1.Tourism can impact on resident's lifestyle and quality of life, for example,
A:tourism can foster pride in local communities B:tourism can assist community renewal C:tourism brings increased opportunities to residents D:tourism can enhance community spirit and values
答案:tourism can foster pride in local communities###tourism can enhance community spirit and values###tourism can assist community renewal###tourism brings increased opportunities to residents
A:海外华人 B:港澳台同胞 C:海外华侨 D:海外人士
A:应纳所得税 B:社会保障性消费 C:日常生活必须消费部分
4.In the 1980s, countries such as ____ and ____ expanded both inbound and outbound business tourism dramatically.
A:China B:Russia C:Korea D:Malaysia
A:接受旅游者的委托,代订交通客票、代订住宿和代办出境、入境、签证手续等 B:接受企业委托,为其各类商务活动、奖励旅游等,代办交通、住宿、餐饮、会务、观光游览、休闲度假等事务 C:接受机关、事业单位和社会团体的委托,为其差旅、考察、会议、展览等公务活动,代办交通、住宿、餐饮、会务等事务
答案:接受旅游者的委托,代订交通客票、代订住宿和代办出境、入境、签证手续等; 接受机关、事业单位和社会团体的委托,为其差旅、考察、会议、展览等公务活动,代办交通、住宿、餐饮、会务等事务; 接受企业委托,为其各类商务活动、奖励旅游等,代办交通、住宿、餐饮、会务、观光游览、休闲度假等事务
6.Other similar websites like couchsurfing are:
A:Global Freeloaders (www.globalfreeloaders.com) B:Be Welcome (www.bewelcome.org) C:Hospitality Club(www.hospitalityclub.org)
答案:Be Welcome (www.bewelcome.org)###Global Freeloaders (www.globalfreeloaders.com)###Hospitality Club(www.hospitalityclub.org)
A:到外地学习的学生 B:驻外地办事机构的临时工作人员 C:到基层锻炼的干部 D:到各地巡视工作的部以上领导 E:到其他地区定居的人员 F:调遣的武装人员
A:河 B:海 C:湖 D:江 E:泉
答案:江; 河; 湖; 海; 泉
9.There were people took international travel in Middle Ages, they were____.
A:merchants B:adventurers C:strolling players D:minstrels
答案:adventurers###merchants###strolling players###minstrels
10.Self-catering accommodation usually refers to:
A:camping and caravans B:timeshare C:motor homes D:rental apartments
答案:rental apartments###timeshare###camping and caravans###motor homes
A:山地丘陵 B:高原 C:平原 D:盆地

A:涉外性 B:综合性 C:服务性 D:脆弱性/敏感性 13.第一次工业革命催生了两个新的阶级,他们是?
A:农民阶级 B:无产阶级 C:资产阶级 D:特权阶级 14.With the ending of WWII in 1945, the first land-based commercial transatlantic flight took place between ____ and ____.
A:Paris B:Bournemouth C:New York D:Boston 15.Amenities usually refer to:
A:entertainment B:retailing and other services C:food and beverage outlets D:accommodation 16.In the opening years of the twentieth century, conditions favoring tourism included that____.
A:mainland Europe was relatively stable politically. B:the population was wealthy, curious and outgoing. C:documentation for travellers was uncomplicated. D:travellers had become safer from disease and physical attack. 17.The degree of disruption experienced by residents and their attitude towards tourism development will depend upon three key factors:
A:the length of time they have lived at the destination B:whether they work in tourism, or have close family who do so C:the location of their home in relation to tourist activity D:whether they like tourists or not 18.19世纪旅游发生的变化有:
A:旅游逐步变成公众性活动 B:出现了专业化的商业服务 C:旅游目的逐步转为消遣旅游主导 D:出行以火车、蒸汽船为主 19.Tourism can be disruptive of the local way of life in ways such as
A:more people in the shops B:increased crime levels C:increased congestion on the roads D:increased noises from entertainment at night 20.The term "tourist" was first used in the late ____century to describe the Grand Tour travellers.
A:19th B:20th C:18th D:17th 21.____were for the first time seen as a status symbol, allied to health and time for leisure during the 1930s to 1940s.
A:Bicycles B:Suntans C:Cars 22.By the ____ of Butler’s Tourist Area Life Cycle, the rate of increase of visitors declines, though total numbers are still increasing and exceed permanent residents.
A:Exploration Stage B:Development Stage C:Consolidation Stage D:Stagnation Stage E:Involvement Stage 23.When we defining tourism, we need to consider the following elements except _____.
A:time B:money C:distance D:purpose 24.1841年7月5日,英国人托马斯·库克组织的从莱斯特到拉夫伯勒的旅行乘坐的交通工具是______.
A:蒸汽船 B:飞机 C:马车 D:火车 25.The ______ is the medium of travel, along which transport vehicles travel.
A:carrying unit B:motive power C:terminal D:way 26.旅行社,是指从事招徕、组织、接待旅游者等活动,为旅游者提供相关旅游服务,开展国内旅游业务、入境旅游业务或者出境旅游业务的_______。
A:企业 B:企业法人 C:法人 D:公司 27.By the ____of Butler’s Tourist Area Life Cycle, local initiatives will begin to provide for visitors and advertise the resort.
A:Stagnation Stage B:Consolidation Stage C:Exploration Stage D:Development Stage E:Involvement Stage 28.Camping and caravanning is well-matched with ____.
A:airplane B:ocean liners C:cruise ships D:automobile 29._______ act(s) as interchanges between different transport modes allowing travellers to transfer.
A:Terminals B:Carrying units C:Motive power D:Ways 30.The main traveling purpose of the Grand Tour in the 17th century is_____ .
A:religion B:study C:VFR D:health 31._____ is a typical destination of urban tourism.
A:Farmland B:Mount Taishan C:Hong Kong D:Yangtze River 32.The tourism phenomenon ‘the movement to the sun ’ refers to a ______movement.
A:north-south B:west-east C:east-west D:south-north 33.By the ____ of Butler’s Tourist Area Life Cycle, companies from outside the area move in to provide products and facilities.
A:Exploration Stage B:Involvement Stage C:Consolidation Stage D:Development Stage E:Stagnation Stage 34.Changes in land use due to tourism are a significant initiator of reductions in biodiversity and habitats.
A:错 B:对 35.1980年前,全国只有国旅、中旅和青旅3家总社拥有旅游外联的权利。
A:对 B:错 36.Theme parks are one import kind of the attractions.
A:错 B:对 37.Tourism sometimes has negative effects on the environment.
A:对 B:错 38.Switzerland is a country that noticed the importance of tourism very early.
A:错 B:对 39.2008年,我国取消了对外商投资旅行社设立分支机构的限制,并对外资旅行社的注册资本实行国民待遇。至此,中国旅行社业已向国际市场全面开放。
A:对 B:错 40.Air transport has no negative environmental impacts.
A:对 B:错 41.Destination amenities serve not only tourists, but also residents and workers.
A:对 B:错 42.No one took trips abroad to visit friends and relatives in Roman Empire.
A:错 B:对 43.美国运通公司于1850年开始从事旅行代理业务,并在1891年发售了第一张旅行支票。
A:错 B:对 44.Infrastructure includes accommodation, built attractions and retailing and other services.
A:错 B:对 45.旅游业属劳动密集型行业。
A:错 B:对 46.散客是相对于团体而言的,主要指个人、家庭及15人以下的自行结伴旅游者。
A:对 B:错 47.Improvements in transport have stimulated tourism and, in turn, tourism demand has prompted transport.
A:对 B:错 48.到20世纪80年代末期,一大批有实力、经营机制灵活的旅行社得到发展。
A:错 B:对

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