1. Which is not the characteristic of typical loading mode or crack mode( )
A:Tearing mode B:Opening mode C:Sliding mode D:Fatigue fracture
2. Two stress condition contain ( )
A:Plane strain B:Axial loading C:Plane stress D:Rotating bending 3. The limiting conditions for LEFM are as follows ( )
A:The net nominal stress in the crack plane must be less than the yield strength B:Should be under cyclic loading C:The plastic zone size at the crack tip must be smaller relative to the crack length D:The plastic zone size at the crack tip must be smaller relative to the geometrical dimensions of specimen or part 4. The increasing R ratio has a tendency to increase the crack growth rates. ( )
A:对 B:错 5. The crack can be closed during unloading while the specimen is still under a positive tensile stress. ( )
A:错 B:对

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