
The increase in total revenue due to increasing the amount of labor employed by one unit is called the(  )

A:Marginal Product. B:Marginal Revenue Product. C:Average Revenue Product.  D:Total Revenue Product.

If a competitive firm faces a competitive labor market, it will hire labor until(   )

A:w = MPL ∗ p. B:MPL = 0. C:w = MPL. D:w = p. 3.

If a firm buys its labor in a competitive market, then a short-run increase in the price of the firm's output will cause the firm to(  )

A:hire more workers. B:offer a lower wage. C:hire fewer workers. D:offer a higher wage. 4.

In a perfectly competitive resource market the Marginal Revenue Product Curve is(  )

A:vertical. B:downward-sloping. C:upward-sloping. D:horizontal. 5.

In a perfectly competitive resource market the labor supply curve facing the single firm is(   )

A:upward-sloping. B:vertical. C:downward-sloping. D:horizontal.

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