
Fatigue Life Design of Mechanical Structure

  1. The keywords of fatigue do not include ( )

  2. A:Cyclic loading B:Deformation C:Progressive D:Crack
  3. The correct statement is as follows ( )

  4. A:Life can be ignored in unstable growth region B:Paris law for near threshold region C:larger effect in stable crack growth D:Crack growth rate is faster in near threshold region
    答案:is odd function.
  5. Damage tolerance design is ( )

  6. A:Anti-crack measures B:Nominal stress C:Crack cannot occur D:Nominal strain
  7. Fatigue behavior and life predictions are more complicated at high temperatures because of ( )

  8. A:Creep deformation B:Time-dependent process C:Cycle-dependent process D:Complex interaction between creep and fatigue
  9. The feature of excess deformation does not include ( )

  10. A:Plasticity B:The most common failure mode C:Maximum tensile stress criterion D:Yielding
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Yielding。Excess deformation feature不包括屈服(yielding),屈服是材料发生塑性变形,但仍保持原有平衡状态的现象。选项A和B是塑性变形的一些特征,选项C是最大拉应力准则的一种表现形式。因此,正确答案是D。'
  11. Fine grain size in room temperature usually means ( )

  12. A:Low fatigue strength B:Higher fatigue strength C:Short fatigue life D:High crack growth rate
    答案:Higher nucleation rate with lower growth rateAI参考:正确答案是B:更高的疲劳强度。选项中只有B选项与“细粒度”有关,因为细粒度通常意味着材料具有更高的强度和耐久性,所以选项B“更高的疲劳强度”是正确的答案。其他选项A、C、D都与“细粒度”无关。'
  13. The feature of impact or dynamic loading does not include ( )

  14. A:Fracture B:Lower tensile toughness/ ductile C:Short time/ period D:High strain rate
    AI参考:正确答案是 B:Lower tensile toughness/ ductile。冲击或动态加载的特征不包括较低的拉伸韧性和塑性(B选项)。冲击或动态加载通常会导致材料产生裂纹并迅速扩展,因此需要材料具有较高的拉伸韧性和塑性以抵抗这种破坏。选项A(Fracture)和D(High strain rate)都与冲击或动态加载有关,而选项C(Short time/ period)则与加载时间有关,与冲击或动态加载的特征不符。因此,正确答案是B选项。'
  15. Non-detective inspection techniques include ( )

  16. A:Drilling a hole B:Ultrasonic testing C:Fatigue testing D:Microscope observation
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Microscope observation。非探测检查技术包括显微镜观察。选项A、B、C都是探测检查技术,选项D是正确的。'
  17. A mean stress may relax fully or partially due to ( )

  18. A:Plastic deformation B:Environment C:Surface condition D:Residual stress
    AI参考:正确答案是D: Residual stress(残余应力)。选项A是塑性变形,选项B是环境因素,选项C是表面条件,这些都是可能导致应力变化的物理现象,但不是本题中答案的来源。残余应力是可能导致应力变化的主要因素,所以答案是D。这个概念可以应用在材料科学、机械工程、建筑等领域。'
  19. The elastic stress concentration factors are often obtained by ( )

  20. A:Fracture surface observation B:Fatigue test C:Strain - life D:Finite element method
    答案:is primarily caused by the burning of fossil fuels by humans.
  21. Which is the feature of small crack ( )

  22. A:Constant threshold value B:Discontinuity C:Regardless of crack size D:Naked-eye visible
    答案:pensionAI参考:正确答案是C:Regardless of crack size。小裂缝的特征是无论裂缝大小都存在,因此选项C“无论裂缝大小”是正确的。选项A“恒定的阈值”、选项B“不连续性”和选项D“肉眼可见”都与小裂缝的特征不符。'
  23. The number of beach marks is related to ( )

  24. A:Surface condition B:Defect C:Environment D:Slip
  25. Which is not the characteristic of real fatigue Limit ( )

  26. A:High temperature B:Fully reversed uniaxial fatigue test C:Standard, highly polished, unnotched specimen D:Group method
    答案:All of the above.
  27. The hysteresis loops at high temperatures are ( )

  28. A:Discontinuous B:Easy C:Constant D:Regular
    答案:对AI参考:在高温下的磁滞回线是( )的。正确答案是 D:Regular (规则的)。在材料科学中,磁滞回线是指当材料受到磁化磁场后,在去掉磁化磁场后材料会保持已经磁化的状态一段时间的现象。高温下的磁滞回线通常呈现出规则的形状,这是因为高温下材料的磁化过程受到温度的影响较小,因此回线形状比较规则。因此,选项D“Regular (规则的)”是正确答案。选项A“Discontinuous (不连续的)”通常用于描述材料在某些特殊条件下的磁化行为,不适用于描述高温下的磁滞回线。选项B“Easy (容易的)”和选项C“Constant (恒定的)”与磁滞回线的特征不符。'
  29. In general, fatigue resistance for a given metal in an air environment tends to ( ) as the temperature increases

  30. A:Decrease first, and then Increase B:Increase first, and then decrease C:Increase D:Decrease
    AI参考:In general, fatigue resistance for a given metal in an air environment tends to **increase first, and then decrease** as the temperature increases. 答案为B。在一般情况下,在空气环境中给定金属的抗疲劳性能随着温度的升高而增加,然后减少。这个答案基于对材料科学和金属疲劳的基本理解。在高温环境下,金属的强度和弹性会增加,这有助于提高其抗疲劳性能。然而,随着温度的进一步升高,金属的强度和弹性会逐渐降低,这会导致抗疲劳性能下降。因此,答案为B:在温度逐渐上升的过程中,疲劳抗力首先增加,然后减少。'
  31. The concepts of linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) for crack growth include ( )

  32. A:Initial crack size B:Stress intensity factor C:Stress concentration D:Stain
  33. The following mechanical properties are usually obtained from monotonic tension test( )

  34. A:Percent reduction in area B:Modulus of elasticity C:Fatigue limit D:Ultimate tensile strength
    AI参考:通常,以下力学性能可以从单轴拉伸试验中得到:B:弹性模量 D:拉伸极限强度。所以,选项B和D是正确的。选项A和C并不常见于拉伸试验中。因此,正确选项为B:Modulus of elasticity 和 D:Ultimate tensile strength。'
  35. For Infinite-life design, the correct statement is as follows ( )

  36. A:Especially for notched members B:The oldest criterion C:Mason-Coffin model D:Fatigue limit is difficult to define
    AI参考:对于无限寿命设计,正确的陈述如下:C: Mason-Coffin model(选项C)Mason-Coffin模型是一种用于评估疲劳寿命的经典模型,特别适用于缺口构件的设计。因此,选项C是正确的。选项A、B、D都与无限寿命设计的核心概念不符。选项B的“The oldest criterion”可能指的是最古老的标准或准则,但与无限寿命设计的概念不相关。选项D的“Fatigue limit is difficult to define”虽然提到了疲劳极限的定义问题,但并不是无限寿命设计的核心要点。'
  37. Understanding of fracture toughness include ( )

  38. A:Depends on material, strain rate, environment, thickness and crack length B:Critical value of K C:K at the last cycle of a fatigue fracture D:Used to obtain the critical crack size for fracture
    答案:1st metacarpalAI参考:对断裂韧性的理解包括( )。A. 取决于材料、应变率、环境、厚度和裂纹长度B. 疲劳断裂最后周期时的K值C. 用于获取断裂的关键裂纹尺寸D. 是以上所有选项的结合。答案是AD。选项A和D都是对断裂韧性理解的描述,包括其影响因素(如材料、应变率、环境、厚度和裂纹长度)以及如何使用断裂韧性来获取关键的裂纹尺寸进行断裂。选项B和C与断裂韧性理解无关。因此,选项A和D是正确的。'
  39. The characteristics of ductile fracture include ( )

  40. A:Low strength/ high ductile metals B:Micro-void coalescence (dimpling) C:Substantial plasticity D:High energy absorption
  41. The S-N behavior can be affected by many factors ( )

  42. A:Frequency B:Surface condition C:Size effect D:Microstructure
  43. Some necessary points about the estimation of crack growth life with mean stress must be again noted ( )

  44. A:What value of ΔK will cause fracture? B:Does corrosion or temperature play an important role? C:How do we integrate this equation? D:Which crack growth rate equation should be used?
    答案:clockAI参考:正确选项是:D:Which crack growth rate equation should be used?在估算平均应力下裂纹扩展寿命时,需要再次注意一些必要的问题,其中包括应选择哪个裂纹扩展速率方程。因此,选项D是正确答案。其他选项并不完全相关,例如A选项讨论的是导致断裂的ΔK值,B选项讨论的是腐蚀或温度是否重要,而C选项则是关于如何整合这个方程的问题。'
  45. Understanding of strain approach includes ( )

  46. A:Strain approach is very suitable for fatigue of notched members. B:The strain-based approach to fatigue problems is widely used. C:Strain has a good quantity for correlating with low cycle fatigue. D:Strain is hardly measured.
  47. The reason about fatigue failure usually occurring on the surface ( )

  48. A:Inelastic deformation is easier at the surface B:Surface condition is smooth C:Slip steps are able to develop on the surface D:The stress or strain on the surface is usually maximum
    答案:thatAI参考:【答案】D:The stress or strain on the surface is usually maximum。疲劳失效通常发生在表面上的原因是因为表面上的应力或应变通常最大。其他选项如非弹性变形更容易发生在表面、表面条件光滑以及在表面上能够发展滑动步骤,虽然可能对疲劳失效的产生有一定影响,但不是主要原因。因此,选项D是正确答案。'
  49. The characteristics of fatigue include ( )

  50. A:Monotonic tension B:Constant or variable amplitude C:Repeated loading D:Crack nucleation/growth
    AI参考:正确选项是:B:Constant or variable amplitude疲劳的特征包括:持续或变化的振幅(B选项正确)。疲劳通常是由于材料在周期性应力或应变的作用下,材料内部产生的微小裂纹逐渐扩展的结果。因此,疲劳的特征之一就是裂纹的萌生和扩展。而选项A中的单调拉应力不是疲劳的主要特征,选项C中的重复加载也是疲劳的一种表现形式,但不是其主要特征。选项D中的裂纹扩展也不是疲劳的主要特征,它更多地与材料脆性有关。因此,B选项是正确的答案。'
  51. Cyclic stabilization is usually reasonably complete within 10 to 40 percent of the total life. ( )

  52. A:错 B:对
    答案:稳定AI参考:答案是B:对。 根据常识和题干中的描述,循环加温通常会在产品总寿命的10%到40%之间完成。因此,选项B“对”是正确的。选项A“错”与常识不符。"
  53. Plane strain fracture toughness is 对 material property and regardless of thickness. ( )

  54. A:对 B:错
    答案:strainAI参考:答案是A:对。 根据问题描述,Plane strain fracture toughness是材料的一种属性,与材料厚度无关。因此,该题描述是正确的,正确选项为A。"
  55. Twice the value of plastic stress is regardless of the plastic relaxation. ( )

  56. A:对 B:错
  57. Higher frequencies typically allow more environmental interaction to occur. ( )

  58. A:错 B:对
    答案:无线电频率AI参考:答案:B.对。 根据常识和实际情况,高频信号通常可以允许更多的环境交互发生,因此选项B“对”是正确的。选项A“错”与实际情况不符。"
  59. A larger fraction of life for crack growth occurs at lower stress levels. ( )

  60. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案:B.对。 根据题目中的描述,裂纹增长的大部分生命发生在较低的应力水平下,因此选项B“对”是正确的。"
  61. The number of beach marks is the same for different fracture surfaces. ( )

  62. A:错 B:对
  63. Stress relaxation is the same as the cyclic softening. ( )

  64. A:错 B:对
    答案:应力松弛AI参考:答案:B:对。 根据题目描述,stress relaxation与cyclic softening的意思是一样的,所以是正确的。因此,本题应选择B选项“对”。"
  65. Most materials exhibit an decrease in fatigue resistance with increasing temperature. ( )

  66. A:对 B:错
  67. Stress ratio of -1 means fully reversed load . ( )

  68. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案:B:错。 负号通常表示反向,因此负1的压力负载不是完全相反的,而是反相或负值。因此,此题是错误的。"
  69. Fine-grain materials tend to give lower fatigue resistance, while coarse-grain materials give higher creep resistance. ( )

  70. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案:B:错。 根据题干中的描述,细粒材料通常具有较低的疲劳抵抗力和较高的蠕变抗力,而粗粒材料通常具有较高的蠕变抗力。因此,选项B是正确的,而选项A是错误的。"
  71. A crystallite is a small or even microscopic crystal which forms. ( )

  72. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案:B:对。 晶粒(cristallite)是指晶体形成的小的或微细的晶体。因此,这是一个正确的选项。"
  73. Crack growth rates are initially high but decrease, with the decreasing crack length. ( )

  74. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是B:错。 根据题目描述,crack growth rates(裂纹增长速率)的初始值很高,但随着裂纹长度的减小而减小。这表明裂纹增长速率会随着裂纹长度的减小而降低,而不是持续增加或保持不变。因此,这个说法是错误的,答案为B。"
  75. Only the plastic portion of the strain-life curve is modified to account for the surface finish effects. ( )

  76. A:错 B:对
    答案:TAI参考:答案是B:对。 根据题干描述,塑料部分仅仅受表面光洁度的影响,这会导致曲线变化。因此,只有选项B“对”符合描述。"
  77. The mechanism of crack initiation in the very high cycle region has been roughly understood. ( )

  78. A:对 B:错
    答案:Pressure Gradient Force#PGFAI参考:答案是B:错。 根据题干中的描述,句子中提到“the mechanism of crack initiation in the very high cycle region has been roughly understood”,但是并没有明确说明已经完全理解了,因此选项B“错”是正确的。"
  79. The deformation of the material at the notch root is often inelastic involving plastic strain. ( )

  80. A:错 B:对
    答案:弹性变形AI参考:B对。 根据常识和材料力学的基本原理,材料在缺口根部发生变形时,往往是不均匀的塑性变形,涉及塑性应变。因此,该判断题表述正确,选项B为正确答案。"

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