  1. What I am saying applies only ( ) some of you.

  2. A:with B:to C:for D:in
  3. She had to ( ) from the competition because of a leg injury.

  4. A:withdraw B:drop out C:quit D:draw
  5. The accident ( ) a close bond between the two families.

  6. A:withdrew B:applied C:intrigued D:forged
  7. It seems ( ) that no one foresaw the crisis.

  8. A:credulous B:incredible C:intriguing D:intrigued
  9. In the sentence “A number of forged works of art have been sold as genuine.”, “forge”means ( ).

  10. A:“to shape metal by heating it in a fire and hitting it with a hammer” B:“to make an illegal copy of something in order to deceive” C:“to suddenly and quickly move forward” D:“to make or produce something, especially with some difficulty”
  11. The sentence“I am reporting that I’m still alive and that the past month has been life changing—the most successful month of my existence.” include two ( ).

  12. A:appositive clauses (同位语从句) B:restrictive attributive clauses (限制性定语从句) C:object clauses (宾语从句) D:subject clauses (主语从句)
  13. In the sentence “Part of me can’t help but think that the mystery of not knowing all the gory details that Facebook provides made them more intriguing to me.”, the underlined part is a(n) ( ).

  14. A:subject clause(主语从句) B:appositive clause (同位语从句) C:object clause (宾语从句) D:restrictive attributive clause (限制性定语从句)
  15. The message “Watching violent scenes doesn't necessarily make a person become violent.” can be found in ( ) in the following.

  16. A:Although there is clear evidence that some children imitate crimes seen in the media, we all know from personal reflection that for most viewers most of the time, the watching of violence does not itself cause people to commit criminal violence — or we would all be murderers! B:When Dr. Deborah Prothrow-Stith, assistant dean of Harvard University's School of Public Health, begins one of her speeches on the growing crisis of violence in society, she often tells a story of a young gunshot victim she treated in a Boston hospital emergency room. He expressed surprise that his wound actually hurt. C:This is not to say that violence on the screen is the sole cause of violence in the streets. But media violence does reinforce the myths and images, beliefs and attitudes of a culture of violence. It is a messenger for violence as a way of life. D:For decades, the media industry has been trying to tell us that the violence seen on TV and in movies also doesn't hurt, that is, that despite its glamour and impact, it plays no role in making a more violent society.
  17. Read the text and then answer the question according to the text.
    We will never totally eradicate (去除) violence from our lives or from the media. That is unrealistic. As long as there are human beings on earth, there will be violence among some of them. But enough questions present themselves about the cumulative impact of violence as entertainment in television, movies, video games, music and even advertising, so that I believe we must, as parents and teachers, as citizens and community leaders, look more closely at the issue of media violence and find ways to reduce it, especially in the lives of our children.
    Question: Which of the following is the author's opinion? ( )

  18. A:The cumulative impact of violence from the media is not a big issue. B:We should take the issue of media violence seriously. C:Nothing can be done to address violence from our lives and from the media. D:The media industry should take action to eradicate violence from media.
  19. Read the text and then answer the question according to the text.
    There is much denial about the impact of media violence because accepting it as a problem means we might have to make changes in our own lives and values. Accepting it as a problem challenges those adults who unconsciously—or consciously— take pleasure in violent entertainment. Accepting it as a problem means we may have to face the shadow side of our human nature, which most of us want to avoid. Accepting it as a problem means we might have to admit our own complicity in the greedy callousness that can corrupt the human spirit.
    Question: What is the main idea of the text? ( )

  20. A:It takes courage and reason to admit that there are problems with our violent entertainment. B:Responsible people should think of ways to cut the impact of media violence on our children. C:There is much denial about media violence. D:Media violence promotes the images and beliefs of violent culture.
  21. Read the text and then answer the question according to the text.
    But parents also have a right to expect that society and its entertaining industries accept responsibility for not harming children by allowing the creation of a cultural environment which can endanger children in their formative years. An African proverb states: “It takes a whole village to raise a child.” We are all responsible for the cultural environment in which today’s children are growing up. That includes the media makers and media owners who control what goes out over the public airwaves or floods our cultural landscape in the image of pop culture. They must behave responsibly as good corporate citizens. And they need to be steadfastly challenged when they do not.
    Question: The African proverb "It takes a whole village to raise a child.”is quoted to ( ).

  22. A:expound the responsibility of society and its entertaining industries in addressing the impact of media violence on children B:highlight the importance of the cultural environment C:expose the limitations of the entertaining industries D:emphasize the high cost of raising a child
  23. Read the text and then answer the question according to the text.
    Research indicates that the effects of viewing media violence can be lessened in all age groups by learning and applying critical viewing and media literacy skills. Media literacy curricula provide a variety of teaching tools to deconstruct the techniques used to stage violent scenes and decode the various depictions of violence in different media genres—news, cartoons, drama, sports and music. It is important for children to learn early on the difference between reality and fantasy and to know how costumes, camera angles and special effects can fool or mesmerize(迷惑)them. Research shows that critical skills of media analysis can be taught from the earliest years and, through guided practice, can become everyday habits for both children and adults.
    Question: Which of the following is NOT true according to the text? ( )

  24. A:Media literacy curricula can help people to notice and identify media violence. B:It is important for children to learn early on the difference between reality and fantasy. C:The effects of viewing media violence can be decreased in children. D:Critical skills of media analysis can't bee taught to a child.
  25. null

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