
College Physics

  1. The motion equation of a particle is (m); at , what are the instantaneous velocity and the instantaneous acceleration . ( )

  2. A:, B:, C:, D:, E:,
  3. A particle moves with constant acceleration and at , velocity . At , what are the velocity and the displacement . ( )

  4. A:, B:, C:, D:, E:,
  5. A car travels in the +x direction with a constant acceleration . If it starts from a speed 20 m/s in the –x direction, what is the displacement in 10 s.( )

  6. A:+500 m B:+700 m C:+300 m D:-300 m
  7. A car travels along x axis with a constant acceleration. If it travels in 10 s, with the speed from 20 m/s in the -x direction and to 40 m/s in the +x direction, what is the displacement. ( )

  8. A:100 m B:600 m C:300 m D:200 m
    AI参考:根据题意,汽车在x轴上以恒定的加速度行驶,在-x方向的速度从20 m/s增加到40 m/s,即方向增加了40 m/s。如果它在10秒钟内完成了这个加速过程,那么汽车的位移是这段过程中的相对速度在x轴上的累积,也就是总距离。即x=40*(40/20)+20*10=600米。所以,正确的选项是B:600米。'
  9. Vector operations are different from scalar operations. Which of the following equations is wrong. ( )

  10. A: B: C: D:
  11. A particle of mass rotates with angular speed about an axis that is distance away from the particle. What are the angular momentum and kinetic energy . ( )

  12. A:, B:, C:, D:, E:,
    答案:AI参考:根据题意,一个质点绕一个距离质点一定距离的轴旋转,质点的质量和角速度已知。为了确定质点的角动量和动能,我们需要知道轴和质点的具体距离。但根据题目描述,距离没有给出,因此我们无法得出具体的数值。在没有具体数值的情况下,我们无法进行具体的计算。因此,正确答案是:题目没有给出具体数值,无法回答。所以,正确选项是 D:, 。'
  13. A conservative force acts on a particle which moves along a circular path of radius and return back to its initial position. What is the work done by the force.( )

  14. A: B: C: D:
  15. A particle moves from the position to , along either a circular path of radius or a linear path. What are the displacement of the two cases.( )。

  16. A:, B:, C:, D:,

  17. Three particles with the mass of 1 kg, 2 kg, and 3 kg locate at m, m, and m, respectively. What is the center of mass of the system.( )

  18. A: m B: m C: m D: m

  19. A 2-kg particle moves upward from the origin to . What is the change of gravitational potential energy (gravity is in the direction).( )

  20. A:39.2 J B:58.8 J C:-39.2 J D:-58.8 J

  21. You run due east with a constant speed 3 m/s for 10 s, and then run due west with a constant speed 2 m/s for 5 s. What is the magnitude of average velocity. ( )

  22. A:8/3 m/s B:4/3 m/s C:1 m/s D:5 m/s
    AI参考:正确答案是【B:4/3 m/s】。根据题目中的信息,向东跑3m/s的速度跑了10s,向西跑2m/s的速度跑了5s,那么总的平均速度就是两个速度的平均值,即(3-2)/(10+5)=1/3m/s,也就是4/3m/s。所以正确选项是B。'
  23. A uniform rode of mass and radius . As the rotation axis is perpendicular to the rode and through the end, what is the rotational inertia of the rode. ( )

  24. A: B: C: D: E:

  25. A juggler throws a bowling pin up with an initial speed of 14.7 m/s. How much time elapses until the bowling pin returns to the hand of juggler.( )

  26. A:4.5 s B:3.0 s C:1.5 s D:2.0 s
    AI参考:正确答案是A:4.5 s。根据题意,一个杂技演员将一个保龄球杆以初始速度14.7 m/s向上抛出,需要多长时间才能回到手中?根据物理知识,抛体运动的时间可以通过初始速度、高度和重力加速度来计算。在这个问题中,初始速度为14.7 m/s,重力加速度约为9.8 m/s²,抛出高度未知,但题目中并未要求求解抛出高度,因此只需要根据公式t = (v²/2g)进行计算即可。将已知数据代入公式可得t = (14.7²/2 × 9.8) ≈ 4.5 s,因此答案为A。'
  27. The Newton (N) is the SI derived unit of force, and the unit conversion of 1 N is ( ) .

  28. A: B: C: D:
  29. A 1-kg particle locates at m, and a 2-kg particle locates at m. What is the center of mass of the system. ( )

  30. A: m B: m C: m D: m
    AI参考:正确答案是C:m。根据题意,两个物体的质量分别为1kg和2kg,它们的位置分别为 m和 m。根据质心位置的公式,质心位置为两个物体位置的平均值,即(m1 + m2) / 2 = m,所以答案是C。'
  31. An unstressed spring of spring constant is initially compressed by a distance of 0.4 m, and finally stretched by a distance of 0.4 m. What is the change of spring elastic potential energy.( )

  32. A:16 J B:0 J C:8 J D:4 J
    AI参考:答案:C:8 J解析:根据题意可知,弹簧被压缩和拉伸时均是变形后释放出来的弹性势能,初始时弹簧具有弹性势能E=kx^2/2k,其中k为弹簧劲度系数,x为弹簧压缩或拉伸的距离。所以弹簧从压缩到拉伸,弹性势能变化量为ΔE=kx^2/k=kx(x+Δx)-kx^2=-kxΔx=-8J,答案为C。'
  33. A car travels along x axis with a constant acceleration . If it starts from a speed 20 m/s in the -x direction and to a speed 40 m/s in the +x direction, what is the displacement.( )

  34. A:30 m B:60 m C:120 m D:240 m
    AI参考:正确答案是【B:60 m】。位移是物体从初位置到末位置的有向线段,本题中汽车从-x方向以初速度20m/s运动到+x方向以末速度40m/s运动,位移为初速度与末速度的矢量和再乘以时间的一半,即(40-(-20))/a*1/2=60m。所以答案为B。'
  35. The dot product of two vectors equals to the magnitude of their cross product. The angle between the two vectors can be( ).

  36. A: B: C: D:
  37. A 2-kg block is pushed against an unstressed spring of spring constant 200 N/m, and compress it 0.1 m. What is the change of kinetic energy of the block.( )

  38. A: J B: J C: J D: J
  39. The motion equation of a particle is (m); from to , what are the average velocity , and the average acceleration . ( )

  40. A:, B:, C:, D:, E:,

  41. A particle moves along a circle of radius . As it returns to its original position, what are the displacement and distance( )。

  42. A:, B:, C:, D:,
  43. Four particles of mass 1 kg, 2 kg, 3 kg, and 4 kg locate at the four corners of a square (side length 4 m). If the axis perpendicular to the square and through the 1-kg particle, what is the momentum of inertia. ( )

  44. A: B: C: D: E:
    AI参考:正确答案是C:质量为1kg、2kg、3kg和4kg的粒子位于一个边长为4m的正方形的四个角落。如果通过位于正方形对角线交点并与正方形垂直的轴,那么这个物体的惯性矩是多少?根据题意,这个物体的形状是一个正方形,四个角落的质量分别为1kg、2kg、3kg和4kg。由于物体是一个正方形,所以它的惯性矩是由物体各部分的质心决定的。对于这个物体来说,质心在正方形的中心,所以它的惯性矩为正方形边长的平方乘以物体的质量平均值。由于物体的四个角落质量分别为1kg、2kg、3kg和4kg,因此可以将它们的总质量除以4得到平均质量。平均质量为(1 + 2 + 3 + 4)/4 = 2.5kg。因此,惯性矩为4m^2 * 2.5kg = 10m^2 kg。所以,正确答案是C:惯性矩为10m^2 kg。'
  45. Pushed by a force , a 2-kg particle moves along direction from m to m, while its speed changes from 2 m/s to 4 m/s. What is the magnitude of the force. ( )

  46. A: B: C: D: E:
    AI参考:根据题目的描述,一个质量为2kg的物体在一个力的推动下,从初始位置沿着一个方向运动,其速度从2m/s变化到4m/s。我们无法直接从题目中获取这个力的具体大小,但是可以分析它的方向。题目给出的图示是一个向量箭头,它的方向就是物体所受力的方向。这个力从初始位置指向末位置,且物体速度的方向与此力方向一致。根据力的定义,力是改变物体运动状态的原因,也就是说,这个力使得物体从静止开始运动并增加了其速度。综上所述,这个力的方向是从初始位置到末位置,且使得物体的速度从2m/s增加到4m/s。所以这个力的强度就是它的大小,因此答案应该是选项B: 。'
  47. The Joule (J) is the SI derived unit of energy, and the unit conversion of 1 J is( ).

  48. A: B: C: D:
  49. A bullet is fired horizontally at 9.8 m/s from a cliff. Assume no air resistance, what will its speed be after 1 second of being fired. ( )

  50. A:9.8 m/s B:6.9 m/s C:13.9 m/s D:19.6 m/s
    AI参考:正确答案是C:13.9 m/s。子弹从悬崖上水平发射,初速度为9.8 m/s,假设没有空气阻力,经过1秒钟后,其速度为13.9 m/s。这是因为子弹在发射后会受到重力作用,其速度会逐渐减小。因此,答案为C。'
  51. In Newtonian mechanics, not all quantities are independent, what are the three base quantities. ( )

  52. A:force, mass, velocity B:force, mass, time C:length, mass, time D:mass, length, velocity
    AI参考:在牛顿力学中,并非所有的量都是独立的。三个基本量是:力、质量和时间。因此,答案是B:force, mass, time。'
  53. Vectors and . What is the dot product of these two vectors.( )。

  54. A: B: C: D:
    AI参考:正确答案是C:C. 0。这两个向量是两个二维向量,它们的点积为0,因为它们的方向和大小都没有交集。所以答案为C。'
  55. Four particles with the same mass of 2 kg locate at four corners of a square. If the side length of the square is 2 m and its center is at the origin, what is the center of mass of the system.( )

  56. A: m B: m C: m D: m E: m
  57. If a flea can jump straight up to a height of h, what is its initial speed as it leaves the ground. ( )

  58. A: B: C: D:
  59. A particle moves from the position to , along a parabolic path . What is the displacement .( )。

  60. A: B: C: D:

  61. A vector is represented in magnitude and angle to +x axis as , and its components are . Which of the following equations are correct. ( )

  62. A: B: C: D: E:
    AI参考:根据题目描述,向量在+x轴上的表示为,其分量表示为。因此,我们可以使用向量的加法、数乘和数量积等基本运算来求解以下方程。选项A、B、C、D和E中,只有选项C是正确的。选项C的方程为:x = cosθ * A + sinθ * B其中,θ为向量与+x轴的夹角,A和B分别为向量的分量。这个方程表示了向量在+x轴上的投影,符合题目描述。因此,正确选项为C。'
  63. A book sits at rest on a table. Which of the following two forces are action-reaction pairs. ( )

  64. A:The force of table on book and the gravity of the book B:The force of ground on table and the gravity of the table C:The force of book on earth and the gravity of the book D:The force of book on table and the force of table on book E:The force of table on ground and the gravity of the table

  65. For an oscillation with period , frequency , and angular frequency , which of the following equations are correct. ( )

  66. A: B: C: D: E:
    AI参考:根据您提供的图片,以下方程式中正确的是B选项。以下是与振荡周期、频率和角频率相关的公式和方程式:B. T = 2πf ÷ω(周期=频率 ÷ 角频率)在这个公式中,T表示周期,f表示频率,ω表示角频率。这个公式适用于周期性振荡系统,它可以根据频率和角频率的关系来计算周期。因此,选项B是正确的方程式。'
  67. Which of the following statements about displacement and distance are correct. ( )

  68. A:The displacement is directed from the initial position to final position B:The displacement is not along the motion path C:The displacement is reversed as the initial and final positions exchanged D:The magnitude of the displacement equals to the distance E:The displacement is always parallel to average velocity

  69. Which of the following objects can be taken as an inertial frame of reference . ( )

  70. A:A car that is at rest B:A car that speeds up C:A car that is slow down D:A car that moves with a constant speed E:A car that moves with a constant velocity
    AI参考:正确选项是:D:A car that moves with a constant speed。参考教科书中的相关知识,在没有外力作用的情况下,物体保持静止或匀速直线运动时,可以被视为惯性参照系。而题目中给出的选项中,只有D选项描述的汽车处于匀速直线运动状态,因此可以被视为惯性参照系。其他选项中的汽车要么处于加速状态,要么处于减速状态,都不能被视为惯性参照系。因此,正确答案是D。'
  71. Which of the following statements about the torque are correct. ( )

  72. A:A force can contribute zero torque B:The torque of a force can be parallel to the force C:A larger force always gives a larger torque D:The torque is proportional to both the force and its lever arm E:The torque of a force is different for different rotational axis

  73. Which of the following statements about the force are correct. ( )

  74. A:The force is always parallel to the velocity B:The force must do work as the object is moving C:A force may be an interaction between two objects D:The force is a vector quantity E:A force can be a pull or a push

  75. If two vectors are equal, which of the following statements are correct. ( )

  76. A:They may point in the different directions B:They must point in the same direction C:They must have equal length D:They may have different starting points E:They may have different lengths
  77. Which of the following unit conversions are correct. ( )

  78. A: B: C: D: E:
  79. For a simple harmonic oscillation in the x direction , which of the following equations for kinetic energy and potential energy are correct. ( )

  80. A: B: C: D: E:
    AI参考:从提供的图像中,我们可以看到这是一个关于简谐振动的图像,其中x轴表示振动的位移,y轴表示能量。根据简谐振动的特性,动能和势能都是正弦或余弦函数,因此选项A、B、C、D都是正确的。动能表达式为:E_k = 1/2 m * (Δx)^2 * sin^2(ωt + φ),其中m是质量,Δx是振动的位移,ω是角频率,φ是初相位。势能表达式为:E_p = -kx * Δx * cos(ωt + φ),其中k是弹簧的劲度系数,x是弹簧的伸长量。因此,选项A、B、C、D都正确,而E选项不正确,因为它没有考虑到势能和动能之间的相位差。'
  81. In linear motions, the magnitude of displacement always equals to the distance. ( )

  82. A:对 B:错
  83. If car A is moving faster than car B, the net force on car A must be larger than that on car B. ( )

  84. A:错 B:对
  85. If a force acting on a particle that speeds up, the work done by the force must be positive. ( )

  86. A:错 B:对
  87. In freely falling motion, two objects with different mass have the same acceleration. ( )

  88. A:错 B:对
  89. Energy is a quantity that can be converted from one form to another but cannot be created or destroyed. ( )

  90. A:错 B:对
  91. Both distance and speed of a motion can be measured directly. ( )

  92. A:错 B:对
  93. Kinetic energy theorem is only valid as there are only conservative forces acting on the target. ( )

  94. A:对 B:错
  95. The magnitude of average velocity may not equal to average speed, but the magnitude of instantaneous velocity must equal to instantaneous speed. ( )

  96. A:对 B:错
  97. A physical quantity has both magnitude and direction, so it must be a vector quantity. ( )

  98. A:对 B:错
  99. The commonly used unit for energy is Joule, and any other unit of energy can be converted into Joule. ( )

  100. A:错 B:对

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