第一章 Nautical Publications:Sailing Directions1.1Sailing Directions:Sailing Directions
1.2Other Admiralty Publications:Other Admiralty Publications
1.3Admiralty Charts:Admiralty Charts
1.4Analysis of Typical Exercises:Analysis of Typical Exercises
[单选题]In which source could you find the number of a chart for a certain geographic area?

选项:[C. IMO Practical Navigator, B. Catalog of Charts, A. Chart No.1, D. IMO Light List]
[单选题]The datum from which the predicted heights of tides are reckoned in the tide table is _____.

选项:[D. given in table three of the tide tables, B. the same as that used for the charts of the locality, C. the highest possible level, A. mean low water]
[单选题]The arrangement of charts in the catalogue is _________.

选项:[D. appeared from A to W, A. on a regional basis, C. shown orderly, B. on a national basis]
[单选题]All of the following information concerning lighted aids to navigation may be read directly from the light list except the ______

选项:[D. light characteristics, B. height of light above water, A. location, C. luminous range]
[单选题]In the Uniform Cardinal System of Buoyage, a buoy in the eastern quadrant from a danger could ______.

选项:[B. be black and white vertically striped, D. be any of the above, A. be black and white horizontally striped, C. have a black top mark  ]
[单选题]How is the annual rate of change for magnetic variation shown on a pilot chart?

选项:[C. In parenthesis on the lines of equal magnetic variation, B. Red lines on the main body of the chart, D. Annual rate of change is not shown, A. Gray lines on the uppermost inset chart]
[单选题]What is the tidal height?

选项:[B. The range of the tide, C. The water above the Lowest Astronomical Tide, A. Twice the tide amplitude, D. The height above or under the Mean Level]
[单选题]Attention is called to the fact that in many cases pipelines are not ______ and charted depths may be decreased by up to 2 meters.

选项:[D. built, A. concealed, B. buried, C. existed]
[单选题]The average time between two high waters is 12 hours and 25 minutes because this is the time it takes for ______.

选项:[C. The moon to be at its apogee, D. The sun and the moon to be on the same side, B. The moon to be at the opposite side of the earth, A. The sun to be at the opposite side of the moon]
[单选题]The lateral system is used in ____.

选项:[A. restricted waters such as shoals, reefs or wrecks, B. restricted waters such as buoyed channels, C. open waters such as shoals, reefs or wrecks, D. open water such as buoyed channels]
[单选题]Data relating to the direction and velocity of rotary tidal currents can be found in the ______

选项:[A. Mariners Guide, B. Tidal Current Tables, C. Nautical Almanac, D. Tide Table]
[单选题]What would be the color of an IALA starboard hand lateral buoy, as seen when sailing toward land, in Europe?

选项:[B. Red, C. Red and green stripes, A. Green, D. Black and yellow stripes]
[单选题]From ______ the mariner can know the data of tide.

选项:[D. the port list, A. the sea pilot, C. the tide table, B. the cargo plan]
[单选题]Many of the soundings shown on the chart are derived from ______ , Undue reliance should not be placed upon them.

选项:[A. complete and often very poor surveys, B. correct and often very good surveys, D. adequate and present surveys, C. inadequate and often very old surveys]
[单选题]When reversing, the tidal stream will have a period with little or no effect. This is call the_____.

选项:[C. slack, A. rise, D. spring, B. range]
[单选题]Depths of {wk.} are to be inserted in the chart.

选项:[A. work, B. wreck, D. weak, C. wake]
[单选题]Which is a weekly publication advising mariners of important matters affecting navigational Safety ?

选项:[C. Coast Pilot, A. Light List, D. Sailing Directions, B. Notice to Mariners]
[单选题]Lines on a chart which connect points of equal magnetic variation are called ______.

选项:[B. magnetic declinations, D. isogonic lines, C. dip, A. magnetic latitudes]
[单选题]In Admiralty Sailing Directions, STRIPES is the word used to indicate ______ marking.

选项:[C. diagonal, B. vertical, D. vertical or diagonal, A. horizontal]
[单选题]For full information regarding the current circulation of the Indian Ocean, ______ Sailing Direction, Current Atlas, etc.

选项:[B. look for, A. watch, D. regard, C. see]

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