1.The dimensions of scope of investment tribunal jurisdiction include( ).
A:Temporal jurisdiction B:Subject matter jurisdiction C:Territorial jurisdiction D:Personal jurisdiction
2.Which of the followings are known as arbitration without privity? ( )
A:Host States offer arbitration in their domestic legislation B:Investors sign commercial contracts which including arbitration clauses C:Host States consent to arbitrate in bilateral investment treaties D:Investors and host States negotiate arbitration clauses in their investment contracts 3.Measures taken to control parallel proceedings include ( ).
A:Consolidation B:Waiver clause C:Stay of proceedings D:Fork-in-the-road provision 4.In applying the fork-in-the-road provision, the identical test should be met, including( ).
A:The identical cause of action B:The identical result C:The identical object D:The identical parties to the dispute 5.Normally, states are free to terminate investment treaties.( )
A:错 B:对

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