第十六章 American Social Life:美国到底怎样样?美国人的生活好不好?本章探究的内容:一是美国的衣食住行;二是探究美国人的现实生活等,三是美国社会当今的社会问题,包括美国的种族问题、毒品问题、政府腐败问题以及社会保障问题。16.1An Overview of American Way of Life:美国人生活的第一大特点:“家庭”仍然是美国社会的中心,超过半数18至24岁的未婚成年人仍然与父母住在一起。不过现阶段,由于离婚或未婚先孕,单亲家庭的数量在大幅度地增加。第二大特点:“非常守时”;在美国主流文化中,时间被视为是一种商品,可以节省、浪费或明智地使用。第三大特点:“自己动手”;譬如,跟依赖父母资助学费的中国大学生不同,大多数美国高校学生依靠学生贷款或兼职等来支付大学费用。
16.2Exploring American Way of Life ( I ):本单元,潘博士跟两位从美国进修归来的教师所讨论的话题:1、黄老师谈论对于美国人生活方式的真实感受;2、陈老师谈论对于美国人生活方式的真实感受;3、两位教师评价中美两国人民在生活方式中存在的异同。
16.3Exploring American Way of Life ( II ):本单元,潘博士跟美国霍夫曼博士讨论的话题:1、霍夫曼博士对美国价值观和美国梦的解读;2、霍夫曼博士对美国最高离婚率的分析;3、霍夫曼博士对校园枪击案的态度,以及枪支管制的必要性和紧迫性。
[判断题]According to Dr. Pan, whenever we have a talk about American way of life or lifestyle, the top three things that come to our college students’ minds immediately are fast food, sports fans and hot coffee respectively.________选项:[对, 错]
[判断题]Another feature of American lifestyle is to place a high value on time punctuality. According to American culture, time is regarded as a commodity which can be saved, wasted or spent wisely. Therefore, “Time is money” is a well-known proverb in the US.________选项:[错, 对]
[判断题]Additionally, unlike American families, in many Chinese households, once the child becomes a teenager and finishes his high school, he or she may be expected to leave home and lead his or her own independent lifestyle._________选项:[对, 错]
[判断题]Today, about one-quarter of all households in the US consist of a traditional nuclear family and more than half of them have no children. One out of every four children is born in wedlock, and there has been a large increase in the number of single-parent families.________选项:[对, 错]
[判断题]Apparently, one distinct feature of American lifestyle is about the family relationships in this “melting pot” country. Family still remains central to the US society, and more than half of unmarried adults between the ages of 18 and 24 still live with their parents_____选项:[错, 对]
[判断题]In Tim’s mind, being Americans, they sometimes hope that they can continue to maintain the close relationship with their kids, meanwhile they also recognize that their children have freedom to choose their own life: What they want to do, and who they marry._________选项:[错, 对]
[判断题]In the US, the parents would educate their kids by using the following methods: learning bicycle repair rather than taking a bike to a mechanic's shop; sewing clothing rather than buying new clothes and saving recyclable materials.________选项:[错, 对]
[判断题]Unlike the majority of Chinese college students, who depend on their parents’ support for their tuition fee, most American students both in colleges and universities rely on student loans or income from part-time jobs on campus and during the summer as well as scholarships to cover their college costs._________选项:[错, 对]
[判断题]A good example is President Lincoln, who was born in a poor family. In spite of this, he did most of his early study by himself. As he grew up, he studied law in his spare time. And through many years of hard struggle, he finally became the president of the USA.______选项:[对, 错]
[判断题]For Don’s part, the idea “Every boy can become president” shows that there is equality of opportunity and it’s not necessarily just that the elite can become head of state. Everyone has the opportunity if you work hard, and Lincoln is a good example._______选项:[对, 错]

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