1. Comedy and the war film are problematized by prominent subgenres and generic hybrids. ( )

  2. 答案:对
  3. Romance is an interaction and relationship.  ( )

  4. 答案:对
  5. Classical tragedy is usually a variant of“Candide”story . ( )

  6. 答案:错
  7. Film noir, is a category defined primarily on the basis of its subject matter.( )

  8. 答案:错
  9. Blockbusters are distinguished by shading and scene scheduling. ( )

  10. 答案:错
  11. The films selected for the Venice Film Festival can be those that have participated in other European film festivals before. ( )

  12. 答案:错
  13. The shot from the middle of the character's thigh up is called a cowboy shot. ( )

  14. 答案:对
  15. The ideal male is a virile man of action; his opposite, the stable homemaker, is undependable and attractive.( )

  16. 答案:错
  17. The Venice Film Festival have higher artistic merit than other film festivals. ( )

  18. 答案:对
  19. The film A.I. describes a highly advanced robotic boy longs to become “real” so that he can regain the love of his human mother. ( )

  20. 答案:对
  21. The background of The Help (2011) is post Revolutionary War, when abolitionist sentiment gradually spread in the Northern states. ( )

  22. 答案:错
  23. War film is a category defined primarily on the basis of a distinctive style. ( )
  24. In Forrest Gump, ultimately it is Gump’s way that is confirmed by the narrative, and Jenny’s is rejected. ( )
  25. Diegetic sound is the sound that does not occur within the fictional world of the film and can only be heard by the audience( )
  26. The devil of Faust is usually a literal devil as well as a metaphorical one—i.e. money, success, power or fame. ( )
  27. Fisheyes shots are used to show subject and the background together  Key ( )
  28. Interpreters and commentators can bring something new and fresh to each role they play, in addition to their own best and most attractive qualities.( )
  29. Soul mates often explore the world together, enjoying shared experiences that help each other develop into more mature and well-rounded people. ( )
  30. Action films and musicals are distinguishable on account of certain necessary formal qualities. ( )
  31. The final climax of the film is normally a direct confrontation between the protagonist and the antagonist, to stimulate audience with the tension and drama to an extreme.( )
  32. The “Achilles” story is the story of the vulnerable hero with a fatal flaw. ( )
  33. Jenny was a beautiful angel in Forrest’s first impression. ( )
  34. Human beings could regard the clones and “harvestable beings” and disposable labors. ( )
  35. The best social dramas should avoid the didacticism by presenting the social problem from the perspectives of both its victims and its perpetrators.(  )
  36. Alfred Hitchcock is called the father of suspense and psychological thriller.( )
  37. The genre of horror films are more realistic and based on reality, with themes mostly involving political insider, personal salvation, dystopia and survival dilemma. ( )
  38. The function of Act III is to provide a strong climax that resolves the problem first encountered by the protagonist in Act I.  ( )
  39. The function of “major obstacle” in Tristan is similar to the “third party” in Cinderella story. ( )
  40. The basic story “Candide” is about a seemingly invulnerable hero with a fatal flaw. ( )
  41. Jenny always have the trouble with substance abuse disorder and a strong inclination of suicide.( )
  42. The point of no return usually occurs halfway through the film, and is the scene in which the protagonist becomes truly committed to the goal that he has been pursuing. ( )
  43. The notion of marriage in classical Hollywood cinema extends to include that of property :”my house ,my wife ,my children.( )
  44. The “third party” in Tristan is usually a person, but it may be something more abstract (e.g. a cause, a mission, a destiny).( )
  45. Tom Hanks won Academy Awards for Best actor in a leading role in successions  ( )
  46. Which basic story describes a man loves a woman, but one of them is already involved with someone or something else?( )
  47. Which film is Not the product of Leonardo DiCaprio?  ( )
  48. Which statement is NOT true about Golden Globe Awards? ( )
  49. Which of the following films belongs to the story of Achilles?( )
  50. Which of the following films is a“circe”story? ( )
  51. Which character below is NOT a secondary character? ( )
  52. Main Characters are those who interact with the protagonist and have significant impact on the development of the narrative. ( )
  53. Action is a category defined primarily on the basis of formal properties. ( )
  54. Sometimes, the second characters show themselves first to pave the way for the main character. ( )
  55. The function of Act II as a whole is to show the development of the main characters and plot through conflict and confrontation.( )
  56. The function of the Hook is to grab attention of audience. ( )
  57. The close-up shot expects more from actor’s performance. ( )
  58. Hollywood persistently suggests that everyone can potentially achieve happiness in America ,even if they haven’t yet done so, and that radical change is not necessary. ( )
  59. Secondary characters are those who interact with the protagonist and have significant impact on the development of the narrative. ( )
  60. Candide is the story of the innocent abroad, the naively optimistic hero who triumphs contrary to all expectations and their goodness and virtue are recognized at last. ( )
  61. The basic story of Tristan has often been vividly described as “the spider and the fly”. It is the basis of horror films, thrillers, and film noir . ( )
  62. The Wandering Jew is the story of the persecuted or alienated traveler who will return home,broadly refer to the story of an individual who is alienated from his society and can properly reintegrate. ( )
  63. The ideal female is wife and mother, perfect companion and mainstay of the home; her opposite ,the erotic woman , is fascinating but dangerous.( )
  64. Comedy and thriller, are categorized on the basis of the effect produced on the audience.( )
  65. Most of Woody Allen’s films are comedies, and he is good at women-centered films. ( )
  66. Characters in films can be divided into two basic functions: main characters and secondary character. ( )
  67. Both Jenny and Forrest enjoyed a happy childhood. ( )
  68. Which genre/subgenre can NOT describe the film The Silence of the Lambs?( )
  69. Which of the following is the basic story of the film Artificial Intelligence ? ( )
  70. Some winners critical of the Academy Awards have boycotted the ceremonies and refused to accept their Oscars. For example, _____ refused his award (Best Actor in 1972 for The Godfather), citing the film industry’s discrimination and mistreatment of Native Americans.  ( )
  71. Which character is the character that the most clearly aligned with and supportive of the protagonist? ( )
  72. A number of Johnny Depp’s films were directed by ( )?
  73. Which film as follows is NOT a typical social drama? ( )
  74. The film suggests that with his IQ of 75, Forrest understands everything he needs to know, and the rest, is just surplus. ( )
  75. The hook points out the theme of the film. ( )
  76. Musicals often involve an historical or imagined event, legendary figure, cast in extravagant setting and accompanied sweeping musical score. ( )
  77. The performance by Tom Hanks is a breathtaking balancing act between comedy and sadness, in a story rich in big laughs and quiet truths. ( )
  78. In The Silence of the Lambs, a young U.S. FBI trainee seeks the advice of the imprisoned Dr. Lecter to apprehend another serial killer.  ( )
  79. Romance and comedy are perfect match as a pop-corn film. ( )
  80. The romance character can be viewed as a character combining the function of both the mirror character and antagonist. ( )
  81. Working frequently with the same actors can greatly decrease a director’s efficiency. ( )
  82. Men in Black (1997)describe the co-existence of human being and aliens on the earth. ( )
  83. “Cinderella” is the story of the innocent abroad, the natively optimistic hero who triumphs contrary to all expectations.( )
  84. Framing is a carefully chosen backdrop to the action of the film, and may be charged with symbolic value or emotional significance. ( )
  85. Circe has often been described as “the spider and butterfly ”.( )
  86. A motion picture, then, is always a cooperative effort, a joint creative interaction of many artists and technicians working on diverse elements, all of which contribute to the finished film.  ( )
  87. Trauma, which means “wound” in Greek, is often the result of an overwhelming amount of stress that exceeds one’s ability to cope or integrate the emotions involved with that experience.( )
  88. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the cast and having already established rapport with them, the director can concentrate on getting high-level performance. ( )
  89. Costumes and make-up are used to point out an individual character’s personality and give it material embodiment, while props have the different function.( )
  90. The main characters in a film is always a hero or heroine.( )
  91. The longer the time between editorial cuts, the slower is the pace of the film. ( )
  92. Thriller film basically can have an external and visual horrible image, e.g. monster, murder maniac, beast and ghosts. ( )
  93. A movie based on the story of Romeo &Juliet or Tristan generally have a happy ending.( )
  94. The meaning of the composition is not as important as the framing.( )
  95. Ang Lee won the Best Picture of Academy Awards for the film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.( )
  96. Characterization are classification and functions of characters for the sake of audience to better understand the plot and storyline. ( )
  97. The Black Panther Party was an African American revolutionary rightist organization from 1966-1982. They believed in preventing racism against blacks, and that all blacks deserved to be treated equally to whites in society. ( )
  98. Is the first character appeared in the film automatically the “main character”?( )
  99. In a movie with basic story of Candide, the protagonist should overcome his difficulties with kindness and virtue as his shield. ( )
  100. .Basic stories can occur alone or in combination. These story categories should be interpreted quite loosely.( )
  101. Both Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton are famous hireling directors in their age.  ( )
  102. The plot of a film is all the events that are directly presented to us. ( )
  103. Maria and the Captain share common interest and value-for tradition, for family, for kids and for music.( )
  104. The science fiction films can be said to offer an imaginary solution to the fundamental problem of how a prepared society might deal with the vulnerability of novelty or of an alien “other”. ( )
  105. The protagonist is not always the hero/heroine, and the antagonist is not always a villain.( )
  106. During the mid-1970’s a hippie subculture started to emerge among the youth population.   ( )
  107. Framing is one of the more specific ways in which mise-en-scène can be used to create an expressive space,which refers to the use of architectural features to “frame” an action and to imbue it with added significance. ( )
  108. In some films, the antihero or a villain might be the main character. ( )
  109. Generic categories are generally defined on the basis of subject matter, formal properties, style or affective response.  ( )
  110. Hollywood goes to the supernatural and futurism. It’s a sign that longing for mystery is universal, but the taste for science fiction and fantasy is cultural in China. ( )
  111. Aliens as yet hypothetical forms of life range from simple bacteria-like organisms to beings far more complex than humans. ( )
  112. Which of the following films is the most expensive 3D movie ever, took $73m on its opening weekend directed by James Cameron?  ( )
  113. Who won the Academy Honorary Award for the outstanding contribution to screen entertainment during the year 1934?   ( )
  114. When did Berlin International Film Festival establish?( )
  115. Who won the Best Actor in a Leading Role by performance in American Beauty (1999)?  ( )
  116. Which of the following Chinese directors has ever won the Oscars? ( )
  117. Which of the following movies tells us a basic story of Candid? ( )
  118. Who won the Best Actor in a Leading Role of Academy Awards by his performance in Kramer VS Kramer (1979)? ( )
  119. Social drama is a category defined primarily on the basis of a distinctive style. ( )
  120. Impersonator often need to cast their own personalities into the background in order to create a character similar to their own. ( )
  121. The Golden Globe Awards held every year in mid January to late February.( )
  122. The audience will, accordingly, be encouraged to see the action from the subjective perspective of the protagonist and then identify emotionally with this character. ( )
  123. The downside of such familiarity is the danger that the director and cast will repeat themselves in films that seem too much alike.( )
  124. In classic three-act linear structure, the key line points out the theme of the film( )
  125. Reproductive cloning would involve making an entire cloned human, instead of just specific cells or tissues. ( )
  126. Handheld camera can show a sense of immediacy of informality, of the impromptu.( )
  127. Two commonly discussed types of theoretical human cloning are therapeutic cloning and reproductive cloning.( )
  128. The third person to refuse Academy Awards in history was Marlon Brando, who refused his award, Best Actor in a Leading Role for A Streetcar Named Desire, citing the film industry's discrimination and mistreatment of Native Americans. ( )
  129. Wide-Angle Lens are used to focus on a particular subject and exclude background.( )
  130. The function of characters is to identify the most famous idol in the film.( )
  131. The happy-ending romance serve as great escapes and fantasies for viewers. ( )
  132. The classical Hollywood cinema is a “value-free” set of aesthetic norms and formal principles; it also embodies an ideology.( )
  133. Typically doors, windows and mirrors are used to “frame” an action and imbue them with added significance .( )
  134. The “Achilles” story is the story of the seemingly vulnerable hero with a fatal flaw. ( )
  135. At the 89th Academy Awards ceremony, Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway mistakenly announced Moonlight as the recipient of the Best Picture award, instead of La La Land the actual winner. ( )
  136. Tilt Allows audience to see subject from a new angle and exposes additional detail.( )
  137. The mirror character could be “forces of antagonism”:a ferocious animal, a natural disaster, timing, war,social restraints, middle-aged crisis and destination. ( )
  138. Turning point one is the first crisis for the protagonist to negotiate.( )
  139. A director's style is the manner in which the director's personality is expressed through the language of the medium.   ( )
  140. Orpheus can focus on the tragedy of the loss itself or the search that follows the loss. ( )
  141. Low angle shot suggests smallness and vulnerability of subject.( )
  142. High-Angle shot gives audience a “bird’s eyes view” and thus creates a sense of omniscience. ( )
  143. An auteur will pay his/her attention to the whole process of making film.( )
  144. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the human-like intelligence, similar to man-man aliens. ( )
  145. Diegetic sound is sound that occurs in the fictional world of the film.( )
  146. In Cinderella stories, goodness and virtue are recognized at the beginning but despised at last. ( )
  147. Jenny’s childhood Trauma exerts life-long influence on her. ( )
  148. Epics often involve an historical or imagined event, legendary figure, cast in extravagant setting and accompanied sweeping musical score. ( )
  149. Classical tragedy is usually a variant of Achilles story. ( )
  150. Westerns are serious presentations or stories with settings or life situations that portray realistic characters in conflict with either themselves, others, or forces of nature. ( )
  151. Until 2003, the Golden Globe awards dinner held a few days after the Oscar prize in America to show the difference with the Oscar awards ceremony. ( )
  152. The climax is the peak emotional moment for the protagonist. ( )
  153. The basic story of Romeo and Juliet is the story of an individual who sells his soul to the devil, enjoys a brief period of power and prosperity, but eventually is called upon to repay the debt. ( )
  154. Like point of no return, turning point two catapults the story in a new direction by setting up some kind of crisis for the protagonist to negotiate.( )
  155. Berlin International Film Festival has the longest history celebrated every year among Three European International Film Festivals.  ( )
  156. The Academy Awards are presented most commonly in November or December six weeks after the announcement of the nominees.( )
  157. The basic story “Circe” is based on Greek mythology.( )
  158. The basic story of Faust is the story of an individual who sells his soul to the devil, enjoys a brief period of power and prosperity, but eventually is called upon to repay the debt.  ( )
  159. Yet despite our tendency to focus attention on the actor, there is general agreement among critics and directors that the actor’s role in film should be a subordinate one.  ( )
  160. Typically architectural features in faming could be doors, windows, or mirrors( )
  161. The basic story of Romeo and Juliet is the classic “star-crossed lovers” story in which a major obstacle stands in the way of true love. ( )
  162. Because Daisy is the wife of Tom Buchanan, the relationship between Daisy and Gatsby is affairs.( )
  163. In Candide stories, natively optimistic protagonists generally have dreams, goodness and virtue.( )
  164. The art of the actor is so clearly visible that it is perhaps proper to equate the film’s style with the performer’s style.( )
  165. Horror films are visually stimulating and thrillers give audience psychological stimulation. ( )
  166. The ultimate goal of any actor should be to make us believe completely in the reality of the character. ( )
  167. A.I. films impose a concept on us: in the near future, robots may offer endless love and commitment to humans with critical thinking and humanity.( )
  168. Walt Disney won Academy Honorary Award in 1932 for the creation of Mickey Mouse.( )
  169. Which director holds the record for the most Oscars wins for multiple films in the same year? ( )
  170. Which of the features can be used to describe Michael Bay’s style?   ( )
  171. Which angle of shots can suggest smallness and vulnerability of the subject? ( )
  172. The dialogue “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get” comes from the film ( )
  173. Which of the following films is the blockbuster?( )
  174. What is the key words in the basic story of Achilles ?( )
  175. Which of the following films has won six Academy Awards in 1995?( )
  176. What’s the most popular and important film of director Peter Jackson?   ( )
  177. Which film won the Best Achievement in Directing of Academy Awards, 2012? ( )
  178. Which of the Criteria is used to define generic categories? ( )
  179. Hard sci-fi deals with the soft sciences, social sciences and those that are concerned with human affairs, and to Sci Fi that is less concerned about science and more about humanity.
  180. Human cloning is the creation of a genetically unidentical copy of a human.
  181. The world of fantasy may be unreal, but usually it will be logically coherent
  182. The science fiction films has dealt with the impact on mankind of the new and the unknown, whether in the form of mysterious alien beings or radical technological innovation
  183. Artificial intelligence is the human-like intelligence exhibited by machines or software.
  184. Extraterrestrial is life that does not originate from Earth. It is also called alien life.
  185. The science fiction films are intellectually “open” to new ideas and experiences.
  186. Which statement as follows is not your impression of Sci-fi films?
  187. Science fiction can place humanity in situations it cannot or has not encountered, test our identity and inner nature against new and extreme conditions.
  188. Sci-fi as a genre, distinguishes itself from the “closed” stance of other genres such as romance.
  189. Sympathetic perspective towards the victim is one of the conventions to define a social drama.
  190. Forrest Gump (1994) is“a comedy, a drama, or a dream”reviewed by Roger Elbert.
  191. Social drama stem from the most noble and honorable motive.
  192. A Science fiction should be instructive as well as entertaining.
  193. A social drama film shows us human beings at their best, their worst, and everything in-between.
  194. Forrest and Jenny have covered nearly all of the landmarks of cultural history from 1950s to 1980s.
  195. The function of social drama films is “to tell audience something, to make people think, to initiate a dialogue”.
  196. Dramatic films are probably the largest film genre because they include a broad spectrum of films.
  197. The best social drama avoid didacticism by presenting the social problem from the perspectives of both its victims.
  198. Racial desegregation in the United States, most often refers to the legally or socially enforced separation of African Americans from other races.
  199. Cinderella conveys the message in romance films: Good people with luck as his shield deserve happy endings.
  200. Which of the following elements is NOT in Consummate love?
  201. The function of tragic-ending romance is to reflect the reality.
  202. is one of the characteristics of romance films.
  203. Soul mates share a similar worldview, value and education background.
  204. As soul mates,they share a similar _______ that help them develop into more mature and well-rounded people.
  205. Romance usually play a dispensable part in the other genre films
  206. Romance films are love stories, or affairs of the heart that center on passion, emotion, and the romantic, affectionate involvement of the romance characters.
  207. Some beauties as Vivien Leigh made the tragic-ending romance much more convincing and unforgettable.
  208. Romance films make the love story or the search for love the main plot focus.
  209. For personality actors, either they must fit exactly the roles in which they are cast, or the roles must be tailored to fit their personality.
  210. The first Academy Awards or the Oscars were handed out on May 16, 1929, movies had just begun to talk.
  211. Impersonators can completely submerge themselves in a role, altering their personal, physical, and vocal characteristics to such a degree that they seem to become the character.
  212. Editing is an important stylistic element because it affects the overall rhythm or pace of the film.
  213. For interpreters and commentators, they interpret their parts dramatically wholly losing their own identity.
  214. Which international film festival as follows has the longest history?
  215. Who won the Academy Honorary Award for “for the creation of Mickey Mouse” in the year 1932?
  216. Typical criticism of the Academy Awards for Best Picture is that among the winners and nominees there is an over-representation of certain genres such as horror and Sci-fi.
  217. Interpreters and commentators attempt to radically change their individual personality traits, physical characteristics, or voice qualities.
  218. The movie actor is ultimately a tool of the director--another “language system” that the filmmaker uses to communicate ideas and emotions.
  219. The turning point two is the moment at which the protagonist faces his greatest challenge and either defeats his opponents or is defeated
  220. Turning point one is a scene that presents the protagonist with a problem that disturbs the normality and predictability of life.
  221. What of the following basic stories is usually a variant of the classical tragedy?
  222. The turning point differs from the inciting incident in that it is associated with some decisive action taken by the protagonist that dramatically raises the stakes and increases the danger level
  223. Which event as follows has the function that poses question to be explored?
  224. Which one as follows is the function of point of no return?
  225. The protagonist of the (    )story usually begins in a lowly position but, through his good nature, convinces all doubters and is rewarded.
  226. Plot is the viewer's imaginary construction of all the events in the narrative while story is the film’s actual presentation of certain events in the narrative.
  227. Which of the following basic stories is generally a “happy ending” story?
  228. Act I will also give enough information to allow the audience to know the basic story to which the film belongs, and thus to know roughly what to expect of it.
  229. Which of the following shots can give audience a sense of immediacy?
  230. Classical Hollywood explicitly extols success and wealth but is at the same time ashamed to do so and seeks to cover its tracks with a contradictory ideology of “money isn’t everything; money corrupts; the poor are happier”
  231. Which of the following movies is NOT defined by its subject matter?
  232. Which of the following films is NOT the blockbuster?
  233. This ideology is never stated explicitly, but can nevertheless be detected through the set of values and assumptions underlying Hollywood film of the period.
  234. Which of the Criteria is NOT used to define generic categories?
  235. According to Robin Wood, which of the following statements is NOT the ideology of classic Hollywood cinema
  236. Which genre is NOT categorized on the basis of the effect produced on the audience?
  237. Which of the following shots can give audience a “bird’s eye view” and thus creates a sense of omniscience?
  238. Both the Western and the musical constitute well-defined genres, the former is now basically extinct, and the latter very nearly so.
  239. The content of this course include six chapters: style, narrative, artists & awards and three major Genres of English Movies including their definition, characteristics, classification, representatives and masterpieces.
  240. The teaching goal of this course is to improve students’ understanding and aesthetic appreciation of English Movies by illustrating essential film-making elements including shots, Mise-en-Scène, narrative (classic three-act linear structure, basic stories), genre, character & performance etc.
  241. There are case studies in chapters of Romance and Social Drama films.
  242. Basic stories and three-act linear structure will be the focus in chapter two Narrative.
  243. Chapter one includes Mise-en-Scène, the ideology of classical Hollywood cinema and genres.
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