

  1. The government is making great efforts to prevent the disease from _____ in the country.( )

  2. A:perceiving     B:prevailing         C:complaining       D:utilizing
    答案:general examplesAI参考:答案:B:prevailing         这句话的意思是:政府正在努力防止疾病在国内流行。prevent sth from doing防止某事做某事,prevent the disease from prevailing防止疾病在国内流行。故选B。'
  3. Which of the following sentences is asserting an opinion?( )

  4. A:The earthquake in Wenchuan killed tens of thousands of people. B:To cope with the growing plague of cheating, universities around the world now have very strict cheating and plagiarism policies. C:This term several useful interesting courses have been offered. D:Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great are great leaders in history who have tried to rule the entire world.
    AI参考:在所给的四个选项中,只有D项表述了作者的看法和观点,其余三项只是对客观事实的陈述。例如,“汶川地震造成了成千上万人的死亡”这句话只是在陈述一个客观的事实,并没有表达作者的主观看法;再如,“今年提供了几门有趣的课程”只是对今年提供课程情况的客观描述,并无观点。而“朱利叶斯·恺撒和亚历山大大帝是历史上伟大的领袖,他们试图统治整个世界”这句话明确表达了作者对这两位历史人物的看法,即他们是非常伟大的领袖。因此,正确答案是D:Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great are great leaders in history who have tried to rule the entire world。'
  5. In the past, the following people could be regarded as heroes except ______. ( )

  6. A:combat heroes B:civilians C:great leaders D:national heroes
    AI参考:正确答案是D:national heroes。本题考查固定搭配except for,表示除了……之外,与后面的national heroes构成固定搭配,表示除了民族英雄之外,其他人都可被视为英雄。因此,正确答案是D。其他选项不符合题意。A选项combat heroes指战斗英雄,B选项civilians指平民,C选项great leaders指伟大领袖,这些都不符合题意。因此,只有D选项national heroes符合题意。'
  7. What is an important function of the conclusion part of a research report? ( )

  8. A:Present research method(s). B:Compare research methods. C:Make a restatement of the research objective. D:Compare research findings.
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Compare research findings.研究报告结论部分的一个重要功能是对比研究结果。在研究报告中,结论部分通常会总结和概括研究的主要发现和结果,并与预期或前人研究进行比较,从而得出一些结论或发现。因此,对比研究结果是一个非常重要的功能。选项A和B是描述研究方法的内容,而选项C则是对研究目标的重新陈述,这并不是结论部分的主要功能。因此,答案为D:对比研究结果。'
  9. Which of the following is the first step for writing a paragraph of listing? ( )

  10. A:Concluding. B:Grouping. C:Comparing. D:Brainstorming.

  11. There have been many leaders in history who have tried to rule the entire world, for instance, Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great.  

    The above sentence is a sentence of ______.( )

  12. A:different examples B:general examples C:specific examples D:normal examples
  13. Which writing pattern will be suitable for the topic “The Pros and Cons of Studying Online”? ( )

  14. A:Cause and effect pattern. B:Process pattern. C:Problem/solution pattern. D:Division pattern.
  15. In her essay, the author the present economic crisis with the one 10 years ago. ( )

  16. A:focuses B:adopts C:contrasts D:undergoes
  17. If an author introduces how serious the effect of dishonesty is in the whole society, then narrows down the topic to the sphere of cheating among students, the author is writing __________.

  18. A:from general to specific B:from interior to exterior C:from specific to general D:from exterior to interior

  19. All of the following transitional words can be used to show contrast except_______. ( )

  20. A:in comparison B:because C:yet D:however
    AI参考:正确答案是 B:because。在英语中,过渡词(transitional words)常用来表示转折或对比。这些过渡词包括in comparison、however、but、yet等。其中yet是一个表示对比的过渡词,而because则表示原因,与转折无关。因此,只有B选项because不能用来表示对比。所以答案是B。'
  21. Each person’s fingerprints are _______, so you won’t find two people with the same fingerprints. ( )

  22. A:incredible B:fascinating C:unique D:confident

  23. Hearing a war was breaking out, many people were _______ into buying a lot of things for storage. ( )

  24. A:restrained B:relieved C:panicked D:released
    AI参考:正确答案是C: panicked。根据题意,听到战争爆发,许多人惊慌失措地大量购买物品储存起来,所以应该选择C选项,表示“惊慌失措”。A选项“restrained”表示“抑制的”,B选项“relieved”表示“解除的”,D选项“released”表示“释放的”,这三个选项都不符合题意。'
  25. A ______of locusts, as a result of the warm winter and continuous drought since early spring, is threatening this land. ( )

  26. A:plastic B:crime C:plague D:cluster
    AI参考:正确答案是C: plague。plague意为“瘟疫,大灾难”,符合题意,表示蝗灾,这里是比喻意义,此处使用其比喻意义表示蝗虫数量众多、分布广的情形,是此题正确答案。其他选项与题意不符。故选C。'
  27. The sentence pattern “It has an all-star cast that...” is used to introduce _______. ( )

  28. A:the music B:the special effect C:the actors D:the plot

  29. Do take care of yourself. Nothing can ______ for the loss of one’s health.( )

  30. A:accelerate B:moderate C:compensate D:estimate

  31. In the past, a teacher’s main responsibility was to _______ knowledge to students. ( )

  32. A:transform B:transport C:transit D:transmit

  33. Read the following movie comment: “The movie was so suspenseful that I was on the edge of my seat most of the time.” Can you guess what kind of movie it most likely to be?

  34. A:A suspense movie. B:A comedy. C:A romantic movie. D:A tragedy.

  35. The word “moreover” signals _________. ( )

  36. A:an example or explanation B:additional information C:a sequence or time order D:a change of thought

  37. We have been told that under no ______ may we use the telephone in the office for personal affairs. ( )

  38. A:congress B:association C:personnel D:circumstances

  39. The local government is raising money to help the______ of the earthquake. ( )

  40. A:priest B:sponsors C:ambassadors D:victims

  41. In the above sentence, the word “race” is modified with _____.( )

  42. A:no phrase B:adjective C:noun phrase D:verb phrase
    AI参考:正确选项是C:noun phrase。在英语句子中,“race”这个单词被一个名词短语所修饰,因此答案为C。其他选项中,“no phrase”表示没有短语,“adjective”表示形容词,“verb phrase”表示动词短语,这些都不能准确地描述“race”与其它词之间的关系。'
  43. What are the three parts of an interview? ( )

  44. A:To start an interview. B:To tell jokes. C:To wrap up an interview. D:To keep an interview going.
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:To keep an interview going.】面试通常包括三个部分:开始面试、保持面试进行和结束面试。其中,保持面试进行是面试的关键部分,需要面试官和候选人之间进行有效的沟通和交流,以确保候选人能够充分展示自己的能力和经验。因此,选项D“To keep an interview going”是正确的答案。其他选项通常不是面试的必要部分,或者与面试的主要目的不符。'
  45. According to comparison and contrast writing, which transitional words can form a contrast? ( )

  46. A:on the contrary B:whereas C:however D:while
    AI参考:正确答案是:A:on the contrary B:whereas C:however。对比和对比写作中,可以用来形成对比的过渡词有:on the contrary(相反),whereas(然而),however(然而)。而while在对比中通常表示对比双方存在同时性。因此,根据对比写作的逻辑和句意,选项A,B,C符合题意。所以正确答案是A,B,C。'
  47. Which of the following statements are true about metaphors? ( )

  48. A:Besides nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs can also be used in a metaphorical way. B:Metaphors don’t adopt the words or to compare things. C:Metaphors are used to describe something in a metaphorical way. D:Metaphors can be used to compare two things.

  49. Which of the following statements are metaphors? ( )

  50. What elements are essential in a paragraph of cause and effect? ( )

  51. A:Cause. B:Effect. C:Story. D:Topic sentence.
    AI参考:正确选项是【A:Cause】。原因在因果段落中是非常重要的元素,因为它提供了事件或行为的结果或影响的理由或原因。因此,在因果段落中,原因是最基本的元素。其他选项B、C、D在因果段落中并不是必不可少的元素。B选项“Effect”在因果段落中可能被提及,但通常不是主要关注点;C选项“Story”和D选项“Topic sentence”通常用于叙事段落或说明段落,而不是因果段落。因此,答案是A:Cause。'
  52. What context-based clues can be used to help readers find out word meanings? ( )

  53. A:examples B:definition or explanation C:synonyms D:antonyms

  54. What are the three standards of paragraph writing?( )

  55. A:Unity. B:Variety C:Difficulty D:Coherence
  56. Which statements are facts? ( )

  57. A:According to a recent report, 73% of teenagers aged 13-17 own smart-phones. B:Smoking causes bodily and health problems. C:Earth is the third planet from the Sun. D:Hummingbirds are the only bird that can fly backwards.
    AI参考:正确选项是【A:According to a recent report, 73% of teenagers aged 13-17 own smart-phones.】A选项是根据最近的一份报告,73%的年龄在13-17岁的青少年拥有智能手机这一事实。这个陈述是基于事实的,因为它基于一个可靠的来源(即最近的一份报告),并且它描述了一个可以被观察到或测量的事实(即73%的青少年拥有智能手机)。B选项和D选项都是关于某种现象的可能原因或假设,而C选项则是关于地球位置的事实,这些都是可以独立验证的。因此,只有A选项是一个事实陈述。'
  58. Choose 3 sentence patterns that can be used to present results in a research report. ( )

  59. A:The possible reason for this is that ... B:The research indicates that ...... C:Our long-term study shows that...... D:According to our study......
    AI参考:正确选项为B、C、D。这三个句型都可以用于在研究报告中呈现结果。B选项“The research indicates that ......”表示研究结果表明了什么,适合用于描述研究结果。C选项“Our long-term study shows that......”表示长期研究显示了什么,也适合用于描述研究结果。D选项“According to our study......”表示根据我们的研究,说明了什么,同样适合用于描述研究结果。'
  60. Which of the following statements are facts? ( )<br>。

  61. A:Hummingbirds are the only bird that can fly backwards. B:Earth is the third planet from the Sun. C:Smoking causes body and health problems. D:According to a recent report, 73% of teenagers aged 13-17 own smart-phones.

  62. According to comparison and contrast writing, what are the common organizational patterns? ( )

  63. A:Triangle. B:Pyramid. C:Point by point. D:Subject by subject.
    AI参考:正确答案是 C:Point by point。在对比和对照写作中,常见的组织结构模式有:三角型、金字塔型、逐点对比等。其中逐点对比(point by point)是最常用的组织结构模式之一,即按照主题逐一对比和对照,每个主题下再展开具体的内容。因此,选项C是正确答案。'
  64. What are the three benefits readers can get from the skill of scanning?( )

  65. A:To save time. B:To research in a purposeful way. C:To look for specific information quickly. D:To lose interest in reading.
    AI参考:正确选项是:A:To save time. C:To look for specific information quickly.读者可以从扫描技巧中获得三个好处:一是节省时间;二是快速找到特定信息;三是能够有目的地进行研究。其他选项中,B选项“有目的地进行研究”是扫描技巧的一部分,而不是扫描技巧带来的直接好处;D选项“失去阅读兴趣”与扫描技巧无关。因此,正确答案是A和C。'
  66. Which three of the following statements can explain the importance of previewing? ( )

  67. A:It can help us recognize how information is organized. B:It is about a lot of details. C:It can help us identify main ideas. D:It can help us activate our prior knowledge related to the topic.
  68. Which topics would be appropriate for an exposition of classification and division pattern? ( )

  69. A:Ways of losing weight. B:Division of science. C:Types of roommates. D:Classification of cars.

  70. Signal words and expressions are totally useless in a paragraph of listing. ( )

  71. A:对 B:错

  72. The title of the song “Everyday Is a Winding Road” is a metaphor.

  73. A:对 B:错

  74. We can only describe the direct impression of a person or object. ( )

  75. A:对 B:错

  76. Male friends are more open and intimate than female friends. ( )

  77. A:对 B:错
  78. For block contrast, after the main idea is stated in the topic sentence, a subject-by-subject contrast is made. ( )

  79. A:错 B:对

  80. Contrast is to show or emphasize similarities between two or more persons or things. ( )

  81. A:错 B:对

  82. Research report is an expository writing intended to tell a story. ( )

  83. A:错 B:对

  84. In expository writing, the writer provides information about a particular subject and explains it. ( )

  85. A:错 B:对

  86. To answer the question we raised in a paragraph, we should use only one example to illustrate or explain the topic. ( )

  87. A:对 B:错

  88. The interviewee is expected to answer the questions without giving any extra information. ( )

  89. A:对 B:错

  90. “This term several useful interesting courses have been offered.”

    The above sentence is a sentence asserting an opinion.

  91. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:这个句子是用来表达观点的。句中的"several useful interesting courses have been offered"是在陈述几个有趣的课程被提供了,表达了一种意见。因此,答案是B,这是一个表达观点的句子。'
  92. Exposition of classification pattern is to take one subject and break it down into several parts to illustrate. ( )

  93. A:错 B:对

  94. Previewing is a strategy in which readers think about what they are going to read based on clues from the reading. ( )

  95. A:对 B:错

  96. The statement “What we should do to face the challenge, to me, is not to give up.” is an opinion.( )

  97. A:对 B:错
  98. Clue words and transition words are the same thing. ( )

  99. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案:B:对。Clue words and transition words are the same thing. 线索词和过渡词是一样的意思。因此,这个判断题是正确的。'

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