious hymns and eulogies. There are 40 titles of Zhou Song (周颂), Lu Song (鲁颂) and Shang Song (商颂). Ya and Song are special works written for the court or for temple sacrificial feasts.

    Fu, Bi and Xing refer to the methods of depiction, approach, or style. “Fu” means description and with it the poets directly express emotional thoughts and feelings in a straightforward narrative. “Bi” means explicit comparison and uses obvious daily expressions to convey nonfigurative phrases and make them clearly understandable. “Xing” is implied comparison and is commonly used at the beginning of a poem to trigger what follows. These three major styles are often interactively employed and applied to create the artistic images in poetry.

  114. AI参考:Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? A. The works of Shi Jing were composed by the people of ancient China. B. The first three categories in Shi Jing represent the contents of the poems. C. All of the works in Shi Jing were composed by the imperial court. D. The term Feng refers to religious hymns and eulogies. 正确答案是:B. The first three categories in Shi Jing represent the contents of the poems。 根据文章中的描述,“Feng”、“Ya”、“Song”这三个类别代表了诗歌的内容,因此选项B是正确的。文章中提到,“Feng”和“Ya”是音乐和诗歌的内容,而“Song”则是宗教赞美诗。因此,选项A和C都是错误的。文章中并没有提到“Feng”指的是宗教赞美诗,因此选项D也是错误的。因此,答案为B。"

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