  1. Which of the following assertions for the cutting plane method are correct?

  2. A:In the procedure of solving ILP by cutting plane method,the feasible region of the relaxed LP problem will become smaller in each iteration. B:After adding the cutting plane,one should using the dual simplex method to solve the new relaxed problem C:If the relaxed problem has feasible solution, then the ILP problem has feasible solution D:After adding the cutting plane, if the new relaxed problem is unsolvable then, the original ILP is unsolvable
    答案:In the procedure of solving ILP by cutting plane method,the feasible region of the relaxed LP problem will become smaller in each iteration.###After adding the cutting plane,one should using the dual simplex method to solve the new relaxed problem###After adding the cutting plane, if the new relaxed problem is unsolvable then, the original ILP is unsolvable
  3. Which of the following assertions for the branch-and-bound method are correct?

  4. A:If the current sub-problem has integer optimal solution and the value is smaller than the bound, then the integer optimal solution is the solution to the original problem. B:If the value of current sub-problem is larger than the bound, the branch for this sub-problem should be cut off. C:If the corresponding relaxed LP problem has an integer optimal solution, then this solution is the optimal solution of ILP problem D:If the value of the sub-problem is smaller than the current bound and the optimal solution is not an integer solution, then this branch should be cut off.
    答案:If the value of current sub-problem is larger than the bound, the branch for this sub-problem should be cut off.###If the corresponding relaxed LP problem has an integer optimal solution, then this solution is the optimal solution of ILP problem
  5. In the branch-and-bound method, the bound is the value of cost function on a integer optimal solution to some relaxed sub-problem

  6. A:错 B:对
  7. After adding the cutting plane, the new simplex table corresponds to a regular solution to the new LP problem

  8. A:对 B:错
  9. If the relaxed LP problem has feasible solution, then the related ILP problem has nonempty feasible region

  10. A:错 B:对

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