  1. It is no need to determine the ultimate purpose of each party in the process of structuring the SPV ( )

  2. A:错 B:对
  3. In addition to their initial equity contributions, sponsors may also: provide construction completion guarantees and contingent equity to fund cost overruns; establish project accounts to collect, protect and allocate the revenue stream; and establish debt service reserves.( )

  4. A:错 B:对
  5. In order to effectively exercise its right to intervene, the lender may also need the right to assume the concession or transfer the concession to a third party to operate the project on behalf of the defaulting SPV franchisee.( )

  6. A:错 B:对
  7. Many controversial issues can arise during AAO negotiations. ( )

  8. A:对 B:错
  9. The risk of currency devaluation (as opposed to convertibility or transfer risk) is one of the most difficult project risks to mitigate. ( )

  10. A:错 B:对
  11. A fixed lump price contract means that the Contractor covers the contract price accepted by the Employer at the time of bidding.( )

  12. A:错 B:对
  13. The bulk of the equity for an international project financing is provided by the project sponsors. ( )

  14. A:对 B:错
  15. Members of the committees in the construction industry are often engineers or others with appropriate expertise in the construction industry. ( )

  16. A:错 B:对
  17. Non-financial factors might include procurement restrictions, control over project management. ( )

  18. A:错 B:对
  19. All parties to the SPV project negotiations hope that the local government will grant tax incentives. ( )

  20. A:错 B:对
  21. The Contractor wishes to avoid the design risks as much as possible. It usually likes some type of cost-plus contracts. ( )

  22. A:错 B:对
  23. When an Multilateral development bank(MDB) participates in a project, it is said to create a halo-effect which may give some comfort to private sector lenders. This reflects the fact that the presence of an international agency may be an incentive for the other project participants (including the host government) to act responsibly. ( )

  24. A:对 B:错
  25. In addition to hedging to guard against adverse changes in the value of corporate liabilities or assets, derivatives are used to speculate by taking risks and attempt to profit from expected changes in the value of the underlying assets. ( )

  26. A:错 B:对
  27. International project financing is most relevant in the 1999 "EPC / turnkey contract conditions" ( )

  28. A:错 B:对
  29. Standardized derivative documents are used to manage derivative transactions to simplify documentation and provide certainty, consistency and efficiency to the market. ( )

  30. A:错 B:对
  31. Given that individual concession agreements are costly, time-consuming and contentious to negotiate, some enterprises have developed standard forms of concession agreements for key sectors that they expect private concessionaries to accept.( )

  32. A:对 B:错
  33. Export credit agencies (“ECA’s) are lending institutions created by many developed and developing countries. ( )

  34. A:对 B:错
  35. Bond insurance has the effect of decreasing ratings on the covered bond issues, reducing interest rates and minimizing credit risk for bond investors. ( )

  36. A:错 B:对
  37. After assessing the interests of the sponsor, what factors determine the ownership structure of the project? ( )

  38. A:Limited liability B:Tax C:Accounting D:Capital
  39. What are the following uses of the derivatives? ( )

  40. A:Reduce interest rate and currency risk B:Reduce stock and credit market risk C:To convert the variable payment obligations into the fixed payment obligations D:Hedge to guard against corporate liabilities
  41. Significant adverse state acts contain( ).

  42. A:Harm consumers' rights and interests B:Permit the construction of competitive facilities C:Agreed tariff adjustments are not allowed D:Introduce laws that adversely affect the project
  43. Financial criteria might include? ( )

  44. A:security of funds B:the maturity and amortization schedule of the loan C:the currency of funding D:the all-in cost of funding
  45. Attachment to the Derivative Association (ISDA) master protocol for ( ).

  46. A:require the parties to provide collateral related to their obligations B:Modify and supplement the master agreement C:specify any special conditions prior to the transaction D:Enable two derivative counterparties to have a single agreement managing each other's transaction
  47. What are the most common payment procedures for a construction contract? ( )

  48. A:all amounts shall be paid in one lump sum before the construction starts B:pay the full amount after the work C:an advance payment to the Contractor to provide funds for start-up costs D:a series of progress payments as work proceeds and various milestones are met
  49. A direct guarantor agrees to assume (in exchange for a guarantee fee) the obligation of a project participant if that participant does not fulfill a monetary obligation or perform as agreed by taking the form of ( )

  50. A:a guarantee of performance that affects the revenue stream B:a performance guarantee C:a credit or financial guarantee D:a guarantee of the payment of debt service
  51. The terms lenders typically want to see in project finance concessions include ( ).

  52. A:Adequate compensation in case of termination of the contract B:Transfer of special purpose vehicle franchise rights C:Security interest in the franchise of a special purpose company D:Right of intervention
  53. What are the ways of capital market financing?( )

  54. A:fixed rate bond issues B:floating rate notes C:commercial paper D:war reparations
  55. The main function of the project financing document is that( ).

  56. A:make it possible to raise funds to build and implement the project B:allocate risk among the parties to the various documents C:create the revenue stream on which a project financing is based D:Lay the foundation for the feasibility of financing
  57. In short, the project documents work in combination to( ).

  58. A:create the revenue stream on which a project financing is based B:help allocate risks among the participants C:to create the revenue stream which is the essential foundation for raising finance for a major project D:govern the construction and operation of the project
  59. What are the main types of construction contracts?( )

  60. A:lump-sum contract B:measure-and-value contract C:cost-plus contract D:sub-contract
  61. With certain exceptions, what of the following responsibilities does the Owner expect to satisfy the Contractor? ( )

  62. A:all construction period risks B:design, procurement and construction of the project facility C:force majeure event D:cost overruns
  63. Some provisions often lead to difficult negotiations between grantor governments and concessionaires, which are often special purpose vehicles for projects. These often controversial provisions include ( ).

  64. A:Waiver of sovereign immunity B:Completion date and Liquidated damages C:General relief activities D:Termination and Compensation for termination
  65. What are the main legal issues in the construction contract? ( )

  66. A:payment procedure B:determining when construction has been “completed” C:type of contract D:special dispute resolution measures
  67. Although the use of derivatives can effectively avoid project risk, there are some limitations to the use of derivatives in international project financing. There may be limitations such as ( ).

  68. A:The markets for currency / international currency swaps are often limited and expensive B:The Lender is unwilling to share the guarantees with the hedge provider C:Inconsistent event of default clause D:The other parties’ unwillingness to accept the SPV as a counterparty to provide excessive collateral or compensation
  69. How many conditions are included in the checklist of the negotiating parties' agreement terms? ( )

  70. A:30 B:22 C:25 D:28
  71. In which year was The Basel III reforms fully implemented ( )

  72. A:2020 B:2021 C:2019 D:2018
  73. What is the name of the relationship that governs the control of the SPV and the relationship between the lead sponsor and others who have an interest in the project vehicle? ( )

  74. A:Unincorporated Joint Venture B:Corporation C:The Agreement Among Owners D:Offshore companies
  75. International project financing is often affected by the risk of commodity price fluctuations. These risks can be hedged using the ( ).

  76. A:interest rate swaps B:forwards C:currency swaps D:swaps
  77. Which corporate forms do SPV sponsors generally prefer? ( )

  78. A:No liability B:Joint and Several Liability C:Limited liability D:Unlimited Liability
  79. Sponsors often seek assurances from the ( ) of host countries that existing laws and regulations at the time of investment will not be changed to the detriment of the project.

  80. A:enterprise B:individual C:government D:community
  81. ( ) include the loan agreements and other documents needed to obtain equity and debt funding for the project and the related credit support, security and intercreditor arrangements.

  82. A:Investment documents B:Finance Documents C:Project Documents D:Financing transaction documents
  83. ( ) is a special method of raising funds for projects—primarily in the energy, mining and infrastructure sectors.

  84. A:Foreign Direct Investment B:Project Finance C:Bond Finance D:Equity Finance
  85. ( )sometimes used to convert repayment of SPS debts and other foreign currency debts from one currency to another。

  86. A:Interest rate swaps B:futures contracts C:currency swaps D:swaps
  87. primarily a common law concept that refers to a change of circumstances that occurs without the fault of any of the parties and which alters the nature of the contractual obligation and makes it incapable of being performed in the way that was called for in the contract,this concept refers to( )

  88. A:Impossibility of Performance B:Frustration of Contract C:Undue Burden D:Commercial Impracticality
  89. Which side that regularly manages the construction process?( )

  90. A:contractor B:employer C:lawyer D:engineers
  91. Which side does the lender's interests usually align with them? ( )

  92. A:engineers B:lawyer C:contractor D:employer
  93. What is the common SPV forms that are not included? ( )

  94. A:Partnership B:Offshore companies C:Unincorporated Joint Venture D:Corporation
  95. SPV is to convert as many ( ) into fixed payment obligations as possible to increase the predictability and certainty of revenue flow.

  96. A:credit obligation B:Risk of default C:variable payment obligation D:Security obligation
  97. One of the key tasks of project financing lawyers is ( ) and to ensure that all key operational terms are effectively coordinated.

  98. A:Contract performance B:Provide legal guarantee for the performance of the contract C:Drafting of various project documents D:Understand the interrelationship between each project agreement
  99. The bulk of the equity for an international project financing is provided By?( )

  100. A:the contractor B:offtaker C:the project sponsors. D:other investors
  101. What is a contract for a fixed-price turnkey contract in an international project financing transaction? ( )

  102. A:Engineering, procurement, and construction contracts B:Design, procurement, and construction contracts C:Engineering, procurement and training contracts D:Construction, installation, and training contracts

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