
 Which word with the diphthong(双元音) is different?

A: neighbor B: neither C: baiting D: stable feign

Which word with the diphthong(双元音) is different? 

A: guide B: library C: weign D: guy 3.

Which word with the diphthong(双元音) is different? 

A: where B: fear C: scare D: their 4.

Which word with the diphthong(双元音) is different? 

A: affluent B: tourist C: door D: actual 5.

Which word with the diphthong(双元音) is different? 

A: flow B: mountain C: clown D: ground 6.

In a world so torn apart by rivalry, anger, and hatred, we have the __________vocation to be living signs of a love that can bridge all divisions and heal all wounds.

A: privilege B: privileging C: privileges D: privileged 7.

Who will __________ your initiative? And what form will their opposition take?

A: seize B: oppose C: have D: take 8.

We must __________ the rivers which overflow annually. Otherwise floods will frequently strike the areas along the rivers.

A: make use of B: harness C: utilize D: take advantage of 9.

Parents always have their children __________.  

A: of two minds B: of one mind C: in two minds D: upon their minds 10.

The rewards you get in this job are in direct __________ to the effort you put in.

A: populous B: popularity C: population D: proportion 11.

 Which descriptions below are true about Stephen Hawking?

A: British mathematician B: theoretical physicist C: born in Oxford D: author of best seller 12.

Why should we study science?

A: to know the world better B: to keep us curious C: to work better D: to think critically 13.

What did the universe look like in ancient Chinese people’s eyes? 

A: he Earth rotates around the Sun. B:The Earth is flat, floating on water with four elements above. C:The universe consists of the square earth down surrounded by seas as a complete circle and the round sky above D:The Earth is carried on the back of six big elephants. 14.

It has been proven that on the Earth, the closer one stays to the Earth, the more slowly time would seem to go. 

A:错 B:对 15.

 Richard C. Levin, has argued that the liberal education should cultivate the capacity for ______.

A: understanding liberty B: independent thought C: success D: mastering knowledge 16.

Which invention was made for navigation?  

A: papermaking B: printing C: compass D: gunpowder 17.

______ said, “There are three inventions which have decisively changed the world.”  

A: Benjamin Franklin B: Joseph Needham C: Francis Bacon D: Einstein 18.

Which one is not the reason that has negatively affected Chinese scientific development? 

A:Renaissance B:Cut-off-country-from-Outsides policy   C:long feudalistic history D:suppression of capitalism 19.

Xi Jinping proposed “Chinese Dream” and emphasized that ______ is the key strength. 

A: innovation B: education C: culture D: military strength 20.

What view is now more inspiring to the global environmental problems?  

A: To cooperate with nature B: To ignore nature C: To create nature D: To conquer nature 21.

What are people worried about?

A:being disabled by technology B:unpredictable future C:turning the Earth into a huge dump by technology D:abuse of technology 22.

 What is true about clone?

A:It would be a completely new way of making a human being B:It is favored widely. C:It, biologically, refers to any organism whose genetic information is identical to that of its parent organism from which it is created. D:Cloning will create a baby from a single cell, from a single person. 23.

Why do some people oppose cloning?  

A:It may devaluate real life. B:It is not perfect. C:It is against our traditional ethics and morality. D:It is against the natural law. 24.

 Why do some people support cloning?

A:It may solve the problem of starvation. B:It could save seriously endangered species. C:It can help those infertile couples. D:It may revolutionize organ transplantation. 25.

What is the general attitude toward science and technology?  

A: Favorable B: Hatred C: Indiffernet D: Critical 26.

Which of the following statement is not a feature of an argument?

A: It must have a clear conclusion.  B: It must have a debatable issue or topic.  C: It has to give one or more reasons. D: It is similar with a quarrel. 27.

What is true about a topic sentence?

A:It is the first sentence of each paragraph. B:All of above. C:It tells the reader what the rest of the paragraph is about. D:It is one reason why the thesis statement is true. 28.

What are supporting details?

A: They can be anything but a personal experience. B: They are some details of the topic. C: They can be anything but factual information. D: They can be almost anything as long as they support the topic sentence. 29.

What is the introduction paragraph? 

A:It is usually the first paragraph of an argumentative essay.  B:It is supposed to raise readers’ interest and should not be too long. C:It serves as a 'map' of the essay. 30.

What is the conclusion paragraph?

A:It summarizes the whole essay.  B:It restates your thesis.  C:It is the last paragraph.

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