第四章 误例分析:(1)了解误译的各种表现形式(2)学会甄别并修改各类误译(3)了解中国时政术语的翻译策略4.1误译解析:忽略原文、滥用想象:本节主要介绍忽略原文这种误译形式,举例说明其表现形式,以及如何修正。
[单选题]The immediate goal is to bring the pandemic under control and mitigate the economic damage to people, companies and countries. But policymakers must start planning for the aftermath of the pandemic. Which of the following translated versions is the most appropriate for the italicized part?选项:[控制大流行并减轻对人民、公司和国家的经济损害, 控制流行病,减轻对人民、公司和国家的经济损害, 控制疫情,减轻疫情对民众、企业和国家的经济损害, 控制和减轻流行病对人,公司和国家的经济损失]
[判断题]The translation of seek common ground while shelving differences in Chinese Political Terms Translation is 求同存异.选项:[对, 错]
[判断题]When we bump into the words we know, we should use the meaning of the word we know to translate it without considering the sentence.选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]Which of the following translated versions is the most appropriate for “When you see brands like McDonald's or Coca-Cola spacing out their logos in 'solidarity,' it strikes a sour note.”选项:[当您看到像麦当劳或可口可乐这样的品牌以“团结”的方式隔开徽标时,就会感到很酸。, 当你看到麦当劳或可口可乐等品牌拉大商标字母的间距来表示对疫情的态度——“团结一致,共克难关”,只会感觉刺眼。, 当你看到麦当劳或可口可乐等品牌把商标间隔成“团结”这样的字样时,你会感到不快。, 当你看到像麦当劳或可口可乐这样的品牌在“团结一致”中划出他们的标志时,会发出一种酸溜溜的声音。]
[单选题]Which of the following translated versions is the most appropriate for “Instead, it is thought to be the result of impairment in the right 'fusiform gyrus' of the brain - a fold that appears to coordinate facial perception and memory. This could be as a result of a stroke, traumatic brain injury, or some neurodegenerative diseases.”选项:[然而,它被认为是大脑右“梭状回”受损造成的,大脑右“梭状回”协调了面部感知和记忆,是中风、创伤性脑损伤或某些神经退行性疾病的结果。, 相反,专家认为这是大脑右侧梭状回受损的结果,这部分脑回可能有协调面部认知和记忆力的作用。中风,创伤性脑损伤或者某些神经变性疾病都可能造成右侧梭状回受损。, 而且,它被认为是大脑右“梭状回”受损的结果——大脑右“梭状回”似乎协调了面部感知和记忆。导致中风、创伤性脑损伤或某些神经退行性疾病。, 相反,它被认为是大脑右“梭状回”受损的结果。是中风、创伤性脑损伤或某些神经退行性疾病的结果。]
[单选题]Which of the following translated versions is the most appropriate for I got some strange looks from my family when I got home with a bottle of bubble?选项:[当我带着一瓶泡沫回到家后,从家人那里得到了一些奇怪的眼神, 家人给我了一些奇怪的眼神,当我带着一瓶啤酒回到家后, 我带了一瓶啤酒回家,家里人都用奇怪的眼神看着我, 我从家人那里得到了一些奇怪的眼神,是当我带着一瓶泡沫回到家后]
[判断题]The translation of 社会主义民主政治 in Chinese Political Terms Translation is Socalist legal system.选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]有的还专门挑那些党已经明确规定的政治原则来说事,口无遮拦,毫无顾忌,以显示自己所谓的“能耐”,受到敌对势力追捧。The most appropriate version for “口无遮拦,毫无顾忌”is选项:[Mind your words and behaviors., No tongue, no scruple., Watch your words and toe the Party line., they have nothing to hide.]
[判断题]We can translate this sentenceYou are a black stranger,I won't open the door. into 我从来没见过你,我不会开门的。选项:[对, 错]
[判断题]The audience gave good reactions to the speaker last night 昨晚听众对演讲者作出了十分热烈的反应 This translation is an appropriate one.选项:[错, 对]

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