1. When distributive bargaining strategies are useful? ( )

  2. 答案:when a negotiator wants to maximize the value obtained in a single deal###when the relationship with the other party is not important
  3. Concession making ( )

  4. 答案:recognizes the other party's position.###shows a movement toward the other's position.###implies a recognition of the legitimacy of the other party's position.###indicates an acknowledgment of the other party.
  5. Inviting the other side for constructive criticism of your proposals as you develop them is a good tactic for overcoming the other party’s objections to your proposals. ( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. One way negotiators may convey the message that "this is the last offer" is by making the last concession substantial. ( )

  8. 答案:对
  9. Offering to compromise is an example of a closing tactic. ( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. It is possible for a Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA) to be worse than not reaching an agreement with the other party. ( )

  12. 答案:对
  13. Skilled negotiators may ( )

  14. 答案:frequently save a final small concession for near the end of the negotiation to "sweeten" the deal.###recognize that not all issues are worth the same amount to both parties.###make the last concession substantial to indicate that "this is the last offer".###suggest different forms of a potential settlement that are worth about the same to them.
  15. Skilled negotiators know that by listening to the other person and allowing an expression of feelings, the catharsis will vent emotion and clear the air and may permit negotiations to return to a calmer pace. ( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. To respond to hardball tactics, a negotiator must identify the tactic quickly and understand what it is and how it works.

  18. 答案:对
  19. It is important to signal to the other party with either behavior or words that the concessions are almost over. ( )

  20. 答案:错
  21. Focusing on interests during the negotiation: ( )

  22. 答案:Expands the number and type of solutions that will help both sides.
  23. The spread between the resistant points is called the ________
  24. Often, it is not possible for negotiators to find a compromise solution; expanding the pie does not work, and neither party can get what he or she wants in a tradeoff. A _____ solution creates new alternatives that can meet both parties’ underlying interests. ( )
  25. Whereas distributive bargaining is often characterized by mistrust and suspicion, integrative negotiation is characterized by which of the following?( )
  26. With regard to negotiation, the winner’s curse occurs when: ( )
  27. What is the dominant force for success in negotiation?
  28. If your opening offer for a car is $15,000 and the dealer starts the price at $20,000, and you agree on $17,500 without either party making any other concessions, the dealer and you have used which of the following closing tactics? ( )
  29. Revealing information about a BATNA or a reservation point: ( )
  30. In order to reach a successful negotiation outcome, the negotiators must understand that their BATNA is:
  31. In group-oriented cultures: ( )
  32. In nonspecific compensation ( )
  33. The negotiating team is composed of
  34. Which perspective can be used to understand different aspects of negotiation? ( )
  35. Interests are the motives underlying your positions. ( )
  36. Differences in time preferences have the potential to create value in a negotiation.( )
  37. Consistency between a negotiator’s verbal and nonverbal messages suggests that this person is telling the truth.( )
  38. In logrolling, if the parties do in fact have different preferences on different issues, each party gets their most preferred outcome on their high priority issue and should be happy with the overall agreement. ( )
  39. Providing explanations for your offers is typically more persuasive than providing an emotional appeal. ( )
  40. Culture is defined as the personality of a group. A group who is concerned about how the results of their behaviors affect the other in-group members, share resources with in-group members, and feel interdependent with in-group members hold what type of cultural value? ( )
  41. Which of the following is a ‘lose-win’ negotiation strategy?
  42. Which of the following strategies is useful in helping negotiators avoid lose-lose agreements? ( )
  43. Considering the variety of creative techniques for reaching an integrative negotiation agreement, which of the following strategies describes non-specific compensation? ( )
  44. BATNA stands for ( )
  45. When formal channels of communication break down, negotiators are permitted to finding alternatives and can use which of the following?
  46. Regarding some of the major shortcomings that negotiators struggle to overcome, “lose-lose” negotiation occurs when negotiators: ( )
  47. Three levels of objective include:
  48. Aggressive behavior tactics include
  49. Effective planning requires hard work on the following points: ( )
  50. Interests can be: ( )
  51. If both substance and relationship outcomes are important, the negotiator should pursue a competitive strategy. ( )
  52. Negotiators who begin with a tough stance and make few early concessions, and later make larger concessions, elicit more concessions from the other party than negotiators who begin with generous concessions and then become tough and unyielding. ( )
  53. Negotiation is a strategy for productively managing conflict. ( )
  54. Single-issue negotiations and the absence of a long-term relationship with the other party are the strongest drivers of claiming value strategies. ( )
  55. Interests can be intrinsic or instrumental. ( )
  56. An integrative negotiation problem should be defined as a solution process rather than as a specific goal to be attained. ( )
  57. The best negotiators do not take time to analyze each negotiation after it has concluded. ( )
  58. What approach(es) can parties use to generate alternative solutions as given?
  59. Large bargaining mixes allow many possible components and arrangements for settlement. ( )
  60. In a distributive negotiation, the other party may be less likely to disclose information about their limits and alternatives. ( )
  61. A negative bargaining range occurs when the buyer's resistance point is above the seller's.
  62. Asking for more than you expect, using silence, and using time to your advantage are examples of _________________ used in distributive bargaining. ( )
  63. A creative negotiation that meets the objectives of all sides may not require compromise. ( )
  64. A resistance point will be influenced by the cost an individual attaches to delay or difficulty in negotiation. ( )
  65. Bogey, good cop/bad cop and lowball/highball are examples of:
  66. Successfully closing a deal or settling a dispute requires you to convince the other party why or how your proposal satisfies your interests.
  67. If both parties understand the motivating factors for the other, they may recognize possible compatibilities in interests that permit them to invent positions which both will endorse as an acceptable settlement.
  68. Intragroup conflict occurs between groups.
  69. Negotiators who are high in perspective-taking ability or consider the perspective of the counterparty often: ( )
  70. When it comes to resolving conflict, managers from hierarchical cultures prefer: ( )
  71. Accommodative strategies emphasize: ( )
  72. Which of the following is a strategically wise method of anchoring? ( )
  73. Unilateral concessions refer to ______; bilateral concessions refer to ________.( )
  74. Characteristics of collaborative strategies include: ( )
  75. If the counterparty makes the first offer, negotiators are best advised to: ( )
  76. Parties feel better about a settlement when negotiations involve a(n) ( )
  77. What is meant by a premature concession in negotiation? ( )
  78. A key reason why business people need negotiation skills is due to the increased specialization of skills. This skill specialization increases the need for negotiators to understand the motivations behind another’s behavior because: ( )
  79. The_____ is the point beyond which a person will not go and would rather walk away
  80. If the counterparty opens with an “outrageous” offer, the negotiator should: ( )
  81. When, you are asked about your desired salary in a job interview, what is the best response to use with the prospective employer?
  82. “You can put 20 percent down and get a 7 percent interest rate or put 30 percent down and get a 6.75 percent interest rate” is an example of which of the following closing tactics? ( )
  83. Disruptive action tactics can cause ( )
  84. Effective negotiation preparation encompasses three general abilities: situation assessment, other-party assessment, and _______.
  85. People from individualistic cultures are more likely to remember situations in which they _______, whereas people from a collectivistic cultures are more likely to remember situations in which they _______. ( )
  86. Which of the following suggests that the other party is willing to negotiate integratively? ( )
  87. Which of the following strategies should negotiators with a low familiarity with the other culture choose? ( )
  88. Which of the following best describes the differences between individualism and collectivism as cultural values in negotiation? ( )
  89. Negotiators who belong to which of the following cultures are likely to engage in a reciprocal offering strategy? ( )
  90. The best approach to manage cross-cultural negotiations is to be insensitive to the cultural norms of the other negotiator's approach. ( )
  91. Research studies suggest that culture does have an effect of negotiation outcomes, although it may not be direct and it likely has an influence through differences in the negotiation process in different cultures.( )
  92. What are the strategies for responding to hardball tactics?
  93. If both parties understand the motivating factors for the other, they may recognize possible compatibilities in interests that permit them to invent positions which both will endorse as an acceptable settlement. ( )
  94. When formal channels of communication break down, negotiators are permitted to finding alternatives and can use which of the following? ( )
  95. Hardball tactics work most effectively against powerful, well-prepared negotiators. ( )
  96. Which of the following processes is central to achieving almost all integrative agreements? ( )
  97. Which of the following is a major step in the integrative negotiation process? ( )
  98. Hardball tactics are designed to ( )
  99. Studies indicate that negotiators who make low or modest opening offers get higher settlements than do those who make extreme opening offers. ( )
  100. In which major step of the integrative negotiation process of identifying and defining the problem would you likely find that if the problem is complex and multifaceted the parties may NOT even be able to agree on a statement of the problem? ( )
  101. Selective presentation can be used to lead the other party to form the desired impression of your resistance point or to open up new possibilities for agreement that are more favorable to the presenter than those that currently exist.( )
  102. Using objective criteria is most effective when each party searches for its own criteria as opposed to searching for objective criteria together. ( )
  103. A small concession late in negotiations may indicate that there is little room left to move. ( )
  104. In brainstorming( )
  105. One way negotiators may convey the message that "this is the first offer" is by making the first concession substantial. ( )
  106. What approach(es) can parties use to generate alternative solutions by redefining the problem or problem set? ( )
  107. Drawing up a firm list of issues before the initial negotiation meeting is a valuable process because it forces negotiators to think through their positions and decide on objectives. ( )
  108. Each party's resistance point is openly stated at the conclusion of negotiations. ( )
  109. What action can be taken after the first round of offers? ( )
  110. What are the most critical precursors for achieving negotiation objectives? ( )
  111. When formulating counteroffers and concessions, negotiators need to consider three things: ( )
  112. The strategy of an integrative approach to negotiation involves: ( )
  113. Negotiators who are highly concerned with achieving their substantive goals but have significantly less concern for the relationship or for the other party’s substantive goals are likely to adopt: ( )
  114. Context issues (e.g., history of the relationship) can affect negotiation. ( )
  115. To negotiate optimally, each party’s interests should be kept secret from the other party.( )
  116. In a positive bargaining zone, negotiators’ reservation points overlap. If the parties fail to reach an agreement when a positive bargaining zone exists, the outcome is ______ because ______.( )
  117. A negative bargaining zone indicates that:( )
  118. Win-win negotiation does not pertain to how the pie is ____ but rather, to how the pie is _____ by negotiators.( )
  119. The package of issues for negotiation is the Bargaining mix. ( )
  120. The situational characteristics that determine which negotiating strategy is most appropriate are: ( )
  121. To achieve the greatest gains, negotiators should stick to the script they created during the preparation phase. ( )
  122. Effective negotiation preparation encompasses three general abilities: situation assessment, other-party assessment, and _______.( )
  123. In order to reach a successful negotiation outcome, the negotiators must understand that their BATNA is: ( )
  124. When, you are asked about your desired salary in a job interview, what is the best response to use with the prospective employer? ( )
  125. BATNA is short for ‘Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement’.( )
  126. What is meant by the hidden table in a negotiation? ( )
  127. The strategic planning stage of preparation includes: ( )
  128. The first step of the first stage of a negotiation is: ( )
  129. The basic problem in most negotiations is: ( )
  130. Implicit in all negotiations is that the parties are: ( )
  131. Negotiation is a process reserved only for the skilled diplomat, top salesperson, or ardent advocate for an organized lobby. ( )
  132. Due to advances in technology and changes in the workplace, negotiation is becoming: ( )
  133. Which of the following is least likely a negotiation situation? ( )
  134. Negotiation is an integral part of daily life and the opportunities to negotiate surround us. ( )
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